19 Reviews
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Broke Me - I'm a Therapist
1 July 2023
Warning - this is a VERY emotive watch.

I've worked in mental health services for almost fifteen years. I've heard it all (and more). I treat multiple trauma. I'm at risk of secondary trauma just from hearing about someone else's trauma. I work every day, providing therapy.

Why am I sharing this? Because in the last fifteen years, I've almost had to become a tad desensitised. How else can we show up for work and do our job every day? I never take work home and I remind myself that, despite the pain, I'm helping others to get to where they want to be.

I watched this today and I absolutely broke down. I broke down into a million pieces. I had to run for a box of tissues. I sobbed. Struggling to catch my breath. I was an absolute mess. I cried, cried and cried some more. Went through so many tissues. Face red and cheeks and eyes puffy. I've not cried this much in years. I sobbed for the family.

I had to pause it. I needed time to think. Time to process. Space. I came back and sobbed some more.

This broke my heart.
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You (2018–2024)
Season 4 is hideous......Ruined by the Brits!
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm British and I absolutely detest season 4. If anyone none-British is reading this; nobody outside of London is like this. Horrid people.

What did they do? Why? My word, what a mess.

I adored seasons 1 and 2. Victoria Pedretti is sorely missed in season 4. Without her, this show is nothing.

I'm so offended by the depiction of British people. We're nothing like this. Why spoil the show with awful characters? Why bring a good show to the UK? British TV has nothing on American series.

I won't be continuing with it. It's just so shockingly painful to watch.

I'm sorry Penn. They let you down.
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Predator (1987)
Deserves a higher score...
9 January 2023
7.8? Seriously? Predator is a masterpiece. It's in my top five of the best movies ever made. I recall watching it for the first time when I was very young and my brother trying to convince me that glow in the dark stuff was made out of Predators blood. I fell for it.

I've watched this movie more times than I can recall. Each time is like watching it for the first time. It's epic. Atmospheric. Engaging. Enthralling. Everything about it is just perfection.

There was no-one better for the title role than Arnie. He really makes this movie whilst being supported by his fellow cast.

I'll always cherish the helicopter scene and Long Tall Sally.

Get to the chopper indeed folks.....
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Aliens (1986)
Glorious in every single way
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gosh, I've lost count of how many times I've seen this movie. My first viewing was definitely in the early 90s when I was under the age of ten. I've just sat and watched it now as a 37 year old (oh trust me, I've watched it many, many times in-between) and my heart is pounding, I feel thrilled and satisfied. There's not that many movies which grip me like this (save Terminator 2, The Shining and Predator). Aliens is just such a bloody brilliant movie.

I'm shocked to discover I'm now the same age that Sigourney Weaver was when she played Ripley (man I feel old - even though Ripley really isn't!). Despite having seen this movie so often, this evening was the first viewing where I was so totally blown away by Ripley. Perhaps as we're now the same age, I've gotten a new found respect for what her character actually did. My gosh, what a women. What a title character. What a women. Brave, strong and courageous. I'm in awe.

Each time I've watched Aliens, it's always like the first time. It's way ahead of it's time. The sets. The details. This movie blows other ones out of the water.

I especially love the feeling of security when the ship sets off. They've done it. They're safe. Then WOW - Bishop is split in two and it's now a mother to mother fight for survival. As a mother now myself, the famous line "get away from her you bitch" hits different, as does "mommy" from Newt at the end. I believe there is a deleted scene where there is some discussion about Ripley's daughter (worth digging out and watching) as it definitely adds depth to hers and Newts relationship.

I feel on top of the world, like I've just left the cinema and am desperate to talk about it. It's been thirty years and I STILL feel it.

Oh it's glorious.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Not for me, sadly
21 November 2022
Oh I so wanted to enjoy this more than I did. Gosh it was slow and very boring. The 'fasting' young girl was a fantastic actress. Bravo to her. Aside from that, I just didn't enjoy it. It had so much potential and just didn't make it. It tried. Such a shame.

I get that it's not meant to wow you. It's not an action film. It's not thrills, jump scares but it still just lacked so much. I never bore of films but I was bored watching it. I got distracted at times and I didn't pause it to leave the room.

I understand why people liked it bug it didn't do it for me.

See for yourself and decide. You may like it.
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Monster (2022– )
Watch it but be careful....
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why the warning? I watched this series and ended up feeling sorry for Dahmer. The word "empathy" fits here. Dahmer like all of us was born innocent. An innocent young boy who witnessed domestic abuse and the abhorrent abandonment by his mother (thus leaving the home available for his first kill). Before he killed and abused people, Dahmer, like us all, deserved love, warmth, kindness and understanding. His basic needs should have been met. He should have been encouraged. He needed friends, companionship and stability. He seemingly never had much of any of these. Even the people in his life whom were good to him (his father and grandmother) didn't understand him. This was a lonely, mentally unwell, empty and sad young man who couldn't relate to others. He was so terrified of people leaving him; he killed them. A happy and content person doesn't do this, do they?

How and why do I feel sad for Dahmer after watching this show? Perhaps because I can empathise deeply with a person's situation. I know he was once a little boy. His life could have been so different. What on earth went so horribly wrong?

Or did Ryan Murphy do this me? What was his motive? What did he want us to feel? Did he intend to make us feel bad for Jeff? If so, why?

I was also an Evan Peters fan before watching this so perhaps I can't separate him from Dahmer.

Regardless, just be careful watching this. I couldn't stop thinking about Dahmer afterwards. Searching, reading, non-stop interview watching. I became obsessed with him

It's a great series, well acted, but it definitely has hijacked my brain.
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Really Enjoyed It
9 October 2022
It's a kid's movie and my adult brain doesn't allow me to reason with why there is a talking crocodile living with people in a house (do I lack imagination). Having said that, I enjoyed it. My child (aged 5) enjoyed it. It was pleasant, heartwarming. I would recommend going to see it. Don't be fooled by The Greatest Showman writers producing the songs, it's unfortunately not a patch on that soundtrack.

I thought the actors all did really well. I don't think Mendes's voice matched the crocodile though. I'm not sure why. He's a great singer though and nice to listen to.

A few plot holes but with a singing crocodile there's bound to be.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Loved it!
6 September 2022
I watched this today in one sitting. I have to say, I actually really enjoyed it. I was so keen to finish it as I was gripped. I'm not easily pleased at all and can be a harsh critic so I'm surprised I liked this so much, given the other reviews.

I particularly liked Jules. The actress portraying this character was spectacular. I really liked her. She stood out for me.

I liked the atmosphere, the suspense, the story and the majority of the acting.

The main FBI agent, not only very easy on the eye but also a good character.

Overall, I am glad I didn't let the reviews here put me off. I thoroughly enjoyed this.
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Liar (2017–2020)
Season 1 - Amazing
5 July 2022
I adored season 1 - I was so gripped. Great acting abs storyline.

Season 2 was a big no no from the moment Katherine Kelly came on screen. My word, she's a terrible actress.
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The Guilty (2021)
4 July 2022
Gripped throughout. Excellent performance from Jake. Astounding acting. I really enjoyed it. Glad the reviews didn't put me off.

It's a great watch. I would definitely recommend.
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Freedom Uncut (2022)
I laughed and sobbed
28 June 2022
Oh precious George. I absolutely adore George Michael. My sister had his albums and I used to enjoy them as a child in the 90s. As an adult I've become quite a fan. I've been lucky enough to see George live and up close. Witnessing George sing 'Praying for Time' with a rising sun behind him; a favourite memory of mine.

I'm so grateful he created this work. I enjoyed it so much, although I could hear a distinct change in his narration. His voice somehow different. I do wonder how he felt in the months before he passed. I hope he was okay.

I was sad to learn of such pain and suffering, especially when he sang the tribute to Freddie Mercury. What a terrible loss George endured.

I was waiting for this documentary to cover his later days. The dark days. It didn't. I'm so glad. It was a beautiful tribute to a truly beautiful man.

We love you George. I remember you as an amazing singer, songwriter and incredible human being.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
14 June 2022
The best part of the film is when they go back to The Overlook hotel. That segment brought me sheer joy. The Jack Torrence character was utterly amazing. Bravo!

I hated the scene with the little baseball boy. I've seen a LOT of horrors (some very disturbing ones) but witnessing a child in distress is where I draw the line. It was painful to watch and distasteful.

This is why I've rated so poorly.

10/10 for The Overlook scenes.
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Candyman (2021)
Embarrassing for all involved
15 May 2022
I'm a big fan of the original. It was creepy and sinister. Even the Candyman in this remake was utterly pathetic. Weak. Not scary. It felt like a joke.
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Queer Eye (2018– )
When life shocks you.....
10 January 2022
What I find absolutely astounding upon reading the reviews for Queer Eye are the homophobic comments made by gay men! This has shocked me somewhat. Yes you CAN be homophobic if you're gay it seems. This show focuses a lot on bullying and it's rife in these comments against a particular cast member (whom I absolutely adore). I feel sick knowing in 2022 a community doesn't have one another's backs and is being critical towards members of their own community. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This show isn't for you. It's for accepting, understanding, warm and empathic people who are willing to accept people for who they are.

This show is a ten for me! Love it!
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Maid (2021)
25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this straight after Squid Game so I had to acclimatise to the change in tone. At times, Maid was very depressing (how could it not be?) and it sometimes felt you were also carrying the weight of Alex's burdens (which goes to show the impact a show can have on your own psyche). When she was struggling; you too felt anxious. When she had nowhere to go; you felt tense. The show elicited physiological arousal from me on numerous occasions. I too felt overwhelmed. When Alex sunk into her depression (in the well) it felt like an excellent depiction of what mental illness can feel like. I cried at the end and felt uplifted. It was draining yes but really good. I enjoyed the characters including Regina who surprised me.
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Loved it!
18 January 2020
Easy to watch. Fun. Engaging. Serious. Warm. A real feel good series. I adored it.
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The Witcher (2019– )
29 December 2019
I'm all for giving shows a chance but I couldn't get past the first twenty minutes of this one. The Witcher himself sounds like Christian Bale's Batman voice (shocking!). The CGI creature in the opening scene was laughable. It was diabolical. Wooden acting. Poor introduction of characters. Poor scenery. Boring and lacked promise. I turned it off it was so bad.
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22 November 2019
When Praying for Time came on during the ice rink scene; I was a gonner (and couldn't find my tissues in the dark!). A must-see for George Michael fans.

I really enjoyed it. Go see it.
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22 January 2018
I never thought I'd ever find a film I love more than The Shining (my favourite film of all time). The Greatest Showman IS my new favourite film. I can't express how brilliant this film is. I call it "a natural anti-depressant". This film would warm even the coldest of hearts. I left feeling happy. I left wanting more (and subsequently went back to see it again the next day!). I'm already booked to go again too. I cried practically from the start. The opening scene is the best I've ever seen. I've never watched a film that opened so brilliantly. Within seconds you're heart is pounding, your feet tapping and heart bursting with adrenaline. All the songs are fantastic (I've been listening obsessively since the first time I saw this film). My favourite scene was Jenny Lind singing Never Enough. WOW! I can't rave about this film enough. I loved Hugh Jackman before but now I'm obsessed! That moment during "come alive" when the scene goes into slow motion and he sings "come alive" whilst putting his hat on. Sent shivers. I've never even really heard Zac Efron talk before but I was blown away by his performance. Zendaya was fabulous. Her character was awkward and uncomfortable. She portrayed this character perfectly. I thought she stood out. Michelle Williams was brilliant. I can't speak highly enough of all the actors/actresses. This film has brought sunshine into my life. Brilliant. 10/10.
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