
3 Reviews
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Shark (2006–2008)
Great Show
10 August 2010
This was a great show---good characters, good acting, good writing. I didn't like Julie's character in the pilot, but she settled in well for the rest of the series (though she was obnoxious at times, she WAS a sixteen year old girl living in luxury in LA...). The strong central characters---both Stark and Devlin---provided a good foundation on which to build the entire show, and the rest of the cast supported them well.

The strike really did this show in, as it did many others, but I really think this one gets added to the long, long list of really good shows that got canceled before their times.
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An excellent beginning
14 July 2008
This movie is GREAT, and great Futurama. It follows the spirit of the show to the letter, has some great lines, and keeps you entertained. The humor is not always blatant, which is quite characteristic of the show, and the more dramatic moments were done tastefully without incurring boredom. There were also some moments where I laughed until my sides hurt....

I especially appreciate the cameo appearances by some of the minor characters, such as Seymore. I can see why some might consider a few scenes in this movie to be slow, but it IS a movie---how many (good) movies are non-stop action and/or humor?

An absolute must for any Futurama fan, and probably not a bad start for a new viewer as well.
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This was not the Futurama I know and love
27 June 2008
I need to preface this by saying that I am a die-hard Futurama fan. I was about as excited about this movie as it's possible to be, and my level of anticipation as the opening credits ran was a terrific mixture of tension and excitement.

That said, this movie just plain stinks out loud. There are no quotable lines, most jokes were painfully forced (or just plain not funny), and the plot (or lack thereof) was, quite simply, lame. The clever and often subtle humor (Kegelciser, anyone?) that for me defined the show was completely absent. It hurts to say it, but for the first time I actually think something Futurama-related stinks.

I was upset that I had to wait so long for this movie, but in retrospect I'd rather have waited forever than have my favorite show (of ALL TIME) disrespected in this fashion. I only keep the copy I bought because returning it to the store would be like giving up on one of my children, but right now I'm about as disappointed as I can be. I said I was a die-hard fan, but right now I'm close to needing CPR.
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