
18 Reviews
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Citadel (2023– )
What are you all watching! I love this show.
26 May 2023
I have no idea why so many people are hating on this series. It is pure entertainment. The action scenes are awesome (you need to suspend belief of course)...the acting is strong, the story keeps you engaged and I look forward to the next episode.

I just want to be entertained. If a show does that - then it is a winner for me. If I am disappointed when an episode ends - then I know I am enjoying it.

Regardless of the low reviews, it appears the series has been renewed for another season. So obviously people must be watching it - which flies in the face of what is being said here.

Of course it is your personal taste as to whether you will like this show. But do not let the bad reviews put you off. Watch the first episode - if you enjoy that - you will enjoy the series. If not - thankfully we are spoilt for choice these days.
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Tom Swift (2022)
Fun...and fabulous
4 June 2022
A look inside the life of a rich, eccentric inventor who happens to be on the sensitive side.

After his fathers spaceship is blown up...the mystery of who is responsible & why will be the focus of the season I would imagine.

If the first episode is anything to go by..should be a fun & sexy ride ; )
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
It's worth it...
3 January 2022
Ok...the first couple of episodes are so-so. I was thinking of giving up...just because it doesn't entice u to continue (enough). But it's worth the time to invest to get to the payoff in the last 3 episodes.

When the story does it well. And whilst it doesn't have the obvious does at least end satisfactory.

People need to stop leaving reviews without watching the whole thing. Storytelling does require time to be effective. Especially when it's a mystery to unravel.

Overall enjoyable.
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17 October 2021 the reviews are pretty bad so my expectations were low. But I was entertained!! And whilst not perfect - it was an intense ride. Why the hate I don't know. Give it a go.
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Sort Of (2021–2024)
Haters gonna hate. Decide for's a quality show IMO
11 October 2021
What a fun and easy watch. This is a show that will have your smiling while you watch it. Interesting characters, cool storyline, diverse humans and engaging.

Ignore the negative reviews, give the first episode a go and decide for yourself. Whilst we humans come in different flavours....we all end up sharing the same issues in life.
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Obviously a hate campaign going on here
29 August 2021
This film, whilst not an award winning endeavour, is an entertaining action film. Leave ur brain at the door & enjoy the ride.

The acting is not awful....but the hate campaign for this film is.
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Jolt (2021)
Leave ur brain at the door ....
23 July 2021
..and enjoy the ride. It's pure popcorn candy.'s silly, unrealistic...blah, blah, blah. But it's entertaining. Kate is Kate. Enjoy.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
It's entertaining
4 November 2020's ridiculous, silly & u want to slap the mother many times...but it's an entertaining film. Has enough thrills, tension & violence to keep u watching.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
A great hunt indeed
22 March 2020
Well acted & entertaining action comedy that delivers. Popcorn on the ready people''s a fun ride.
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Toy Boy (2019– )
Did u watch Magic Mike for the story....
1 March 2020
Or the view? Ok no awards for acting excellence...but it's entertaining enough. It's fun...cheesy...and passes the time.

But of course it's the bodies that brought me to the show, not the body of work. So leave your brain at the door & clean ur glasses. Enjoy.
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Focus on the film ...
29 February 2020
...and don't compare it to a book. They are two different mediums.

This film makes you think about life...ur relationships, what u do within each moment & day. How brightness & beauty is all around ...and can be found in strange & wonderful places.

That a life lived matter how it's done. Just feel it. Live it.

So enjoy the roller coaster of emotions this film presents ...and grab a Kleenex.

As you were.
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Katy Keene (2020)
Ok...I'm shallow but
15 February 2020
The eye candy is amazing! As long as the boys keep running around in their underwear ...I'll keep watching.

The show is fun. Not ground breaking, but so far it's more grounded than Riverdale. I'll watch whilst it entertains me or until the eye candy dries up haha.
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High Fidelity (2020)
Gets better with each episode
15 February 2020
Even though I don't like the main character (acted extremely well though - just not likeable) I find the supporting characters are the shows shining lights. They are all fun, interesting, relatable & quirky.

But the main star is of course the vinyl. Good tunes, memories & well, it's vinyl. Love it.

A very cool character driven show...that whilst their decisions will have u throwing stuff at the TV - ultimately it's a fun ride. Cheers beers.
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The Kitchen (2019)
Better than Widows....and enjoyable to boot!
24 October 2019
This film is getting a lot of hate....high expectations perhaps? Whilst not is well acted and enjoyable. I was entertained. Job done....satisfied viewer.
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Easy & fun watch - subtitles are fine.
3 June 2019
Breezy & fun look at a couple of nerdy high school teenagers who stumble into the online drug business.

I had no issues with the subtitles so don't fear watching the dubbed version. Bring on S2!
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
What a fun ride!!
16 January 2019
Ok is fiction. It doesn't need to reflect realities setting 100%...just enough to relate too. And that it does indeed. The landscape brings a blend of 80's America to add a John Hughes flavour to the UK setting. And it works a treat. The characters are varied and interesting - catering to the variety of oddities and wonders of real life people. There is someone in this cast that I think everyone could relate to. The writing is witty, funny, interesting and entertaining. Delicious and filled with LOL moments. Oh what a fun time I had watching this show. I wish there were more episodes! So forget about this fiction being the same as your reality - we live that everyday. Let this fun provide the escapism that TV should provide. You may just find yourself glued to the telly with a smile on your dial : ) Bring on season 2 please.
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If you grew up in 70's Australia - u'll get a kick out of this film.
14 May 2018's no masterpiece - but this film has genuine LOL moments and truly takes you back to 70's Australia. It makes you wonder how we ever survived our childhood....truly haha. It's so surreal it's hard to believe that really was how we were. First half of the film is great but dies in the second half. Goes from a roller coaster of laughs to dullsville.....and has a stupid ending. Thankfully the first half made it all worthwhile. I'm glad I saw this film....and if you would like to time travel back to the 70's - you will have a hoot. If you were not a child / parent of 70's Australia - not sure what your take on this film would be. But you may still get a kick out of seeing how things were. Great times.
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
You be the judge - I'm glad I did!
19 February 2018
There are a lot of reviews that state the show is boring (I binge watched it and was very entertained)....that there is too much sex (it's a show that involves there is sex...but I didn't find it excessive) and too much nudity (well....blush your little souls - people tend to be naked whilst doing it). It's not a show for prudes or for people easily offended. So I am not sure why people would watch a show that is focused on the sex industry of the 1970's - if that is not something they want to see. Common sense people.

It's a fascinating look into the start of the sexually charged 1970' being told in the NYC setting. The introduction of XXX films, heavy prostitution and the corrupt forces that went with it. As well as the ill treatment of minorities.

For those who dare delve into the lives of the characters of The will be rewarded with rich story-lines and emotionally charged performances - very well-acted through a stellar cast. You do feel invested in their blends comedic tones with the dark side of life as well.

I would recommend watching at least the first episode. If you do not feel connected with the show at this point - then maybe it's not for you. I was interested from the get go...and I am so glad I didn't listen to the negative reviews for I almost didn't watch it because of them.

Looking forward to season 2!
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