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The Crown: Cri de Coeur (2019)
Season 3, Episode 10
God Save Princess Margaret!
10 November 2022
Princess Margaret and Prince Philip make this season! The episodes, like this one, where they are at the center are my favorites. I love Helena Bonham Carter and Tobias Menzies - in general and in their roles here. I've started watching The Crown in the past year in preparation for Season 5, which is great and furthers my personal IMDB "game" - I love connecting the characters in the Crown with their roles in the Harry Potter movies, Call the Midwife episodes, or the Outlander series, having seen (and read) all of those years before seeing The Crown. With the exception of a couple of episodes, Season 3 is fantastic and this finale is one of the best. It truly is a pivotal season in terms of the time line, story arc, and change in actors playing certain characters, those playing the Queen and Prince Charles stand out the most.
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Ignore the Average Lowball/Misleading Rating!
5 February 2022
Funny movie! Laughed and loved! Lighten up! I find myself giving 7-9s a rating of 10 in a 1/20,000th chance of getting good, funny movies - not films or works or art - out of the 5s! What the hell!?!? Totally worth $2.99 on Prime right now - you'll watch it twice!
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Missed Comedic Opportunity
28 January 2022
A money-tree movie about learning about yourself and changing for the better. Sure, keep that in but give us a comedy and not...this. Sorry to be a cynic but this silly premise should involve the whole family and some shopping sprees etc. Not the tarp over the railing accident. Too do-goody, Hallmark style for me no not well done except for a few moments.
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Little House on the Prairie: Blizzard (1977)
Season 3, Episode 11
A Classic and Miss Beadle's 3rd Strike
25 January 2022
After Season Two's "The Camp-Out" and "Little Girl Lost" from earlier in this third season, Mrs. Beadle strikes out again in "Blizzard" - making a choice or giving an assignment that endangers the kids. This has always been one of my favorite episodes because of the town crisis formula and that it's only one of three LHOTP Christmas episodes - not counting the movie "God Bless All (?) the Little Children". With Mr. Edwards wanting to keep going back with Charles to see their friend with a whiskey jug to the beautiful moment between Willie and Miss Beadle to the classic Charles Ingalls closing scene making it a true Christmas episode, it's no wonder that this was one of the most rerun episodes of the series. I am always curious, though, that the proceeding episode very much in the Spring and is about John Jr. But he's not in this episode with all the other Walnut Grove kids - I guess he's so smart he's "graduated" from school...? Again, a LHOTP classic/Christmas classic.
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That's My Boy (2012)
Relax! It's hilarious!
17 January 2022
Stop over analyzing it! Sandler is laughing at you (all the way to the bank!)! BF and I were laughing and mimicking the one-liners so much we did a rewatch - and, yes, we are 40. RELAX! It's funny! Not made to analyze!
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Little House on the Prairie: The Faith Healer (1979)
Season 6, Episode 10
One of the Best Charlatan Episodes
9 January 2022
Walnut Grove seems to be a magnet for charlatans and hucksters in the form of circus folk, medicine men, and ministers, often with two in one. (Seriously, it's as if there is a sign outside of town reading "All Circus Performers, Escaped or Blundering Criminals, Two-Faced Ministers, General Con-artists, Violent Racists, Etc. -> This Way!") eThis episode reminds me of "Circus Man" from Season One (apparently, though, Doc Baker's surgical skills were sharper then, pun intended). Most of the main elements are the same or similar with the "Faith Healer" reverend as the scam artist, and we get to see Charles flip out and lose it after playing a little game of Pa Ingalls, Private Eye. Also, Albert is in his second season as part of the LHOTP family and is just awesome. He's still a little cutie in Season Six before his voice starts breaking - along with the other plagues of puberty for a child actor. For example, at this age he can still get away with things like telling the Reverend Alden that Mrs. Olsen probably needs more than one church service to get forgiveness for all of the bad stuff she does! Sick burn, Albert!
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Just let go! Funny, Sexy, & Gooofy!
7 January 2022
Other reviewers should have just gone with it! Jennifer Anniston is cute and sexy as always and seeing her on and after a "Pretty Woman" make over is just the icing on the cake! Adam Sandler is funny as always, then add the chemistry with Anniston, and he's sexy too! Such chemistry! For those who thought the humor was teenage-boy lowbrow, they just need to "go with it" and laugh at some sexy yet light adult humor - lighten up! I watched it twice the first time I saw this movie with my partner (and some vino) and loved it. The two kids are in it just enough to keep the quirky storyline and to show off Sandler's character as a dad - and they're great! The movie is fast-paced full or love and laughs and some sexy moments (not sex!). Lighten up, and enjoy!!! I'm so happy - especially after all of these downer reviews - that this gets a 10/10. It's more than a romantic comedy, with all the comedy of errors. Just great how it is. Don't try to box it in to a "Romcom" - worst label ever! Have fun!
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Smart People (2008)
I'd watch the sequel - no one ever admits that!
7 January 2022
PLEASE WATCH THIS and respond to my review because I don't know what to do! There is so much potential but what's the point?!?! I first saw this around ten years ago thinking, "Wow! What a cast! SJP! Ellen Page! ?-?-?-Church, even Dennis Quaid can recover from The Parent Trap - an ensemble cast? Sure!" Over a decade later in January 2022, I'm left wondering how many times the word "retard" - yes, in many contexts - is used and how sexual/gender confusion fits into whatever this haphazard plot and wannabe ensemble cast are even doing on a screen together. If the message is that life is messy, then I think that's accomplished simply by the messy script and sloppy ensemble. At the ending, when secrets and what-the-hells are revealed and people changed, I can say that for the first time EVER that I would really like to see the sequel to this movie! I've never thought that before!!! I at least admitted it! Hahahah!!! Perhaps a sequel would be worthwhile for maybe the third (?) time in the history of film 😆 Again, someone help me figure out this movie!
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Missed Potential! Needs an overhaul!
7 January 2022
This movie has potential but needs a complete overhaul. For starters, when you have Woody Harrelson, you don't cast him in the iconic teacher role to help the lost teenage girl and then give him minimal lines, screen time, and a very weak storyline with a last-minute surprise life. Harrelson could have really elevated this movie in this role. Though he leaves the movie quite early, the father could have remained present and given much-needed depth to this family instead of having his impact coming out in unclear and stereotypical ways with the mother and brother especially - and the daughter!?!? The best friend could have also...ugh, not worth it. I can't even review this movie without essentially rewriting it. So much missed potential! And one too many teenage boys for the leading lady! I was literally confused at one point. Again, it's just a shame what little they did with Woody Harrelson signed on! You can skip this one. A 6/10 may be generous....
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Little House on the Prairie: Mortal Mission (1979)
Season 5, Episode 23
Well done but it should have been done in 2 parts!
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I don't know how in thirty years of watching LHOTP reruns I never ran into this episode. I do know that I have been avoiding watching it for a while now that the show has been available on a streaming service. Not to wish more tragedy on the good people of Walnut Grove, but I think this would have been better as a longer episode or a two-part one in which the personal family stories could play out more than they can in similar episodes and the captive scene could do the same - that crazy situation deserves more air time. This episode is definitely the most suspenseful and tragic of the "town tragedy" episodes such as "Blizzard", "Plague", or "Quarantine", etc., but is it more horrific than the two "May We Make Them Proud" episodes? They are both tragic and senseless. However, you're also left asking which man is the most evil? And which man is the most stupid in this episode? The two men who sold the infected meat so they themselves would not starve OR the man who holds Charles and Jonathan hostage so his family would not starve? He MUST be the stupidest: eating the meat of an animal that died because it was sick and then only doing the right thing because his wife holds him at gun point! I hope she ended up leaving his dumb ass! Preferably tied up. The episode is filled with some great moments and quotes that, again, would be even better if this was made as one of the longer or two-part episodes. For example, the brief scene between Nels and Harriet around 25-minutes in - now THAT deserved more screen time - especially for Nels! What Harriet says is a long time coming by season 5 and even longer by season 9! Another line, one that is not yet mentioned in the IMDb quotes, is from Caroline: "Blizzards don't stop Charles and Johnathon." The implications of that statement in her mind and in the minds of Walnut Grove and the scenes of the two men being held up and kidnapped also indicate that this episode would have been a great 2-parter because of the absolute faith they have in these men, especially Pa Ingall. Again, I would love to see the deeper questions and the affected series regulars explored more here, making this a 10/10 and an even more fully developed "town tragedy" episode. Finally, Doc Baker gives one of his best performances manning the helm of the tragedy. Hester Sue does a good job too, but I felt her singing at the end was a bit too much (she also sings in the closing scene of "May We Make Them Proud"). Once again for the last time, had this been a 2-hour episode, her singing would be more fitting as a 45-minute episode does not need such a reflective ending. However, all that is included in this standard-length episode is quite impressive and perhaps deserves such a thoughtful conclusion. As a teacher, I really wish we could give half-points on the IMDb rating scale. Taking all this together, I'd give "Mortal Mission" a 9.5 out of 10
  • a solid A.
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Walnut Grove in Winoka
3 January 2022
These two episodes are surprisingly good and consistent for such a big change, but the Ingalls, Garvys, and Olesons still shine outside of Walnut Grove. We also get to meet Albert for the first time - a significant addition the the Little House series.

Part 1 of this episode gets off to a good start with the exception of Carrie actually having lines. I hate sounding cruel but the physical/mental developmental growth of this character and actress IS one of the most-questioned inconsistencies of LHOTP - just look at other reviews throughout the first eight seasons. She does several things at the beginning of the episode that are simply dumb and embarrassing. However, they just set up the introduction of Albert to be even more welcome than it already is. He looks like a look little Charles! In fact, the same actor played Charles as a child in some of the previous episodes. (Sorry, I just had to get some Carrie criticism out of my system! Other long-time fans should understand.)

Walnut Grove and Ingalls-family values are really challenged in the "big city" but the tension is broken in classic LHOTP style. There are laughs - some of the best provided by Harriet and the Olesons - and heartfelt moments and occasionally tears. The final scene of the second part is especially moving.
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Walnut Grove in Winoka
3 January 2022
These two episodes are surprisingly good and consistent for such a big change, but the Ingalls, Garvys, and Olesons still shine outside of Walnut Grove. We also get to meet Albert for the first time - a significant addition the the Little House series. Walnut Grove and Ingalls-family values are really challenged in the "big city" but the tension is broken in classic LHOTP style. There are laughs - some of the best provided by Harriet and the Olesons - and heartfelt moments and occasionally tears. The final scene of the second part is especially moving.
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The final 15 minutes!!!
2 January 2022
I find no reason to review any aspects of Part One or Two of The Wild Boy because of the AMAZING monologue given by Mr. Edwards at the end of Part Two. After watching Little House on the Prairie reruns for almost four decades (and the last few years on a streaming service), I somehow never caught or paid attention to the last 15 minutes of The Wild Boy. Victor French just blew me away with Mr. Edwards's final monologue of Part Two. He tries to make sense of what is supposed to be the conclusion of Matthew's - "The Wild Boy's" - story in Walnut Grove and in the process gives a philosophical argument for what is considered "normal" while using members of the town as examples. Acting classes should use it for material. So if you watch all of both episodes, you will walk away thoroughly impressed.
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A Farce of Kidnapping & Ransoms
1 January 2022
A true farce in Walnut Grove begun by two of the dumbest wannabe, failed "outlaws" - and Nels! This reminds me a bit of the episode about the goat - Fred? I believe - that causes trouble for everyone in town after he's pawned off on innocent Laura as a girl and she tries to pawn him off in turn. In this case, it's these idiot outlaws fresh out of jail riding together on one poor little donkey - Old Paint! - when they come to Walnut Grove and misinterpret a conversation between Nels and Charles that leads them to rob Nels because they believe he has gold! Things go continuously downhill from there with failed ransom notes and kidnappings. A funny and light episode in what is a pretty serious season - the last with the original Little House Ingalls, etc. Season 8.
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If not for Dan Levy...
29 December 2021
....and his general awesomeness and chemistry with Kristen Stewart, then my rating would not be as high as it is. Aubrey Plaza and Allison Brie also give strong performances. The ending is also pretty funny and makes up for the slow/slower parts of the movie. The ending really makes the movie. Also, the entire cast is pretty solid, they just miss the "ensemble" label by a few marks. And, unfortunately, the character of Harper, and the actress - I can't remember her name - who protests her is not strong enough for this role, in my opinion. Finally, even in the ending, it's Levy and Stewart who carry what depth there is here. Watch it for Dan, Kristen, and the ending - it's worth it :-)
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Little House on the Prairie: Child of Pain (1975)
Season 1, Episode 20
A Wonderful Episode
23 December 2021
After 3-4 decades of watching Little House reruns, I've realized that any episode with Dr. Baker in it is usually a really good one. I say that because he plays a dominant role in Season One, and though he is only in the beginning of this episode, he helps set it up to be a strong one - along with Charles, Mrs. Beadle, and Caroline and the girls. The actor playing the alcoholic and abusive father in this episode gives a great performance. The young boy playing his son is also very strong in his role. Speaking from personal experience, Charles Ingalls knows the old-school fundamentals to helping someone "dry up" - a dated phrase but accurate in this case - or get off drugs (as we see in a later episode): Quit cold Turkey and despite the DTs work (detox) the booze out of your body through physical labor to achieve mental clarity as to why you drink and hopefully end your physical dependence on alcohol and heal. It's one of those episodes that deals with an issue of the time period that was also an issue when the show was filmed and is also not surprisingly still an issue today - or rather issues: alcoholism and child abuse. Note: It's not as dark an episode as I've perhaps made it sound. It's well-balanced with the dark and the light, as classic Little House episodes usually are.
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Beautiful Episode
23 December 2021
This is a beautiful episode with Tinker and the children. However, it also illustrates as almost every episode does what a pot-stirrer Harriet Oleson is. And Reverend Alden runs a close second a lot of times - the Bully Brothers (?) comes to mind. Paraphrasing Charles's words, "The Reverend's got a war on his hands." All over a stupid bell! The story of Tinker and the children is beautiful, though.
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Little House on the Prairie: The Racoon (1974)
Season 1, Episode 10
So Frustrating!!!
23 December 2021
This episode makes me want to just slap every member of the Ingalls family! Just slap some sense into them. (Except for Carrie - which is saying something.) I cannot remember a time in my life, for 40 years now, in which I did not know A) to stay away from raccoons and B) if something is making the family dog freak out, then everyone should probably pay attention and C) if Pa Ingalls (or my father, specifically, I don't know about other people's) tells you to do something for your own good, then you should probably listen :-) All of that whining, crying, sister guilt, and little kid naïveté just grates on my last nerve.
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Little House on the Prairie: The Handyman (1977)
Season 4, Episode 4
One of My Favorites...???
22 December 2021
...and I'm not sure exactly why. This episode is one in less than a handful of episodes in which Ma takes the lead - and is awesome! Pa pops in and out. It's also one of a multitude of episodes where the conflict is exacerbated by Harriet Olsen's gossip - and her daughter's, who takes her mother's verbal garbage from the store/home to school with her and then one of the Ingalls' girls brings it home with her. In this case it's Mary and I don't know how I feel about what she does - after thirty years of Little House reruns and I still don't know how I feel about what Mary did. Decide for yourself - that's the joy of multiple interpretations. It is a good episode. Caroline is great of course but is conflicted herself by the situation and by Mary's actions. Harriet can really stir the pot for the whole town! Perhaps this is the Ma version of the episode with Pa working for the attractive widow so he can give Ma some her old but nice fancy dishes :-)
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Little House on the Prairie: My Ellen (1977)
Season 4, Episode 3
Trying to be Twisted
22 December 2021
Good chemistry between Melissa Gilbert (Laura) and Corinne Camacho as Mrs. Taylor, Ellen's mother. Their scenes together set this episode apart from the other "lost child" episodes on Little House. The character of Mr. Bugsby is introduced and could have served the story better had they developed his character or his relationship to the town more and enough to warrant the screen time and plot participation that he receives. I'm surprised that there isn't a precious episode involving him more clearly.

This episode is trying hard to be twisted and succeeds up until a point. However, Mr. Taylor (Ellen's father) and Mr. Bugsby's roles concerning Laura are not fully developed. Therefore, the episode is frayed and not as solid as it so easily could be.
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Little House on the Prairie: Fred (1976)
Season 3, Episode 8
I Had to Keep Upping My Rating ! :-)
21 December 2021
Despite the silly, simple premise of a troublesome goat, as the episode progresses it gets more and more funny! By the end Fred has made victims of everyone in town! I didn't want to laugh as much as I did but by the time I got to the part with Dr. Baker, Grace, and Mr. Edwards I just gave in and gave it a 10/10. (It also reminded me of The Andy Griffith Show episode with the "loaded goat" - a classic!) It's no Bully Boys or The Hunters episodes also in Season 3, but it really is a well-done episode that comes full circle with all of Walnut Grove included in the story.
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Little House on the Prairie: The Last Summer (1983)
Season 9, Episode 19
The Ingalls would have made this a 10/10
21 December 2021
Mrs. Sarah Carter really screws the pooch in this episode. If Caroline Ingalls was still playing "Ma", she would have accepted the gift and then done her homework about Ms. Ruthy Leland and found out about why she is being so generous. Even if she did not find out the personal, pressing reason for Ms. Leland's extra generosity - because she seems like a kind, generous lady regardless of her extenuating circumstances - Ma Ingalls would not have treated Ruthy with such immediate contempt at their first meeting. Regardless of the "Ma", she should have checked her out before her little boy worked for the unknown woman. Thank goodness for Dewey! I never liked Sarah Carter even if she hadn't replaced Caroline, and she lives up to that dislike in what should be a slow but sweet episode. Even in the end, Sarah still had not made up for her mistake. The actress playing Ruthy is excellent! It seems guest stars saved quite a few Season 9 episodes!
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Embrace the Wild!
20 December 2021
This episode is so sweet! Really a 10/10 for Season 9. You get Mr. Edwards as the lead with the whole town involved and a cute premise executed so well that if you just accept it, you have a great episode. An orangutan in Walnut Grove? Living with Mr. Edwards and then Laura, Almonzo, and Jenny? Attending school? Like with Bewitched and Gilligan's Island, you just need to give yourself over to the whimsy! Edwards even narrates the closing of the episode. The disturbing part of the episode is the new level of evil that Nancy reaches. True, Mrs. Oleson backs her up and is the one to set the wheels in motion against Blanche, but I have a feeling that if Nels (and even Charles perhaps?) was there, he would change her mind. Harriet does not relish in the cruelty the way Nancy does - or at least if you look at her facial expression. I just want to slap that evil look off of her face! Besides that though it's a fun and funny and sweet episode!
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Little House on the Prairie: Marvin's Garden (1983)
Season 9, Episode 12
Ralph Bellamy gets a 10/10
20 December 2021
The basis of the Jenny part of this story is astonishing because it essentially already happened at the start of the season! How could they let an almost identical scene and storyline happen? AND the mysterious premise of Marvin having also been a doctor in Walnut Grove with Dr. Baker throughout the entire series is also lazy writing. HOWEVER, once you get past those blips and focus on the Marvin storyline - that Jenny is a part of - the episode seems to have been written to showcase Ralph Bellamy. Perhaps that's why they say "screw basic and blatant continuity" (yet again) and process. This classic actor is so good and, if we can call this episode a showcase for him, then it's worth watching just for Bellamy as Dr. Marvin.
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Skip It - Worst Season 9 Episode
20 December 2021
If this is the worst of Season 9, then it may be the worst of the series. True, the last season is not the strongest and was tacked on for network reasons I think, but there were also several really good episodes. Victor French as Mr. Edwards is essential in making Season 9 still feel like a part of LHOTP but this episode is just embarrassing.
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