Voodoo Island (1957)
That voodoo that you do so well
11 October 2000
I'd been searching for this movie for more than a year now.Hadn't seen it since the early 70's.Was just going to give in and buy a bootleg when lo and behold it aired on TCM.Taped it and settled in to give it a watch.

Critics tore this one up.Karloff was accused of "phoning in" his performance.Have to wonder what movie they were watching.The movie is low budget and the script admittedly is very weak but Boris is the saving grace for the film.He makes it worth watching.

What little plot there is involves a hotel magnate hiring Mr Knight(Karloff).Knight is a renowned hoax buster and he is to ferret out the secrets of an island that the hotel magnate wishes to build on.

The intrepid group runs into voodoo, man eating plants and nasty natives.Are they all doomed or will somebody survive to tell the tale?

Again this film was shot on the cheap (probably under $100000 with probably 25% of that going to Boris).There is a lot of talk and a little action.Just watch it for Boris, still capable at the age of 70 of carrying a film on his shoulders.
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