Review of D.O.A.

D.O.A. (1949)
All the ingredients for film noir success
5 August 2003
"DOA" has it all. This film might be the ultimate example of film noir when you think about it. You've got the serious hero played by Edmund O'Brien, no Mr. Joy Boy at the best of times. You have rampant death and destruction. We have a definite mystery. There's the complement of bad guys including the maniacal Chester as played by the great Neville Brand. Women portrayals are all across the board--from solid to sneaky. There's a nightclub music segment which really swings, brother. By the way, look for young hepcat Hugh O'Brien (Wyatt Earp)in the crowd. And then we've got location footage in two of our favorite noir towns, San Francisco and Los Angeles (including LA's Bradbury Building which has been the backdrop in so many films). Mix it all together and you've got a classic noir.
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