
72 Reviews
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Robots (I) (2023)
Barely entertaining
20 May 2023
A sci-fi comedy that, while not groundbreaking or original, manages to provide a mildly entertaining experience if you find yourself with nothing better to do. The film stars Jack Whitehall, who may have limited acting chops but brings endearing quality with his puppy eyes.

The story revolves around Charles (played by Jack Whitehall), a womanizer, and Elaine (Shailene Woodley), a gold digger. Their paths collide when they are unexpectedly forced to team up and pursue robot doubles of themselves. It is through this unlikely partnership that they begin to get to know each other better.

Unfortunately, "Robots" falls short in terms of originality. The concept of robot lookalikes and AI discovering their humanity has been explored in countless other films before. As a result, the storyline is predictable and lacks the element of surprise. The jokes and comedic moments are also hit-and-miss, with some landing well while others fall flat.

Despite these shortcomings, the film does have its moments. Jack Whitehall's charm and likability shine through, making his character relatable and engaging. While his acting skills may be limited, he manages to bring a level of sweetness to the role that keeps the audience rooting for him. Shailene Woodley delivers a decent performance as well, although her character has a more limited role.

Ultimately, "Robots" is a watchable movie if you're in the mood for a lighthearted sci-fi comedy and don't have high expectations. It won't leave a lasting impact or be remembered as a standout film in the genre, but it can provide some amusement for a lazy afternoon or a casual movie night. Just don't expect anything groundbreaking or particularly original, and you may find yourself mildly entertained by the end.
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Black Knight (2023– )
Underwhelming and Unbelievable
12 May 2023
"Black Knight" is a Korean sci-fi TV series aimed at teenagers that falls short on multiple levels. Despite its potential, the show suffers from a low budget, poor world building, and a silly premise that is hard to take seriously.

The premise of the show centers around a world where oxygen has become a scarce resource, despite being the #1 most abundant element on the planet. The show attempts to create a dystopian future where oxygen is so precious that people are forced to risk their lives and kill each other over it.

Furthermore, the way in which the show handles oxygen is absurd. The characters wear filter-type masks that provide no oxygen, which seems like a glaring oversight. The delivery of oxygen by truck in tiny bottles is equally ridiculous, as that amount of oxygen wouldn't last a day. Surely, the creators could have come up with a more believable solution, such as piping in oxygen or building domes with oxygen generators.

The characters in "Black Knight" are cartoonish and one-dimensional, with no real depth or development. The action and fight scenes are similarly silly and unimpressive. All in all, "Black Knight" is a forgettable show that fails to deliver on its promise of an engaging sci-fi adventure.
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SisterS (2023– )
A Frustrating Journey
3 April 2023
This comedy/drama is a frustrating journey of two half-sisters who come from different worlds. The first season is a rollercoaster of emotions that is heavy on drama and ends on a sour, disappointing note.

The two leading ladies, one from Canada and the other from Ireland, are billed as polar opposites, but that dynamics gets tiresome after a while. Unfortunately, the male characters in the show are portrayed as pathetic, one-dimensional caricatures, which adds to the show's depressing feminist perspective. (The boyfriend character is particularly unbearable.)

The show's social commentary is heavy-handed and predictable, touching on topics such as alcoholism, abortion, family dynamics, and cultural differences. It is exhausting to see a show that attempts to tackle serious issues while still managing to be completely boring and predictable. The excessive drinking in the show adds nothing to the characters' development and feels like a cheap attempt at adding some kind of levity.

The humor in the show is obnoxious and often falls flat. The cutting and sarcastic remarks are uninspired, and the black humor is cringe-worthy. While dialogue is witty in places, the show's writers do a terrible job of balancing the humor with the serious moments, making the show an unenjoyable experience.

In conclusion, Sisters (2023) is a disappointing addition to the comedy-drama genre. Despite having a strong cast and a potentially compelling storyline, the show's execution is subpar. The show's commentary on gender roles is preachy and uninteresting, and the humor is insipid. My advice is to avoid watching it altogether. The quality declines as the show progresses, and the last two episodes are a complete letdown.
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Prom Pact (2023)
Unrealistic story. Unlikable main charachter.
1 April 2023
"Prom Pact" is a romantic comedy produced by Disney that's more like a fairy tale than anything remotely approaching realism. The plot revolves around a high school senior who tries to manipulate a classmate she detests, only to find herself charmed by him and falling in love.

However, the central character is a spoiled and entitled princess who is difficult to like. She displays narcissistic tendencies and an overly ambitious, judgmental feminist attitude that clashes with her eventual love interest, whom she sees as a high school prince who embodies the traits of "privilege" and "patriarchy". Her character is so off-putting that it is difficult to empathize with or root for her.

The movie is marketed as a romantic comedy, but it's not funny at all. The humor falls flat, and the attempts at jokes are clichéd and predictable. The dialogue is uninteresting, and the pacing is slow, making the film feel much longer than its runtime.

Furthermore, the performances in "Prom Pact" are poor, especially from the sidekick male friend. The actors seem to be going through the motions, and his attempts at comic relief are laughable only because they are so bad. The lack of authenticity and the mediocre acting leave the viewer feeling disappointed and uninvested in the story.

Overall, "Prom Pact" is a movie that fails to entertain or connect with its audience. Its unrealistic plot and unlikable characters make it a forgettable and unpleasant experience. The lack of humor and poor performances only add to the film's flaws. Save your time and skip this one.
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Enjoyable sequel
1 April 2023
Murder Mystery 2" is a sequel to the original film, and while it's not a masterpiece, it's still an enjoyable action-comedy that fans of the genre will appreciate. The movie stars Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston once again, and they reprise their roles as the married couple who find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation while on vacation.

The chemistry between Sandler and Aniston is still there, and they have a great on-screen dynamic that is entertaining to watch. However, it's worth noting that Adam Sandler is no Peter Sellers, and while he is funny, he's not as charismatic or as skilled in the art of physical comedy.

The movie is rated 6 stars out of 10, which is a fair assessment. It's not as good as "True Lies," which is considered a classic in the action-comedy genre, but it's still a fun ride. The movie has plenty of action and suspense, and there are some genuinely funny moments throughout.

If you enjoyed the original "Murder Mystery," then you'll likely enjoy this sequel as well. The characters are similar, and the movie has the same tone and style as the original. The movie doesn't break any new ground, but it doesn't need to. It's a fun, light-hearted movie that's perfect for a night in with friends or family.

Overall, "Murder Mystery 2" is an enjoyable sequel that's worth checking out if you're a fan of the action-comedy genre. While it's not a masterpiece, it's still a fun ride that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.
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Heartbreak High (2022–2025)
Low Budget Version of "Sex Education"
16 September 2022
In the new Australian show Heartbreak High, twenty-something actors take on the roles of teenagers, while the script delivers every cliche in the book. The sensitive boy predictably gets the girl, while most other boys are portrayed as jerks. But don't worry, chicks rule in this series that aims to offer commentary on gender and politics.

Despite its promises of sex, the show fails to deliver on the skin front, opting instead for endless talk, gossip, and innuendo. While "Sex Education" has managed to navigate similar themes with charm and humor, Heartbreak High lacks the same likable characters and talented cast, leaving the viewer unengaged.

While the series aims to offer a woke and feminist perspective, it often feels heavy-handed and on-the-nose. In comparison to other teen dramas such as "Euphoria", Heartbreak High falls flat. While "Sex Education" manages to deliver on its promises and entertain audiences with relatable, funny, and engaging characters, Heartbreak High feels campy and lightweight.

In short, Heartbreak High is a mediocre offering in the teen drama genre, offering nothing new or exciting to the mix. While it may appeal to some audiences, it cannot seriously compare to the likes of "Sex Education" or "Euphoria", both of which have set the bar high for quality storytelling and performances.
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
First season 7/10, second a mediocre 5/10
9 August 2022
The inaugural season of "Marco Polo" was a riveting spectacle, boasting an array of captivating characters that were sure to keep audiences hooked. However, the show's sophomore season fails to match its predecessor's standards, starting with a muddled season premiere that lacks the same level of finesse. Additionally, the quality of the writing has taken a noticeable hit, resulting in a noticeable decline in the show's overall storytelling prowess.

Furthermore, the characters, who were once so engaging, now seem listless and uninspired, leaving viewers with nobody to truly root for. While the first season was so captivating that it prompted a binge-watch, the second season falls short, leaving viewers feeling utterly disenchanted after just three episodes.

Regrettably, it is with a heavy heart that I must declare that I am finished with "Marco Polo." The series has lost its way, and its audience in the process.
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Worse than A.H.
8 August 2022
Normally, I'd give this piece a five-star rating because that's what I give to documentaries that are one-sided. However, in this case, it's even worse than that. The so-called "documentary" provides a platform for a scorned lover seeking revenge, who seems willing to resort to lies and falsified documents to achieve her goals. The question arises as to why she loved him if he was so terrible. She absolves herself of any responsibility for being in the relationship and places all the blame on the other person. I am eager for the defamation trial and for the other side of the story to be presented.
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For Terrence Malick fans..
2 July 2022
For fans of the renowned filmmaker Terrence Malick, "You Won't Be Alone" offers a gripping experience that is sure to satisfy. Written and directed by Goran Stolevski, this genre-bending creation evokes the impression of a horror film reimagined through Malick's unique lens. While it features scenes of gore, the film is more a meditation on life, infused with elements of horror folklore that add depth and nuance to the story.

Stolevski's artistry shines through in his distinctive style, which seamlessly blends different genres into a cohesive whole. Rather than relying solely on cheap thrills and jump scares, he uses horror elements to explore complex themes and emotions. As a result, "You Won't Be Alone" is a deeply satisfying film that will linger in your mind long after the credits have rolled.

Whether you are a die-hard fan of Malick's oeuvre or simply someone who appreciates intelligent, thought-provoking cinema, "You Won't Be Alone" is definitely worth your time. With its haunting visuals, powerful performances, and evocative storytelling, this film is sure to leave an indelible impression on anyone who watches it.
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Generic 20-something girls romcom
13 June 2022
HBO's Girls is the gold standard when it comes down to this type of romcom. This BBC production is substandard in every way, especially in the writing department. It's neither edgy/realistic as Girls nor quirky and fun like Emily in Paris. The lead is barely likeable -- and that is intended as a pun -- her saving grace is that she doesn't mind prancing around topless. I hope she got paid extra for that.
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Shining Girls (2022)
Magical mystical time portal
12 June 2022
Here's another one of those time traveling stories. It's not as depressing as the German show Dark, but is as confusing and as full of plot holes. Basically, "time travel" plot device allows the author to completely defy logic and to do anything they want with the story line. It's lazy, it's manipulative, and ultimately a disappointment.
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Good beginning, but...
12 June 2022
"The Essex Serpent" begins with great promise, but unfortunately fails to maintain its initial momentum. The series successfully establishes a suspenseful and intriguing atmosphere in the first few episodes, drawing in viewers with its eerie and mysterious storyline. However, as the plot progresses, the show loses its way, and the middle section drags on with little payoff.

The final few episodes of the series are particularly disappointing, as the story descends into a predictable and formulaic soap opera. Any tension and intrigue that were built up in the early episodes are lost, and the ending feels unsatisfying and generic.

Despite these flaws, "The Essex Serpent" does have its strengths. The show boasts an impressive cast, led by the talented and versatile actress, Claire Danes. The production design is also noteworthy, with the show beautifully capturing the atmospheric setting of rural England.

Ultimately, while "The Essex Serpent" has its moments of brilliance, its lackluster middle section and predictable ending prevent it from reaching its full potential.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Generic legal/police procedural
6 June 2022
Relatively low budget production with lots of indoor courtroom scenes, lots of green-screen driving around in a suv, eye-candy B-list actors, and a generic script. I'm surprised this is a NF production, usually the streamers have a bigger budget. This looks and feels more like your typical ABC/CBS/NBC fare.
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All over the place
3 June 2022
In this recent documentary, the filmmaker attempts to construct a grand unifying theory by connecting seemingly disparate elements, cherry-picking events and characters that fit their overarching hypothesis. Despite his aspirations to be a comprehensive authority on history, philosophy, and science, the filmmaker's approach is often muddled and lacks coherence. His methodology appears to be a combination of speculation and superficial analysis.

While watching this documentary, I initially assumed it was produced in the 1960s, given its disjointed approach and lack of rigor. However, to my surprise, it is a recent production that falls short of its ambitious goals. The filmmaker seems to be a dilettante rather than a serious scholar, weaving together random small players and disjointed ideas. The overall effect is one of confusion rather than illumination.

In sum, this documentary may appeal to those who enjoy superficial connections and grandiose theories, but it falls short of providing a clear and rigorous exploration of its subject matter.
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Awaken (I) (2018)
So frustraiting....
11 May 2022
As a devoted follower of Reggio's work, I have rewatched his latest film countless times, yet I find myself struggling to fully embrace it. The final quarter of the documentary is undoubtedly compelling, but it's also somewhat vexing. The film places an excessive amount of emphasis on youth and women, neither of which have any real bearing on the film's central theme. In contrast, Reggio's earlier masterpiece, Koyaanisqatsi, was more impactful because it focused on the essence of what truly matters. To put it bluntly, this particular work is a complete dud.
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Halo (2022– )
Master Chief is OK
15 April 2022
In "The Expanse," the background story is intriguing, but the casting choices for some of the main characters leave something to be desired. Jim Holden, in particular, is portrayed as morose to the point of annoyance. On the other hand, "Halo" boasts some excellent casting choices, particularly with the Master Chief.

Although I've only watched the first three episodes of the first season, the story in "Halo" is solid and has potential for development. While it may not be the most groundbreaking sci-fi series to date, it is definitely one of the top two shows currently available in the genre. I'm excited to see how the narrative progresses in future episodes.
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To the Wonder (2012)
From a T.Malick fan: this film sucks!
4 February 2022
I love T Malick, Thin Red Line is one of my favorites ever. I love R McAdams, she is the cutest. I'm not the biggest fan of BAffleck, but he is fine and a very handsome actor. You'd think this would be my fav movie... Sadly, it's NOT good. It's incoherent and emotionally disconnected.
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The Novice (2021)
A dark character study, beautifully crafted
9 January 2022
The craftmanship of this film is truly commendable. The camera work and sound design create an immersive experience that plunges the viewer into the protagonist's psyche, producing a potent blend of fear and fascination. In terms of both style and subject matter, it evokes the films of Darren Aronofsky, particularly Pi and Black Swan. If you are a fan of those movies, it is highly likely that you will find this one equally compelling.
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The Rescue (2021)
Not equitable!!!!
12 December 2021
Why are there not 50% female rescuers in this production??? This is blatant sex harassment + discrimination . Cancel all the actors and producers involved in this rescue. Cancel all men ;))))
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
An inferior version of "Melancholia"
9 December 2021
This film struggles to balance its comedic and dramatic elements, resulting in a disjointed experience for the viewer. The attempts at humor feel contrived and fall flat, while the serious moments lack the emotional weight they deserve. The acting is passable, but unfortunately, the poor writing and direction overshadow any standout performances.

If you're looking for a film that explores similar themes but executes them with far greater skill, Lars von Trier's "Melancholia" is an excellent choice. In comparison, "Melancholia" delivers a powerful and emotionally charged story, with beautifully crafted characters and stunning visuals. Overall, "Silent Night" may have had potential, its lackluster execution makes it a forgettable watch.
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The Trip (2021)
Don't Breathe + Mr. & Mrs. Smith
30 October 2021
A combo of "Don't Breathe" and "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (or "War of the Roses" if you remember that one) all done on a shoestring budget with lots of gore thrown in for the fun. It's not going to win any awards and it's quite predictable, but it's a decent action comedy and an entertaining way for couples to spend an evening.
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Annette (2021)
It spoke to me...
27 August 2021
I've seen 1000s of movies, and yet... what else is there to say?

Either something touches you, or it doesn't!!!

This one spoke to me (even though i generally hate musicals)!
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Harlots (2017–2019)
Sexists, Boring
18 July 2021
It's sexist and it's crap. The only interesting characters are female.

Everybody else is boring and/or expendable.
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18 June 2021
Most of the characters are unrealistically well-spoken and self-assured for their age. But I supposed this kind of character-fantasy is what YA will lap up. To me and probably most adults it all tastes fake and cliche. I wish they emphasized comedic elements and made it into something like National Lampoon's but instead the writers made it into a soapy melodrama with cliche characters.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
Smarter than Star Trek, and much funnier
17 June 2021
I love this show. It's so funny and It's so clever. When I was younger i used to like serious sci-fi like Star Trek, but nowadays i find most of their moralizing just silly and naive. This show is original and funny as hell. It just keeps surprising me how clever and current it is. I love that it pokes fun at everything, especially other sci-fi.
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