
30 Reviews
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Dopesick (2021)
Good watch, but has some issues
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is an important series to watch and it was very gripping overall.

However, I did have some issues with it:

  • The constant time jumps back and forth are very confusing. You have a general idea of what's happening, but I feel like I might have missed out on some realizations because I didn't keep rigorous track of the timeline.

  • What was the point of Doctor Finnix' testimony at the start of the first episode? I thought the whole series would lead up to this moment in some sort of trial scene, but during the series we never see Finnix interacting with the prosecutors again. This just confused me since (as mentioned before), I didn't keep a rigorous track of the timeline and now have no idea what this hearing even was.

  • Richard Sackler was portrayed as a total and utter evil sociopath without an ounce of emotion. Since I don't know the real Richard Sackler it's hard to judge, but I find it hard to believe that this would be his real personality. Most of the time, people doing horrible things are just like you and me and not sociopaths. Then again, I don't know the real person, he just might be.

But in the end this is an important piece that needs to be watched.
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Squid Game (2021– )
I don't get the hype
22 October 2021
It's an okay series, but I really don't think it's hypeworthy. Most, if not all, elements of the series have been there before, but better. Only distinguishing feature is that it's korean.

What really bothered me was: Overacting a lot of times. Or is that just a cultural thing?

Cringeworthy dialogues from all people involved (especially the bad guys).

Certain storylines just fizzle out into nothingness. What's the purpose of having them then?
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
Now here's an unpopular opinion: "The Closer" is boring
15 October 2021
Over the course of the whole 70 minutes Chapelle maybe has three or four good points. The rest is just provocation for provocation's sake.

Not worthy of any outrage from anyone.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
If it looks like a duck...
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Walks like a duck and quacks like a probably is a duck.

Does no person on this island know about the concept of a vampire?

A creature with wings, feeding on blood from humans, with self-healing abilities, able to bring back people from the dead, transform them and can be hurt by sunlight. How could anyone assume that such a creature could be an angel when they know about the concept of vampires?

That just was too much for my suspension of disbelief and spoiled it by quite a bit.

Other points of critique are that the dialogues are rambling on for far too long. A lot of times the characters make a point but then keep on making the same point just in different words over and over again. Also after they unveiled the creature the show is basically not horror anymore, but more of a thriller. I was way more scared when the creature was just still lurking around.

My personal highlight though was the goodbye from Riley. That scene was really wonderful.

Overall it was an interesting watch, but for me the weakest of the Flanagan series so far.
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Entertaining, but way too crammed
16 September 2020
This show has an intriguing idea behind it all, but I feel it all falls flat, because they try to cram too much into it.

Just looking at the characters it feels like they wanted to include as many minorities as possible. We have:
  • A gay character
  • A disabled character
  • A black character
  • A refugee character
  • A transhumanist character

And then of course those characters are also a wild mix of different socio-economic statuses and political views. To me, that just makes these characters unrelatable. Who has a family like this?

It also feels like they wanted to cram as many controversial topics in there as they could. They throw around references, but never stay on them long enough to actually dive deeper into them.

It is nevertheless entertaining to watch.
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Gilmore Girls (2000–2007)
Charming for a few episodes, gets irritating fast
9 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Started watching this with my wife and we are halfway through Season 2 as of now.

The characters had an initial charm and wittiness, but the longer it goes on the more irritating it gets, especially Lorelai. Juggling around with three men, never able to commit to anything and if it seems she does just wait 5 minutes for her to have a massive freak out and do a 180. It also seems like there is a recurring pattern between her and Rory which is: A doesn't tell B something. B gets in some troublesome situation because of it. B finds out about A's secret. B gets mad at A, A doesn't know why. A finds out why B is mad. Resolution: A and B talk "We shouldn't keep secrets, we need to talk to each other. I promise I'll tell you everything from now on". Rinse and repeat.

It's also that nothing in this series seems to have serious consequences. After the headmaster knew about Lorelai and Max they both get off with a warning, but they keep on dating and even making it official. The headmaster had nothing to say to that?

Anyway, if I keep on watching, and that's a big if, it's because there are some funny one liner jokes. But the whole story line is rubbish.
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Sons of Anarchy: Caregiver (2010)
Season 3, Episode 3
Stupid character decisions for the sake of plot development
6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode where I was annoyed with decisions of characters. Ope had to know that his action would backfire on the club and Tara had to know that it wasn't a good idea to give a hostage a free hand and then leave her out of her sight.
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Us (II) (2019)
Good as a social commentary, bad as a movie
10 June 2020
The movie was entertaining to watch, although it leaves a lot of room open for questions and interpretations. Really a lot. When you're someone who likes to have a coherent story without any plot holes you will have a bad time with this movie. A lot of things are unanswered or just simply not logical. On the other hand I can see how it could be very fun for students to examine and interpret it in the context of contemporary american culture. You could write a whole thesis examining this movie, probably people have already.
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Devs (2020)
Some lousy devs...
17 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It really annoys me that at no point no one ever even tried to not do what they saw in their prediction. That should be one of the first things a developer does with a system like this: See what happens when you try to break it.

Lily seems to be the first one ever to see the prediction and willfully decide to act against it.

Overall, the cinematography of the whole season was good, the sound design was very weird most of the time (to be expected, so not a complaint), but it felt like it lived a bit short off the potential it had.
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Painful to watch
7 November 2019
I would have rather watched a well done 2 hour interview with Lazar than this attempt of a documentary. One of the first scenes is the producer getting a phone call, having a Ghandi quote as ringtone. Seriously, how woke can you be? The animations and effects used look quite amateur and there is a really annoying eerie background ambient sound during a huge portion of interview sections. This is really distracting. In addition you get some pseudo-deep comments thrown in from the off, so it feels very pretentious. At some point I just didn't care to follow anymore.
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A terrible interviewer
24 September 2019
Piers Morgan is a terrible interviewer. He never gets the people talking, he never has any intention of discovering their narratives, he just confronts them with the same information from the authorities over and over again. Of course that makes the interview partners angry and they leave the room. Rightfully so, in my opinion. If someone was to interview me like that I would get upset, too.

Morgan seems to be more interested in impersonating the morally high grounded judge, jury and persecutor in unison towards the audience than he is actually interested in any motives.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Destroying Franks legacy
26 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wished they would have never done a Season 6 under these circumstances. They could have cut off at the end of Season 5 after the allegations against Kevin Spacey and let the series take its place in the mysterious limbo of series that never finished properly rather than giving us this last season. It would have gotten into a hall of legends where nobody knows what might have been.

Ironically, Claire succeeded in destroying Franks legacy, this last season is so weak compared to everything before. I understand that it was quite a task for the writers to get a believable story without Kevin Spacey. But they failed this task.

Where to start? The thoughtful maneuvering we saw from the beginning from Frank? Claires style is more the trumpesque one of just firing everyone who just slightly disagrees with her. No quid pro quo. The killings? Frank was responsible for the death of four people over the course of five seasons and has to deal with each and every single one of them lurking over him like a shadow always in fear of having it revealed. Claire kills three in just one episode with no consequences at all. The 4th wall and insights into the character? While Frank sometimes spoke to the audiences at length explaining his actions we barely get anything from Claire. Does she believe in what she is saying? What is she doing this for? In the previous seasons Claires character was built to be willing to do good in her core, sometimes through ruthless means. In Season 6 I didn't get any insights into if she still has some greater good in focus or if she is always just playing the feminist and mother card to save herself and push the egoistic power agenda forwards.

And I'm not even gonna start about the finale... They should have just dropped the series after Season 5. Leaving people with wondering what might have been would have left the series with a better legacy than it got now.
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Two hours of boredom, then it gets interesting
31 July 2019
For me it is the worst Tarantino movie I have ever seen. It is well crafted, directed and thought out, I give props to that. But I felt like there was nothing happening at all, that it is just a movie for fans of nostalgia. I didn't get a connection with any of the characters, I didn't care for them at all. There were scenes that just went on forever with no point to them at all The finale however is quite typically Tarantino, I was not disappointed with that. I would even say that the two hours of boredom before heightened the extreme violence happening there. So in that sense it might even have served a purpose to sit through this exhausting elongated torture.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting much from this episode and got let down big time.

I was in a huge anticipation about what evil tricks Cersei would still have up her sleeves and was waiting for the big twist in anticipation. It all crumbled when she said "All we need is just one good shot". Seriously? That was your plan? What happened to the ruthless master of intrigue and wickedness? Was she too busy staring into the distance to come up with an actual plan in all the months of preparation time she had? I was also hoping that there would still be the twist of Jaime going back to Cersei to kill her fulfilling the prophecy, but nope.

Daenerys going crazy felt forced. In the beginning of the battle she still took extra care to just take out the ships and scorpions on the wall. But when the city actually surrendered is when she went mad for no good reason. Going for the castle and tearing that down to the last stone in rage (killing some bystanders) would have been more fitting for the character and would have still brought up the conflicts we will be getting now.
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Snatched (2017)
Why on earth...
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Would they think it is a good idea to include this tapeworm scene in the movie? Up until then it was a mediocre, disposable, light-hearted comedy. But this scene was just disgusting, didn't serve any purpose and ruined the fun.
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Solid and unsurprising movie with some unfair criticism
3 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie was pretty solid. Nothing spectacular, checking of the superhero list, but enjoyable to watch. The jokes got some chuckles. It was a bit bothering, though that it was such a checklist superhero movie and she seemed quite overpowered at the end. The final fights went to easy.

I do think there is some unfair criticism around in reviews. A lot of people mention that Brie Larson's acting is wooden and emotionless. It is mentioned a couple of times during the movie that in Kree society suppressing your emotions for better judgement is quite important. Since she is human but got socialized in Kree society after losing her memory it is only fitting the character to be quite stiff, wooden and emotionless.
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Hereditary (2018)
Amazing horror, spoiled by a single big plothole
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the best horror movies I have seen in a long time. The horror and suspense you feel are not from jump scares, which makes it so awesome. The acting is great and the story something fresh and exciting.

However, what got stuck with me even days after watching it was not the creepiness and horror, but being puzzled about one giant plothole: The death of Charlie. For Charlie to die was a vital and important point in the plot and for the cult. The cult is pretty good at manipulating and orchestrating their plot from the shadows, but orchestrating Charlies death was really a long shot for them that could have gone different in so many ways and it just doesn't sit well with me that it happened just like they wanted it to. A lot of things they couldn't influence had to go right for this. 1. Annie had to send Charlie to this party 2. Charlie had to eat nuts 3. Peter had to evade the deer to the right, not to the left 4. Peter also just had to come close enough to the pole for the head to be ripped off but not drive into it and end up in a fatal crash I can see how point 1 and 2 could be arranged by manipulating some people in the surroundings, but 3 and 4 would really be out of their control and they would really have to keep their fingers crossed for that to happen as they would like it to. And that's what spoiled the movie a bit for me, I just don't buy that part.
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Love Actually (2003)
Hardly enjoyable
2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has way too many storylines to really develop any of the characters and for you to connect with any of them. They should have at least killed 2 or 3 of them to have more time to develop the other stories, because like this it felt absolutely rushed and implausible. My breaking point in this movie was when the mediocre looking british guy who went to the US to get American chicks went into the first random bar there to find 4 girls who all miraculously love british guys and hit on him. When that scene was on I at first thought that must be all in this guys head, no way the filmmakers are portraying this as reality. I was laughing and shaking my head in disbelief when I found out. The other stories follow similar laughable paths, although not all get a happy end.

If youre looking for a good romantic movie with characters and stories pass on this one. If youre looking for cheesy nonsense, then youre fine here.
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Exceptional style, but exhausting to watch
2 January 2019
From an art lovers point of view this movie is phenomenal. You feel the love for comics in the style the movie is portrayed. I especially loved the combination of the different comic styles (comic, anime, black/white) into one. At some points it was very exhausting to watch for my eyes, though. When entering the cinema there was even a warning displayed that there is a scene in the movie that might be unsuitable for visually sensitive people. And indeed it is very flashy and colorful at times. In addition to that in some wide angle shots the surroundings seem to be very blurry and in hectic scenes it felt like there were framerate problems, the movements felt very abrupt. Those details made it overall quite exhausting to watch for me although I enjoyed it.
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Rockstar cliche meets Mary Sue
19 December 2018
I don't get the hype, watching this I felt like this is a Disney movie for grown ups. The storyline is foreseeable and the characters miss depth. The male lead Jack is a cliche of a Rockstar: Rough voice, alcohol and drug abuse problems, doesn't care about boundaries of socially acceptable behaviour. The female lead Ally on the other hand is a typical Mary Sue. She succeeds in everything she does at the first try, is a natural talent in everything she tries and gets no setbacks whatsoever. The only interesting thing in this movie is the dynamics of these two opposites leading to a foreseeable catastrophe and to wait for it to happen. That's it.

The kind of storytelling is also very old: The underappreciated damsel in distress who just by chance meets the prince to make everything right for her. This and of course all the singing parts strengthen the feeling of watching some kind of very old, cliched Disney movie. The acting is solid and the cinematography nice, I just don't get the hype and praise.
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Vikings: Murder Most Foul (2018)
Season 5, Episode 12
The lowest point of a former awesome series so far
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to this awesome series? It keeps on getting worse, with this episode being the lowest point so far. It was weird enough already that Lagertha all of a sudden got white hair in between the seasons, but now Bjorn also turned into a fairly one dimensional character whose main purpose seems to be to be angry with everyone and getting new women to join his bed. In this episode a new female character was introduced to get married to the king, just to end up in Bjorns bed at the end of the day after hardly exchanging any words. Heahmunds actor is overdoing it with the acting, always speaking in kind of a batman voice and seemingly appearing badass, but it gets laughable. The Floki storyline doesn't present anything interesting anymore and serves only as a background for some nice icelandic panoramic shots. It really is a shame what happened to the series.
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Green Book (2018)
I seriously can't think of anything I didn't like about this movie
5 December 2018
The characters are very charismatic, the actors do a very good job and the dialogues make you burst out in laughter more than once. The music and camerawork is wonderful as well and does manage to take you back in time to experience the racial issues of that time. I did wonder a bit about the casting of Viggo Mortensen for the role of an Italian guy. He is acting very well and gets the right hang of the accents, though.
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Drive (I) (2011)
100 Minutes of Ryan Gosling staring into the distance
19 November 2018
Seriously, it is ridiculous how often you get a shot of Ryan Gosling staring into the distance in this movie. If you enjoy just looking at him in awe then this movie probably is for you, because you won't get much else. The shots are annoyingly long, they really celebrate each and every single one of them by overextending the duration. The dialogues are slow and shallow as well. Gosling doesn't portray any kind of emotion for most of the screen time, but is rather looking like he is always bored to death in whatever situation he is in. I was hoping to get any kind of information during the story of why his character seems to be absolutely distant and emotionless and would have liked to know more about the characters driving motives behind his actions. But you also won't get any of that. It is very different from most of the contemporary movies, but different does not always equal good.
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There are no tragedies in a movie that should be full of it
18 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You would think that a movie about a devastating tsunami would have an appropriate amount of storytelling about tragedies, deaths and unknown fates. But you wont get much of that in this movie, pretty much everyone gets their happy ending. It is centered on a rich family of 5 who all survive the wave, get separated at first but find back to each other at the end to be flown out of the country with a private jet and no lasting injuries, leaving the ones who are really suffering behind. The only unknown fate we get presented with is when the father of the group gets joined by another character who is also searching for his family. We dont get to know how his story ends, but his screentime is so limited that you dont get to have an emotional bond with him anyway.
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First Man (2018)
Missed half the movie because actors were mumbling too much
14 November 2018
It was really annoying from the start that all the actors didn't seem to speak clearly and that made it harder to follow than it already was anyway. I also advise that if you want to see this movie you read the Wikipedia article on Armstrong or the Gemini / Apollo missions first. I went into the movie with a vague understanding, but felt left way behind because they don't explain much in the movie. I didn't know the timeline of the Gemini and Apollo missions and they don't bother to explain, so I was left wondering where in the timeline they were and how many more missions there were to come before the Apollo 11.

They use the shaky camera style a lot, which is okay since many parts of the movies are taking place in rockets or other fast and unsteady vehicles, but during the personal scenes there are also some weirdly fast cut scenes that didn't seem to serve a purpose. In addition, I also think they either used old camera equipment or some sort of filter to give the movie a vintage appeal. That is interesting in an artsy way, but for the viewing pleasure it was more bothering. The sequence on the moon was quite beautifully executed and the highlight of the movie, though.
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