
2 Reviews
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Just As I Like It
26 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was lucky enough to see this at my local film festival some time ago and was blown away by it.

I'll admit it I'm a big Kenneth Branagh fan and I've seen most of his work on DVD, but this is the first time I've see any of his work on the big screen and it was quite a feast for the senses. The setting, (19th century Japan), is a luscious mix of reds, greens, browns and blues that fit really well with the mainly forest setting. The setting is neutral enough to allow the action to take centre stage, but is also textured enough to catch the attention when required.

The acting is brilliant but particular mention must be given to four people:Bryce Dallas Howard as Rosalind, Alfred Molina as Touchstone, Jade Jefferies as Phebe and Romola Garai as Celia. Howard is perfect as Rosalind, displaying (sometimes in tandem) just the right amount of common sense and giddy cheek. She always has a twinkle in her eye that is never over or under played. The fainting, "I am not woman" and epilogue scenes are pieces of directorial genius from Branagh that have been ably executed by a very capable Howard. Molina is excellent as the resident funny man who has had his nose very much put out of joint. He can be funny and melancholic at the same time. Jefferies is the perfect mix fresh faced youth and old age sense. And finally Garai is pitch perfect as the supportive, yet flighty best friend.

Branagh clearly loves what he's doing, it's just a shame it's behind the camera this time.**SPOILER ALERT**(we do get a sneaky shot or two of him near the end of the film)** END OF SPOILER** This love for the project has rubbed off onto the cast and crew and the result is a light hearted happy piece that will leave you feeling very warm inside long after the film has finished: THREE CHEERS FOR KENNETH BRANAGH!!
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Black Book (2006)
I did what they say you never should do… I judged a movie by its poster… and was very surprised!!
25 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've never watched a foreign language film before and I would certainly never have watched this one, had I not been drawn to the poster for it. (I think it was something to do with the quiet determination on Carice Van Houten's face). Anyway, I'm glad I took the plunge.

Much has been made of the constantly twisting plot, so I'll try not to go into to much except to say that it's nice to watch a film where, you have to think while you watch. Much has also been made of the scene in which Rachel/Ellis dyes her pubic hair. Some say that it is over the top and unnecessary, while I agree that it is over the top, I think that it is a necessary scene because it shows the lengths Rachel must go to just keep her 'head above water'. The acting is universally superb, and as such I found myself being totally immersed in film which would have normally left me cold.

Overall this is a brilliant film which bravely tackles a very difficult subject in a complex, yet subtle and thought proving manner. I urge everyone to see this this film, just to see a different side of World War II.
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