
27 Reviews
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Why the bad reviews??!!!
14 September 2020
This movie was awesome, sure it was kinda dumb and just plain gory comedy, but thats what made it so great. it was amazing, sick effects, soooo funny!!!
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Hereditary (2018)
It was good, i get it was overhyped but its still a good movie
17 June 2020
When i watch films at night, in the dark, on my own, i find them alot scarier than watching them in the day or with other people. so perhaps i found this really scary and good because of that reason, but i genuinly think it was a really good movie and im a horror fanatic. it was unpredictable, and scary (and i dont get scared) and it was all in all a good film. the onlt thing is, i didnt really get the ending
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True Romance (1993)
This movie is a work of art!
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Because I'm not sure why I love this movie so much. I think the main reason is because of the sweet innocence of their romance amongst everything else that's going on. Their loyalty towards one another really drives the film forward and makes the audiences love towards the characters a lot stronger. You get to know the characters as well as they know each other because of their short time together, which makes you cheer on their romance even more. However, that's just a small part of the movie (I'm not a huge fan of pure romance movies). From beginning to end, the movie grips you and takes you on a rollercoaster of different emotions; as you smile at how cute Alabama is and laugh whenever she laughs, and fill with anger when she is being thrown around the hotel room, beaming at her persistence to succeed. Or when you cling onto everything Clarence says, hoping that he comes out the other side alive even though you watched the movie a million times before. This movie is a new experience every time you watch it and overall, this movie just makes me really happy and that is probably the main reason why I love it so much. It's not just the two main cast members that make this movie. The smaller parts bring just as much importance into the film. Brad Pitt's small role as pothead, Floyd, brings a comedic break into the movie. As well as Gary Oldman and Christopher Walken's roles as the fictitious villains, Drexel and Vincenzo, giving the lead characters something to fear and adding more excitement to the script. And let's not forget that famous fight scene between Alabama and Virgil. I love that scene! Originally written by Quentin Tarantino, Tony Scott read his script and wanted to direct it. This being one of Tarantino's first movies, Scott approached him and that he could make him huge, if he let him direct this movie. He agreed. Tarantino said Scott "glossed up my script, made it too pretty, too vivid. That's what makes it work so well, and the casting and performances he got." It is unclear whether Tarantino loved what he did with the movie, but I think that whatever he changed from the original script, worked! Linking to the poster. I think it stays very true to the movie itself. It doesn't give much away and merely shows the two main characters with Clarence holding a gun. However, just by looking at the poster it shows straight away how much Alabama means to Clarence at his persistence to keep her safe. And I think Alabama's smile in the first poster against Clarence's serious expression shows the whole reason why this movie is a masterpiece.
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Pandorum (2009)
I wish I enjoyed this!!
31 March 2020
I am so annoyed that I didnt like this movie. I found it boring and idk why. I love horror and I love aliens, pitch black, event horizon. But this film I couldn't get into. I didnt feel attached to any of the characters. I didnt understand what was going on, and found it confusing. And I just couldn't get into it. Dont get me wrong, I'm sure it's a great film. And it's meant to have a great twist aswell, the visuals were good and so was twist (which I didnt make it up to my dad told me it after) and I am really annoyed i couldn't get into it. Maybe I was just too tired. But yeh
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Unsane (2018)
Couldnt finish
20 March 2020
From what i watched, it was okay. It gripped me initially but over time got boring and dull. and very frustrating to watch
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Decent movie with good effects... but prefered Mayhem
19 March 2020
It was a decent movie dont get me wrong, its worth a watch. but watching Mayhem before this made Mayhem seem very superior. the effects were really good but it was rather frustrating to watch and its been done better.
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Suffragette (2015)
Amazing, really shows you what they went through
21 November 2019
Watched the trailer to this movie in history class, and felt a need to watch it. im so glad i did, it was briliantly made and at times made you so angry and emotional. makes you fee for the women and understand what they had to go through just to get us where we are today. Votes for Women!
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
Clever and well done movie. Something different.
7 September 2019
When i started to watch this, i thought this was just gonna be your run of the mill home intrusion slasher. but this really surprised me. with an unexpected twist and cleverly written. the actors were great and this movie really kept me interested. definately worth a watch
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Not sure if it's nostalgia but come on, its not that bad a remake.
27 August 2019
Okay so i watched this version befre the original cause i was a kid, so it may just be nostalgia, but i do enjoy this version and i dont think it deserves all the hate its getting. sure the original is way better but there are way worse remakes out there.
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The Society (2019)
Any brits think this sounds like Sparticle Mysterys
12 May 2019
NNot watched it, but there a british kids show about a group of kids in a world where all adults have dissapeared and these kids have to go on an adventure to try to bring them all back
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Worzel Gummidge (1979–1981)
Best show of my childhood,
9 May 2019
What else can you want other than a talking scarcrow that can change heads, who befriends two kids and a walking talking doll!
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The Trap Door (1984–1986)
Completely amazing
9 May 2019
If you never watched this show as i kid, then what was your childhood. My dad showed me this show all throughout my childhood and it was such a good show, i litteraly watched it on repeat. Honestly so good
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Another Cinderella Story (2008 TV Movie)
Ginger Snaps Reunion
20 April 2019
......................................................................................................................................................Yep thats all i had to say
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So So good and heartwarming
18 April 2019
I absalutely loved this movie. it was so well done and the characters were all so lovable. i thought it was just going to be another one of those films that are a bit stupid or not quite there. but it was just so good and heart warming.
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The Descent (2005)
One of my Favourite movies
17 April 2019
Its just a really great horror movie that plays so well in that sense of claustophobia, especially if you havent read about the movie before watching it. Shauna Macdonald is such an underrated actress and should be better known as she is brilliant. met her at london comic con one year and she was such a nice person, told me loads about the set design and effects behing the descent.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Personally, not a fan
17 April 2019
I myself, am really not keen on shaky cam/found footage films. there are a few i enjoy but i just finf them hard to watch and enjoy. i didnt manage to finish this movie, the grandma just seemed mor hilarious than scary and shaky cam films always are hard to watch. Some people my enjoy iy, but idk
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
17 April 2019
I hate it when i click on reviews and theirs people who give the title: awful and then score it 1. for any movie. because most of the time, these reviews are just our own opinion. i can see why some people wouldnt get this movie, its not for everyone. its mental and a mash of genres but unless you have something important to say about the movie instead of just classing it as trash without even thinking about the pros of a pros about it, then why waste your time writing a review. unless obviously if a movie is so obviously bad, but i cant see a reason why someone would think this movie completely awful.
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Dont read about it before hand,
17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so i already wrote a long review on this film then my computer crashed so i cba to re wriye it. but basically, i went into this movie compltely believeing it was real and was absaulutely terrified after, (Movies dont usually scare me) after i found it was fake, it wasnt scared but honestly the movie is really good, especially if you go in thinking its real.
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Creep (I) (2004)
17 April 2019
I dont know why this movie has such bad ratings. it kept me on the edge of my seat, it was tense and had a great story to it. i really enjoyed it and although obviously not a perfect movie, definately should have better ratings.
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I don't understand why the the rating is so low.
17 April 2019
Okay sure this movie is a remake and obviously not as good as the original. but its actually a really well done movie, definately deserves a better rating than 5.6. i really enjoyed it!
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Not watched yet, but i'm getting some strong descent vibes.
17 April 2019
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Only watched it for Piper Perabo
16 April 2019
Yep thats all i had to say. I just watched it for her. but tbh it was a decent film ngl. family comedy.
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They have zero chemistry
16 April 2019
Okay so i get everyone is trashing this movie, and then everyone else is getting annoyed at the people who are trashing it. But honestly, weather you like this movie or not it is without out a doubt that the couple have litterally no chemistry between them whatsoever. it may aswell have been a movie about two friends getting married. The movie itself, however, whilst it isnt awful, it isnt great either.
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This should be an 18
11 April 2019
Honestly i remember watching this movie when i was like 5. my nan put it on the telly, sat me down and said watch this, its a kids movie. as soon as i saw the blood rush down the screen, i screamed and ran out of the room crying. that movie traumatized me as a kid, honestly!! Now i watch it back its scares me less obviously, but a word of advice... don't show this to your little kids.
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The Act (2019)
Kristen from nightmare on elm street is now a crazed mother
23 March 2019
How shocked i was when i realised the mother in this was kristen in nighjtmare on elm street three, she plays a scared delicate badass girl fighting againts freddy! and now shes a crazed mother! really good mini series, ive read up alot on Gypsy Rose Blanchar and i feel Joey King portrayed her really well
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