
62 Reviews
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Disenchanted (2022)
This movie is upsetting.
17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay where do I start, the premise is great in this movie, Adams character is dealing with a teenager who is tiring of her Disney Princess step mother, she wants to be normal but her new Mum's overbearing kindness is affecting her life, her desire to have a fairytale existence conflicting with teenager wanting to find her own identity. This was shaping up really well, Maya Rudolph being the queen of the town like a 'Why Women Kill' episode was looking to be interesting conflicting with a genuinely perfect Princess type moving in. Also the Dad catching the train to the city every day just to give them their perfect country suburbia life, it seemed like really interesting themes to explore in contrast to the previous movie.

Then something happened... maybe a Disney executive said it was too plain, needed more magic, needed to hammer home the theme of fairytale life being fake and embracing true family warts and all, but it ends up feeling like they are retelling the same beats of the first movie. It could have been great but too many effects, too many rewrites, results in a jumbled mess, which is hilarious because they did it to themselves. They had no limitations and they stalled the production for over 10 years then rushed it at the end which results in an entirely pointless venture. The best part was seeing Idina Menzel steal the show with her song, also the casting for the daughter was great, I thought it was the original actor she was so fitting. But again like her daughter in the first movie loved that she was a real princess, I appreciate that they kind of addressed this a bit in the script but still she knows Adams character, she knows where she is from, and she is surprised that she doesn't understand highschool? They could have really subtly made Adams into the mean step mother, that was a great idea but I feel it was better executed in earlier scripts, what we get is Adams wishing the town to be a fairytale and that is really where the film falls off the rails, the daughter suddenly happy to be in it singing? So what is the town possessed? Do the people not go to work anymore on the train? Unless you are like 12 you really can't help but wonder wtf is going on, why Adams can't control her behaviour and what it will mean for say Any of these townspeople's families outside the town? It's just a dumb literal plot device that ruins the whole movie, like they didn't get why the contrast of a Disney princess in gritty new york was entertaining, by making the real world into a fairytale what we get is a generic Disney movie, I don't know how they read the script and said yes this will work. I think it was more about retreading the same content in a different way and they failed terribly.

Finally Rudolphs son! What another missed opportunity, again they only have themselves to blame, they setup these interesting things then just bungle it repeatedly. Having the daughter attracted to the town queen son is interesting! They could have made Adam's attempts to impress result in her finding rivalry with this new town queen, they could have made that rivalry come between her daughter and her crush, could have made her into a bad step mother that way, and have to grow to accept her daughter is becoming an adult and will make choices she wouldn't. This could have been a nuanced wholesome movie about broken families and trying to live perfect lives that become dillusional in trying to prevent any conflict. I kind of want to track down the original script because I feel all of this was in there and they went an entirely different way. Turning Adams into an evil step mother could have been a great move in the right hands, but what we got was Gollum and Smeagol and I didn't care about anything she was doing because it wasn't her anymore, it wasnt anyone in the town, they were all possessed and that made it a really bizarre dark movie and to tie off this huge issue they just say oh they all think they were dreaming... What everyone? Except Adams and her Daughter? So this whole town lost like a week of their lives and they all had the same dream but no one questions this? The first movie was light hearted but it had logic and sense in the universe they created, this movie doesn't respect the audience at all, it wants to blast you with music and colours and hope you don't notice what a piece of trash it is.
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I was a fan
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I used to like this movie as a teenager, the flying cars, the space cruise, cool guns alien make up, it was a good time although a bit weird. As an adult I was able to follow the plot more completely and it is still convoluted. Some strange things I noticed, the guy who's 2nd in command to the President, dies as molten planet expands to consume his ship, he then dies again offering Corben his mission, but no he is alive again in the finale, no explanation, don't worry about it? So the blue lady she ate the stones? Is that right? 4 giant stones? Whatever okay, they're in her... IS SHE TOPLESS ON STAGE? The blue is her flesh not a costume? She's basically doing naked opera... leeloo... supreme being survives falling over 50m into a car roof... okay... super powered fighter learns language quickly... gets herself shot in an airvent.. what? Just so often in this movie you're like what? Like what even is this expanding planet coming? Okay Leeloo is in the tomb at the start, they destroy the ship only her hand is recovered with still living tissue to bring her back... okay but so 1. They have a printing machine to make supreme beings now? Living tissue? Leeloo was alive in the tomb the whole time? Okay whatever... forget about that... the priest at the start says youre taking our only weapon, so its functional woth leeloo in the tomb, love is not the fifth element leeloo is... corben didnt have to tell her he loved her, she either is the fifth element or love is... make up your mind Luc... he didnt make up his mind he just put McDonald's and Chanel ads in and called it done. This movie is not underrated, its not overrated, it is perfectly where it should be. It's worth a watch, but it is not a good movie. It really isnt, and this is coming from a teenage fan, see it for mila topless and scifi die hard, the best part of this movie was the car chase, as soon as they left the city it got hugely dull.. okay one final gripe, Zorg oil dripping on face threat scene, was that explained? What a mess of a movie, should have made Zorg the main baddie should have had Willis zorg faceoff, i feel like it was studio interference and budget issues, give Gary less screen time replace him with a spooky voice, just dumb.
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The Sadness (2021)
it's a gory more believable purge
29 April 2024
People say it is weak script but to me it is very realistic, people talk when there is opportunity to talk. It is high concept horror, a virus that makes people act on their worst impulses, it's an idea that was similarly explored in the Kingsman. People say it is torture porn but that is what is scary about this movie, they aren't zombies; they're normally functional people so addicted to lust and rage they barely feel their own pain and that is a nightmare. This movie is what it is and it does it very well, the acting is good, the gore is irreversible and serbian film level haha, and the dialogue is actually really good and has a lot of social commentary on society and covid response. It really is like a high-concept scifi mixed with gory horror and to me it is memorable and unnerving and had a few interesting things to say, I think a lot of negative reviews are people unsatisfied by this axe to face of a movie but it was more of a statement than a satisfying character story. Giving it 8 because if you are in the mood for a gory psychological horror movie it does it well, I probably won't watch it again but it's worth recommending.
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9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Loses a point for not explaining itself better, had a lot of build up with the cafeteria scene expositional dialogue but very little explanation beyond that, which I think lost me a bit. It's a great metaphor to explore but a movie like Hereditary which this reminded me of, better explained itself which made for a more intense finale. Like that movie though this failed to close the deal, funnily I thought when he missed shooting his wife at the end that he would pretend to try again then actually shoot her. Because the film built it up that way, he could follow through on his paternal relationship with the other family his daughter would get a bf and son would follow his footsteps. They even added scene showing the mother's strictness. Maybe that was the point though, he regretted rolling the dice and wished his daughter or wife were taken instead. Was kind of unsatisfying, I guess where the Lobster occupied a kind of hyper reality on the island this movie seemed grounded in this world but just seen through the eyes of someone with autism, which was interesting dialogue and different but it made it hard to engage with the stakes of the story. Without setting up the rules of the concept they presented properly or the way the reality exists the audience just has to say Magic and that makes a lot of the grounded intensity they were going for not land. Overall it's worth a watch but I'd rather rewatch Hereditary and The Lobster than this again. Also Barry Keoghan is very reminiscent of Heath Ledger and not surprising he got the nod for Joker but I worry we will get autistic drug addict Joker and not a performance with meaning like Ledger's. Much prefer him to Leto though and this film really shows off his potential to play that kind of character.
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Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
The first 7 seasons were very strong...
14 February 2024
Season 8 may have been okay too, somewhere beyond that perhaps when they switched to Netflix something changed in the writing where they would have convenient things happen*. I've been bingeing this show and did all the specials and movies, the live theatre show and animated series especially really elevate this show to being larger than it could have been and why I give it a 7. *Poor writing can be really hard to overlook at times in fact inspired this review. Without spoiling things I'm currently on season 11 and had things looking grim police about to arrest the gang then through some sweet talking the police turn around and leave, but it doesn't make sense their actions are illogical, even with the scenarios the writer has set up themselves they seem to write their own problems; whilst these problems aren't enough to not recommend the show, they do pull you out of what they have constructed. Some characters seemed to change too, i guess that would be a good thing for a show going that long but almost all the changes are bad. Ricky gets the Homer Simpson treatment, Bubbles gets a full creep vibe, Julian becomes a selfish @$$hole (which wouldn't be the worst character arc for him but it has kind of made him irredeemable a lot of season 11). I guess like any long running franchise you could just see these seasons or spinoffs as iterations or interpretations. There certainly are worthwhile moments in the later seasons but like many shows there is a missing element, maybe like a band going back on tour for the money not the love of the music anymore. I may update this review if beyond Season 11 changes my mind. It's a solid 7/10 but for Jim and Randy performances, for the live theater special, it's an 8, but those 2 lost points are painful.
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a Randy Bubbles movie
13 January 2024
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Have watched to season 8, realised there was a time gap and started watching the movies and specials. This one I think had a big build up with the ending of say goodnight, they were in jail and the start setup a good plot idea with Lahey needing them and how he would get the one thing Julian would never sell. Then just seems to go to wacky town. Like any sensible person could have had Lahey locked up numerous times, like in the bank they could just call security for backup with the crazy drunk, or knock him out. He would be arrested for assaulting security guards intoxicated and indecent exposure, but no they validate the relationship and allow him to escalate it. Same with him destroying trailer, got drunk man driving digger, charged for the repairs easy. In the series I felt trolled and frustrated by Lahey but that grew into a love to hate kind of character that was just like pain turned into vengeance and kind of relatable. The idea that liquor could guide him was hilarious, but instead we get this sad uncalculated Lahey just pissing in the wind literally. This movie was pretty much a Bubbles Randy movie, and for those parts it gets a 5. Randy especially carried this movie, his line titles it, it was like seeing Smither's life without Mr Burns. I guess the logic of this movie falls flat, like however ridiculous the show is they still were based on reality just had gun fights with no victims kind of cartoonish but not dumb. This movie was dumb, cats given to prisoners is dumb, especially bubble's cats, wouldn't that freak him out? His cats in the hands of criminals? But no he likes her more for it. The writers dont get what works for the show but like a parent trying to be cool you appreciate the effort and can still have fun.
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13 December 2023
As a fan of horror and gore stuff this was one I never got around to. It's got some disturbing stuff for sure but it's still a movie and whatever was going on had me pondering how they did it. I was invested in the story it was interesting themes not often explored about the differences between porn and romance and satiating desires, the slope of perversion and lust, life and death, reality in entertainment. Lots of interesting stuff inbetween the horrors and the horrors were not there for the sake of it like something like Human Centipede, they had context like something like Hereditary. It felt like what Nymphomaniac was going for with it's themes but perhaps this movie succeeds more narratively. The climax has feels of like Hostel and Memento, Saw, Salo, lots of similarities and the ending feels satisfying not pretentious or unplanned. Even at it's most zany and absurd I found myself cringing in a good way or laughing like the eye part haha. Just go into it expecting erotic disturbing, expecting ridiculous, and like me you will probably be pleasantly surprised at it as a film.
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Stealing Cars (2015)
Good acting bad plot
19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Curious to see where the main actor goes, he's got that jake Gyllenhaal/heath ledger charm that's interesting. Unfortunately it's one of those movies where the guy starts off as arrogant in prison and grows to get respect of inmates and wardens unfortunately in this movie he never becomes humble or altruistic, he remains an asshole for most of the movie and i didn't feel it earned any of the heartfelt moments it shot for. It results in a deeply frustrating viewing experience and you kind of side with the other inmates hoping for his downfall. I'm happy for small budget films getting off the ground but even with that handicap I didn't enjoy this at all, I'd rather watch a sister act/green mile marathon, would hit all the same notes this one fumbled.
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Hereditary (2018)
15 June 2023
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Very good for the most part, but certain parts were a bungle. For example when Collette burns the book it burns her but then burns her partner the next time? Things like this pulled me out of it, like horror needs to make sense. How did grandma get in the roof? Was it sleep walking? Never addressed. How did the cult know the exact pole charlie would hit? Is it all predetermined? The son has no way to avoid it? Then there's no point. Similarly it's a great visual having creepy possessed people on the wall but then doesn't use element of surprise? Waits to be seen then chases? Likewise suddenly in the roof floating? Joans kid writes with chalk but charlie just appears on the page by magic? What was charlies point? They say we got you the right body charlie then address her as the demon king? So does he take over from there? Or is the knowledge the king is imparting just going to be charlie clock sounds? Just question after question really, it had some great ideas but likewise when the son wakes up in bed at the end it lost the momentum, just seemed like he was screwed from there and when he fell out of window and got possessed was pretty much the end. I think if you set stuff up there needs to be a payoff if you make rules for your universe they need to be followed not compromised for fun scares, like why did Charlie even make her brother faceplant on his desk? Just cause? I loved a lot about this movie but these things kept pulling me out with the weird writing. Maybe I should give it benefit of the doubt that I just didn't understand it all. Visually it was great just seemed to have narrative holes or problems executing it's premise.
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Visually beautiful
24 May 2023
A strange ride, if you're in the mood for weird, graphic sex and horror you might be engaged. It explores some visceral themes, was deeper than I expected, thought provoking in a lot of ways. The main actor Noé really carried it, he wasn't just acting, he was the whole movie, like the movie put all it's goals and aspirations on his shoulders and he just said "yep no worries". Worth watching just for his performance really. The visuals were stunning (a lot of the 7/10 is for that), the subject matter was bizarre and challenging, like about intrusive thoughts and existence, life and birth and death. Fascinating in a lot of ways, hard to watch in a lot of others, but very smart and a lot more intriguing than I ever expected. Loses points because it meanders a bit and is a bit too arthouse for it's own good, fine you have a closed set kind of story but it needs to make sense in the world you've setup or it's just stuff happening. It answers a lot of interesting questions confidently but makes very little sense narratively. Maybe there's more to the storyline than I give it credit for but I didn't like it enough to think into it further. The brown tape budget was higher than other films I have seen, I also didn't know you could make gasoline from bread and animal fat.
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Terrifier (2016)
Not bad, worth watching if you like the genre.
23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the retro vibe, I REALLY liked the writing of the first 30mins or so, it was slow it was interesting, it was two women talking like real women talk, it passed the bechdel test, it was really interesting. I even liked the sawing scene that was really well done. Then the film took a weird turn where it killed the main characters and turned the supporting characters into the main ones, it turned what was a very realistic setup (two drunk girls getting home) into a fantastic one(being trapped in an abandoned building with a killer, (seriously the guy said get out I'm bombing the building with chemicals but hes not wearing a mask, no one is affected by the spraying, the whole importance of getting out of the building means nothing)), it replaced the believable characters with one dimensional ones, and it suffered for it. I started caring more for the villain, started pausing it and looking at my phone. Likewise the villain didn't seem affected by his injuries, sure they show this at the end but I think it would have been better keeping it realistic, sticking to the two girls, working the sister in but playing it all smaller scale and less fantastic. The hobo woman with the doll just detracted from it all, as soon as she spoke I was like yep done... I really loved the bookending interview with the sister I thought that really made it better overall. But it faltered in a lot of places sadly, it retains points for just being a good halloween movie and homage to grindhouse and the practical gore was great but I think a few more story rewrites would have made it amazing, like the part where Tara finds a wall of tyres and says something like "figures" was just amazing, it's like the first half and second half were two different writers imo.
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1917 (2019)
14 April 2023
I'm not going to add anything all the other reviews haven't said but even with all the acclaim this movie really went under the radar for me and when next to something like Dunkirk or Saving Private Ryan it is on par maybe better even, this is really amazing film making, the colour tonal shifts the lighting the performances it's so immersive and gritty realism. Very cool experience I think the single shot style really makes it I often wondered where the camera man was or sound guys, crew, just super immersive. Wondered where the CGI started and ended, it's all so seamless even as someone interested in VFX i found myself just letting go and getting lost in it.
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Uncharted (2022)
It was fine.
8 April 2023
As someone who knew of the games but was too slack to play them I really enjoyed it. I was aware Holland didn't have the look of the main character but his peter parker sass really gave the expected starlord indiana vibe I thought the character may have had. The national treasure kind of semi accurate history trail quest structure was fun and felt like a video game so it seemed appropriate. Wahlberg performance was weird, but I dont know if that's what he was going for. They made an interesting pairing.

The CGI was heavy but with the video game roots it all seemed to suit it to me, was a bit like kingsman in that way with kind of green screen hyper reality. Banderas as a villain was cool, should have kept him through it all, guessing some woke producer decided to make a female boss bad and she was okay but banderas has the depth and experience to carry that role better. Maybe they saved money on him being supporting villain. Overall a fun family movie if you go into it expecting a tintin national treasure tomb raider popcorn movie. The boat scene was absurd and I loved it.
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Midsommar (2019)
I just saw this movie for first time last night, I watched the directors cut
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't stop thinking about this movie, it was beautifully made, as someone who has explored psychadellics especially mushrooms I had like memories of the experiences watching this, the chanting and singing, the surreal nature of it all, feels like apocalypto mixed with squid game aesthetics or something, apocalypto, cannibal holocaust, green inferno, northman, hostel, they all come to mind, but the shots showing the main character's emotional state really added something else to it, so many amazing shots in this, and the realistic characters were relatable without being likable or dislikable, it was just an amazing feat of a movie, and so strange to think how easy it could happen, you have a nice european friend offers to come visit their home town you would be stoked, free accomodation and insider local knowledge.

"are we not going to talk about that?" "it's a bear" just a fun movie im glad exists.
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Candy Land (2022)
A fun B movie
14 February 2023
Partial Spoilers: I was onboard with the premise of the movie and interesting characters it felt like a documentary, but then it went on this wild B horror exploitation tangent and I found myself loving the hyper reality of it all. I couldn't figure out who the main character was then I realised it didn't matter, all that mattered was it kept me interested because it was unpredictable and I wondered how it would end. The ending is increasingly chaotic and the last shot is a fitting ending to it all. It's a very original story which has elements of American Psycho or Scream, I'm sure there's more layers to it with religion and gender and love vs lust, good vs evil, but I feel like this movie is unfairly downvoted and should be enjoyed as a thrill ride. It's a bit like Redstate meets Coyote Ugly and for how many derivative predictable movies come out this one was really interesting storywise and fun to watch and had some good performances for how small scale production it seemed. If you like B movies with weird stories this is gold.
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Interesting, different, I think I liked it.
24 December 2022
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It had me captivated the whole way, the premise of the film is so simple but the resolution is hard to fathom. What do you do when someone just doesn't want to be friends anymore but they're all you have? I was so curious how they would tie up the ending. It did a lot of unexpected things, Gleeson's character starts off as relatable, he wants to create a legacy in music and he doesn't have time for his friend but then in avoiding the friendship he's being unintentionally nasty. In response Farrell is spiteful in return but this just leaves them both depressed. In the end Gleeson character realises he is depressed with life not his friend and his friend gives him the option to die and he doesn't take it, in essence Farrell cures his depression, he realises all that matters is being nice to others and his friendship inspires him to make a new song. Unfortunately though Farrells character can't let it all go he loses everything and becomes toughened by it all, but he is nice still in the end offering to look after the dog. So my takeaway was that life is more than what you leave the world after you die but being nice to those around you while you live. The subplot of his sister leaving was sad too for Keoghan character dying but I feel that was more reflecting on the themes with the Policeman, he was also self loathing and taking it out on others around him but losing his son who he treated badly made him have the same realisation that you only have the good deeds you do while alive and the people you help. So in a bittersweet ending they all realise they only have themselves to blame for their different versions of despair but living alone to avoid being hurt by anyone isn't an answer, kind of like no one remembers those who only serve themselves.
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Amsterdam (2022)
13 December 2022
Had no idea what I was getting into, starts strangely right in the action then explains backwards how it got there before meandering towards the finish. It feels like a Tarantino movie, long scenes sometimes dialogue that goes nowhere, quirky characters. Just a bizarre movie really but very unique in ways. Also I don't know the history it is based on but seemed to tap into a lot of truth with freemasons with the 5 group, freemasons liking the number 5 for rituals, it's the interesting parts like that that really kept me going. Seeing so many talented actors doing their thing was great too. Felt like it really transported you to the era in a way that other films haven't. Parts felt Tarantino, parts felt Wes Anderson, parts felt Del Toro, just a weird blend of stuff. If you have a spare 2 hours there are much worse movies to watch, just hang in there because it is dialogue heavy and takes a long time to tie it up but overall was a satisfying ending.
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Entergalactic (2022)
Giving 4 stars because I haven't seen the ending
12 December 2022
I really struggled to watch this.

Ultra cool street artist gets comic deal gets ultra expensive apartment and spends all time doing drugs and drinking. Meets quirky photographer girl. Just meh. All I could think was write your damn comic you cant afford this unsustainable lifestyle! As an ex drug addict myself I've been there done it all but do I think it's cool? No. Do i think it should be glorified? No. Just seemed like netflix sex drugs tinder trash culture that's destroying the western world, maybe that was the point of it, a satirical examination of western culture in 2022 and the fall of business in an age of shallow social media and new age wankery. I will watch the end sometime but I really can't see this film having anything redeeming to offer, just woke trash culture nonsense with no story or vulnerability, a great movie to watch stoned i guess and look at the pretty colours. Giving it 4 til I watch the end but I can't see it getting any better, the good reviews on this show how corrupt the review system is Netflix clearly buying reviews.
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Black Adam (2022)
dark movie for kids
20 November 2022
Illuminati symbolism, literal demons, villain made out to be a hero, not great message, not great story, maybe would have been okay as R rated but what we got was not worth seeing really, I had a nap halfway but didn't miss anything.

The real star of this movie is the soundtrack, from the opening scenes I was wowed by the melodies, I see it got nominated for an award, totally justified, never heard of this composer but will be getting this soundtrack. Super impressive soundtrack, it was like putting caviar on a pile of garbage, it couldn't save it but if can scrape it off the top maybe something salvageable from this awful thing.
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28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People treat this movie like it is groundbreaking but really it is a lot of things we have seen before rebranded. It sets up a lot of concepts that it doesn't fully understand, it wants to be like inception or tenet in it's high concept deep confusing layers but it doesn't have the intelligence in it's writing to follow through on it, anyone that really thinks deeply about the logic of it all will feel it fall apart, it feels like someone has tried to write the trippiest thing ever over the top of a really basic story cashing in on gay culture. It has strong themes of generational trauma and having regrets of where life has headed as well as LGBT themes, and it follows through on these themes with very little nuance. A big problem is once things are clear what the metaphors are for example the mother accepting the daughter sexuality or the daughter being depressed it destroys much of the depth the scifi elements created, it removed all tension, I didn't even see the daughter as depressed? But the plot needed her to be to retaliate against her mother, but what was she retaliating against? What nihilism did she feel? They set her up as a character that was comfortable with her identity surrounded by family that didn't understand but it didn't make sense for her to be depressed and it broke the concept really. The idea of an interdimensional evil that took no form and was able to surpass all dimension limits was good, but they didn't know what to do with it. The getting skills idea was good but stolen from the matrix, the multiverse ideas stolen from other films too, really all they did was repackage it and not well. The divorce too felt unbelievable, they layered up all these conflicts divorce and auditing and it was all so intensely forced that it felt shallow and not earnt. They layer on top of all this constant weirdness and sexual humour, it felt like when people say Rick and Morty is the smartest show ever. Just because it's random. Just because it has social issues like sexual orientation. Doesn't make it a good movie. I give it points for originality and visuals, the performances were good too, but overall it wasn't a good movie, entirely unsatisfying but by pushing an agenda it falls in this territory of films like 'Get Out' where they are immune to criticism and don't have to make sense.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Scorsese is overrated
18 August 2022
Like the movie itself Scorsese is like the godfather of Hollywood, nobody dare criticise him or Deniro, life imitates art like a film metaphor for their real places in elite Hollywood. So much gritty realism with no point, such good performances for what? Such good production, for what? A depressing nasty movie where the main character continually does awful things, where the good characters are repeatedly punished while cruel horrible people are rewarded, wow so gritty and unrewarding to watch, overrated movie, overrated director, bad storyline. Who cares if it's true why even make this movie, I ended up just watching it for the murder scenes and even then saw a couple dead characters blink or breathe and take me out of it, and the more characters die the less the movie matters just gets to the point of like whatever kill them all who cares, just so overrated. Giving 3 stars for the production quality and acting but maybe these guys are just playing themselves maybe they're all nasty in real life, considering Deniro is mates with Marina Abramovic the self proclaimed dark witch it seems like this whole movie has more to it in reality.
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Instinct (1999)
good looking Gorillas
21 June 2022
Not a bad movie, has some thought orovoking moments, the Stan Winston gorillas look great. I think the prison was believable it was just let down by writing, the story overall is nice has a bit of green mile cuckoos nest thing going on. Didn't hate it, had some tense moments worth seeing once.
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The Northman (2022)
Revenge Film
20 June 2022
It's a bit paint by numbers but the authenticity, style and performances really elevate it. I haven't seen Conan but if it's like this I'm keen. It reminded me of The 300 in a good way, I also haven't seen Vikings TV show and it's made me want to watch that. Great cinematography and effects made this worthwhile in my opinion. Lighthouse was a better film but this was a good time too, the action and language is great. I have more respect for the Furiosa Actor she did a great performance in this.
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An attempt was made
19 June 2022
I feel like there was a good story buried under the nonsense that made it to screen. These 2 stars are for you buddy, unappreciated writer who had their ideas littered with fan service aka plagiarism and studio interference. For example you have need of claires hand print to access security, good idea, you have old rich man wanting to save dinos friend if hammond tricked by colleague to use claire, good idea, you have volcano erupt as villains obduct dinosaurs, wait what? You just destroyed the island the whole series is based on? Why? Isn't trying to stop the dinosaurs from being black market traded enough? Oh wait that's the plot if Lost World woops better keep the volcano... the best part in this movie was the boat ride back, then again that's stolen from Lost world too with the baby TRex. The most original idea was to make a haunted house of dinosaurs, they could have lead with that, make first third of movie them getting double crossed heck you could still have them do the blood transfusion under threat then they escape execution and release the dinosaurs to create a distraction and get out of the mansion. Really everything they do didn't need the younger new characters, you could have Bryce say malcolms lines in narration and it entirely be a stronger movie with the same outcomes. Really just a lazy mess I could have written better and I'm not a writer.
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A Beautiful Mess
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to love this movie, it has all the potential building off the original but it's like why did they tell THAT story? In that way? In that world? A lifeless world of dust with lifeless characters, you had Harrison Ford and you didn't use him, you had a glittering city of flying cars and you barely used them, just a plodding beautiful dusty mess of a movie, I wish we got more of the world it came from. It tries so hard to be deep like the original movie but it forgets that it is meant to entertain and it's message just kind of repeats the original movie's. Just a missed opportunity all around, I appreciate it's existence for the art and concept designs it made but at the sacrifice of the world it created or I should say destroyed was it really worth it? It's the equivalent of making Fury Road and saying it's a sequel to Fifth Element the whole movie I was just like where did my sparkly city go... What it SHOULD have done was use dekkard and his history with rachel as a continuing new story with higher stakes and struggles because he is old and tired, the biggest mistake was basing the story around ryan gosling as a replicant, its like making your story based on a robot, they could have made him human as dekkards replacement continuing the universe, maybe have him tasked with hunting down dekkard but come to empaphise with him as a fellow blade runner, instead we get the life of someone who has no life and its boring, it feels like another better movie was lost on the cutting room floor.
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