
146 Reviews
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Joe Pickett (2021–2023)
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My roommate and I have re-titled this show the "dum-dum show" it is a bunch of dumb people doing dumb things, especially Joe. It is entertaining that is for sure. The Grandmother Missy is a dum-dum and a gold digger, thinks she is so great, I dont get it, she is not all that. I do have to say the second season is better than the first as there is less focus on dumb Joe, he thinks he is police, it is ridiculous," my life long dream is to be a game warden", really ?? The wife Marybeth is OK and the kids do a good job acting. If you encountered some weird guy fishing in the stream and he bites the head off of a fish he just caught, I would be like " ok, have fun, see ya" and ride off like the wind, instead dumb Joe follows him to his camp and is almost killed. Even the wife says "sometimes you need to look the other way" instead of being Duddley Do Right all the time.
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19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
THIS episode was hilarious, I was laughing out loud so many times, I was crying when Russell Crowe is singing and his tugboat is going crazy and eventually shoots himself to get away from it. Chef is always funny and he gets this new TV and it has so many new features, he cant figure it out and it turns into a killer robot and Chef is on the phone with the company trying to figure it out, so funny. Butters is running around with the box of tampons that he had to go get Shelley and Cartman drops the donuts, and everyone hates the Russell Crowe show wherever they go, some of their episodes are hit or miss, this one was a hit.
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Nefarious (2023)
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good performances by the 2 main actors, was very believable and very engrossing the whole time. If anyone does not believe in demons and the devil, this is a good movie to watch, very realistic, because they do exist, very rarely are they talking to anyone I think, but if they did, I can see this conversation happening. There is evil in this world and the way the demon explains it, it is chilling. The way he wanted to get away from the priest at first, because God is more powerful than any demon or the devil, but then relaxed because the priest didnt believe he was a demon. Wow. The ending is brutal and also hopeful. God saved that man because he asked for his help, end of story.
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The Whale (2022)
great performances, needed more depth
11 August 2023
I agree with alot of what has already been said about this movie. The performances by Brendan and Sadie were fantastic, as well as the nurse, who I have seen in other shows and liked her. This movie makes you feel alot of things, mostly disgust, sadness, curiosity, unbelief...........etc. I would have like to see more of what made him become so gigantic, what kind of love or relationship makes you want to do that to yourself if you lose it ?? I cant fathom that kind of depth of sadness. It has to be your personality and mental state of mind to completely ruin your life over someone that died. It is very haunting story and the performance by Brendan was Oscar worthy but the movie is lacking more back story and insight into why he became that way IMO. Overall a good watch and cautionary tale for people with eating disorders to get a hold of yourself and get help ! Food is an addiction that no one wants to really know about. I know from personal experience of knowing someone close to me that this movie is realistic and his mannerisms are realistic for someone that big. It is hard to move around and forget about bending over. (and the claw grabber thing!) it is very tragic, and most likely he didnt realize what he was doing and it just escalated into something so big it is hard to come down from that.
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Somebody Somewhere (2022– )
first season vs. 2nd season
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the first season, it was funny and sweet and had lots of situations and relationships to like. The second season was way too raunchy, between all the sex talk and the "poop" scene, it was just too much. Even the sweet wedding at the end, she had to motorboat her friend, just gross IMO, so 1st season was more of a 9 , 2nd more of a 4, so I gave it a 5 star for that reason, the acting was terrific and i love the guy who plays Joel's love interst, from Grace and Frankie, he was so so funny in that, that is a super great show, if you want heartfelt and funny watch Grace and Frankie. This kind of turned me off.
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
incredible show
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished up the series finale, I almost felt sorry for Franklin at the end, wow, loved the ending he turned out just like his Daddy. Why oh Why Cissy did what she did (you could just feel Franklin's frustration with all the things that happened after the money was lost to him), I will never know, it was so dumb. The evolution of all the characters was amazing to see how they all changed, some for the better, some for the worse. Seems pretty realistic overall. Leon turned into a good person, so did Wanda, Teddy was a creep, but did not deserve what he got IMO. Same with Jerome and Louie, but when you play with drugs, you get burned..........i am sorry this has ended, but I love the ending.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
19 April 2023
This movie was perfect for what is was, silly, funny, goofy and outrageous. I personally laughed my head off on some parts (especially the whole ambulance scene was hysterical) it is so ridiculous, I loved it. The little boy Henry was so good and so funny, and the "stupid teen crooks" were perfectly played. Loved the "john" s/b "Joan" tattoo arc and the actor who played him was so good, how could they keep a straight face ? Even the fake bear was pretty good. Margo Martindale is great, her character was funny and when she fell out of the ambulance I almost peed my pants laughing, she is such a great character actress, she is in everything. I thought is was a great escape from the mundane of life.
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16 March 2023
I like Pink, but I never really loved her or her "pop" music, but this is a really interesting and well made documentary, she is a beautiful person and wants to be a good mom, I am sure it helps to have so much money that you have nannies to help you of course, but she seems to be grounded and have a good parenting style with Cary., who said he feels lucky to not have to do anything besides help raise their kids these days. Not too many people can say that in this world. I never knew she was a gymnast, I was busy raising my own kids in the 90's and 2000's to pay much attention to celebrities. That part of her is pretty amazing.
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super funny
2 March 2023
This show is so hit or miss, sometimes it is funny, sometimes not.........Woody's monologue was great and he was very funny in all his skits, he is a professional in every way. The fatsuit skit was hysterical and I couldn't stop laughing, I am not sure how they got through that one without cracking up and losing it. One of my favorite regulars is Mikey Day, he is so funny, I really like him, and Keenan can do not wrong. I really like Jack White and finally someone decent to listen to, they mostly have horrible rappers and people yelling on stage. The weird Sam Smith and even Coldplay acting weird, I wish they would just get up and sing, stop acting like weirdos. Weekend update is my least favorite part , I dont even get half of it. I def dont watch it on Sat Night, it usually is later in the week when I have time. It used to be always alot more funny, but I still enjoy watching it overall. I would not stay up late for it ever. P.s. The Colonguard commercial was hysterical !! The best. I also agree with the annoying canned laughter, I HATE HATE it, biggest reason I do not watch sitcoms. Like nails on a chalkboard.
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Violent Night (2022)
30 January 2023
I loved this movie, it was a good mix of funny and violent. David Harbour is the perfect Santa for this movie, snarky and tired out but with a big heart. I like him in everything he does, stranger Things "Hopper" is my favorite character in that. The rest of the cast is decent and the criminals are funny and stupid at the same time. I laughed out loud alot, even though the humor is pretty subtle. It was an enjoyable watch. Beverly D'Angelo was kind of distracting with how yucky she looks now, too much plastic ?? I dont know, just weird looking now. Cant stop thinking of Clark Griswold when I see her. Lol.
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just ok
24 January 2023
Dont believe all the hype

this movie is just ok

the action is pretty good

I guess you have to like this kind of movie, I though the first one was just OK , too

thought it would be better.

Tom Cruise did look really good still

the beach scene was cool

did not like Miles Teller's character or his mustache, yuck.

I love Jon Hamm

Jennifer Connelly is great.

Some pretty far fetched scenarios

I like the smug one, who played "Chad" in Scream Queens

I like Lady Gaga's song

not much background on Tom Cruise's character and what happened to Kelly McGillis' character?? Not enough back story, too much fighter pilot stuff, blah blah blah.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
30 November 2022
Overall, this show is funny, some of the jokes fall flat, but sometimes I am laughing out loud, it has its moments, sometimes trying way too hard, the character of "Spike" is hysterical and it is pretty dry humour, which makes it funnier. "Karen" is great, but a bit over the top. It doesnt need another season.

The guy who plays "Judd" is good, I have seen him in other shows also.

Iris is good as the sarcastic side kick/boss

the Comic was funny and so was the Cannibal story line.

I could guess how the disasters were going to play out, but it was fun to watch.

Little things were funny here and there as opposed to the big things that were "supposed " to make us laugh.
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The Patient: The Cantor's Husband (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
slow burn, holes galore
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I dont mind a slow burn, but this could have actually been shorter, I would have liked to see more family background and explanation for both the captor and the captive..........poor kid didnt have a chance with a Mother who enables him and a father who beat him and doesnt know why, because he was weird ?? Wow, some people should not have kids. Some of the holes are how come the father didnt report that his kid tried to kill him ? And what about his boss ? There were no consequences for this kid. And this story is from the doctor's point of view, but he dies, so how can he be telling the story ? Did I miss something ? The performances were very good and I did like the story overall.
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Press Play (2022)
really good
27 October 2022
I Loved this movie, it was touching and sweet, had a bit of sci-fi magic in it and I love stuff like that, super romantic, and yes, to gain you got to lose. The main character did a good job IMO, I liked that they didnt have to go into great details about a lot of things, yes, some plot holes, but a good vibe and good ending. Moral of the story, enjoy the love and life you have, might not get a second chance.

I dont know what else to say, but it is making me write more, lol, so i guess I will think of some more things to say

fyi: very PG-13. Nothing graphic or terrible in this

Her Asian friend is good in this also

Danny Glover is good.
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City on a Hill (2019–2022)
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kevin Bacon is outstanding as a total scumbag, whose only redeeming quality is that he loves his daughter. He makes this show, but the side characters are great also. Just finished season 1, and I beg to differ with those saying it was boring, loved the guy who played Frankie Ryan, so good, his look on his face at the end, chills ! Enjoyable show so far. "Kick" is great also, very gritty and dirty. Rory Culkin is in this also and those Culkin bros can act! (Kieran in Succession, so great) Check it out............. Jimmy Ryan was a good character also, so chilling to turn on his brother like that.................
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Animal Kingdom: Fubar (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
2 September 2022
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DOESNT tie everything up , but most of it is. I am a HUGE fan of this show and it is hard to find fault in anything IMO. For those that thought it went downhill when Smurf died and the backstory about Smurf's life, I disagree, I liked the backstory and it explained alot about all of them. I will miss Deran and Craig randomly beating the crap out of people together. I would have liked for Deran to meet up with Adrian, I loved them together. The ending was haunting showing J in a foreign country obviously alone, but I am sure not for long...........going to really miss this show. Would like to see a spin off but I doubt that will happen.
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Physical (2021–2023)
great show, Aerobics !
26 August 2022
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I was all about Aerobics in the 80's and 90's, I had every tape there was, this is a really funny show for the most part with great characters, I especially love John Breem, he is great and I dont know how he keeps a straight face doing his lines, he is so dry and when he breaks down in season 2, and starts confessing how bad he is, i could not stop laughing. Love the Music!!!
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Physical: Don't You Run and Hide (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No one talks about the character of John Breem, he is great, this was so funny and I dont know how he kept a straight face during his crying breakdown "I measured my penis with Tommy's school ruler" I could not stop laughing, and Tyler the sufer dude is another great character.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
amazing show
17 August 2022
This is what a good TV show is all about, the writers, the actors, everything about this show works and is almost better than BB that it spinned off from. The ending is sad but fitting and I just loved this show, sad to see it end, but all things must come to an end.
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Better Call Saul: Waterworks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
amazing and so sad
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, we get to find out what happened to Kim, and it is sad, because I loved her and Jimmy together, so mis-matched but they had fun and she seemed to get excited about the cons and little tricks they pulled. But I guess it is all fun and games until someone gets killed (Lalo) and ruins all the fun. I think she went overboard quitting the Bar and not being a lawyer, but it makes sense to the story. And her mundane office life and home life looks ridiculously boring, but maybe that is what she wants...........Bob Odenkirk is so so good as Gene and Jeffie is hilariously stupid, makes a funny combo and it is always good to see Slippin Jimmy come out, will be sad to see this end.
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Westworld: Crisis Theory (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
2 August 2022
WASNT horrible, but it was pretty much a chore to make it through, way too drawn out for the most part, not enough action, too much talking, I though Aaron Paul would add to this show, but he didnt, he had the same stupid look on his face the whole show, I never fall asleep watching anything, but this season did me in. I might watch the next season, or I might not. I was expecting much better.
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The Walking Dead: Acts of God (2022)
Season 11, Episode 16
its time to end
21 June 2022
Why is this ending, because it is time, the vibe of early TWD is gone, the scary crazy Negan, the scary crazy Alpha and Beta, the deaths of important people, the edge of your seat stuff is not really here any more, getting kind of boring actually.
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Queen of the South: El Final (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
10 June 2022
I LOVE a happy ending, this was great, I know it was somewhat predictable but so what, at least it wrapped up things and Love Pote, he is a lovable teddy bear.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
9 June 2022
Only thing I didnt like is having to wait to find out what happens and how they end this !!!! It is hands down the best show in so many ways, well written, acted, it is funny, scary, haunting, chilling, so many things you feel watching this. I thought Breaking Bad was the best show ever, but this one is probably even better.
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Hacks (2021– )
good show
7 June 2022
Better than I thought it would be, well written show that told its story and ended it well, doesnt need another season, I really liked it and the characters.
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