Lovely and brilliant scent of spring Moscow
28 July 2002
There is some kind of hackneyed opinion in the world that Moscow is a city of almost everlasting winter. Unfortunately there is a lot of truth in such words: we live in cold and rather dark city for 5-6 months a year. But if you'll come to Moscow in May or maybe in last April, it is most likely that you'd fall in love with this city. The film of G.Danelia brings you this delightful and intoxicating scent of spring Moscow, a fresh and brilliant scent of youth, beauty and first love.

I think it is a best role of well-known Russian actor and director Nikita Mikhalkov - and it's of no doubt the most sincere work of him. And I also should say about sparkling supporting role of Vladimir Basov - his clever Floor polisher is really wonder :))
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