12 Angry Men (1957)
A Wonderful True Classic
4 December 2000
This is one of the most flawless and well acted films i have ever seen - never less then compelling from start to finish.

All twelve actor deliver Oscar worthy performances.

Sure - Fonda was given first billing - and rightfully so as he was clearly the main character in the film -but 3 other characters steal the show.

Ed Begley (Juror 10) an excellent portrayal of a racist bigot and his racist tirade at the end is one of the highlights especially when everyone gets up and leaves the table - (except Warden and Marshall - who are disgusted but can bear to hear it.)

E.G. Marshall (Juror 4) - The most intelligent juror that maintains his guilty plea to the end whilst the other 2 have prejudices. He will not be swayed by Fonda - and he genuinlely believes the boy is guilty - great acting by marshall.

Lee J Cobb (Juror 3) - I was blown away by the stunning emotional, electrifying performance that Cobb effortlessly gives - some actors can shout - but Cobb can SHOUT like no-one else - "Everything in this case HAS BEEN TWISTED" Oh so realistic - and his final tirade was the best moment in the film.

A brilliant character study - and the epitome of great acting

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