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Not an homage, just a lazy copy
30 May 2019
I was hearing things here and there about the movie that were generally positive. That it was supposed to be some kind of homage to 80s adventure kid movies like Goonies. To be clear, it falls far far short of films like E.T., Goonies, Stranger Things, etc. The characters are lazy, the writing is lazy, the special effects are fairly poor. I was hoping for a light riff on some of the previous mentioned films but it just turned out to be a terrible movie. I would say the actors are actually trying to do a decent job, but it's so terribly written and directed that it doesn't matter. I was hoping for another Super 8. That was a movie that paid an honest homage to the kids adventure movies of the 80s. It followed some of the familiar plot lines but was still really well acted, directed, and had great visual effects. Your pre-teen may enjoy this, but I doubt anyone else will. Such a waste of a good opportunity.
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Master of None (2015–2021)
Warm and Funny
14 November 2015
If you've seen Aziz's latest comedy special this show will not surprise you. In his latest special Aziz was both funny and clever while at other times vulnerable and thoughtful. I would say his humanity, warmth, and huge talent for being funny come out in this show in spades. And as it should since I'm guessing it's only a slightly different version than real events he's gone through on his own. There have been many comparisons to Louie and I would agree that the style of the show is similar but what makes it different is the completely different perspectives that Aziz and Louie have. Even in his stand up there's this boyish charm and innocence that Aziz has and that comes out in this show. Many of the funniest moments are Aziz being boyish and charming. He's not convince all is evil, he still sees the the best in things but is sometimes nagged by pessimism and doubt whereas Louie tends to think everything is crap and is pleasantly surprised when there is humanity left in people. All and all this show is well worth watching if you want something that is mostly funny but also has some poignant and touching moments. I agree that the last 3 or so episodes take a less funny and more drama tone but I don't think that's a bad thing. I felt like this show almost felt like an Aziz diary. He wanted to portray the things he has obviously thought about and bring to light certain social issues that have given him pause. Lastly the supporting cast is awesome. It's nice to see Eric Wareheim actually be funny as the Tim and Eric Awesome Show is pretty awful in my opinion. You got to see him be much more of a human here and be really funny while at times poignant as well. The rest of the supporting cast was great too. Although Claire Danes being in a couple episodes felt a bit odd. Regardless a show worth watching and perfectly worth binging on!
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Relatable and Pleasant
3 January 2014
I realize a 10 out of 10 is generous and not what everyone would go this film. And I admit I'm suckered by the underdog story of a kid who feels like he doesn't belong and can't relate to a lot of other kids his age largely because I can relate to elements of that even though i wasn't quite as awkward or outsiderish as this kid. Movies like this or Kings of Summer speak to themes that mean a lot to me and my nostalgia of being a care free kid again.

Anyways, all that aside I do feel the film is quite solid. It's equal parts depressing and uplifting. It's more depressing initially but then later is uplifting. Some complain it's a bit too by the numbers or happy ending feeling at the end but for all the crap the kid put up with his step dad and step sibling I think it's nice to give him some sunshine. Beyond the story line ending a little too positively for some the acting and character development are definitely great. Allison Janney is hilarious in this film and aside from that all starring roles and supporting ones are done really well. You find yourself really believing and feeling for the characters like Owen, Duncan, his Mom, etc.

For myself I really enjoyed it even if it's not actually perfect. But for the kind of movie it is I do feel it is perfect. It's exactly the kind of ride I want to see. Frankly for people saying it's too sunny I think it's actually a bit overly depressing at first. His step father is so horrible to him (short of abuse that is) that you wish he had some sunny moments earlier in the film. I guess in that sense I wish the film would have been a bit more balanced as opposed to all depressing initially and nearly all uplifting at the end. Regardless an enjoyable ride nonetheless!
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Makes You Feel Optimistic About Humanity
16 January 2013
While I acknowledge the cynical points by some about this film I don't think it should discredit it and certainly shouldn't discredit it's intention. Yes I suppose the camera could have influenced people's decisions and their treatment of Joe. But we can't prove that and I honestly feel like most of these people came across as rather genuine. Would they have been AS altruistic without the camera? Perhaps, perhaps not. But I still think they would've tried to help. Regardless I still think the film had some great moments and told some great stories about people and about humanity. I refuse to look at this film through such a cynical filter that all I can do is pick it apart. As someone who believes in the power of Craigslist and people's general humanity and compassion for each other I found the film very enjoyable and even uplifting at times, but perhaps that's just my optimism.
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Good if you like Tarantino, otherwise stay away...
13 January 2013
I want to first state that I'm not particularly a fan of Tarantino films. I don't have an issue with them really and they are enjoyable in their own right but I definitely don't get the heaps of praise. I think his best stuff was probably Reservoir Dogs and Inglorious Bastards myself. I found Inglorious to have much more engaging characters and just be much more interesting and compelling. Django felt like a canvas for wanton violence like usual. Not to say Inglorious didn't have it's own level of wanton violence but at least things seemed a bit more justified here and there.

My issues with the film aside the acting was wonderful. Everyone really invested in their roles and made them their own. Leo was a bit campy and not really convincing and Samuel L Jackson was his usual moronic self. The less we see of him the better in films. I haven't seen anything good from him since Unbreakable. Christopher Waltz, for me at least, really runs the show. He lends such brilliance to his polite bounty hunter. And it's even a somewhat comical role as well given the different scenarios. So I definitely enjoyed his character best.

As far as plot...what plot you could say. It's pretty much a basic revenge film with some twists. The film jumped around a bit as Tarantino films usually do. There were of course several scenes or sub plots that were entirely unnecessary but Tarantino had a few buckets of blood left that were being unused so he thought, "Heck, let's add this scene and have him kill a few more people." I think my favorite tangent was Don Johnson as a plantation owner and a KKK founder. His role, and the sequences thereafter were rather amusing. In general though I felt like the film took WAY TOO LONG to get to the end. We all knew what would happen pretty much from the start. It just took Tarantino nearly hours to get there with what he thought were good "twists".

Ultimately if you like Tarantino films you probably won't be disappointed. Myself I'm a cautious fan of parts of his work but I generally am not impressed since it always feels like a lot of grand standing and look at me kind of crap. I heard this one was his "best" so I was curious. Not to mention the cast and theme warranted at least one viewing. But sadly I came away disappointed with a few gem scenes and the rest pretty much Tarantino tripe.
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In Bruges This Was Not
11 January 2013
I honestly didn't know the guy who made In Bruges made this. Regardless this film didn't even compare to In Bruges. It had some of the same dark humor and general psychopathic behavior of course, but outside of that they weren't very similar. In Bruges was so much better just because it was so much better balanced. It balanced comedy, absurdity, drama, emotion, and action. Seven Psychopaths was just basically balls to the wall madness. Tons of violence, non sensical dialogue, and general chaos. I was amused at parts but ultimately found it all too much and over the top to enjoy. The best comparison would be a lesser Snatch from Guy Ritchie. This was definitely closer to things like Snatch or Rock n Rolla then anything from the Coen brothers. But even Snatch and Rock n Rolla managed to pace themselves better and be more focused than Seven Psychopaths. I really liked Snatch and Rock n Rolla and I only mildly enjoyed Seven Psychopaths. I will not be having a repeat viewing of this film. It was only OK. Kudos for being different, but like everyone said, it could've been SO much better.
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End of Watch (2012)
If Training Day were a buddy cop film...
26 December 2012
I'd read a review that said while this is another foray into gritty hardcore cop films for David Ayer it still feels like the first time you've seen a cop film. And honestly it almost felt that way. I agree with another one of the reviews that brings out the strong chemistry of Michael Pena and Jake Gylenhaal. Their chemistry is outstanding. One can only think they must be pretty good friends outside of this film. These two guys really care about each other and give each other a hard time. It's so much fun to watch these two act like brothers.

Aside from this great chemistry the film is rather unflinching in it's depiction of life on the force in south L.A. Obviously it isn't the first film to do so but it still feels fresh with it's combination of point of view cameras and traditional views. Also I like the use of "surveillance" footage and night vision footage to mix things up. While you know that these various types are being used to add realism they still don't lose their effect in making you feel like you're there observing the action whether it's from the cop's perspective or the criminal's.

I honestly didn't expect much but this film was truly thrilling, entertaining, and moving to a degree. I wrote the title I did because I felt it was the same excellent character driven film like Training Day (and written by the same guy of course) but instead this is about two people who love each other as opposed to two people who hate each other. Outside of that it's rather similar when it comes to a series of scenarios that lead up to a finale. I also like the unflinching not so happy ending in this film. I am a bit jaded and I felt like I expected it to one degree or another but at the same point I still felt like it kept the story real and more relatable.

All and all a solid cop film that provides both the story and thrills to satisfy all audiences. Kudos David Ayer, kudos.
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Looper (2012)
Looper - Brilliantly Original
7 October 2012
Thankfully there are enough intelligent people to outweigh all of the idiots on here. IMDb used to be the place for cinephiles but that's changed over the last few years. Regardless don't all of the idiots stop you from seeing this film. I will forewarn you that it is a bit more challenging to follow and will make you think. So you're simply looking for a good action shoot em up it may not satisfy you. If you're looking for a sci-fi film on par with movies like Blade Runner get in line. Personally I'm a huge film of Rian Johnson. He pulls no punches. His stories are incredibly well written with a high attention to detail. And this movie is his best to date. Joseph Gordon Levitt is his usual brilliant self in here. Bruce Willis does well and finally isn't "dying hard". I think one thread said it best if you focus on the time travel you miss the point.

Ultimately this film is about presenting a complicated moral dilemma within an action/sci-fi context. The protagonist has decide to go from selfish to selfless. A change that doesn't happen easily or quickly. And it makes you question how far would you go to preserve your own happiness. Would you kill anyone, even children? It explores people's desire to do absolutely anything to preserve their own life purely out of selfish desire of self preservation. The film definitely challenges the viewer several times as to what is right or wrong and at what point those things intersect or change places.

The moral dilemma aside the sci-fi portions are excellent. I like that the film is anchored and believable as a not too distant future. Aside from time travel everything is rather believable. Watch closely to see that all vehicles have been converted to electric or alternative fuel cars with these big black ugly conversion kits on all the older cars. A brilliant touch of detail and very realistic since if that is the direction all cars go to chances are old vehicles will continue to exist but will need converted. There are also solar panels roughly attached to many vehicles. Aside from that the vaguely dystopian look of the world but not overly futuristic look is made so well and so believably.

Lastly as an action film it's great. Nothing gratuitous. Good characters, good action scenes, believable action, no one leaping buildings, etc.

A lot of people just don't get how brilliant this film is. Thankfully the critics do, hence why they're critics and a majority of the idiots on here are not. Even people in the theater behind us said, "Really?" and "That was lame." Which is staggering. This is definitely more of a moral dilemma film with a strong sci-fi and action element. If you want pure action go see some crappy Die Hard film.
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Political Animals (2012– )
This is no West Wing
26 July 2012
While I never got deeply into West Wing whenever I watched it you can't help but love the intelligent plots, the snappy dialog, and the smart characters. This show appears to be missing pretty much all of that. Granted it's not trying to bill itself as West Wing but as I watched the first few episodes I couldn't help but feel like it was trying really hard to make me interested and make this a 'hard" and "realistic" portrayal of political life. But I don't buy it. There is some pretty top notch talent here. Carla is usually solid, although generally lacks dimension in her characters, Sigourney, well she plays the same thing in everything and rarely impresses, Ellen Burstyn is actually fun to watch but doesn't get a lot of meat to her role, so ultimately it's not that great, the greatest disappointment here is Ciaran Hinds. Personally I think he is an excellent actor. Everything I've seen him in he's done great. But here is completely wasted. Not only does a southern drawl not suit him well, but it's just not the kind of character he portrays usually. He plays the Bill Clinton-esque philanderer who is supposed to be magnetic. Instead he feels kind of slimy, old fashioned, and just uninteresting. Too bad, too bad. I think Ciaran would be better suited for a more intellectual and layered role, but oh well. Regardless the whole show to me just feels like it's trying too hard and really trying to be this hard political show when it's just another USA snoozer. USA puts out good stuff occasionally but ultimately it's usually unoriginal or unintelligent takes on better shows from cable networks like AMC, HBO, and Showtime. Too bad, I was curious, but now I have no interest.
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So much potential...wasted
13 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will preface with the statement that I am not a Whedon fanboy nor am I heavy into the sci-fi/fantasy genres that he tends to delve into regularly. That being said I LOVE a good sci-fi or fantasy film. Some things Whedon has done I like others, such as Buffy are horrid. Buffy was the Twilight of its day.

This film had a lot of buzz for quite some time. The trailer was promising. Everything I heard was that it was going to be an awesome trip. Sadly I dragged my wife along, putting stock in the, usually right, metacritic rating of 73. Apparently the critics have drank the kool aid just like the fanboys.

This movie was borderline awful. There are several key elements that hurt it for me. First of all it thinks it's winking throughout the film to the audience and being coy and tongue and cheek. I found this to come off as generally just dumb and unoriginal. A film that does that ten times better is Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. That was a much better horror film with it's bag of parody and humor added in. Aside from some of the humor not working, some of it did, some of it just felt ill timed. I found the humor to be more appropriate in the settings with the control guys overlooking things and the office pool and all of that set against the backdrop of horror. That was some nice levity. Plus, who doesn't love Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford?

Failed attempts at humor aside I just didn't feel like it really pulled off any of it's unique elements well. It had this great idea. Take the horror movie, turn it on it's head. You have this company who controls things. This with another twist of they all do this in fear so they can please some ancient beings. All rather original concepts and all framed in an interesting way. Yet the cohesion between these elements felt not only somewhat forced at times but would completely go off the rails at points. Once the purge button was hit I felt like it had metaphorically purged what hope I had left for the film. It's too bad such an opportunity was squandered.

What I would have changed is have a lot less build up of the -wink, wink- horror clichés. And once the two get in the "building" or whatever, that should have been where it got really good. For a few moments it did. I liked the part where they saw the various creatures and then it zooms out. Loved it. Then they should've had to figure out how to get out of the labyrinth with the Staples "That was easy." button right in front of them. That could have been much more interesting and a better way to keep things thrilling. There would have been plenty of time to do so if the tongue and cheek beginning had been cut down. And lastly I'm glad they let the ancient beings out. But it should've ended with some The Fog-esque idea where it zooms out and shows these beings coming out and overtaking the world. A nice few minute prologue showing the overcoming of the Earth. But like I said, this opportunity was squandered. Too bad...too bad.
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Too Bad It Was Cancelled
26 December 2011
This will join the likes of Freaks and Geeks and Arrested Development as shows that should have never been cancelled. I actually went back and watched this show after I heard it was cancelled and had been nominated for some awards.

I agree with others. This show is brilliant! I love the realism of the show and its characters. There are good and bad moments and the interactions are very genuine. Most people, young or old, can relate to the struggle for success. Trying to seek your own path but still pay the bills. This show also makes me miss NYC and Brooklyn desperately. This show lives and breaths NYC. I think that is one of the great things about this show is not only the genuine stories and characters but it really feels like you're in NYC. All and all I love this show. I love the humor, the drama, the people, all of it.

My only criticism is that sometimes there are some overly dramatic plot turns. And sometimes the characters make decisions that are inexplicable or dumber than how their character is presented. I know people make mistakes but this show makes the occasional mistake (most shows make it a lot) of making something happen just for the sake of creating a plot point or drama or what not. I didn't feel like this often but occasionally something was just too unbelievable or stupid. Otherwise the shows ie excellent. Worth going back and checking for those who haven't.
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Enlightened (2011–2013)
A Bit Off
25 December 2011
Obviously the title has multiple meanings considering the show and its character. Some of the other reviewers make the easy point that she isn't very likable. The first two or three episodes kind of set the ground work for the show. I don't necessarily have an issue with how manic and bi polar she can be. I guess my issue was more so her lack of growth through the show. I'm at episode 8 and I thought the show would be more about her figuring out her zen approach to the world isn't realistic and would find a balance between her hardcore corporate approach and her hippie approach. But she seems to not learn from her mistakes and keep trying the same ignorant and zany things. As such I don't feel very fulfilled yet or feel like she had made progress. I do like her reflective narrations at times when she really realizes something profound. Those moments are a nice counter balance to the other crazy and awkward moments (which there are many of). I'm curious to see how the show develops and where it goes. I like the supporting cast almost more than the main character. They generally add some nice moments and comedic points. All and all worth watching at some point but prepare yourself since it is not for everyone.
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Episodes (2011–2017)
10x Better Than Friends
23 December 2011
I just want to say that first off I'm surprised that the guy who created Friends was able to create this. I believe that Matt Leblanc is probably as good as whatever he is given. Friends was an abomination. But this show is funny. Matt is funny and self deprecating. And the two British stars, whom I hadn't heard of until now, are excellent as well. I honestly felt like this show just got funnier with every episode. The finale was hilarious. By far the best episode, wink, of them all. It's definitely worth checking out. Although I do feel sometimes it paints with too heavy a brush when it depicts Hollywood and it's people. We get it, everyone is vain and jerks. I don't think it needs thrown in our faces every moment or taken to such extremes that they do with the main Hollywood head Merc. I'm quite certain he is supposed to be a parody on Marc Cherry who came up with Desperate Housewives. Anyways worth a look if you want a sharp acerbic comedy.
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Rango (2011)
Brilliant Animated Film
30 November 2011
I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy Rango as my wife had tried watching it previously and thought it odd and got bored. Well I can agree with one thing it definitely is a bit off or odd. Which I liked. I kind of expected as such from the previews and with Johnny Depp and Gore Verbinski at the helm.

One film I would compare this to is Antz from around 10 years ago. Antz to me was one of the best early animated films in terms of writing and story. Great animation too. Technically I believe it was the first digitally created animated film. This one has a similar tone in its quirky off kilter approach to its characters and story. I find it also similar in that Rango has a very original take on its setting and characters.

One thing you noticed, or should rather, is the immense detail in animation. I would easily says this gives anything out there a run for its money when it comes to textures, shadows, etc. Many of the animal characters look quite close to real if it weren't for their clothes and facial expressions etc. Regardless wonderful animation. Any shouldn't it be, it is after all the first film from Industrial Light and Magic which is ran by Lucas Films. I sincerely hope they put another one of these gems out.

If you enjoy original and quirky characters and story this is the film for you. I wouldn't say it is necessarily for kids given some of the adult humor at times and just a general off beat and darker style that I wouldn't think would really appeal to a younger audience. But it was great for me!
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Puncture (2011)
Surprisingly Mesmerizing
30 November 2011
I actually didn't know this was more or less a true story. Which does make it a bit more interesting although not in the least surprising since the medical industry has always been corrupt in this way. But on to the film.

I agree with some other comments. This film only further shows how versatile Chris Evans is. Not sure how seriously I took him 10 years ago in X-Men other than doing a decent job and being funny and quick witted. But he has definitely shown a larger range. He still gets thrown more action kind of roles. But if this movie is any indication he can definitely handle more complex dramatic roles as well. Personally I really liked this film. I thought the story was very engaging. And honestly I was very drawn in by Chris Evans' performance. Obviously there is no extension of the imagination in a drug addicted lawyer. But he plays it extremely convincingly. Other than that all the other supporting roles are done well and support well.

Some of the small criticisms is that it is a bit cliché in the goliath and David story line and all. And like one user pointed out I would have liked to see them show more about the court case itself that the entire film builds up to. But I don't really share the criticism of it being all about Chris's character. I think that was the intent. To show someone who was so smart with so much passion but also with many demons and vices. I think his story was as important as the case he was fighting for was.

All and all I found very enjoyable to watch. I actually didn't have the highest hopes but was pleasantly surprised by the excellent acting which more than made up for some of the more common or cliché parts. Check it out if you get a chance.
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Genuinely Likable and Semi-Original
21 November 2011
I suppose semi-original is a bit of a back handed compliment. I feel like Paul Rudd's character is fairly original or at least in his execution of it. I found the film to be quite charming and enjoyable and was surprised it wasn't reviewed higher. It does have some predictable characters and plot twists but generally thought it felt quite fresh.

Paul Rudd is of course the star but Elizabeth Banks, Emily Mortimer, and Adam Scott give a nice bolstering to the cast. I would have LOVED to see more Steve Coogan since he is so hilarious but he wasn't given much to work with in this one. Zooey Deschanel has become tired to me and I could do without her and her typical adorkable crap. I find her genuinely annoying now even though I use to find her quite enjoyable. Too much of a good thing I guess, or something.

All and all though I just really liked it. There probably could have been more done with it but Paul Rudd is so enjoyable and does this role to such perfection that you can't help but love him and be on his side. I don't think I could put this in feel good comedy territory because I don't feel it is quite that formulaic or mundane. But it definitely has those kind of leanings. If you want a good laugh and just a nice charming film this is a good choice. I recommend it.
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30 Rock (2006–2013)
Not as Funny as You Think It Is
8 November 2011
I felt the need to write a review for a show I find little humor in. I will admit I am not a regular viewer, but that is for the obvious reason. I've tuned into several episodes here and there through the years since it garnered so many awards early on and has been critically well received in the past. Although I don't hear much about it anymore so things may have waned in both of those areas. Regardless by and large I personally find this show to be unfunny.

Lets start with a few positives. Tina Fey, one of the best writers SNL has had. Well suited for Weekend Update and great film with Mean Girls. Although aside from that I have found she has little to offer aside from her writing prowess. Her comedy for me generally tends to come off as too awkward and forced. Also, I LOVE Alec Baldwin. Whether dramatic or comedic he continues to amaze. He is the star of this show per se but once again it all goes back to writing. I think this show tries too hard. Its trying so desperately to be different and against the grain that I think many of the jokes fall flat. Yes there are nice little quippy parts here and there. And there are funny moments. But for all of the critical reviews and awards heaped on this show early on I expected it to be monumentally better.

The guest spots are usually quite amusing and Jack McBrayer is great as the assistant. One of the largest glaring flaws for me is Tracy Morgan. He is one of the least funny people on television. Giving him a platform to be a huge idiot, otherwise known as himself, seems a mistake. I know some like his brand of humor but I prefer things way less sophomoric and completely idiotic. I mean come on, Brian Fellows? This is just an extended SNL for him. Which he was a massive failure on as well to me. And in certain ways the entire show kind of feels like an SNL run on (a show that is sparsely funny) and as such grows tired quickly to me.

And one exception I would definitely take is people comparing it to Arrested Development. Not every moment of that show was genius but you do it a huge disservice comparing 30 Rock to it. Arrested was WAY better. Way more original and quirky. Better characters and exponentially better writing. Merely the absence of Tracy Morgan alone makes it way better. I personally can't wait til this show ends. It's wasting a perfectly good half hour of TV.
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Suburgatory (2011–2014)
Better but not best
7 November 2011
My wife forced me to watch this. She has excellent taste but has some guilty pleasure shows that make contemplate suicide. One of them is Suburgatory. The name alone makes me want to skip it. That and I've heard middling reviews. Although the critical reviews for this show have been more positive than most of the trash that came out this season (Up All Night, Two Girls, New Girl, Whitney, Free Agents, etc.). As such I sat threw it. Now let me mention that I LOVE Alan Tudyk in anything he does and I like Jeremy Sisto as well. Although Sisto definitely feels out of his element here. Even the lead girl is cute and quite funny. The show kind of feels like Mean Girls and Easy A but a bit watered down. The lead definitely has an Emma Stone vibe. But that is fine, since I like Emma Stone a lot.

I think this show has some decent ideas. Although none of them are really new. I think the show would be better if it were more clever in tackling some of these rehashed ideas. Which I think it does at times. But more often than not it resorts back to cliché plot points and characters. I tend to agree with one critic that if this show were on HBO or Showtime and given free reign to do what the writer may have originally wanted it could have been better. But sadly this show kind of goes to the same territory a lot of new entrants are doing this year. Stale, rehashed material and writing that gives us nothing new. I for one feel that almost this entire new line of shows is just one huge flop after another. So far I have only been impressed with American Horror Story. I hear some good things about mid season shows so we'll wait for those.

Lastly if you like kind of typical tripe that is Mean Girls/Easy A themed then you'll probably like this. Don't get me wrong I think both of those movies are great. But they also both took this genre to a higher level. This feels aimed at teens and their moms and extremely watered down. But I'm sure there are those who will like it.
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Up All Night (2011–2012)
Should Be Funnier
7 November 2011
Considering the talent in this show I had higher hopes. But sadly most shows centered around being new parents and a baby are usually failures. This show continues to rehash the same themes of new parenthood (ie finding time for each other, no sleep, loving/hating your child, etc). Which is too bad because Will Arnett is wonderful but still has yet to do anything better than his character Gob in Arrested Development. A show so far superior to this one that I'm afraid to mention them in the same sentence. Christina, well, yeah, she has had more sitcom failures than any one person cares to admit. I'm not sure this is really a reflection upon her. Just poor projects that come her way and poor writing. And lastly Maya Rudolph who was hysterical in Bridesmaids does a very made for TV portrayal of Oprah. Her character is cringe worthy in nearly every scene. It is kind of like her very own worst of SNL reel put into a role. Painful.

Sadly this show could have had potential due to the people involved. But this recycled material was destined for failure because apparently the writers are trying as hard as Maya Rudolph in this show resulting in a painful and predictable show. I wish it was better but it's not.
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Scary Done Right
13 October 2011
I have to say I was somewhat skeptical when I heard about this show. Especially since doing horror in a serial series is difficult. But knowing the minds behind Nip/Tuck and Glee were at the helm was comforting. Honestly finding out that the guys who did Nip/Tuck also created Glee was surprising considering the massive departure. But I guess we all have our pet projects. Anyways onto the show...

Personally I like all the actors involved. Dylan McDermott and Connie Britton both give convincing and realistic performances. And the supporting cast fills out nicely. A couple reviews here write it off as nothing more than fun popcorn horror shtick. I don't see that personally. I mean it isn't horribly dark and weird since it's basic cable but it by far a step above most horror films produced today. Is it can't turn the lights off scary? No. I say this film succeeds better at being genuinely creepy. I've only seen the pilot but I like it already. Things make sense and the tension and creepiness are palpable. There is a lot of allusions to future scares and stories and lots of questions as to who is what and whom etc.

Everyone in show is not a ghost for sure. The basic idea is that the home is haunted or inhabited or what not and basically drives the people who live there crazy. I think more than anything I'm interested in hearing more of the original owner who was a doctor to the stars. It is implied that there lots of dead little ones or dead babies which makes you think botched pregnancies, experimentation, abortion, etc. That so far seems to be the darkest story but the other characters all seem to have their own story to tell as well.

I'm not sure what the perception of the ghosts/house changing by character means. This only appears to have happened once so far. But I am curious about the implication of this as well. Possibly a ghost manifesting itself in the most effective way to each person to make them crazy? Anyways, if you like something genuinely creepy that will make you anticipate what happens in the next episode this is the show for you. It is nice to see well done horror show come back to TV. They're extremely rare mostly due to the fact that they are hard to do. But this one seems done right to me.
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Wilfred (2011–2014)
Pecurliar but Brilliant
6 October 2011
I must admit that when I saw previews and saw spots for this show I thought it just looked a bit too offbeat and strange. But I happened upon it on Hulu and thought I'd give it a watch. While part of me was still reluctant the show quickly breaks down any barriers you may have largely due to the masterful Jason Gann who plays Wilfred the dog, er, man, er, I don't know what. Elijah Wood does a great job of holding his own comedically largely playing the straight character who tries to do what is right. But he still does a good job being funny in lots of the weird and outrageous scenarios Wilfred gets him into. Good performances by the rest of the cast and cameos as well. Chris Klein does his normal bang up job of a douchebag boyfriend. But this shows success largely still all goes to Jason Gann. The humor hits all kind of area, sometimes it is weird and quirky, other times dry, many times sarcastic and biting, vulgar and crass, and so on. Some of the best parts is when Wilfred who is a human reacts to things as a dog, such as being sprayed with water or seeing bubbles and things along those lines. Some genius writing honestly. The show seems like it would just be too weird but if you like things like Flight of the Conchords and Sunny in Philly try mixing those two together and you get Wilfred, but with no songs, haha. All and all a worthwhile watch.
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Hesher (2010)
Not Terribly Impressive
3 October 2011
After reading several of the overwhelmingly good reviews about Hesher here I figured it must have been better than I had originally heard. Since the initial reviews I was hearing were a bit more tepid from it's average to it's excellent. Now I'd just like to state for the record that I am a HUGE Joseph Gordon Levitt fan. I love all of his stuff from Mysterious Skin to Brick to Inception. Wonderful actor with superb skills. That being said he doesn't disappoint in this film with a truly misanthropic role that I found similar to Mysterious Skin in ways. This film is an indie film through and through. No matter how you feel about the main character you have to admit that all of the acting from Rainn Wilson, Levitt, Portman, and other notable supporting actors is excellent. And I certainly applaud the young guy who did JT. I hope I see more of him. He reminds me of Rory Culkin in some ways.

As you can see above I certainly have praise for the film in certain respects. But I find that ultimately the main character his so few and far between glimpses of humanity that it makes him off putting. I feel this film is very misanthropic in ways. While there are small themes here and there about loss, hope, finding happiness etc. They all get loss in the storm that is Hesher. It makes the film unbelievable in ways since no one in their right mind would let Hesher intrude the way he does and subsequently no one's lives would change for the better as they kind of do in the film. I think it's these things in combination with the fact that no one seems to call Hesher on his bullcrap and even when they kind of do he's so "cool" or "aloof" that he obviously knows better than them. I don't know I guess ultimately his character is too unbelievable as a real person and too abrasive as a character for me to feel engaged or drawn in by him. And for that fact and the other acutely indie traits (gorgeous actress uglied down, "real" settings like crappy homes, crappy surroundings, crappy van, crappy stores) that make this film feel too contrived and feel like it is trying too hard for me. But to each their own of course.
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The League (I) (2009–2015)
Excellent Comedy!
30 April 2011
This is one of the best, by far in my opinion, comedies out there. For me it has successfully filled the void left by Arrested Development. There are other shows that fill this void as well but this one of the few shows that satisfies my desire for quick witted humor combined with sophomoric humor. My wife feels it's a guy's show. I can't entirely disagree. I would say it is definitely aimed at the very people it features. But also I would say anyone who likes sharp and fast humor like Arrested or Sunny will like this. There is definitely enough humor that goes outside fantasy football to appeal to a more general demographic. I think my favorite part of the is that it is lauded as semi scripted which to me really comes out in the dialogue. You can tell that there are times when they are genuinely laughing at the jokes or barbs each other throws out there unexpectedly. This also adds to the chemistry of the characters and the naturalness of the show. It really feels like you're watching 5 friends/couples going back and forth and arguing or discussing etc. Supposedly, and I believe it, the main actors are all friends in real life and even do a fantasy league with the shows creators. Regardless of whether that is true or not I think this is a true comedy gem that should be around for a long time.
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So Pretentious It Convinced Itself
13 June 2010
This film is so caught up in it's own revelatory ideas and themes that it comes off too strong and too pretentious. If a film wants to make a commentary on sexual dynamics and people's inner dialogues maybe it should let these stories tell themselves a bit more and let things develop a bit more naturally. I like monologues and cerebral conjecture just as much as the next guy but when it becomes exhausting and tiresome to listen to and the movie in effect starts to isolate me then it has failed in it's original objective. If your objective is to educate and be insightful you should probably make sure your audience still cares at the end of the film. I know it is just my opinion but this film turned me off completely even though I really wanted to see it.
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Somers Town (2008)
Charming Film
10 May 2010
I am an American but I like all kinds of film. I only bring this out because I can't as well relate or know all of the little social ques in this film quite as someone from the UK. Regardless I liked it a lot. It wasn't deep. It wasn't complicated. But thats what made it nice and charming. A simple story about two kids who are unlikely friends. They bond over the simple things, like a girl, and become quite close. While the film I would say was a bit idealistic and whimsical that's what made it enjoyable. It truly felt like a small little piece of escapism cinema. A realistic story and characters but just with a nice charm and sweetness you don't see in film too often. This just goes to show a film can be enjoyable without being "real" per se where there's all kinds of suffering and turmoil in addition the joyous times. I recommend this to anyone who just wants a nice one hour uplifting film. Although I do feel they could've made it a bit longer but oh well.
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