Review of The Raven

The Raven (1963)
Had me saying "nevermore."
11 August 1999
I began watching this Roger Corman film not realizing it was a spoof and not a straight horror film. But even after making the proper attitude adjustment I found it mighty dismal going. This is a lackluster affair that didn't get more than a dry chuckle or two out of me, even in the duel-of-the-magicians scene with its cheapo special effects.

The three old pros who star here--Boris Karloff, Vincent Price and Peter Lorre--all do competent enough jobs but there's not much they can do with this material and it doesn't look like anyone's heart was particularly in it. Jack Nicholson is also in the film but he doesn't add anything special, as he would soon be doing in other films. Of the supporting cast I liked Hazel Court the best. She plays a pretty sexy Lenore. She and Olive Sturgess as Price's daughter were all that really caught my attention in this movie.
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