
13 Reviews
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Found (2023– )
Pilot was all i needed
28 April 2024
This was just bad on so many levels , Strong woman have a team of broken people around her ,finding over looked children in USA , Nice premise and could work , But the writers just blow everything up and make the Lead in the show look like a utter moron that apparently not able to find her own shoes . Not going in on spoilers but the last 10 min torpedoed the whole show . There is no way to recover this mess either, Actors try hard to make their character come to life but even here is the writers unable to come up with anything new and going over the top with broken human beings , Not everyone need to have dark crippling problems .There is nothing new or interesting to see here.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Lazy Writers or just inept ?
2 January 2020
Why make a movie about a interesting real life person ,Just to fill it with lies. This movie just fuels the hate mongers on the internet . And what a huge disservice this is to the real women that was pioneers in the field of flying . Got to commend the writer on screwing over not only those women but James Glashier real life wife to boot. And the movie it self is boring , the writers are not good enough to make two people in a balloon interesting .Here is a thought since truth and history don´t matter why not go for broke and put in aliens or magic. The whole movie is a waste of time and effort by a good cast of actors and actresses
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CSI: Cyber (2015–2016)
Best comedy show out there
1 February 2016
As a comedy its really fun. The tech on display is horrible and the actors have no clue what they are saying, Still i have so much fun, sure if they want to be judged as a drama it will be a score below 0. But i turn in every week to see this train wreck because frankly its the best show for a laughter out there today. And its fun to see the writers trying to figure out how to tie in a tech angle every week no matter how flimsy , so the Cyber squad will even be allowed near the crime . The poor actors are really trying to deliver lines , but i am pretty sure half of them still struggle to figure out what Twitter is. So it gets a four as a comedy but a -5 as a drama or police show.
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You have seen it before
21 June 2013
This movie was written after a check list that date back to movie beginnings. That said if you like a comedy that don't take any chances and makes you feel good for about 2 hours and then forget about it, This is the movie for you . Its hard to criticize this , since it makes no real effort in any way. Sure you could say its bland and you seen this before but there is a reason people still watch these kinds of movies. People enjoy the comfort, You been here , you know where everything is and you don't need to think.One warning thou if you are in to the MMA scene and don't like seeing it portrayed wrong ,dont go see this movie , but that should not come as news ,this movie could have put anything else in the spot for MMA. Sailing ,Racing or Gardening ...but in this case they went with MMA.
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Kill List (2011)
Kill list is just plain bad
8 December 2012
People that say this movie have a brilliant story is plainly lying. This movie have the start of one but then just stops caring.If you are one of those people that enjoy hammering together your own story from this be my guest , but since the director and writer of this train wreck did not care why oh why should we? The only thing in this that have any quality is the score.I don't mind solving a puzzle now and again but when the give you this mess that clearly is missing pieces that just makes you angry.The actors in this poor mess do what is expected of them but sadly nothing they do have a snowballs chance in hell of saving this.
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Mike & Molly (2010–2016)
You have seen this before
7 October 2011
I started watching this show with no expectations either way.After a little more the half a season i quit it , Because i have seen every scene before. The writers have just copy pasted other shows from ..oh the last 25 years.There is not a single new idea in it, The actors are fine , well the over acting sister have been done better(Keeping Up Appearances),And sadly they do the "big size jokes" from time to time for ..well i don't know maybe thats what they go for like the poor jokes in Married w children or fish out of water in The Nanny. So if you are looking a show you have seen before this will fit the bill nicely, And maybe second season is more fun but i am not going to tune in , already wasted enough time on it
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Drive (I) (2011)
Not what i expected
26 September 2011
Let me first tell you that after seeing review saying things like Bullit and car movie of the year, I expected a Driving movie ., But this is not a movie about that instead its a suspenseful journey of a man that just happens to be a driver , a very good driver but that is not what keeps you in your seat, That is the almost crushing atmosphere of tension that hangs over the whole movie and the very brilliant way they manage to capture the leading role, even thou he have about the same amount of lines in the movie as Arnold had in the first terminator.Also the LA around the movie reminds me of Collateral damage a vibrant and alive backdrop but at the same time cold and uncaring. But and this is a big but i can see why some people getting out of this movie is angry or disappointed because many Review makes this movie into something that its not , Sure there is the odd car chase but calling it a new Bullit is like calling a BigMac a salad ..I liked this movie for the somber tone it sets and for not letting it slip away half way through like many other movies.
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Contagion (2011)
Moments of suspense in a sea of boredom
25 September 2011
There is nothing wrong with the scenes. They where good every one of them. But that seems to be the directors only focus. There is to many stories to follow and more so when the director on wants to do a "pretty" movie.Actors do what they are supposed to and do it well, problem is we don't get to see a ending to most of their stories.Pacing of the movie where also off it was so slow at times you stared to look at the clock, and you never got the sense of panic, sure a riot and news telling you of more, But the picture of a street littered with garbage just looked like the trash collector was on strike.After the movie you wont be thinking ..can it happen and when will be thinking ..This could have been so much better, And that is a shame with that cast.
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Alphas (2011–2012)
Waste of time
12 September 2011
First off are people so starved to have a new Sci-Fi to follow that they try and praise anything? This show have the most boring writing since a Emmerdale farm episode that really let it self go, And the powers they have is to put it gently , Slightly more powerful and useful then a slightly miffed hamster.Only reason anyone would follow this is to see how the writers manage to build episodes to fit them.I will not harp on the actors performance since they have nothing but tripe to work with and most of them just have to think - Well it beats daytime soap.I would be surprised if this lasted more then a season , but since Sci-Fi fans seem to swallow anything these days i might be wrong.But every episode i saw ended with me looking at my watch more then the screen and lets face it that is not entertainment.
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Priest (2011)
Not the worst movie this year
23 June 2011
The reason this movie only score a 5 is simple, the story don't develop into anything.The action is good enough to hold you in your seat, but it comes with in inches of making you look at you watch,and that is never good.As for the actors well.....they are doing their job but sadly have nothing to work with.Another thing that makes it a little harder to enjoy is that when ever you set your movie in a new universe so to speak you need to let the watcher in so we can feel invested in the world , here they skimped on that and still not found time to put in more action scenes.One of very few movies these days that would have been much better with more action:). You most likely will leave this movie with the feeling ...this could have been good instead of just a forgettable few hours killing time.
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The Traveler (I) (2010)
Give this one a miss.
29 November 2010
This movie starts out looking rather good. 8 min later it's going downhill fast:).Everything from acting to the unreasonable use of gore is horrible. And the writers have nothing to say ,which makes you care less what happens to the characters in the movie .In a thriller that is a bad thing. But then they filled this movie with a lot of gore so it starts to look like a slasher movie just with out any of the dark comedy those films almost all have..This movie have no clear vision what it wants to be, and becomes a slow moving mass of boring.And as for Val Kilmer, well he tries but like i said the script is so bad it make everyone in it just fall flat on their faces. No one should pay to see this
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Babylon A.D. (2008)
Did a blind man cut this film ?
16 October 2008
This could have been a good movie , not a brilliant one mind you.Sadly the cutting of this movie makes you go ...Hang on a minute why is he ..or how is that ...oh i give up. A Vin Diesel movie always show great action at least you say ,well....Not this time who ever filmed most of the fights must have been on some form of medication since the cuts are so fast it made for painful watching, At times i felt motion sickness set in.To bad that this movie that could have gotten a solid 8 instead of a 4 was not better put together. I for one cant recommend it to anyone,I will how ever try to get my hands on the longer version that is supposed to exist and see if they manage to salvage the promise this movie almost showed.
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The Cave (2005)
What the **** was this ?
1 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Hmm i Should have been aware how much this movie sucked when i rented it .When the 3D image on the cover was the best in or around this horrible thing. Why even bother trying to create a story for a movie that has a director that just don't care about it.The only scary thing about this movie is that it was made and that some poor people actually paid to See it. (at least a got away with only renting it :)). And about the scary factor of this movie, I hate a closed spaces like caves but this cave had more room then a stadium, and what about the actors... hmmm well there were none.( i would sent the cast back to acting class ) Now i know some will say that you should not expect Oscar class when watching scary movies... but it should not make you want to jump off a building or bang your head in to hard objects. So here is a tip : Just stay away from this movie it will scar you for life ( and not in a good way )
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