
2 Reviews
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Hot Fuzz
16 February 2007
How must Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright be sitting quietly smug, currently waiting for the adulation to flow after their latest film, Hot Fuzz has just seared across our screens. They and the amazing crew of the much underrated 'Spaced' have delivered to us our wildest dreams, that is if one is a fan. Well I am, however without bias I can tell you that this is the most enjoyment i've had at the cinema in at least 5 years.

Sgnt. Nicholas Angel, played by Pegg, has outshone his peers with his excellance in every department, so they decide to demote him to a safe country town called Sanford. All is not how it seems among the carefully trimmed gardens and beautiful streets and Angel is on it, but not without his life partner 'Frost' who plays the eternally lovable PC Danny Butterman.

Together they're unique on screen chemistry sizzles at every crackle the script serves up. They really are a superb double act and deliver electricity in every scene they appeared in.
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Prey Alone (2004)
prey alone looks better than the matrix
30 November 2006
A superb special effects showcase that could potentially look better than The Matrix. Stunning visuals and crisp audio design make this one of the tightest short films of recent times. Apparently made on no budget the clear and present precision of each scene makes the mind boggle, each shot is blue screened and it's hard to even notice that nothing is real, for goodness sake there are helicopters and fighter jets and they look flawless. On no budget this short feature has pushed the boundaries of film action through special effects. A brain mangling twist at the end ensures your socks are well and truly blown off. The makers of this film deserve to make very big and very cool movies, it should be a case of accepting the right offer from Hollywood. AWESOME
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