Sexy and funny classic.
4 November 2003
I was born in the wrong century. Watching this movie is like flipping through a FHM 100 sexiest models. OK enough about the girls, what's the movie like.

Quite funny, actually.

The man male lead, Arthur Bowman (Arthur Askey) has to save his escort business. Arthur's humor is greatly inspired from Groucho Marx and word play. Many excellent quick wit remarks, that if you blink you'll miss, such as:

Terry: He's a wealthy bachelor. Arthur: That's why he's wealthy.

And my favorite, when Arthur attempts to propose: Arthur: Oh, I wish I was Clark Gable for 15 minutes Terry: Why, so you could boast about it for the rest of your life? Arthur: No, so you could.

Perve, comedy, singing. That's right it is still a musical, but some of the songs themselves are quite funny. Terry (Evelyne Dall, a beauty) sings "Cool, Calm, and Collect" about taking money (the collect in the title) from older gentlemen visiting the escort business that just want to jive.

All round very cool.
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