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Not 1 worthy at all! Going again where no ST has gone before singing!
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So sad to see people not enjoying this episode or giving credit for the amount of work that went into producing such an episode. Very courageous taking a shot at something really different, a one time only event for the fun and joy of Star Trek. Making fun of musicals while doing one. From "why are we singing?" to the grand finale "connection, unity, working together, celebrating the ship" it was fun, playful, touching, rhymed things you wouldn't imagine rhyming, kept the story lines going. All the actors/crew were in it all the way and pulled off something very difficult to do.

La'an's solo was fantastic, would speak to many people.

I really wasn't sure about this one. I didn't like Glee, didn't watch it after a few episodes and was afraid this venture would tank this fledgling show, but, on the contrary, I'm more with them. Don't do it again, though. The crossover cartoon one was hard enough, even though it was good once the cartoon characters became embodied characters.

It's quite something to have so many love stories going on on the show. I never expected Spock to be a romantic lead, but get that he's working out his two sides in the face of a long lifetime commitment in his Vulcan marriage. He's definitely not settled in himself, and it's great to watch that character unfold. What they had Nurse Chapel do in this episode was unlike how she'd been with him up until her trauma got triggered. She found a way out, albeit something she wanted, but escape/relocation therapy doesn't work. She's free, too bad so sad Spock. Jeez. Heartless. He gets to feel really hurt Vulcan style. The song builds well to the larger emotion a Vulcan would have, was sung well. Nice.

Part of what I liked is that these are crew members, not singers or dancers, so their performances ranged as if non-singers were given to sing. It had to do with emotions, and crescendos in relation to the subspace fold. Interesting fun kind of content.

The Klingon number was so fun, funny. I thought for a second that our crew was going to need to join in their song, and that would be the crescendo unlooked for, since it was all improbable, a theme to this show.

Surprisingly enjoyable. Yay to all involved. Thanks for a fun ride I'll enjoy getting on board for again.
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ST's continual war and peace story lines.
30 July 2023
We seem to go from fun, lighthearted in some episodes to deep and intense with STSNW following up with story-lines that mirror life in our world with perceptions from several centuries from now. Yet PTSD is still all too real in the veterans from the Klingon war. The deeper layers of torment from the horrors come forward in veterans under certain circumstances. It's why war isn't acceptable and is no solution with no winners, just profiteers. So it's the kind of episode that says "hey veterans, we get what your were called to do and what you've survived." In addition, there were/are nurses near the front lines that also have PTSD. Flashbacks are all too real. The character arcs and story lines unfolding throughout the series are really good.

The revelation and twist at the end was surprising. The last line is priceless. I think for some heroes that survive that line will speak to them, but I pray that it's not entirely true. In my work with veterans and active duty, I've witnessed lots of things that would contradict it. Admittedly, sadly, not always. Amazing performance by Babs. Well produced and directed.
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Had fun watching them have fun
14 July 2023
Perhaps I'm showing my age here, but I got some great laughs out loud and thoroughly enjoyed this romp. First off, I feel like I've had these actresses as part of my life for 50 years. I mean really, Fonda, Keaton, Bergman and Steenbergen? So this isn't some great film like the ones they've done before. They play off each other well, hit their lines perfectly, look great even in silly outfits. Sure it'd be great if there could be some kind of classic film with all this talent on the screen, and so they had fun, went to Italy. I had fun watching them have fun.

How they managed to endure all the work of being on location, showing up to work at their ages, too, I mean come on, be kind about this film. Really showing that ageism is just plain silly, especially Hollywood that puts women out of pasture by age 40.

I so sick of these action films with little plot and acting; of deep dark dramas of dysfunctional people, violence, alcohol and drugs. There's something about "best friends, tough love" and going on an adventure together that's great. It's very 1st world, comedy, light, yes.

They are quite the tour de force and I'm so glad I've gotten to see them working still.
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Killer Women (2014)
Good show, fun to watch, sorry it was cancelled after only 8.
10 July 2023
Worth the watch. Watched this because of being interested in Tricia Helfer. Have seen her in a few things & liked her, so looked into her. Found out she was a model turned actress and not only was she an amazing main character in Battlestar Galatica, but she's done some other nice performances. I watched it for Marc Blucas, as well. He's got a solid on-screen presence along with being gorgeous. They needed a nice tall leading man for her. They were good together, great chemistry and fun. It's a great group of supporting cast, too. The production was good, lots of action, car chases, gun fights, other kinds of fights, explosions -- fun action and stunts, hollywood style, right? We're not really looking for realistic, but believable enough and engrossing. It was. The subplots among various returning characters were good, and it ended with a bit of a cliff hanger that I suspected was up to other kinds of no good. The writing was good, the backstories, plot twists were good. Can't have a murder procedural without a serial killer. Some of it was a bit gruesome. The part of it being a woman Texas Ranger, "there are only 2" and being able to connect in with the women as suspects &/or killers, having understandable, relatable backstories made it more interesting. Characters having military backgrounds, too. There were several cross agency things, and lots to do with being Texas, ranching, on the border, cartels, DEA, FBI, Sheriffs, Highway Patrol, First People and history there. It had some depth. It seems like it didn't have much of a chance, probably up against NCIS or something. Too bad a decent quality show gets cancelled because only 3.5 million people watched. Isn't that a lot of people? Doesn't sell enough commercials I guess.
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NCIS: The Helpers (2022)
Season 19, Episode 13
A knockout performance that's a great help
6 March 2022
It's another Brian Dietzen knockout performance. I wish his character got more opportunities like this. He's so able to deliver when these tricky deep and emotional moments are called for, it's stunning. I hope he gets recognition for it. If you ever wonder how to have difficult conversations with children about death and dying, take note here. Well written and offered. BTW, we could use more "helpers" in the world.
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NCIS: Ephemera (2020)
Season 17, Episode 16
Ephemral Nature of Life
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Been revisiting the series lately, and this season, season 17 has been incredible. The topics, dynamics. Growth arcs of the characters, and the play of them in this episode imagining themselves as these characters was fun and lovely, too. I didn't recognize Mark Harmon as Ann's Dad at first, had to go back and check. Love stories in this. I miss all the main characters/actors that leave the show, another aspect of the ephemeral nature of things and people, yet the new ones grow and become part of this family. It's incredible to look upon the team in a workplace as a kind of family, but that's a main theme of the show. This season between the temporary return of Ziva/Cote de Pablo, the deep confrontations among the characters working out their issues in a very real sense with the overlay of the mysteries they are solving has all been top notch. Whoever is writing and producing this show is so talented, let alone all the directing, etc. Behind the scenes and, of course, the acting. I marvel that Mark Harmon and Ducky/David McCallum keep going! I was a fan of The Man Called U. N. C. L. E. Way back in the day. Glad that this show is omehow like the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going ... and doesn't lose quality or pizazz -- yay.
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Solos: Stuart (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Memories are made of this ...
13 June 2021
This isn't exactly a solo, it's a duo, but there's something stolen they both shared. It's fun, poignant, threatening, redemptive and Dan Stevens and Morgan Freeman are great together in it. There are so many movements, it's like Bach, themes rolling over one another like waves on a beach -- a perfect setting. There are so many stand out moments, it's hard to pick out favorites. The timing, the plot, the layers penetrated one by one, the revelations ... memories, lost and found. Such a human dilemma. They are so subjective, too. These actors are in magnificent form, had good stuff to work with, and the whole thing was quality. Great end to the series.
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Cupid & Cate (2000 TV Movie)
Eros/cupid and the fire of love
13 June 2021
If you think this movie is supposed to be a romance, you'll miss the point -- this may be billed as romance, but really it's deeper than than, it's about what happens with the fire of love, which is what Eros (Greek)/Cupid(roman) is actually about as a foundational god of the cosmos. That's the thread we see throughout the movie with Mary Louise Parker deftly at the center of it, yet all the characters are dealing with love, and loss and fires burning within them, lots of hurt/griefs in relationships that all build to a climax at yet another family dinner.

It's a great cast which handle the tensions, humor, anger, pain. Lashing out. Caring and tending to one another well. There's a power of love that unifies, and gets people together in unexpected ways, while seeming to break apart. I think that must be what drew so many great actors to this piece, it's not just another romance, it's nitty gritty love when it hurts and is hard.
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Return to Me (2000)
Return to watch again and again
2 June 2021
It's all about the human heart, what breaks, transplants and what heals it. Discovering that Bonnie Hunt had such a role to play in the writing, directing, producing and even with the main song "Return to Me" was a revelation. Wish she'd be inspired to do more and get to do it! It seemed like a very personal project having much to do with her own life. Just watched this film for the second time in a long while, and it was wonderful throughout in every aspect. The whole cast was just great, spot on, every one, intergenerational plus a dog. Life has it's challenges and great souls who endure and come through them to make a better life. Family and friends are so important. The writing is so good, every character rich and well drawn, adds to the story moving forward. The tragedy and loss, the synchronicity behind the idea, 'what if a man lost a wife he truly adored, her heart got transplanted, and he met the recipient and there's a connection ..." then surround that with all kinds of people and working through issues of a girl who was sick and lost her mother to the same heart disease. The protectiveness of her grandfather(Carroll O'Connor) who lost his daughter and prayed for his granddaughter not to die of the same thing. The ethnicity and mixture of Italian and Irish is so fun. Having a place to hang out with folk like this, so loud and expressive, carrying on and caring for one another -- we should all be so lucky. The film carries you along with great pacing, highs and lows and laughs. And then there were the nuns riding of the bicycle -- such great little touches with small supporting roles that just added to the overall sense of heart and fun.
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Solos: Peg (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Writing and Helen Mirrin -- Exquisite!
29 May 2021
All there was was a moving camera and Helen Mirrin sitting in a chair in a space capsule the whole time, and every instant was compelling. Brilliantly written, directed, and acted! I didn't recognize Dan Steven's voice as TYM at all. I happen to be 70, and the story telling, especially as a follow up to "Tom" was great, including the things we face as elders. There's a depth to these Solos that's rich and real.
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Solos: Tom (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
A Real Man
29 May 2021
Had no idea what was coming with this one, and really liked how it unfolded revealing what was going on while in on the conversation. The acting was great, very moving, and especially wonderful the depiction of such a man facing what he was facing. I really appreciate it when men are allowed not only their anger, but their pain and grief related to how much they love: a real man. Very glad this is out there, what filmmaking storytelling can really be.
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Good times? Classy New Orleans ending -- bye guys, thanks!
25 May 2021
Such a unique take on the NCIS franchise with NOLA as such a great character. The chase scene through the park was such a celebration of that! We all have a tender spot for NO after Katrina, and this show seemed to be about helping it get on it's feel again. Such a celebration of a unique culture in our strange country. A wedding is a good way to end a show, this one was lovely, wrapping up a long story line in a good way, too. Great cast, gonna miss them all. Will have to watch the whole show, 7 seasons this summer just to review the whole thing, the amazing adventures offered through the years. Thanks to all, cast, crew, writers, etc. For great entertainment.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: A Tale of Two Igors (2021)
Season 12, Episode 18
Funniest kidnapping ever!
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Love it when the show goes lighthearted! It seems that characters Nell and Beale have been leaving the scene for some time now, too bad, great characters. They won't be replaced easily, though did leave room for a possible return of Nell, anyway. Nice to see Hetty looking good. Am glad there'll be another season even though they tied things up for this season pretty well. The dolphin storyline was, as part of the kidnapping, great.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Runs in the Family (2021)
Season 7, Episode 15
Real quality in the final storyline for the show
19 May 2021
This story line of the last 4 episodes that is continuing is really good. Lots of complex dynamics among relationships that offer some depth to the story line. The actors are all rising to the occasion, instead of having to do constant action sequences. There are those, chase scenes, car crashes, kidnapping attempts, etc. Plus subplots. That's always been the thing about NCIS, is the strong characters and relationship dynamics. In this one, main character Pride (Scott Bakula who is why I started watching yet another NCIS show) is facing multiple challenges on almost every relationship he has, both ones he wants to keep and ones he wishes he'd never had but that bring surprising additions. I'll miss the show, sad to see it's been cancelled, no more New Orleans atmosphere, especially music, to add to the NCIS investigations.
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Finding Collateral Beauty in a film!
9 May 2021
One of the best films I've seen in a long time, incredible cast and writing. It's what I call a hospice movie, it takes on the real in our lives, what catapults us out of the norm to have to face what it's all about finally. I didn't have the words for "collateral beauty," but I've experienced it, been blessed by it, and have had the rare opportunity to play a part in people finding it. It's in the strangest place, the last place we ever want to go: into the heart of devastating loss. This isn't exactly a tear jerker, it's a bit of a mystery. The pain people are in and what meets it mysteriously is all part of it, we are all part of it: all part of the love that's in the pain and all part of what tends it. All the characters are not only dealing with the one problem, but are each dealing with their own issues, too. Dealing with time, death, and love, and all the answers we're given that just don't suit, and finding what finally does. Keeping an eye out for collateral beauty in the midst of life, whatever it brings us is essential, unexpected, unwarranted and real.
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Upstanding People with Spirit
7 March 2021
True story. There are still some US Citizens that really stand up for the constitution and for the spirit of truth that is inherent to a functional democracy -- this story makes you question how much of one we have. It relies upon we the people to stand up for it, and these people did, even the one accused was more of a democratic citizen then his accusers -- and that's what the film, this true story does. It's hard to watch in places. The acting was outstanding, though the characters were not overly dramatic exept for the main character. His performance was -- I don't know how they shoot those scenes let alone how a person lives through that -- well, they all don't. Quite a contrast between the quiet retrained performances of the others and the violence. And look what the power of truth and forgiveness does.
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Perfect little Film finding the many tine perfect things
13 February 2021
There are a few things going on in the story and the film that most reviewers are missing. The journey these two end up going on together to reach where they need to go in themselves and with one another has a deeper dimension then it seems. If you surf the surface, you'll miss it. I dub movies like this "hospice" films because facing death is an underlying theme. So yes, it's also a teenage rom/com, coming of age; it's also an homage to the now classic Groundhog Day. We don't think about what teenagers deal with -- the serious issues families are challenged by -- this film lets us take a pause to consider that and look for the many tiny perfect things that show up in a day. It's bright and fun, sweet and dear, innocent and thoughtful, sobering and reconciling.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Trek Discovery Resurrected in Season 2!!!
18 May 2020
I made it through season 1, but really was disappointed. The show wasn't cancelled though. But I didn't watch the second season because of my distaste after the first one, even though there were a few aspects of it I really liked. A friend of mine watched Season 2 and told me it was great and to give it a shot. I am so glad I did. I'm only half way though the second series and I am loving it. The themes being explored in season 2 are captivating and fascinating as Spock would say. More of the characters are being developed which are really interesting, new species, new hybrids, new dynamic interfaces. I may someday subject myself to the first season again, but right now I'm happy to leave it behind and get to Discovery discovering things where no one has gone before, both in inner territories, including the shadow, and externally in the many mysteries the universe has to challenge our preconceptions and open us to new vistas. So hooraay for the resurrection of Discovery!
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Star Trek: Discovery: New Eden (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
New Eden, Resurrected Star Trek Discovery
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If not for a friend, I'd've missed this episode which ranks among my favorites now among all the series. I was dismayed by the first series, there were things I liked but it was too dark, not in the spirit. This season so far is on track for Trek. I loved the moral dilemma, the sense of exploration, the mystery about Spock -- again. the guy just does seem to go off requiring people trying to find him! :) The philosophy and whatever the strange angel is connects me to the show lke nothing else. "The doughnut maneuver" should become a classic. Feel like we've gotten back to the Garden with this one. Grateful for Jonathan Frakes really at the helm. So much character development, and a more heroic captain added in, all to the good. What I liked in the first series was the explorations of anti-heroes and such wounded damaged heroes. i really hated what they did to the klingons though. My friend who has seen all of season 2 reassurred me it all comes out ok. So, If not for that, what wonders would have been missed by my favorite franchise ever! Here's to Discovery discovering many many wonders, challenging the characters to be bold, go where no one's gone before in inner realms as well as outer.
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NCIS: The Arizona (2020)
Season 17, Episode 20
What does it take to make it that simple?
19 April 2020
What a great performance by Christopher Lloyd, wow. I haven't cried like that in a tv show in I don't know how long, and the final reveal by Gibbs, so moving and so damn accurate. There can't be too many WWII vets around anymore. So glad I had a chance to support some back when I worked at the VA in the early days of PTSD recovery, guys still talking about shell shock. They had a great crescendo, and Mark Harmon showed up for it, too. The two of them played off one another really well. One of the best episodes of this long standing show that's had so many. Congratulations to them all.
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Transplant (2020–2024)
Excellent Pilot, could've been a movie
28 February 2020
Very exciting premier! Lots of action and drama, well acted. It's interesting the Syrian refugee aspect. Uncovering over time the particular jealousy, racism on the part of the competitive medical structure, distrust on that part of refugees from an incredibly unsafe oppressive background and regime, and how that leaves people will be interesting. The premier was good enough that I'll see where it goes. I liked the actors, the production was great. I like seeing Claire from Stargate Atlantis days have a good role here. I like John Hannah too. The lead actor was really good, conveying lots without a word. I hope it doesn't descend into another medical drama. We don't need the edge of the premier over and over either, but it was a really top notch beginning. I like the timliness of it. I don't think we have a good understanding of what's been going on in Syria and the US's hand in it, especially our abandonment and destruction of the balance of power we brought to yet another regime bent on destroying what threatens it's omnipotence. The human cost is very real. I could feel it in his desperation to get out to his person even while wounded and his fear of government authorities. I really enjoyed not knowing what he had wrapped up, what was driving him to get out even while at cross currents trying to help everyone. Here's hoping it remains compelling.
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For Life (2020–2021)
Have Time For a Life Sentence
14 February 2020
The pilot shows potential. It's an interesting premise, and the injustice system is only getting worse, especially with all the right wing judges getting appointed. There are flaws in the show. They're setting up an intensity, and the fast pace, the editing, some terse short scenes, though they do stay with the lead and slow down when it counts. It usually takes a few episodes for a show to get its legs, and it'll be worth it to find out if this one will. Meantime, it is based on a true story, and we're rooting for the innocent good guy up against Goliath. If they make it too simplistic, too good guy inside vs. bad guys in and outside, though I'm sure it's accurate, it won't make it. Also, it's looking a bit like it's taking on racist issues, which we must confront, but if that's oversimplified, I'm don't know if it'll serve the show or the audience. Please don't underestimate the audience's ability to handle the complexity. We've got way too much polarization in our country as it is. The problems have deep roots. I hope the show finds them. There's a fair amount of screen time spent on the voice over, it shortens the time spent on scenes. Meantime, great cast, good actors in all roles, I wish them well with it.
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New Amsterdam: In the Graveyard (2020)
Season 2, Episode 13
Finding meaning In the Graveyard
13 February 2020
This episode was both fun and deep. It's what I really like about the show, the gritty realness. As a former hospice worker, this particular episode was really great. It showed quite a spectrum of people dealing with their impending deaths that was both touching and surprisingly accurate. The other subtexts were good, too, but responding to the need for palliative care and genuine concern for what needs to happen so people have a shot at resting in peace, finishing unfinished business, and facing their fears moves you to tears, but more of gratitude than sadness. We handle death so badly, especially in hospitals that are oriented toward keeping people alive at any cost, and the costs are way too much, often. It's a privilege to engage in being with people going through the final stage of life and supporting them in what ends up being incredibly meaningul for everyone. Appreciate this show, and this episode.
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There's much to enjoy in Motherless Brooklyn.
4 February 2020
What a fantastic film! Everything about it. Edward Norton didn't miss a beat, including the jazz he Touretted. It's a sophisticated film and people who are used to all the flash and fury of most movies today will probably not adjust to something a deep, rich, historical, personal as this one. The actors are first class and so was the acting. The set design and lighting, photography so filled with mood. The music, great jazz all the way through. Is it a race war, or is that a smoke screen for a class war? Relevant to today's corruption in politics as well.

Edward Norton's character aka "Motherless Brooklyn" and the use of seeing what he sees brings you deeper in to his inner life, what it is taking for him to investigate. There's something about Norton's presence on screen that keeps you watching him, and somehow he can direct and produce it too. It seems a bit of a motherless world as well...

As we find out, along with out gumshoe, what's really going on, we get a portrait painted of our villain. It's not so black and white, so to speak. It's important in our divisive vilifying world to spend a little time understanding more about what is going on in people. The character is based on actual persons and historical events in NYC. There's plenty of action building up to the final climax. It's one of the few films I don't figure out the whole thing long before the first act is over.

I don't often see films of this caliber any more. Much of the violence is off screen or in short takes, glimpses. There's no sex, though there's a love story. I can't say how nice it is not to be overly directly assaulted in a film. Ever since Sam Peckinpah, we seem to have to sit through visceral violence, and it's wearing on the nervous system. I did have to get up and move around during the climactic scene, though, but that's just me. There's much to enjoy in Motherless Brooklyn, i'm just sayin'.
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Harriet (I) (2019)
Be free or die, who's up for it?
24 November 2019
Courage, faith, trust, determination for freedom are clearly depicted in this extraordinary woman who walked out of enslavement, freeing herself, and then turned back to free others. It goes on from there. Yes, it's a bit hollywooded, dramatized. Many of the basic facts of her life were there, however. Striking at this time, offering an inspiring story of a woman willing to do whatever it took to break free from slavery, the courage to go into the unknown and find her way to stay true to something that ushered her through immense difficulties. Because we're not being whipped, raped and sold we don't recognize the degree to which we are enslaved in this consumerist society. We also don't recognize the degree to which the white supremacist viewpoint still runs things in our world. So while this film may not be perfect, it's well worth watching. It was engrossing, and shows both a spirit within us that will be free, the feet to carry it out, and what will fight in so many ways to keep that down, dominate and control, keep the riches of the status quo they've found on the backs of people for generations. Will you watch the film and wonder how you might find the courage to break free? If you think you are free, check your credit score and what it allows you to do or not do, and how many people, companies and organizations have access to that information. We are living in a time when our democracy is all but gone, and we go on as if what is essential to our freedom doesn't exist. To me, that's what the film is mirroring, and it does it's job. It's a time to "listen and get your feet walking."
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