
66 Reviews
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Bloodthirst (2023)
Seriously Horrid!
1 November 2023
Ignore the 9 and 10 ratings reviews. This film is an absolute bore 'n snore! From the acting, dialogue to the story overall, it is a MASSIVE failure. I don't know what the other reviewers were on, or if they were part of the cast and crew, however, their attempts to lure you into watching this drivel is so good that you just want to give it a try. NO! STOP! DON'T!

A waste of time and energy! There may have been an energy vampire around to such you dry why trying your very best to like this film.

Once again I cannot help wonder why people spend money making such awful films.

Avoid at all costs! You have been warned!
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Evil Dead Snore Festival!
16 May 2023
I maintain, that it is rather better to leave the original titles as they are and not make another film decades later of the same genre. The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II, were perfect for their time and place in the 80's. This new rendition of what was supposed to be a gory fright feast, became a massively boring snoring showdown of thumb sucked nothingness. There was great potential for this film which flunked miserably.

I remember saying after the film ended - what a crock of dog doo!

I will give a plus, the makeup effects and location for the events that unfolded were very well done.

The story overall wouldn't even be enough to keep a three year old interested.

Nothing scary or interesting!
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Boo-ring Botchup of Bugger-all!
18 October 2021
What was this film all about actually? Nothing! A mess from start to finish! Nothing new, nothing along the lines of the original concept. This is a pathetic film that should never have been made.

A total washout score of 1 star. Avoid!!!
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The Very Boring Knight!
21 August 2021
What a total waste of time, money and energy in making such a dull, long winded boring film about absolutely nothing. I've seen more entertaining snippets on Tik-Tok!

Oh my, I cannot help wonder how much money was wasted that could have gone to a good cause.

I give this film a green vomit 1 star.
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Godzilla Busts a Move on Kong's Head! YAY!
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Visually: 8 out of 10!

Story: 6 out of 10!

Concept: 5 out of 10!

Godzilla busting Kong's Chops - 10 out of 10!

Over all movie perception and feel: 6 out of 10!

Not a bad try for a monster bashing flik, however, the film was all over the place, leaving one quiet disorientated.

The deaf girl was very sweet!

A good effort of a film reaching only 6 out of 10 Stars.
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Nicholas Cage! Really?
6 April 2021
Oh my good golly gosh! GGG!!!

What a dismal failure of a film that makes me frown in disbelief that a once-was main stream actor such as Nicholas Cage would stoop so low to act is such a rubbish 'wanna-be' film.

From the story, the one set, the acting, the scripting, the filming and the over all waste of money; Willy's Wonderland delivered on one thing only. That being, a viewer of this tosh is bullied into a wonderland for an hour and a half of pathetic nonsense.

Nicholas Cage did not say one word throughout the entire film - if that was to add some kind of emphasis on the stupid story, well it did not work at all!

Not even a 'spiked' weed brownie would make this film better.

Avoid like a Covid-19 super spreader event!

-1000 stars is not even worthy of this crock!
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Absolutely Pathetic!!!
4 March 2021
Cosmic Sin is a total Sin to watch! Absolute Tosh! Don't even bother!

A very bad film with everything bad going for it!

Bruce Willis - I think it's time to retire!

-10 out of 10 Stars for this Sinful Crock of Dog Doodoo!
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The 2nd (2020)
The Blimming Last EVER!
3 September 2020
The moment a film has a Casper in it - it will SUCK!!! Poor Ryan got involved with this film too - and this has now added to his already flunking acting career!

The entire movie flunked - like stale and hard smelly cheese.

Avoid at all costs! Horrid! Boo!!!

0 out for 10 for this revolting waste of time and money!
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You've Got To Be Joking!
29 August 2020
What a horrid sequel film of a classic pop culture movie from the late 80's.

Bill and Ted sucked and the story even worse!

Unless you are a massive die hard Bill and Ted fan... do not expect anything from this brain dead vomit.

A dismal 1 star for this twit film!
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G-Loc (2020)
Dreadful and Boring!
11 August 2020
What a dismal attempt at a sci-fi film. The concept had great potential, however, the follow through of bringing the story to life completely failed.

Limited special effects, only 8 cast members, stiff acting, awful dialogue and limited sets make this film a total disaster.

The fact that this film is released on the cinema circuit baffles the brain.

Avoid the entire ordeal. Not worth your time or money. The entire project is simply irritating.

1 star because I have to. Dreadful, Boring and Stupid!
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
Horror of Stupidly Stupid Stuff-all!
9 August 2020
A very stiff, long winded, never ending circle of stupidity. The film was way to long to tell a story that had no substance, dialogue, scripting or special effects. Its easy to fan a fire's smoke and light it up with poorly hidden lights... no wonder the poor actors who I might add, made their names poop here, were coughing the whole time.

I simply cannot believe that this is the quality of filming we are subjected to these days.

What absolute rubbish and waste of time.

A sloppy 2 out of 10 stars from me. The 2 stars are for that one tense moment that led to nothing. Thanks a ton!
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Hoo Shem!
27 July 2020
If this is the last time we see a number of actors in this film... well too bad so sad! I am still scratching my head as to the point of this movie? What was the actual story here? Some say it was good, some say a family film. I say what a complete waste of money.

Poor Paul, Chevy, Wayne and sweet Olivia! Oh shame! What were you all forced to do? Was it against your will? Were you all tricked into a contract to do this film.

A dismal and boring 3 stars for burnt out stars. An extra but unallocated star for John for his pure madness.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Stop, Repeat and Rinse! Repeat Again!
18 July 2020
For a time looping movie, Palm Springs came out tops! Fun, funny, smart and a fresh take on the tired worn out start your day over and over again concept.

Some very decent writing, acting and directing takes this film to a high level that lately many other films fail to reach.

A must watch - a good laugh and an ending that works!

This film scores a very well deserved looping 8 out of 10.
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Relic (2020)
Oh Gosh Darn It All!
18 July 2020
At last, a good Austrailian film that had me glued to the screen for the first hour. Then its like day and night, the film slam dunked itself down the poop-chute!

What on earth is happening to the quality of films these days? Whats with telling a good story just to muck it all up with some nonsense ending that leaves one completely disgusted to have wasted an hour and a half of a persons life.

This film should have just remained "Down-Under!" Very bad and very disappointing. 3 stars for this Oz Bust!
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Ghosts of War (2020)
Ghosts of Daftness!
18 July 2020
What started out strong ended extremely weak. This film had all the right stuff in all the right places and just fizzled out like a fizz ball in the bath.

What ever the writers and producers thought they were doing... I somehow think they didn't realise what an absolute flop this film would become.

It had awesome moments of mystery, suspense and a fright or two... and then it all went to hell in a hand basket.

Such a pity! A non-impressed 4 out of 10 circles of madness for this dirty washing!
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Greyhound (2020)
A Slice of History Done Well!
12 July 2020
An enthralling non-stop sea battle action flik that delivers all the right blows - if you will excuse the pun.

Even though there is absolutely no character development, the film worked well. From the action, the special effects amd the overall storytelling, which for the record, Tom Hanks did very well when writing the screenplay. A slice of history well portrayed

A blasting 7 out of 10 stars for this film that could have seen 2 more stars if there was a more in-depth story to the opening and closing that would have supported the core of the film.
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The Old Guard (2020)
This Film Won't Be Immortalised!
12 July 2020
The start of what was to be an expected block buster, delivered a strong push-off, however, within 10min the film slowly but surely started to flush itself down the proverbial toilet.

Awesome concept, great action scenes followed by a weak story line that fluffed the whole shebang up.

If there happens to be a sequel, the producers better up their game. Maybe there was far too much expectation. Overall the film was at least watchable.

A slow and steady 6 out of 10 for a film that could have been so much more.
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Hollywood (2020)
This is what the real Hollywood should have been!
18 May 2020
This awesome take on an alternative Hollywood - one that would have actually been better than what the real deal is. Yes, there's the obvious sleep your way to the top substory. The debauchery of the Tinsel Town is well portrayed. However, the show is fresh, very likeable and instant character attachment that works really well.

An awesome Sunday binge watching moment and time well spent.

A great 8 out of 10 Hollywood Walk of Fame Star for the masterpiece!
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Ag So Sweet!
9 May 2020
Such a light fluffy lady detective film. I haven't seen the series at all, so I wasn't sure what to expect. A delightful non-serious detective adventure to while away the time. Not too shabby at all.

A cute and sweet 6 out of 10.
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Upload (2020– )
A Fresh New Concept! Bravo!
9 May 2020
Once in a blue moon something special happens. In this case, Upload, a fresh new concept series that makes a stellar delivery in all aspects. This clever, witty, well thought out story is perfecty filmed, acted, directed and written, deserving numerous awards. An absolute must watch!

Upload scores a very thrilling 9 out 10! Well Flaming Done!
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This Film is So-So-Very-Very-BAD!
24 April 2020
Whew! I went into this film with a slight expectation of maybe being entertained or hopefully have a scare or two. Oh boy was I wrong! This film is absolutely terrible... Why? Answer: Very-very bad acting, filming, music, dialogue, story line, music, sound effects, locations and plot. I am actually shaking my head typing this review, wondering what the heck I was thinking watching this dismal excuse of a so called film. Ag no man! This scores a So-So-Very-Very-BAD! -2000 out of 10!

EEEEEK! You have been warned! GAWD!!!
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Fake Reviews - Very Bad Film!
24 April 2020
99% of the reviewers rating 9 and 10 stars for this film,. all opened their IMDB Accounts exactly 5 months ago and all have only one review - this film. Believe me I checked! Do not believe the ratings!!!

This film is ridiculous and boring - a total bore n snore 0 out of 10!
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Sea Fever (2019)
Half Good / Half Bland!
11 April 2020
A good try for a film that had little or what I am guessing no budget. The acting went off without a hitch. The story a bit streched and the overall finish was just that - finished.

At least the film flowed and go to the point quickly. A pity there were no real explainations as to what the "parasite" was or where it came from.

If you really don't have anything else to watch, then give this film a try. Just don't expect too much.

A half good and half bland 5 out of 10 stars for this film.
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Absolute Hogwash!
7 April 2020
What a terrible and boring and dumb ending film about an old fairy tale that tries very hard to be fresh. This is a flunk and a complete waste of time and money.

The only thing going for this film is the cat. Nothing else worth mentioning. Please try your very best not to watch this cold serving of very bad tasting gravy.

A dismal 2 out of 10 stars from me. Poppycock Delux!!!
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
A Blimming Good Try!
21 March 2020
Here is a film that needs to be seen. The tension of the unseen is masterful. The acting, story and filming is really well done. The concept - a bit stretched, but hey, it is a sci-fi. I am just very glad they did not go with the whole injection to turn invisible concept again. This was definitely a fresh approach - that paid off.

Overall, a good time spent in front of the telly. I did not even look at my cellphone once - which is the case if a film is boring.

A must watch sci-fi thriller, scoring a well deserved 7 out of 10 stars!

*Hand Clapping*
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