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10,000 BC (2008)
Chariot of the Gods?
6 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the trailer is incredibly misleading. This isn't so much an action-adventure as a hero's journey, and a historically inaccurate one at that. Not that I should have expected careful research - this is Roland Emmerich after all - but I thought he might do a Jean-Jacques Annaud, and give us "QUest for Fire" part deux. Nope. This is a very strange film, indeed. Everyone speaks perfect English, they walk for several days and enter a completely different climate zone, and we see ziggurat-pyramids about 8,000 years before they were actually constructed. I think Emmerich was either on peyote or he believes "Chariots of the Gods." On the plus side, the film has Cliff Curtis, who's the best thing since sliced bread, and some really cool CGI woolly mammoths and a sabertooth tiger. And the lead actor is attractive. That's about it.
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Supernatural: Asylum (2005)
Season 1, Episode 10
Gets better all the time
20 January 2007
I read some good comments about this show through various sources, so thought I would give it a chance. A big plus to "Supernatural" is that it comes from a lot of really kick a$# people from "The X-Files," my all-time favorite addiction. The pilot wasn't great, but as I've learned you have to keep watching a few episodes. Now I'm absolutely hooked. "Skin" was really good. Reminded me a bit of "Tooms" from X-Files. "Asylum" was one of the best! It's a bit like "Session 9" but scarier. I am a hardcore horror fan, and this one had me very nervous. "Scarecrow" is a bit "Jeepers Creepers" but excellent. You can tell that the writers of this show love horror and you get a lot of great in-jokes. In "Asylum" you get some references to "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," and in a previous episode, maybe "Home," Dean mentions that his brother has the ability to "shine," a reference to "The Shining." What makes this show so exceptional is that the writing is typically good; some twists on some familiar story lines and great character development. I adore Dean. He's probably my new favorite TV character - a witty, smart aleck who's all rebel. Love this show. I hope they keep on getting better!
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Exceptional film
17 October 2006
I was hesitant to see this because I figured it would be a patriotic appeal for war. What I found was very surprising. First of all, I commend the writer and filmmaker for having a Native American as one of the main characters. Navajo codetalkers were instrumental in our success, but few movies have even mentioned them. In fact, the John Woo film focused more on Nicolas Cage's character than the always excellent Adam Beach. In Flags of Our Fathers, we see how the war has impacted the lives of three men. The most touching story was Ira Hayes, played by Beach. I think he should win an Oscar for his portrayal. He conveyed much more warmth and had much more depth than the other "leads." Even though the narrative was indeed disjointed, if you have the attention span, you can figure it out. Even though the film was two and one-half hours, it didn't feel like it. I found the story very compelling, and a refreshing antidote to a lot of the war films we see. No matter which side you fight on, war is not kind, and Eastwood depicts that well. Overall, a fine effort from all involved.
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Very informative doc
16 August 2006
Ever since the 1980s, when a suicide bomber blew up up U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Baer has been trying to figure out who did it and, probably, why. This documentary is his journey into the cult of "martyrdom," looking at its origins in Iran and its spread through Lebanon, Israel, the Gaza Strip, and now virtually everywhere. I found the doc very informative, offering interviews with people only Baer could get an audience with - such as the thousands of prisoners in Israeli prisons and several key suicide bomber organizers. As the previous reviewer said, Baer has some real courage to be in some of these places, particularly Hezbollah controlled areas and Iran where people are shouting "death to America." It's also interesting to go inside of those countries to see for ourselves the kind of propaganda that's everywhere, such as a myriad of posters of suicided bombers. The doc raises several important questions, including how can countries that value their lives counter countries that don't? It's almost like the harikari pilots all over again. What's more, they feel glorified in death, and become instant heroes when they die. Parents happily sign authorization forms for them to become merchants of suicide. Watching it, you'll stare ahead with your mouth open in disbelief. In fact, it kind of reminds me of serial killers, who claim they killed more people than they did because of the prestige. Suicide bombing is a growing threat to everyone, and I think this film sheds a bit of much needed light on the subject. Keep up the good work Baer. Love to see more.
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Only for fans
1 August 2006
The Will Farrell comedy franchise continues with this film about a guy born in the backseat of a car. As he grows up, his need for speed grows into his adult years when he gets a job as a member of the pit stop crew at NASCAR. He gets his chance to show his stuff when the team's driver decides that he has to go to the toilet during a race. From then on nothing can stop Ricky Bobby, the man with two first names. That is until, a Formula 1 driving Frenchman is added to Ricky Bobby's lineup. And the heat is on. Fans of Farrell and Nascar will probably love this film. When I saw it at an early screening, the audience was laughing and even cheering. I'm not a Farrell fan or a follower of Nascar, so I became bored about halfway into the film. It seemed too long and relied on the same jokes over and over, particularly Ricky Bobby and his friend's signature phrase "Shake and Bake." Enough already. Sacha Baron Cohen is the best reason to endure this film. Maybe Steve Martin should have taken French lessons from this guy. He's very good. And so is John C. Reilly, who plays the clueless buddy. A particularly cringeworthy performance comes courtesy of Molly Shannon. How does she keep getting work? Talladega Nights will undoubtedly make a lot of money at the box office. It will be seen by all of those people who never read reviews. Oh well. At least I can say I didn't have to pay for it.
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Barnyard (2006)
Ripping off Lion King
29 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of this animated film is a dumbed down Lion King, where the son of a mighty leader must find his own leadership skills after his father dies. In this case, the son is a party-hardy heifer who blows off responsibility in favor of a good time. You have the obligatory coyotes as the bad guys, and the wacky companion animals, including a weasel who dreams of eating chickens, a Hispanic mouse, an apple loving pig, and a scrawny rooster who needs to find his voice. It's all been done before a million times, and probably in much better ways. There are some funny moments, however, they are included in the trailer, such as the fat, red-haired snot who gets his comeuppance for cow tipping. As many have mentioned in the boards, this is clearly written by someone who has never set foot in a rural area. Heifers have udders, cows drink milk as their recreational drink, a pig even claims that he likes the smell of bacon. I don't know if I was more insulted or disgusted by all of the stupidities added in this film. Oh well, what can you expect from the writer of Ace Ventura: Call of the Wild? If you're desperate for entertainment - and I do mean desperate - see it, otherwise, watch the Lion King again.
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District B13 (2004)
Parkour rules!
29 July 2006
I saw two action-adventure films this weekend - "Miami Vice" and "Banlieue 13," and let me tell you, the latter is a real action-adventure. The other is atmospheric posturing. I would have had more fun stabbing myself repeatedly in the eyes. But I digress. Banlieue 13 is fast-paced with excellent stunts and fight sequences. David Belle, a co-founder of Parkour, is everything you want in your action-hero. He's handsome, tough, and he has a conscience. He was born in the "suburbs," but he isn't willing to accept what it's become. He truly is a fighter for justice. Belle is well matched with David Rafaelli, a martial arts genius. He is an equal justice seeker. And boy can he dispatch the bad guys. I like that these guys don't run around killing people indiscriminately, but do what they do because they truly believe in the Egalite, fraternite, et liberte. If you know anything about what's been going on in France, this film will particularly resonate with you. It addresses the despair in the banlieues and the government's unwillingness to make significant changes to reverse those problems. In the United States, too, we tend to want to wall up urban areas and just let them kill each other, but what about the innocents, trapped in there with the drug dealers, criminals, etc? See this movie as soon as you can, and get in on the pre-Parkour buzz. The style has been popular cinematically in France for a while, but it's soon to explode internationally when Casino Royal opens. (The opening sequence has Sebastien Foucon, the other founder of Parkour, leaping through Rio de Janero, I think.) Cool, cool, et super cool.
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Dick fans and drug film lovers rejoice
26 June 2006
I love Philip K. Dick's work and was pleased with this adaptation of "A Scanner Darkly." Keanu Reeves does a really good job in the lead - he's in his element here - but he's really upstaged by Robert Downey Jr. and Woody Harrelson who engage in some surreal and hilarious conversations. It's like you're sitting with a bunch of guys tripping. Needless to say, some of the dialogue is hilarious, and I can see this film becoming another cult classic. (When they talk about two hemispheres being separate, I couldn't help but think about "Repo Man.") As for the animation, I found it a bit distracting. I think I would have preferred the use of CGI when it came to the agent suit that continually blends the faces of about 1 million people so that the agent isn't recognized. If you like drug films, then this is a must see. If that's not your bag, then you might have some problems with the film. It's sometimes obtuse and the story a bit convoluted. It's best to sit back and experience the film. It's a drug trip in itself.
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The first half was good
16 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of Keanu Reeves, so despite the fact that this was going to be yet another foreign film remake - Il Mare is Korean - I went to see it. I was impressed at Keanu's performance; he's certainly improving, and Sandra Bullock is also good. (Jack, the dog outshines them both, though.) BUT, here it comes, this is yet another sappy rom-com that has one gigantic hole in the center. ************************ GIGANTIC SPOILER **********************

Look at the guy who is laying face down in the street. It's obvious who that is from the back of his head, so the mystery should fly right out the window at that that point. My biggest gripe is that this woman has danced, talked to, KISSED Alex (Reeves) only two years before, and when she comes upon him as a car wreck victim she doesn't recognize him? I can remember what people looked like that I went to grade school with. How is it that she doesn't put two and two together that Alex has died? Once this big hole sat there like a rock, I lost all interest in this film. Also why can't Hollywood just let it be that these two had a relationship that wasn't consummated? That was never realized? Like the romance novels, they fuel that stupid belief that if women wait around long enough Prince Charming, the man of their dreams will come riding into their lives and everything will be perfect. Yawn. Boring.

I'm glad that John Cusack just said no to this, because he's going to become typecast as this kind of guy. Keanu needs to start saying no, too. He's "deeper" than this.
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Slither (2006)
Better than you'd think
31 March 2006
I didn't have very high hopes for this film, which in the trailers looks like a total gross out. It is disgusting at times, but it's also funny, creepy and much better than I had expected. The lead actors are great - Rooker and the actor from Firefly are the best - and the script is above average. Think Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Tremors with a bit of Arachnaphobia thrown in. (While you're watching the film, you'll feel like something is crawling on you.) I was surprised at how much I enjoyed myself. Don't be put off by the trailer, which makes you wonder if this is a "piss take." Check it out. You'll probably have a good time.
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Flightplan (2005)
Awful film
17 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
************CONTAINS SERIOUS SPOILERS***************************

You know it's bad when you want the main character bound and gagged. I was so annoyed with her that I couldn't have cared less that her daughter might have been kidnapped. Aren't you supposed to CARE about the main character? This wasn't Hitchcockian. That would have meant that you felt some level of suspense. This was like a Gothic novel, with the crazy heroine stuck in a big, spooky house. Only this script wasn't interesting enough to make a modern Gothic story. (It might have been worth watching had they done that.) No, instead. Hollywood has to do this conspiracy, Air Force One rip off, about a mother who has, AGAIN, lost her daughter. What is with this rash of films about mothers and their lost kids? I'm sick to the back teeth of them. And of course we have to have that final shot of the tough mother, bare arms and all, coming out of the plane, child in arms. I mean come on. YAWN, people. Act in an original, interesting script or pack it in Ms. Foster. We're getting a little tired of the "avenging mother" baloney.
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