
27 Reviews
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Amazing series, if you're not dumb
25 May 2024
Seen the reviews complaining about subtitles. You people don't even deserve the luxury of seeing decent film. Grow up. If you're reading comprehension cannot keep up with movie subtitles thats on you. How you even wipe your own dumb fat ass?

I'm betting all negative reviews re subs are America. Its not offensive, its just true in 2024. Why are some of you so ignorant and poorly educated? My immigrant friends with poor english can still manage to keep up with Eng sub'd films. Everyone here in Australia, UK, Europe, Canada we all enjoy subb'ed films. Because we're adults and educated to an acceptable degree. What is going on in US public schools? Seems to be just daycare.

To complain about the best series this year like that is disqualifying. To all others who have read at least one book, just watch this without knowing anything. Its 100% quality.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Pretentious drivel
20 September 2022
Have been a massive fan of Argento's since I first saw it on bootleged uncut VHS. This, while artsy, is a great example of prententious filmmaking. There is ZERO tension and the Thom Yorke music is totally misplaced and doesn't work with the tone that the film should be striving for.

Its like watching some MTV mish-mash in the end. 2 kills in over 1.5 hrs. Really? It is pretty, they go for the opposite of the original re color pallette being really dull and dry but the soundtrack never kicks in to get you emotionally involved. Its just so bland. Really shaking my head, this director should be ashamed of himself as he had so much to work with re actors, but made emabrassing choices re soundtrack and writing.

And I am a massive Thom Yorke/Radiohead fan but damn, it only worked in the opening scene, all the latter music only took you out of the movie's tone. But I don't think Luca had a clue re the tone he was after. Its a damn mess.
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Atlanta (2016–2022)
Season 3 is meh with a capital MEH
30 April 2022
Loved this show but Season 3 is a snorefest. The "message" is obvious and laid bare within 5 mins, its all about white vs black racial stereotypes etc. Yeh, we get it. Its been done.

Now, add to all that, side story episodes without any main characters. These would be fine if profound enough but they are not. They are boring duds, going for surreal art over what the heck is currently going on, which is often nothing. Or, spend 10 mins alone to push a simple point home re racial stuff.

I'm done.
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Would I Lie to You? (I) (2022– )
Comedy is officially dead in OZ
21 March 2022
As per comment title. Cannot understand how they would go for a riskier hour vs half hour running time. It makes the fact that the show sux even more obvious. Corporate Australia can no longer hire INSPIRED people it seems. Its all the usual yes people wankers.

We certainly have talent, its just going unnoticed by the decision makers. Australia seems to be deadlocked in either boomerville crap or soul deadening reality TV (MAFS for starters).
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
All seasons are just fine!
4 February 2022
To all those complaining that Season 2 pales in comparison to the first. You guys are obviously just watching this at a superficial level. If you dig the characters, so many with great differing characteristics, then its all good, entertaining and great. I'm invested in the characters, so all this BS re it turning into a typical sitcom is unfounded. The acting is phenomenal as always.

Just give it a chance.
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You immediately notice Favreau isn't directing!
22 January 2022
Five minutes into this episode and something started to fell way way off. The music sountrack felt off during the rebuilding girl bit (I'm not bothered to name the characters properly because the ep is a POS). I then check the director and it all makes sense. I wanted to turn this one off after 8 mins. The sountrack alone has no place in anything Star Wars lore related. Big pass.
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used to be great but is now cringeworthy
31 August 2020
As the title states, this used to be good satire but i struggled through most of 2019's episodes and i decided to lay it to test with the 2020 ones airing now. the comedy is just too stupid, and i use that word without a justified preceding f-word. its watchable if you skip all the sketch pieces and sketch interviews with terrible comedy acting by all involved and just watch Shaun's solo bits. Aussie comedy really needs to pull itself up in 2020. it's a damn shame.
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What We Do in the Shadows: On the Run (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
just awesome
23 May 2020
Watch it. if you don't like it then the show ain't for you. been a big fan of this since it started and seeing Mark Hamil so well casted and executed was even better than i could have imagined. well done to all involved! can't believe a tv series could be better than an already cult fave movie but it is.
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fake reviews, they must be!
6 December 2019
I'm guessing all the high ratings are mates of the makers. c'mon, my friends and i made better comedy sketches in high school plays then this crap. then again, i though the original was overrated crap too. don't get it. and i am a fan of dumb humour, but it needs to be wrapped in a little intelligence rather than be aimed for the lowest common denominator of comedy. woes is Aussie comedy for a decade now. why can i find so many genuinely funny people at work, a bar etc. yet not on our televisions or movies? it makes little sense.
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
holy moly is this amazing!
14 November 2019
Any fan of GOOD gothic horror should simply check this out. the style, acting, effects, writing, direction etc. are all so damn good i find myself taken aback many times but its dark beauty each episode i see. am only through the first season and binging the rest as i type, just had to share how much i love this show and ashamed of being so late to the table.

just watch it. so much horror lore to geek out on and its done in such a stylish & well acted way i cannot fathom anyone rating this below 8/10 at the very least!
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Wellington Paranormal (2018–2022)
For all fans of horror and NZ/AU deadpan humour!
1 November 2019
As an Australian and lifelong horror fan this series shows how much better NZ are at TV compared to AU. AU TV right now in late 2019 is embarassingly crap with just one or two shows worth looking out for.

This show is also from the Taika Waititi universe so what are you waiting for? If you love What We Do In The Shadows, from which the main two characters of this were born, as well as the comedy style in Thor: Ragnarok then this show is for you!
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BrainDead (2016)
why on earth was this cancelled?
28 September 2019
Whether you love it or not this show had great acting and writing. i guess its ratings were low to warrant cancellation but the execs should have seen the potential. everyone i've recommended this to have loved it and had never heard of it when first mentioned. badly marketed i guess. political satire meets invasion of the body snatchers with an impressively great female lead and the funniest Michael Moore cameo you'll ever see!

what more do you want?!
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lets keep this short.. if you consider yourself a true fan of the horror genre, especially things on the Lovercraft-ian side, then you need to watch this!
27 September 2019
No need to add much else here. this film is an orgasmic treasure to all those who love the horror/sci-fi genre. from stereotypical maniac killers around a cabin to oh so much more, i won't spoil the many surprises awaiting, this film really kicks butt. and fan of the genre MUST watch this. greatest ending ever! 'nuff said!
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better than the original film... seriously
16 September 2019
Not going to wax lyrical here. just going to say that the last thing i expected was for this series to come even close to matching its source material but all i can say is it surpasses it. its totally Henson in spirit and direction. so many awfully cute bits, art direction is even better than the original.

binged it all in 2 days. and any fan of DC already knows how this whole resistance thing pans out but knowing that in advance doesn't hamper the experience of watching this absolute gem of passioned filmmaking.. its obvious this whole project was a labour of love!

kudos to all involved!
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are we all watching the same show??!!
14 September 2019
Okay, so i still watch this for the guests which is the show's only redeeming feature. Spade's monologue and jokes are so cringeworthy I cannot honestly respect anyone who finds his rants funny. the show's format and all the rest are great, it just needs a new host. Spade's jokes are high-school level at best which is a shame as I really want to like him but as each new episode airs the lame jokes, especially the social media/facetime bits before/after commercial breaks, are honestly the lamest most immature and unclever jokes I have heard in a long time. how the hell is he still being paid?

bottom line. show = good, host = terrible and that is coming from a fan of Spade's earlier work. its probably not his fault entirely, just really REALLY bad writing from his staff but that doesn't excuse him and the show's producers from realising just how bad all the non-guest discussion humour is!

this is still something that could work well, just not with the current writers or whoever is responsible for all of Spade's bits. just horrid!

okay, just edited my comment after all these recent 10/10 review. ignore them, they are fake and/or paid for. i still watch the show for the guests but all of Spade's monologue and prologue jokes are written by either monkeys or minors. i am still giving it a chance daily, but cringe and skip the opening/closing bits after a few secs.
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Hellraiser: Inferno (2000 Video)
inferno marks the beginning of the end for all things Hellraiser
10 August 2019
I hate to say it but this chapter in Hellraiser lore is the beginning of the end... its not even a Hellraiser film, more like a Lynch-ian type of Twilight Zone with Cenobites added just to claim the film's title... why this and the ones after were ever greenlighted is a question i would pay good money to be honestly answered... i even love Bloodlines, regardless of its flaws, but THIS... this is just absolute crime drama with Pinhead playing therapist... i would give my kidney for Clive Barker to write and direct a new film he was passionate about but he has, unforturnately, given up on the medium for so long now... Barker remains my fave master of all things dark, erotic and magical.... even his youth aimed works in Abarat speak to me... and Hellraiser I and II are in my top five horror/fantasies of all time... its a shame no one in Hollywood is ballsy enough to let him be free and not pull the strings and take control as they did in Hellraiser III, while still entertaining, turning Pinhead into a Freddy Krueger like one liner & cheese filled moron... why don't they make one set in hell, like the second, so much opportunity for great imagery and storytelling... everyone living out their nightmares etc... heck, i can come up with a thousand better script pitches off the top of my head right now yet we have Inferno and a few more afterwards that all lack soul, direction, and most importantly straying for anything close to lore... these latter film's writers should be castrated... and i don't say that lightly in the least...
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GLOW (2017–2019)
anything with Marc Maron is gold for me...
10 August 2019
... and Alison Brie is both gorgeous and a great actor... fell in love with her in Community and she really shines here... a good TV series is about the characters and this show has it all... i actually HATE wrestling for all its cheese and corny theatrics but that made zero difference here... about to binge Season 3 right now... i'm sure it'll deliver..
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Fantastic show... its so real
9 August 2019
Must confess, i've fallen in love with Phoebe after her appearances on The Graham Norton Show and this show she created... just watch it.. its so human and well written and acted... don't think there is much more to say...

while i don't want to put others down, i jus't cannot understand anyone not liking this... sure, its vulgar and crude, as is REAL life and REAL conversations... if you're offended or cringe at this humour then you really need to get out more and live a little... sheesh...
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Pet Sematary (2019)
stick to the book or the 1989 film
5 August 2019
I'm not going to say much... every "dark" scene looks like it was obviously film in an indoor studio rather than outdoors... anyone scared by this is a child to horror filmmaking.. why King endorsed this i will never know, unless its about the usal $$$... the original film kicks this one's butt in oh so many ways... as a BIG fan of the book this film left me dry in the mouth.. the actors do not reflect the book's in anyway... even if this were a retelling it fails to conjure any real scares, instead opting for cheesy scores at times it wants you to feel tension... it just does not work...
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HP Lovecraft ending and everything else in between
5 August 2019
If you love Lovecraft, Evil Dead and sci-fi horror then you HAVE to watch this... its one of the best horror films to tilt the genre on its side in decades... i am not going to waste time praising it, just watch... any genre fan should love this for h so many reasons, especially the awesome ending... do yourself a favour guys! wish they made more like these..
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Pet Sematary (1989)
please watch this instead of the recent remake
5 August 2019
If you are a fan of the book then stick to this... the remake pales in comparison
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Hellraiser (1987)
one of the best
5 August 2019
Don't know why this film and all of Clive Barker's films and novels work so well for me, but just give it a chance... the cenobites are nothing but beautiful and are in such a limited amount of screen time yet they leave an impression.... this film is born of the 80s so you'll need to cast aside cringes of the fashion and overall look of characters... i must say that this one and its sequel, Hellbound, are in my top 10 horror films of all time.. Barker's books are fantastic and this realisation of his "The Hellbound Heart" is awesome for any fan of horror and the macabre with a sprinkle of emotion...

ignore the goths that made Pinhead into a mascot and just watch this for the low budget film making wizardy that it is... its a shame Clive no longer wishes to be involved in filmaking... he was a breath of fresh, unique air.. unlike all the bile pouring out of the cinema in this genre for over a decade now...
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Swamp Thing (2019)
needs a little more Swamp Thing action cause he rocks, but its still stylish and highly watchable
28 July 2019
People need to be aware that this show was not cancelled due to the studio thinking it sucked, but because of some studio location issues (look it up as i don't remember the nitty gritty details)... it was cancelled before it even aired so ratings were not even taken into account...

considering the reviews here and elsewhere, and the fact its a damn good DC take on darker characters its nothing but sad that execs are so separated from the art... i manage projects, not film, but once you have invested hefty sums of money into something you don't make judgements calls until feedback is received.. and after a few episodes in, just to be sure...

the handling of this entire series from the execs is a great lesson in exactly how to NOT manage anything really... the show is getting ratings higher than most DC projects so just like most people here i ask, "why the cancellation? even after your premature mistake to cancel, the public have spoken and still nothing?"... DC is pathetic when compared to Marvel... business-wise i mean... do they hire people with any marketing experiende or i guess they're just saving money and hiring a bunch of chimps...
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Beetlejuice (1988)
watched this at least 30+ times as a teen
25 July 2019
I loved this film so much as a teen back in the VHS days... i remember fondly recording my own copy (illegally, via two VHS recorders) from a rental and creating my own personalised tape covers with poster art and pics found from magazines and the like... i will definitely be sitting my children down to watch this when i have them... the only films i can recall loving so much back in those days was the original Star Wars trilogy... and it still holds up today as i just finished watching it again for the first time in 20+ years and it still holds up, special effects included... Keaton was born for this role and the rest of the cast are simply brilliant... i could ever remember just about all of Beetlejuice's lines... such a special film... dont miss out... they certainly dont make them like this anymore, maybe that is my 42 year old self speaking, but i will honestly always keep a special pocket in my heart for this triumph...
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worst CGI ever!
24 July 2019
Since when was Goosebumps styled CGI applicable for something as holy as the Ghostbusters franchise?! sorry, but Hemsworth performance was vomit worthy, the writing and acting terrible in oh so many ways... i wanted to like this woke take on the tale but everyone i was watching this with wanted to leave after just 30 mins... no one should have been paid for this atrocity... and that is being generous... the director should be ashamed and used the Alan Smithee pseudonym instead...
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