
6 Reviews
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The Dreamers (2003)
Zero clue of what I just watched...
14 December 2018
...but it was good. I have a list of movies I want/need to watch and for some reason this was on it. I could not remember for the death of me why so I decided to give it a go. Lately I've been watching quite a lot of movies and I'm trying to watch these sort of artsy ones more too so when it comes to that - it did not dissappoint. As for why it was on my to-watch list, I realized during the tub scene that I saw a gif on tumblr once regarding a certain part of it and thought I should give it a go. Through the whole movie the scenery was great. Loved all the city shots, rooms cluttered with trash that all fits together, the constant flirting - actors with each other, with the audience, with the scenery. It definitely gives of some sort of a Sleeping Beauty (2011) vibes. Overall, I'd say it was good. Seemed natural in a way I can't even explain (even though not that many things were ''normal'' in the whole picture).
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25 November 2018
So I just finished this and boy was this wild or what. I abosulutely loved it, the whole feel of it, the friendships, sort of jump scares and acting, loved it all. In certain moments it reminded me of American Beauty - literally for nothing else but the fact that from the very beginning you don't really know what's wrong with it but you know something is and the more you watch it you get more and more confused, surprised and shocked in a way. If you told me to guess what would happen each time something was about to happen, I'd fail every time - that's how unpredictable it is. Also, considering the fact that I'm not a fan of horror movies simply because I find them boring, this was quite refreshing (although I'm not sure would I label it as a horror, it has more of a thriller feel to it). Definitely recommend it!
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Worth it
4 August 2018
So there's a mini movie theater in my town and sometimes they have free movie screenings. Last night I went to see this with a friend. We got high right before it started and honestly I don't think I'd understand it even if I wasn't high. It has a really nice vibe and makes you feel things. I'd say it's worth the watch because of how interesting is, to me at least. I'd give it a 10/10 but it wasn't that great.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
My only regret is not watching it sooner!
15 June 2018
When the movie first came out I was obsessed. Never read the books and was never a fan of sci-fi but the movie just somehow got to me. Was very disappointed when I found out that there will be no sequels. And then I heard there was a tv show in the making. Nothing could make me watch it - Jamie and Lily were my Jace and Clary, no one else could ever be. Fast forward to last month - I end up hooking up with this guy who's obsessed with the show, we talk about it and I decide to give it a go. And my god, I can't wait for new episodes. Watched all 43 episodes there are right now and I am OBSESSED. The acting in the first season is terrible in some moments but it definitely gets much MUCH better later on. Now when I look at the movie, it's still good but it doesn't even come close to this, there's just way too many things that couldn't fit in 10 movies, but totally can in a tv show. Relationship between Alec and Magnus has me on the floor, ever since the moment they met. Best, most beautiful moments in the show are the ones with them (s1e12, s2e07, s2e18!!!!). All of this could be the fangirl in me speaking but I definitely don't mind. My only regret is not watching it sooner. Absolutely in love with it.
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My Mistress (2014)
A work of art
27 May 2018
I can't even begin to describe how much I adored this movie the first time I watched it. I ended up watching it again the next day. I loved every second of it because it was so raw and emotional. Fifty shades doesn't even compare to this work of art. Every couple of weeks I remember it exists and get the urge to watch it again but it's really a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The first time you watch it just makes you feel the most of everything. That's exactly why I loved it - it made me feel things that not many other movies did before.
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Dude (2018)
Not for all but quite good
30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I graduated from high school a year ago and I had a great time there so I loved getting to experience it in a way again. While I agree on some things other reviewers said, I definitely dissagree on a lot of them. For starters, I wouldn't say the movie is slow. And even if it is in a way, it's perfectly fine being that for the genre it is. Action movies are for a fast format. When it comes to the cast, it's a typical racial mix (caucasian, black, jewish, asian) which is what more movies should have if possible. People complaining about it being too generic would also complain if it were an all-white cast. Diversity is important, even if it's typical or generic. I agree that the characters are lacking development but in this story it's not that important for them to give full backstories. Timeline of the movie is only the final two weeks of their senior year which made me feel totally nostalgic. The very beginning made me cry, parts of it shocked me, but most of all - I laughed. A lot. It has that kind of humor you'd find in these new teen comedies, which is likeable. There is no story in particular, just certain moments that make up the "story". I'm all up for plots that make sense but sometimes these sorts of "moment-movies" can be made in a quite nice way. This one was exactly that. The type of a story that doesn't really go anywhere reminds me of Palo Alto, also a good movie in my opinion. The main group is sort of a Girls Trip meets Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I say you give it a shot if you're in need of a good sleepover type movie, or like movies such as Girls Trip, Palo Alto, Dope, G.B.F... Overall, 7/10 for what I expected. Can't give it more because of flaws such as everyone being high all the time, poor choices characters made and the "rape" scene (was it even that? Did nothing happen after it?). I also can't give it less because it's very likeable if you're into such movies, the cast is nicely picked (not saying I'm a fan of them already, just getting into it, but they're definitely a "new teen movie generation" (such as Nat Wolff, Emma Roberts and occasional other "teen" faces in earlier days)) and it actually makes you feel things if you let it. Don't expect more than some teens having fun, but don't underestimate the already seen storyline because it is executed quite nicely.
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