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The Night Of: The Call of the Wild (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am seeing too many reviews by people saying "there was no resolution" to the story. That is just blatantly false. The entire point of this finale is that it doesn't matter whether or not he was found guilty, the justice system failed him. His family lost their jobs, his brother is misbehaving, and he went from a straight A student to a convict and drug addict. The justice system failed to protect him, they failed to find other suspects, and they failed to solve the murder. It doesn't matter the outcome of the trial because his life is ruined and he will probably end up in prison again anyway. So no, there was no satisfying conclusion because there shouldn't be one. This isn't Law and Order.
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The Shallows (2016)
If you can excuse Jaws for being unrealistic, why not The Shallows?
18 June 2020
The Shallows is a REALLY well constructed thriller. Blake Lively gives a good performance and the film does a great job of maintaining a sense of dread throughout.

With all of that said, I keep seeing people say "It's not realistic" but then praising Jaws. Jaws is no doubt an amazing movie, but it is not at all realistic. A shark sticking around one beach and then continually stalking a single boat for multiple days?? How is that acceptable but a shark stalking a continuously bleeding woman stuck on a rock for around a day is too much? Some of you are serious hypocrites.
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Child's Play (2019)
Decent horror interrupted by humor that never quite lands
17 June 2020
Let me start off by saying that Mark Hamill is quite good as Chucky and the new take on the character is refreshing. This however leads into one of two big problems with the film.

The first problem is that the movie is called "Child's Play". This is a very big problem because the film is different enough from the 1988 original that the creators clearly could have changed some names and minor plot details and had the movie stand on its own merits. Seeing how they didn't do that, the movie suffers quite a bit from the problem of being too different from the original to be considered a remake and too similar to be viewed as an individual movie.

The largest problem with this movie is the humor. The film features a LOT of jokes and attempts at dark humor but the problem with this is that it distracts too much from the horror which means nothing ends up being scary. Every scene that attempts to scare the audience is capped off with some one liner or visual gag that ruins the atmosphere. The biggest offenders in this case is Andy's friends. The way the actors portray them is incredibly cartoonish and unrealistic and ends up taking me out of the scene whenever they are around.

Other than these two (albeit large) issues, the film is quite entertaining. The villain is good enough and the dynamic between Andy and Karen is quite sweet. Another thing that stood out was the fantastic score which enhanced the mood whenever it was heard.

Overall, "Child's Play" (2019) is an entertaining summer blockbuster that has some intense and scary scenes and a very good villain but unfortunately suffers from an overabundance of humor that never quite seems to land and two characters that distract from the film every time they enter a scene.
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Watchmen (2019)
8 June 2020
I have heard 2 arguments as to why this show is bad. One of them is that this isn't a faithful adaptation to the source material and the easy response is to say IT ISN'T. This show is not an adaptation of the graphic novel, it is a continuation that has brought the themes to modern times. The second argument I hear is that it is too political and too "woke" and if you think that, you never understood Watchmen. The Watchmen graphic novel is INCREDIBLY political commentary regarding Nixon-era politics and if you didn't see that then you need to re-read it. A lot of people also complain that Rorschach is now the face of a white supremacist movement and that should make complete sense, if you read the graphic novel and thought Rorschach was someone to look up to or was the hero of the story, I'm sorry but you're an idiot. This show is incredibly well made and acted with fantastic writing that stays true to the themes of Watchmen while adding new context to apply to a modern audience. If you dont want to watch a show with themes that actually matter regarding racism, don't watch this. If you actually understood the graphic novel, this is the show for you.
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I cant believe people are rating this low just because of Covid-19
25 May 2020
I understand that some people don't like depressing films and TV shows, but that does not mean that you can bring down the ratings of a good show just because you don't want to feel sad during a pandemic.

Now, my thoughts on the show are very good. The acting from Mark Ruffalo is superb as he plays 2 characters and every other actor gives their all as well. The directing is also really great and while the camera work can be disorienting at times, it is overall done very well. This show is VERY depressing, I don't have a problem with that. I think people need to focus less on what exactly happens to these characters and more on how it affects them. This show tackles difficult subjects like grief and disabilities and it does so very well. If you are a fan of Mark Ruffalo and really well made incredibly acted dramas, this show is for you.
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Stop Complaining, It's a Monster Movie
1 June 2019
This movie doesn't need a good storyline. It doesnt need to make sense or be logical. It just need to be fun. And that is what this movie is. Pure, unadulterated, fun.
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Hereditary (2018)
A revelation in the world of horror
29 March 2019
Filled with shocking imagery and a very convincing cast, Hereditary grabs you by the throat and refuses to let go. There are moments in this film that will truly stick with you for the rest of your life. Toni Collete was robbed of an oscar nomination this year and that is a shame because she gives a powerhouse performance that doesn't disappoint.
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Not only the best MI movie. But one if the best action movies period.
20 August 2018
This movie blew me away. The action was brilliant, the acting was top notch, and there was never a dull moment in this movie. This film is the reason I love action films and is the Die Hard of this generation.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Aaron Paul is Amazing
20 August 2018
This show really is perfect and I wish that it could come back for a 6th season but I know that it can't because that would spoil its perfection.
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