Motivational, Inspirational, Educational
27 May 2000
I know, my title is boring, but I wanted to say something many of you have not - that so much here is really food for thought. This is a great movie for teenagers who may be asking some fundamental questions at that age - this film raises many such questions and let's each of us resolve things ourselves.

Humor is everywhere - many kinds of humor. The value of humor and how it helps...

Leading and following. Participating in these roles and how much of yourself you surrender in doing so. How do the leaders and followers learn and grow? What about those of us who choose to not participate, like the guards?

Religion - sure Luke, a Biblical character, seems to represent Jesus at times. Is that OK? Did he have an ultimate success, like Jesus, despite his physical demise?

I've bored you with thoughts on the movie, but I figure you've already seen it and you are pumped and want to talk about with someone. With that in mind, and I last saw the film 10 or more years ago, there are some GREAT scenes and moments. The hound dog sneezing from the red pepper - 'ahh WOOF'! The majestic asphalting scene where they all 'beat the man' - what inspiration, what power! George Kennedy's laughing and grinning when Luke takes the pot on a total bluff!

I hope every young adult can see this movie.
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