
37 Reviews
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Oasis: Live by the Sea (1995 Video)
Noels ego in full bloom
5 October 2023
Amazing looking back at this and seeing the truth in real time... truth being Noel's massive ego is what would eventually end the band, and along the way change the energy and vibe of the band. Obviously this is oasis entering their peak, that goes with out saying. Liam is biblical, Bonehead and Guigs are bang on, and the best part is seeing Tony bashing away like a madman... and we all know who fired him shortly after. So that's ego #1 Noel ending this raw punk stage of Oasis. Ego #2 is how loud Noels guitar is in the mix. It's not cool, or rock n roll, it simply ruins listening to this. I couldn't take it. Ego #3, Noel does a 10 minute solo acoustic set in the middle of the show. WHAT?? Grrr, great songwriter with an even better brother, but someone really big needed to pop Noel in his big mouth a few times and NOT let him run away anytime he couldn't get his way. So, I guess what I'm saying is this is Oasis true as can be in 1995, showcasing all the pain and glory.
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It's a TWO part Doc & Concert
2 October 2023
Some dont understand this is a 2 part deal: Part A is the documentary section with interviews and the interest surrounding Liam returning to Knebworth 26 years later. Part B is the ENTIRE concert in order, which includes 7 of his new gens and 9 Oasis classics. You have to find the right version, you may find only the doc, only the concert, or The Series containing both. This collection is well done and high budget. The packed Knebworth crowd is energetic, immensely happy, and just as important as Liam and the band. And on that topic, the band is HUGE and amazing and gels perfect with Liam. Backup singers are class. Don't knock my review but I personally feel Liam with this band and show is perfection. Cheers!
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Our favourite pups are back!
30 September 2023
All those familiar pups are back, except with (mostly) different voices which is an automatic point off for me. Another point off is the overall visual look of the film. It looks more like a video game than what the 2021 film looked like, which I prefer over this instalment. My 3rd point off is the plot, which I feel is slightly heavy for the age group we're going for. Again, I felt the 2021 plot was great, while keeping it super light and fun. That being said, this movie moves at a good pace, is quite entertaining, has many laughs for all ages, and does have some return voices which helps. My kids enjoyed it and want to see it again, we'll see if it gets viewed as many times as the 2021 version, which I'm guessing I've seen about 50 times lol!
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Miss Persona (2018– )
Pride parade jammed down a child's throat
20 June 2023
Ridiculous and disgusting encouragement/grooming within a children's show that has zero responsibility in bringing this topic into a house. People will do ANYTHING to capatalize on what's potentially envogue with no thought of the after effect. This show has been on in our house and from what I had seen it was decent and didn't require an adult to supervise it unil this episode came on and my 6 year old who was watching it with his 3 year old sister started asking questions which then got her asking questions. Don't judge others right, so don't judge me for my reaction to this. Kids should be kids and the politics of the world should enter their world naturally and when they're ready.
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These were the 80's
23 September 2022
No harm no foul with this movie. It fits well with other Candy classics- Uncle Buck, the great outdoors, brewsters millions, who's harry crumb?... If you're up for a laugh and a super easy film to watch, this is it. There is quite a few obvious laughs and a bunch of dry laughs that keep you on you looking for more. The plot is actually just fine for this type of thing and the action sequence at the end is wickedly over the top for a movie like this, in a good way. I'm not going to point out any negatives, just relax there bud. And its more like a 7/10 but I'm making up for the negative nancy's who throw the 3's and 4's out like m&m's.
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Val (I) (2021)
Amazing career. Soul stirring life.
31 August 2022
I decided to watch this solely based on the fact I have always loved Val as an actor. His performances in The Doors and The Saint are perfection, among many other great films and roles. I was aware of his recent health issue but was shocked to see his current self. What wasn't shocking was his real life depth of personal character, his interest and awareness of life and spirituality. This documentary was compiled from all of his own footage dating back to early youth to present and it paints a wonderful, real, soul stirring account of his life and career. The narration is amazing in more than one way. The film starts off jarring, although great, and ends even greater. Thanks Val, for opening your Doors.
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Jackie Brown (1997)
Has aged better than Pulp Fiction
28 August 2022
When this was originally released it was greeted with people putting up with it but going home to watch Pulp Fiction again, in order to maintain their love of Tarantino. BUT, for me this film gets better every 5 years, while Pulp for whatever reason gets more and more dated. I can't explain it, maybe different film and or camera quality?

With Jackie, it's a great 'what the hell just happened?' kind of plot, consistent to QT's first 3 films. It always has me going until the end. Sam Jackson, Michael Keaton, his cop partner, and Robert De Niro are all awesome, true highlights, especially De Niro. Bridget Fonda is pretty good, holds her part well. The low lights are Pam Grier, in the title role ironically, and Robert Forster. I firmly believe it is their "relationship" that made this film 30 min too long and made the overall movie experience lacklustre. There's 3 or 4 scenes with these 2 that are really weak and unnecessary, while showcasing some less than exciting music as well.

That aside, the plot is cool, the vibe is great when it's not bad (haha), it has all the QT feels to it, with a typical QT tornado/domino effect ending. Reservoir Dogs is a great debut but always reeks of a 1 million budget, Pulp remains the QT high bar, Kill Bill 1&2 are eh ok, Death Proof even more forgotten than JB, Inglorious and Django are a whole different QT that are good but only for 2-3 viewings, while Once Upon should have been a lot better. In 2022, for a solid, in his initial peek, still hanging on to indie roots Quentin Tarantino caper film, I feel this has aged better than any of his films. Without the initial post-Pulp hype and anticipation, this film plays a lot better when the audience goes into it with new and fresh eyes.
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Beer League (2006)
Great bang for the buck
12 June 2022
This is a really low budget movie that comes off quite well. The title shouldn't leave you surprised about the content. That being said, the plot is decent for this type of movie. The humour, which is the real point, is nonstop! There is some 'A' level humour in this movie, some of it you might miss if you're not catching everything. The supporting cast is really great. Again, I'm not pretending this is The Godfather. But for a rainy Sunday or a hungover Saturday, this movie delivers. I like Arties character and performance. There's no point examining the flaws, if you like this kind of flick there's no issues.
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BAD child actors
25 February 2022
Where did they find these kids? Really tried to make Phoebe as lesbian chic as possible, so much that I thought she was a guy until 15 minutes in. Strangest thing is that despite the Ghostbusters mania in the first 2 movies, this family is unaware of the notoriety or the pop culture of the car? One other major issue: the originals were a success because 4 grownups lived any kids dream and acted innocent as well. But this one got confused and decided it was a kids movie all around. Anyway, it's a decent attempt to reclaim the glory days, the plot was decent but could have been tuned up a bit. The Alberta landscape is beautiful throughout. Paul Rudd was a good addition. Awesome that Ivan's son ran the show, and I'm happy Ivan got to see it finished and finally released. Who ya gonna call!
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Hey this is grea.. ughhh! I got kicked in the nuts!
24 February 2022
Should I tell you the plot? Haha... riiiiiight, there is no plot. The timing of this movie couldn't be better as the world needed one big laugh before exiting 2 years of covid darkness and attempting to enter a new era. Johnny and the boys deliver again with more straight up laughs, wtf moments, and my favourite- "should I laugh or cry?" moments. The introduction of new diverse characters was needed, if not forced, and they rise to the occasion. Johnny performs well in his new role of player/coach. It would be great if this franchise continues into the future eventually with all new performers and all new gags and laughs. Indeed- Jackass Forever!
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How does this have a 6.2? Negative Nancy's?
8 January 2022
I just took my 5 year old boy and he loved it! First time he sat through a whole theatre movie. First of all it stayed true to the series with all the same characters and similar delivery. It introduced a new puppy in a perfectly organic way, and my son loved the new pup. The plot... come on, were you expecting Jason Bourne? It was good, it kept the flow and interest going with the final act being the biggest and quite entertaining. A 10 might be a stretch but I'm adding a point to offset the unpleasant 'adults' that rated it way too low. The popcorn was great too!
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Long Way Up: Oaxaca to L.A. (2020)
Season 1, Episode 11
I am so confused...
26 December 2021
They spent 4 days buying a bus and customizing it, so they could travel through the night in it for one night because it was unsafe to travel at night??? But they NEVER travel at night anyway. Also they seemed overly excited to be in the bus, but again, why? Are they feeling the miles? Were they disagreeing? Something does not add up at all. Really want a better explanation.
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Entourage (2015)
22 November 2021
Saw this when it was originally released, just saw it again after rewatching the entire series. It definitely holds up and all things considered, it did a great job staying true to the series while jumping to the big screen. Every actor is exactly as they were a few years earlier, which isn't always the case with these kind of movies. The plot was believable and could have easily been the basis of season 9. Arie and Drama as usual steal all the scenes and when it all ended, I was left wanting more of my entourage.
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This is HISTORY!
2 October 2021
An incredible moment in time becomes even more incredible in hindsight. No phones, no cameras, no internet.... just the good old days. A huge band captured at their greatest height as they deliver a rock solid performance just before the money, fame, and drugs took one last gargantuan bite and never returned Oasis the same. Excellent cinematography and sound accompany the festivities, but I do believe the true star of this is the crowd. All 125,000 per night, singing, dancing, bouncing to every note. Such a beautiful thing to watch for anyone with a heartbeat!
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Sons of Anarchy: Papa's Goods (2014)
Season 7, Episode 13
End scene explained...
23 August 2021
For everyone who thinks the cops would have caught him... remember OJ simpson's real life cop chase while being pursued for murder? Jax riding calmly kept the chase calm, more of a pursuit. It's realistic enough to work.
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5 March 2021
Probably the most surprising sequel ever! Like, 33 years later, that's hilarious in itself. Eddie and Arsenio were great together in pt 1, so I was happy to see both of them back. Plus, I haven't seen much of Arsenio lately. The premise is great in that, Akeem, left a little secret behind in America and it's time to answer that call. So much time passing works well for that premise also. I don't want to give anything away as it's not exactly a thick plot. I will say some of it, plot and jokes, was predictable. Sequels always have that uphill battle. But, overall it did the job and as far as I was concerned, the surprise of it simply showing up after all these years won me over. Don't overthink it, just enjoy it.
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Gold Rush (2010– )
Fred Lewis crew needs to go
15 January 2021
Love the show and the information I pick up along the way is nice. Tony has his family crew together as a side gig for tv, so he doesn't try too hard. His real outfit is not part of the show. Smart guy. Rick Ness crew is entertaining to watch, Karla is a rock star. Parker is the star and it's fun seeing his empire continue to build and we can actually see a lot of gold at the weigh ins. Fred Lewis... great guy, liked him on Parker's Trail spin-off. Can't stand watching his crew, especially knowing it's taking air time away from Rick mostly, but everyone is getting cut to work him in. It's boring and forced and the post-military angle is really forced. Can his crew, put him with Rick for extra help. Bring back the Dakota boys.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Wait a minute...
2 December 2020
Isn't it almost 2021? Aren't women being portrayed differently? Well, so far the lead is a flight attendant willing to lose her job and respect with every drink or guy that lands in front of her. There she is gettIng HAMMERED (AGAIN), in a foreign city with a guy she just met (AGAIN), while the music sings "I'm A Woman, Yeah". Despite being hot, her character is a complete turnoff. Drunk skanky skid. Step your life up!
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Different type of movie
12 August 2020
It's not a comedy like Pinapple Express or Superbad. Ok, that's out of the way. I liked it, it's a unique premise and I thought Seth did a good job putting himself out on a limb. Pretty good accent considering his usual style of acting. The movie puts out some laughs and makes you think a bit. If you enjoy it, great. If not, pick something else.
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The Kitchen (2019)
Another all-women flop
13 April 2020
Have we tried enough times yet? Melissa Mccarthy is brutal at the best of times... who wants to see that over and over. Come on Hollywood, take your balls back and get on with it!
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Very inspiring!
23 March 2020
Really cool documentary and continued to inspire me all the way through. I like how they cut from present to past back and forth until the past caught up to today. Great visuals, interesting story, good job getting all the characters to participate in the documentary. Some tense moments, soul searching moments, and straight up fun moments that left me in awe and wishing for a plane to Hawaii.
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Lots of potential, BAD execution
18 March 2020
I'm not a bot, I'm a super cool parent... About once a week we give our 3 year old boy time to watch this show. Unfortunately every time it ends he is in a horrible, non negotiable mood, and imitating the overly dramatic and bad tempered/mannered characters. He likes the show and we have tried but we are done. I'm writing this as a warning to parents. Our boy is well behaved/mannered/happy etc but once he sees this show he completely flips. There is no need to make the characters so whiny and so outspoken. The messages are great but lost in the drama that precedes it. Not worth it! We're doing fine teaching our kids and plenty of other shows are much better. Try: Sesame street, Super why, Clifford the dog.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
All broads... all flop
27 February 2020
Come on! How many of these blatant all woman starring, woman directed, flops need to be released? Getting sooo boring! I am woman hear me yaaawn!
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Long Shot (2019)
If you like Seth Rogen...
14 February 2020
...You will like this. Think 'Knocked Up' ramped up to the White House. The poor reviews are ridiculous. It's a Seth Rogen movie, it's called Long Shot for a reason! The jokes on you, dummies. Seth and Charlize had surprisingly good chemistry, there was some super funny scenes and one liners, and there was more feeling than one would expect. If you liked Superbad, Knocked Up, The Interview, you'll like this. If you didn't like those, or this... you suck.
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1917 (2019)
It's ok, but some weak parts (MINOR spoilers))
14 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get to it... These two guys wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes in this war being consistently naive as they are. Here's some questions for you: Would you stand in an open field watching an enemy plane get shot down above you and not move an inch until it almost crashes in to you? Would you try to save the enemy from the burning plane after your own guys put effort in to shooting him down? Would you discover a pail of milk and fill your canteen with it instead of the nearby water outlet? Would the obviously resourceful enemy leave the milk just sitting there? Would the enemy leave the dairy cow alive, knowing their enemy would soon be there, low on supplies? Then, would you give your milk away to a woman with a baby? (gee, how convenient.) Would a truck driver in an open field drive through the only mud puddle for no reason only to get stuck? I'll stop here. The movie was ok, way to simple of a plot, and way too many holes. I didn't appreciate the unnecessary editing magic that eliminated any/all cuts. Hope this helps.
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