Patriotic Plus
26 October 2000
Barry Nelson, a hero cabby from NY who single handedly captures a couple of desperate thugs, accepts an offer to lead a convoy of trucks over the Burma Road for the Chinese government. Along the way he gets entangled in a romance with lovely Laraine Day, who finds she is married to a traitorous heel who has been flying for the Japanese. Phew! What a plot! Altogether, an entertaining, patriotic bit of propaganda that was a product of it's times. However, even given the patriotic fervor of the early war years, Barry Nelson's performance was really way over the top. He was so animated, in certain scenes, he appeared to be making faces! This type of film does not appeal to everyone ... but, if you enjoy them you will want to try "The Purple Heart" and "The First Yank in Tokyo". Same formula - same POV.
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