
58 Reviews
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Dachra (2018)
Promising effort
11 April 2024
Horror films aren't expected to be highly rated, and this wasn't a bad effort in this genre. The one fault I would say is the character development. What little there is of it just made the characters seem like they don't really get along very well, but they are supposed to be close.

Also, as pointed out by many reviews, it's just lazy to have the characters in a horror film always make poor decisions, or be oblivious to danger.

If the characters would have been better developed, and seen as getting along very well along with some jovial insults, instead of constant annoying bickering, the twist at the end would have had more impact.

Witchcraft is a thing in Africa, and it is scary. Tunisia is in North Africa, so it means something different to them. In the West, this type of thing is usually portrayed as devil worship.

All the other aspects such as atmosphere and cinematography were very good. I'd watch this film maker's next effort, he has promise.
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Saltburn (2023)
Gratuitous, gratuitous, gratuitous
6 January 2024
The acting and casting are terrific, but the character development leaves a lot to be desired. In its place we are given lots of gratuitous weird sex stuff.

Take out the gratuitous sex stuff, and there's not much left. The plot has been done many times, and much better, especially in the old days of film noir where the character development added to the suspense.

I'm sure certain types will call this art, but I call it lazy and pretentious. A plot this thin, especially with a very common story line, with such flimsy character development, would have been laughed out of any studio in better days.
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The Waiting (2020)
Campy Fun
16 November 2023
This is a great effort for a low budget movie. There is a ghost, but it's not scary. The story is easy and enjoyable to follow, and it's just good old fashioned entertainment about ordinary people without special effects or that arthouse pretension.

There is a bit of mystery, a bit of humor, and a bit of romance. Everyone did a very good job making this film.

When I started watching, I did not realize part of it was filmed near where I live. "The Lodge" is the Lodge at Wakulla Springs State Park. Wakulla Springs has been used for other movies, most notably it was where "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" was filmed.

In the lobby at the Lodge, there is a glass case with a preserved alligator, "Old Joe". I noticed that when Eric is at the lobby desk talking to the housekeeping girl Sally, the background is blurry so you don't see it, but he's over on the right side.
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Great story about a real evil.
9 July 2023
I expected to have a hard time watching this movie, and my friend was prepared with a purse full of tissues. Both of us are aware of the evil portrayed in this movie, but we weren't sure what to expect.

The film goes out of it's way not to be graphic or rough in any manner. Even the traffickers were softened up. It still got the point across, magnificently.

It is the story of real life Tim Ballard, and portrays a real mission that he took to find a trafficked girl. It is heartbreaking, touching, but also encouraging to see that there are real people in this world giving it their all to fight against this.

Becoming more aware of something, even something you don't want to believe, is empowering, and gives hope. This movie was beautifully done, and I don't know why so many forces stood in the way of it's release.

That is what really worries me.

I'm so glad I finally got to see this great movie, and my sensitive friend did not need her tissues after all. My sister was afraid to go, but now that I've seen it, I've told her that she will have no problem watching it.

Go see it. It's a good story, a true story, and it needs to be told.
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Nefarious (2023)
This is what an Oscar performance looks like
9 July 2023
I was blown away by the performance of SPF. Of course, it will get no notice from the Academy.

Until the death scene at the end, there is nothing graphic, jump scary, or anything like that. It's a psychological thriller, and a really good one.

This movie gives you something to think about, and most people who enjoy intelligent thrillers without CGI and chase scenes will like it.

Sean Patrick Flanery is sure to get a career boost from this, because anyone who sees his acting in this movie will pay attention to any future projects he takes part in, that's for sure.

I don't know why anyone would call this a religious movie, but if that puts you off, don't worry, it's not like that.
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Thorp (2020)
Entertaining and fun
17 March 2023
What a delightful movie to watch, and it was made on such a small budget! Can you imagine what they could have done with a studio budget? Hey Hollywood elites, you should be ashamed.

I thought the acting and the story were both wonderful. It probably helps if you, like me, fondly remember the 80's. Like this movie, it was fun and everyone didn't take themselves so seriously.

One of the comparisons to the 80's as opposed to now is the changes that have taken place because of technology. Of course, since Thorp last visited earth in the 80's, he doesn't quite understand what is going on with it.
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No Knock List (2019)
I liked it
20 November 2022
OK, I am an old fashioned girl, but I like the story more than the CGI, special effects, or first class cinematography when I watch a movie.

This movie was obviously very low budget, and at times was more like watching a play than a movie.

I like all different kinds of movies, old and new, big budget, low budget, foreign, and I also watch stage plays, operas, and musicals.

Would I pay to see this in a theater? Probably not, but watching it at home for free was great.

This movie was about good and evil, and man's free will. If you don't believe in an after life, you will find this all kind of cheesy.

It is cheesy, but I liked it.
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Lucky (I) (2017)
More of a plot would have been nice
24 September 2022
Yes, the actors did a great job, but the story could have used a few more fillers.

The main plot about Lucky is great, but that's pretty much it. The movie seemed kind of thin and dull to me.

Geez, they even could have made a better subplot about what the tortoise was up to while he was gone, instead of just having it open and close the movie. They could have fleshed out some of the other character's stories.

The most interesting part of the movie was when the two WW2 veterans talked about their service experience, but that was not very long.

Maybe this was a tribute and a showcase specifically for Harry Dean Stanton, and for that it's excellent. I can't give it a higher rating because the script left something to be desired.
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The Paperboy (2012)
Thin plot about degenerates
18 August 2022
I watched this because I thought it was a crime mystery. There is a crime that the plot springs from, but it is absolutely secondary and unimportant in this film. There is no suspense or mystery contained in the story.

Now, if you want to see some great actors giving their all portraying unlikeable degenerates, this is your film! The acting is very good, although I think Efron is miscast. He is too much of a pretty boy to be believable as someone who hasn't had a girlfriend, or even a fling. Efron's character is a very horny young man who apparently masterbates frequently, so it's hard to see Efron as someone who went to college and rebuffed all advances from women.

Unless you enjoy watching degenerates, you will be disappointed with this movie, especially if you were expecting any suspense in solving a crime.
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Linkeroever (2008)
More skin flick than horror
20 March 2022
The director sure spent most of his effort on the sex scenes, leaving the "horror" to be filmed in a shaky, dark, style.

This was not a scary movie, as a matter of fact, not much happens in the first half at all, except for a very gratutitious sex scene. Lots of sex scenes, and nudity.

Not much horror. Meh.
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Who found this funny????
9 March 2022
I don't think movies that are painful to watch should be billed as a comedy, but that's just me.

These are all good actors, and they did a great job, but the story was creepy and shallow. I'm sure all the art house types will stretch to find all kinds of messages and meaning, but a good script doesn't need that kind of analysis.

This is a Hollywood vanity project, which appeals to the types who are in that bubble. How the actors were able to lie to themselves and decide it was worth it to recite this embarrassing dialogue, or appear physically exposed, is beyond me.
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Shut In (I) (2022)
Suspense and Redemption
11 February 2022
Battling her own demons and real life demons, a mother faces a horrifying situation. I won't give anything away, but the acting is good and if you like suspense, you won't be disappointed. I really enjoyed this movie.
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Siddharth (2013)
Good acting, bad ending
28 January 2022
What was the point of making this movie if you weren't going to have an ending? It's "based" on a true story, but children are disappearing all over the world. It doesn't just happen to poor, uneducated families in India.

An ending, even a tragic one about what became of the boy, would have saved this movie. It came across to me as pointless. I would have rated it lower except that the acting was very good.
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No Sleep 'Til Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Not a Christmas movie
17 December 2021
I only watched this because it's the week of Christmas, and the title misled me to believe it was a Christmas movie, which it is not. It takes place around Christmas, that's it.

The "woke" messages were a distraction for me. Mixed race couple, check. Gay person, check. Unmarried couple with kid, check.

The characters were not realistic and the plot was contrived and dumb. The acting was OK.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Ugh! No Talent
4 December 2021
Yeah, I guess jokes about raunchy and gross stuff was funny the first 20 years or so, but now it's just boring and stupid.

It's even boring and stupid to the younger generations, because they have been doused in raunchy and gross ever since the 90's. Raised on it, pretty much.

There was a time when shows were funny, hilarious even, and they were G rated. It takes talent to be funny and clean.

I'm starting to suspect that celebrities are a bit insecure, since they can't seem to stop beating us over the head with messages about what they consider relevant. Perhaps it's because they like to shout these messages to each other, as an identity badge, but don't really do the walk on most of these positions.
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Satisfying low budget
19 November 2021
Bad special effects, very little effort on makeup and hair, cheesy acting, and yet I enjoyed it. Why, you might ask? Because it was original, or at least made an effort to be in the stories.

This reminds me of John Waters early efforts. Humorous, cheesy, but original. It's low budget and doesn't pretend to be otherwise.

I watch a lot of movies, so this was a good second feature before going to bed type of thing for me. It's a time waster, but a satisfying one.
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Creative and impressive low budget comedy
24 October 2021
I've seen big money, well produced comedies that were no where near as enjoyable as this. The originality and creativity is off the charts. If you want to relax and watch something silly and entertaining, you'll love it.
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Interesting, but not really accurate
21 October 2021
Were people treated terribly in asylums? Yes indeed. Were women, who did not have the same rights as today, the frequent victims? Yep. However....

This takes place in 1885, just after Victor Hugos death. At that time, spiritualism was all the rage in England. I guess you have to forget about that.
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Spoken (2021)
Campy Christian Horror
20 October 2021
I liked it. Yes, the special effects were cheezy, but I'm about bored to death with CGI. The message was what this movie was about, and being Christian myself, I enjoyed it.

These are weird times we live in, and some of us believe the dark forces are highly activated now. Christian movies never have a big budget, and considering that this movie was horror, campy, and Christian, I thought it was a great effort.
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Pari (I) (2018)
Well done horror tale
18 October 2021
This was refreshing for a horror movie. Nothing predictable and nothing too explicit, which made for a very entertaining experience. Well done!

I have no problem with subtitles, but if you do, it's the only thing I can think of that may be a con. You should give it a try anyway if you like horror movies.
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Wetware (2018)
Interesting but...
4 October 2021
This was done on a very small budget, and not bad, but something bugged me. The people volunteer to become these drones? Nah, that makes no sense, especially after we see those girls making fun of and harassing one of them.

They could have come up with an incentive, free money or housing or something for their family, or made it an evil plot to do it to people unaware, etc...
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Red Hill (2010)
Perfect movie for the MST3K robots
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
About half way through the film I was annoyed. The new cop didn't know where his gun was, as if it was something you pack along with the dishes and knick knacks when you are moving. Nobody who knows anything about gun ownership, especially law enforcement, would do this.

In the first half of the movie, anybody with a gun seemed at a loss as to how to use it. Instead, they hide until they are shot. Or, in the case of the new cop, fall down a hill.

Then I started thinking that if the little robots on Mystery Science Theater 3000, now called Rifftrax, were presenting this movie it would be hysterical. That helped me persevere.

I'm not sure if the people giving this movie high ratings are getting paid, or more sadly, haven't ever seen an actual Western. Why the panther? Many things to puzzle about this movie, which probably should have ditched the part of the budget for the CGI panther and spent it on getting some critiques on continuity. It looks like this was a one man writer/directer/producer/editor thing.
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31 August 2021
I watched this in 2021, and boy, it stands the test of time. The Left has actually gotten much worse since 2008, when this movie was made. Many liberal tears in the comments, because satire is a way of twisting the truth. Just imagine what kind of satire of the Left could be made into a movie today, but that's not allowed anymore.
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Force Majeure (2014)
I have a theory about award winning movies....
13 August 2021
I have a theory about "award" winning movies, which is that that they usually stink. This one stinks on ice, or on an avalanche, you might say. Not funny. Not meaningful. However, if you are the type of person who spends a lot of time in therapy, it may appeal to you.

The writer and director are one and the same, and how he got this far in the movie businesses is beyond me. He is bad at both endeavors. Very bad. I hope he was not the editor as well, who must of called out sick on editing day.

There are ubiquitous scenes of brushing teeth, three scenes of people urinating, and one gratuitous titty shot, a la films from the '70's. Lots of male crying and females emasculating them, pointlessly long scenes of mundane things, plenty of snowy mountains with hardly anyone skiing on them, so as you can see there's something for everyone to puzzle about.

I watch a lot of movies, old & new, foreign, silent, black & white, all genres, and I wouldn't watch this one again if you paid me.
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7 July 2021
This would have been a lot better if the screenwriter would have given us a clue. There is little explanation for so many things in this movie. It could have been pretty good if one wasn't left with so many questions.

I kept thinking that this would be a great movie for stoners. Maybe they could make some sense of it.
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