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I'll Be Seeing You (2004 TV Movie)
Enjoyable mystery...
26 May 2024
Just bored on a Saturday night; looking for a mystery and this I found from 2004 apparently. While not real riveting? It held my attention, mainly due to the acting of Ms. Eastwood, who I didn't realize was a pretty good actress. The story line is absolutely contemporary and scary! Bo Sevenson appears as a more menacing figure than I've seen before. Setting of ranchland was peaceful and there were a few twists but invariably, the plot is easy to figure out halfway through. Is that good? Is that bad? I don't think EITHER. It's always a case of well you know it but you still want to see it played out. I think the directing was good but I don't think Margot Kidder (RIP) held a very convincing role.
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Eleven years ago, the message remains as fresh in 2024
25 May 2024
I was surprised and absorbed by this "environmental" style of a magical fantasy with much truth. Made in 2013 with a pretty much all star cast. Excellent acting by Aidan Quinn, Olympia Dukakis and Virginia Madsen that I know well in the movies. It felt like a solid plot of fantasy but with a real twist of reality intertwined. The visuals were outstanding, the plot a bit thin at times but held my interest with several good messages about being different, peer pressures, parental guidance and the growth of individuality. I wish more movies in Hollywood would provide pure yet thoughtful entertainment and diss the violence & profanity for more interesting language. The subtlety of a message matters in the art of relating that message to the viewer. This movie was it for me. Truly outstanding with creativity at the true core of the story.
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Mr. Church (2016)
Yeah, I know I'm late on this one...but had to say this.
2 April 2024
I saw this movie in 2017 and was amazed at this wonderful "family" drama with Eddie Murphy as Mr. Church. I saw it again last night and of course, picked up even more nuances to roundout the most pleasurable viewing experience. The plot, acting, sequencing was/IS outstanding. Mother, daughter, best friend(s) played their roles well capturing their respective emotions in their individual relationship with Charlotte and collectively. I would have never guessed the depth of Eddie Murphy's ability to portray such a complex guy, never in a million years and now I wish at his "tender" age of life? He would turn his sights to doing more...
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Serenity (I) (2019)
Like Matt McC's book "GreenLights" ? This too, is disjointed
4 January 2024
I'm not sure what draws Matthew McConaghey to this type of disjointed story telling; I only know it could use massive improvement in the telling...Acting was very good. Setting good. Ann Hathaway? Not as convincing or as relevant; definitely outside her genre of acting, whether she know it? Or not...The idea of father/son estrangement for whatever reason is always interesting and their ultimate reunification. I just think this was a bit verbose in the telling; disjointed with a drawn out "lesson" about life and the mystery if not lack of control we humans experience very often in our fate. I wish Matthew McConaghey had a bit more DIRECTION in what he selects of late...He seems off the "path" of a well rounded story no matter what he chooses; needs some help and I'm not sure where it needs to come from; just know that if he wishes to remain in cinema? He needs to FIND HIMSELF.
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Very surprising, well told story
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure I really wanted to watch this due to the immediate thought this was being thrown here due to the Israel conflict - a hightlight on some Jewish story. But I was wrong. It is a well written, well told story of one families experience with sperm donation and how it affects ensuing lives - personal feelings of angst and uncertainty. It was also set in a time I'm very familiar with and can definitely identify with the writer/narrator, Jon, all the facts surrounding early sperm donation and the stigma for a variety of reasons. This was a well done, firsthand account documentary that left "no stone unturned". It held my attention because the story and the "players" ARE REAL, they are human and a family and of course, most of us can identify with that.

Very pleased I saw it; answered a whole lot of questions; gave me better insight to those I know going through life...Wondering.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Fast moving & hilarious!
18 September 2023
What a super comedy to break up the gravity of so many dramas & ultra violent movies...Sure appreciate the welcome RELIEF here in 2023! Adam Devine is funny...to a point...More slapstick humor which isn't my personal favorite. Enjoyed his partner, Nina Dubrev as she loves him for who he is. They set the stage for hilarity in their courtship/marriage though Adam was the bizarrely "funny" guy. The addition of Pierce Brosnan and Ellen Barkin as Nina's parents was refreshing and they did justice to their roles by just being the professionals they are...Pierce has a great comedic side, no doubt about it. Ellen more dry wit and to the point. Plot was fast paced and crazy but at least it didn't lend itself to being boring as some comedies tend to do. Think the criminal "partner" of Nina's parents wasn't the greatest acting by any means. Her accent was baloney and disingenuous really but portrayal of the criminal counterpart passable. Would like to see more comedy these days as there has been far too much intense violence and "shoot 'em up" which at this juncture; is a real drag. Need more lighter comedy to break up gravity & violent film these days.
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The Eleventh Victim (2012 TV Movie)
Surprise Thriller...
16 September 2023
Well Nancy Grace did a fairly keen job of writing this thriller, made for television, with Jeanne Garth in the lead. Nicely woven plot and a few surprises along the way. The killer was a most interesting character that had a taunting, cold and calculated manner which definitely lent fear to this movie in his own, violent, methodical way. I was surprised Jeanne Garth was as good as she was; she usually does touchy-feelin "hallmark" type stuff and this showed her deeper capability to be a believable character, lawyer or therapist as she was. The twist at the end was unexpected but welcomed adding more suspense for sure. Very good movie.
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Great story!
15 September 2023
Excellent story, I assume, based on a personal experience...Nice intertwining of friendships and family with good acting and an understandable plot that leaves you with the very real sense of self - being true to yourself. Small town living in a farming community has as many challenges as any big city life; if not more. The actors portrayed their characters very authentically - very real. Very glad I turned this on; just what I needed to see this evening - a sad yet positive outcome of a LIFE/lives and the choices we make for better or worse that lead us on to another chapter of our lives and what success means to each. I felt the father of Cole could have been a better selected role but all things considered? He did an ample job of the guy who settles for less due to circumstances; often doing the honorable thing instead of following his true choices for a life.
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The Trail (2013)
Pretty poorly orchestrated
9 July 2023
The IDEA was grand; a young girl losing her husband in the wilderness and forging ahead on her own to civilization. The issues were the very s l o w movement; the inferior acting of this young girl and the failure to truly deliver the "message" of endurance equating to suffering relentlessly in order to find "hope and character" ??? I think not. This overzealous if not over-religious drama captures no essence of faith, hope or charity - it merely points to historic hardship in the wilderness and many a story has been told about this and far more worthwhile WITH MEANING.

Someone needs to go to film school and get a dose of reality along the way and stop using the Bible as a 'crutch'. Strong lack of true humanity in this film.
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One Special Night (1999 TV Movie)
Continues to have "staying" power after 20 years+
9 July 2023
This feel good Christmas story has always warmed my heart and thus I watch it yearly when I really need a "pick me up" as I can certainly identify with both characters.

Julie Andrews is just as one would expect her to be, charming and effervescent BUT with a real streak of both professionalism and independence, even in light of the generation she is from. James Garner, it goes without saying is a "maverick" (no pun intended) and is a sorta "take no prisoners" kinda guy and thus the uniting of them both in a love story seems right; appropriate if not totally understandable. The "daughters" were interesting but their characters were not well developed in my opinion - too much whining. While the plot 'thins' in the storm due to the convenience of an empty cabin? I thought it lent itself to telling a beginning and end to this charming story. I'll keep watching it yearly as long as they broadcast it for that 'shot' of feel good holiday spirit!
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October Gale (2014)
Fairly good thriller
9 July 2023
The plot is believable the is danger real. I thought this was a pretty good thriller and the acting was very good. The setting lent itself to a "Cape Fear" type of environment and the cinematography was great. It was easy to understand why a person would want to get away from it all after loss. I did feel it was a bit slower than I would have liked but that's just me and I'm sure some other reviewers thought the pace was fine. Patricia Clarkson has always been a fine character actress (yeah I know, y'all prefer "actor" for a woman...Get over it) She's done alot of fine work in the movies and I felt her character was genuine and I hardly think (as some male reviewers appear to) that it was a case of being "horny" that she missed the love & affection of a wonderful husband; married many years and in sync. Of course? If you've never experienced that? You wouldn't be in a position to KNOW. I have and thus identified with her longing, loneliness and stalwart desire for remaining the independent woman she portrayed - right up to having the knowledge of how to handle a rifle; so kudos Ms. Clarkson!
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Fascinating study of the human psyche under pressure!
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Intricate plot woven from the billionaire's cruise to its demise and the stranding of a select few personalities on a desert island - presumably uninhabited until...Not something I would normally "tune in" to but like a good book? Could not "put it down" until all the players "hand's" were shown. Good plot - acting - geography in identifying each personality from the beginning to almost the end. Woody Harrelson's "Captain" role was limited but certainly made an initial statement of what was to come and going on. The crazy older couple with the nonchalant attitude of grenade making certainly shows how some are out of touch with reality. The graphic depiction of a yacht under oceanic siege was fascinating to watch as each of the clients became wrenchingly ill with the ship breaking down. Interesting movie and entirely with a great reality check on humanity.
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Mesmerizing if not fascinating...
1 March 2023
I found this movie to be beyond the realm of even remotely, ordinary but mesmerizing and interesting in really seeing the world as it is - beyond the "naked" eye in intentions and actual life as we know it. Tilda Swinton did an outstanding job as Althea who doesn't function well out of her intellect when it comes to listening to her feelings. Idris Elba was also outstanding in his role as Djinn and gave meaning to the "storytelling" of his history and the genuine feeling of life, meaning and love. Very capturing, ethereal story yet profoundly human in the feeling of what is, fantasy and perhaps what should be. Really enjoyed being "removed" for this movie to another world and placed into another place of possibilities, doubts, fears and circumspection. Very entertaining and has left me with real contemplation in a variety of ways.
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Outstanding life story if not sad...
13 February 2023
I just happened to stumble upon this mini-story of Janet Jackson last night and have always wondered about this beautiful, mysterious "Jackson" talent. I'm glad I did because I certainly understood more of what she went through and how it all started. The film history was outstanding of her associations, family, career. Her personal words in the interview were filled with nostalgia, true regret and some real unhappiness as she lives with the "scars", obviously. She is most sensitive, caring, empathetic and? FORGIVING! Joe Jackson was a quiet, deliberate manipulator whether he recognized that in himself, or not. The desire to have his children succeed at the highest performance level trumped his love and care for these children...ALL of them. I guess there are no family sins that aren't forgivable for some, but I think when your childhood is literally "stolen" from you for ANY reason? You have a true right to be somewhat bitter. I did not see that in Janet because of the woman she is - the person she is. Truly enigmatic and loving if not somewhat forgiving beyond words.
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Let me say it again...
3 February 2023
One of the worst movies I've ever seen with a bland dialogue, ridiculously boring story and overwhelming level of human ignorance. I've seen plenty of dark movies in my time; but this "takes the cake".

The acting was mediocre as I've stated to many - the plot very thin and utterly moronic. I mean mutilating yourself out of minor disagreement and upset on a lonely island as if it were an everyday occurrence? Really now...Truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen and if it has meaning to some? I would submit? A VERY LOW percentage of authenticity to many. I realize the Irish are noted for being "dark and moody" very often, but to the degree that one would live like a manic depressive and not seek joy and fulfillment in any true way is a pathetic commentary that reflects solely on them.
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Blackbird (I) (2019)
An accurate portrayal for many...
5 January 2023
Excellent story of most personal and dignified treatment of terminal illness - chosen death. Susan Sarandon was excellent in holding it all together/PUTTING it ALL together. The rest of the cast was instrumental in being "along for the ride". Any one whose ever been through this kind of passing (as I have) understands what dying with dignity IS ALL ABOUT and how it evolves into reality with the greatest gifts of all being given...love and the RIGHT to make YOUR choice in such situations as how to leave this world. Either peacefully or not, and this family accepted the decision of the ONE who mattered most - the dying wife and mother. The family was rather typical of those I've witnessed in some of these cases...Intelligent; emotional and poignant. For those who don't agree or haven't been through it like this; it may make little sense. BUT to those of us who have? It makes ALL the sense. Very good representation of Euthanasia and what it entails for many...
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Painfully riveting but a most worthy "watch"
22 December 2022
This is one of the better documentaries of the unfolding & aftermath of a natural disaster that I have ever seen...Part of me wanted to turn it off for fear of what I might see - but the larger part wanted to know the truth(s) of this great catastrophe on Whakaari (White Island) The cinematography was excellent along with the variety of narratives from a multitude of perspectives. I'm frankly amazed 22 lives were lost and not all 47 because what was suppose to be an awesome adventure in nature turned in a "heartbeat" to a great tragedy. MANY "lessons" learned in watching it in regard to natural disaster and the elements of first aid for such a rare occurrence. I salute every person who was part of this production for creating an astounding "blow by blow" understanding of how it all unfolded - the wrongs and rights of it and the amazing men and women who came to the rescue in spite of the dangers presented. EXCELLENT documentary!
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Edge of the Garden (2011 TV Movie)
Pleasant diversion from reality...
21 December 2022
The plot was fairly well done and the characters wholly believable for a fantasy! I like Rob Estes acting alot and always feel he is underrated. The setting was perfect for a fantasy, reminding me somewhat of the Enchanted Cottage, a very old movie based on fantasy also. It moved along well, even though it jumped back and forth - which it really had to in order to tell the story from both historic and contemporary period. I didn't care for the paramour of his and felt her acting was beneath others. Too "cookie cutter" for me. I loved the ending which tied it ALL together and was a 'win win' for those of us who appreciate the hard work of life that LEADS to an actual, "happy ending" with wisdom of age prevailing and an understanding and empathy of how things were vs. How things are.
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Advertising plot was skewed
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Had I known the crux of this plot? I probably would not have watched it, even though? Sigourney Weaver and Kevin Kline are two of my most favorite actors. The major "thread" of her alcoholism is just something that didn't appeal to me and took "center stage" in this whole drama, that I THOUGHT, was truly MORE about two highschool "loves" reuniting after many a year apart. -So that rather dampened the story for me, but the acting was very good, the setting ideal, the ensuing friendships of townspeople all "came together" in a way that was both surprising and yet strangely familiar for any one whose ever resided in a small town. I do feel Kevin Kline's role was underrated and could have been enhanced lending itself to greater interest in this long term relationship, but that was not to be.
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Can't believe how bad this was...
13 December 2022
This is one of the worst, rather nonsensical mystery "corn" movies of all time. The plot is thin and both the female/male actors need to return to REAL acting school. The hokey dialogue from all was like "nails on a blackboard" to listen to and like a mystery "soap opera". Seriously flawed throughout and whoever made this movie I would submit? Seriously needs to go back to casting/directorship "school" 101!!! Totally unbearable to watch in every respect possible. I can't imagine as an artist, seeing the premiere didn't and couldn't recognize the numerous flaws in just about every respect. UGH.
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Juanita (I) (2019)
Great if not genuine storyline
20 November 2022
This is the 2nd movie that I've recently seen where I felt my confidence in film making totally restored. This was a splendid story with fine acting and a inspiring plot. Alfre Woodward was A+++++ (-as was Adam Beach...) I felt the commonality of how some women are almost compelled to live unless they break away from the entrapment of "family" and make a worthy attempt to find themselves and renew their faith in humankind if not love and? Family as well...I feel though this occurs alot in black women's lives for a variety of reasons BUT it is prevalent as well and transcends race in a very real way due to the nurturing nature of women in general - their loyalties - their commitments and their duties and GUILT that often drives them into a mundane if not unhappy life most unfulfilled. For it is indeed up to each of us, to find our place and what makes us reasonably satisfied to GO ON in this life when faced with multiple burdens if not "crosses to bear" - whether self-imposed or the result of events that take us there. Really fine story, absorbing, interesting, meaningful and genuine if not wholly authentic in all respects. Kudos to the writer, filmmaker and all the wonderful people who comprise this fine movie that lends itself to the viewer inspecting their own lives, wishes, dreams if not garnering some real circumspection on the meaning of our lives and leading us on the continual search to find what makes us truly happy and content.
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Father Stu (2022)
Moving in every facet of life...
20 October 2022
I was rather surprised I stuck with this movie as I've never watched Mark Wahlberg much and was totally taken back at his fine acting ability in portraying such a character - person, as Father Stu. Mel Gibson was of equal stature in showing himself to be more than just a "lethal weapon" type of guy - but a rough edged, hard living, pessimist who found a certain amount of solace and peace through his son's illness. The story was excellent and the momentum very good with much intersplicing of different characters to challenge Stu's epiphany and movement towards something greater than himself. I was completely absorbed with his journey in spite of all obstacles standing squarely in his way. Truly a bit of a "sleeper" in that I didn't know anything about this life story and the journey it took to tell it. Pretty amazing, moving, circumspective and whether you are religious or not (-and an I am not) you can't help but feel the inspiration of Stuart turning his life around and over to God. Great story that absolutely brought reality into Stuart and all characters making this a superior movie viewing experience.
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The List (I) (2007)
The producer must think the viewing public ignorant
6 October 2022
-To pass off a movie like this without being upfront and honest about JUST WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT. Prayer, faith, religion - doesn't matter really - the feeling ultimately is that the producer was intent on deceiving the viewer and that, in and of itself? Makes it a dishonest production - PERIOD. He should be rethinking his goals in life and? Perhaps his OWN life in trying to mask something that really is and can be meaningful by choice in our lives - but not shoved down our throats deceitfully by calling the movie a "thriller". Sorry guy, it just doesn't wash with the honest viewing public.

Perhaps his calling should have been the R E A L ministry of others? Just a thought...The acting was appropriate for the plot. Very slow moving however and a loss of interest early on when it became crystal clear? The intent of making this movie was self-serving and rather dishonest in the labeling, hm?
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Outstanding thriller...
3 October 2022
Amazed at the criticism of this outstanding movie...Acting was superb...Plot edgy and provocative. Absorbing from beginning to end as in? ENTERTAINING in keeping the viewer guessing. The twist at the end completely threw me (-and frankly, any one who says it wasn't a surprise I seriously question) Had no idea Tyler Perry could generate such a cunning and shrewd movie and wind it into an absolute thriller of the highest caliber. It has been some time since I saw something that kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end but this most definitely was it. I salute his ingenuity and the fine acting of every single player for providing a truly entertaining experience.
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Lou (I) (2022)
Who knew?
28 September 2022
All I ever saw Alison Janney in was in the sitcome "Mom" as a great comedienne, so this did me a complete "360" in noting her incredible capabilities and range as an actress. Tough storyline and very violent. Not the kind of pic I watch regularly (-save it for the millennials who eat up this kinda plot...) I can't remember when I've seen such a raw movie but I must say, done very well with fine acting by all and great location and cimetography. The plot was as edgy as they come with nuances of "humanity" spliced throughout. Not recommended for the "faint of heart", that's for sure. Was glad, however, to see such great performances by all that cohesively worked from beginning to end to make it an interesting, provocative story.
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