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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
There is zero resolution!
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? What a waste of talent. What a waste of 80 minutes. Black Mirror usually has a sense of urgency and a sense of fear, which this does come into play here. But there is always the 'oh' moment. The 'twist' if you will. This is just a run of the mill story. And what's worse, is that they included a major character, in the likes of Rory Culkin, that gets zero attention or follow through.

The story itself is sound, you see it coming from a mile away. The fact of the matter is that it's boring. There is no one to root for here. Every character is unlikable. To the shelved wife, the annoying son, the distant father, and even the tragic killer.

The only real fun this could have been is if he used the vessel to somehow avenge his family. Instead we get 80 minutes of boredom.

Shane on whoever thought this was a good story. And shame on whoever thought this would make a good Black Mirror.

Terrible episode and to tell the truth, terrible season.

What a waste.
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Neat idea, bad acting.
8 May 2023
This episode isn't like the others.

First thing is that we have Jane Lynch back, which is great.... But she's very quiet, and not really like her character. We never get a resolution or an explanation, she's just different. Megan Mullaly shows up and she is solid. She does her same squeaky voice that she does in everything. And then there is the actress who plays her daughter, and a lot of people might know her from Santa Clarita Diet. Well she is just awful. Just bad acting, but it's not that it's just her. It's everyone. I seriously never thought I could see Adam Scott poorly performing.

I hate to rip on the episode so much, but when it's the next to last episode and it brings back a 'character'... ugh, just all around unfair fan fair.

Poor episode 4/10.
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Barry: tricky legacies (2023)
Season 4, Episode 5
Look, I love Barry..... but...
8 May 2023
I truly love the show that is Barry. But this... this episode.... Is not Barry.

This is some sort of 'future' episode. It shows the life of Barry after the last episode, only 8 years later. The problem is that the whole time, as the audience, you are always thinking this gonna be a mock life, a 'what if', or even a fantasy. You feel this way the entire episode because of one thing. The episode is horrible. It is literally about him becoming a terrible father and no spoilers, but if you think there will be a story, a resolution, absolutely anything interesting. You will be mistaken.

I'm serious when I say this is a waste of time. Because even the color code, the slow dialogue, the emptiness.... It is what this episode is. Just a waste.

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I watched this for the first time in 2022
21 September 2022
Overall, the story is a fun little mystery. But the year 2022 was the first time I watched this film. And it was something......different.

I am astonished that people accepted this acting style back then. It is very, 'straight forward, no emotion'. I'm not saying it is bad, but if you were to put this movie on some random night, I promise, you will be taken aback by the acting and direction. It is very distinct and awkward.

That being said, eh, give it a watch if you like mystery movies with a few fun twists. A few known actors pop up randomly and David Mamet wrote it. Just beware the delivery.
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Most watched?? Lies.
26 August 2022
The movie is adequate. Owen Wilson plays himself and the kid actors are terrible. However it is a decent premise.

But let's get things straight. Every single release these days says, 'Number 1 streaming!', 'Highest watched', 'Record breaking!'.

Sorry, but no. This never happened. This movie falls into the category of release buzz. It Is like when you see the number 1 movie on Netflix under the list... It is there for a day, then it's gone. Example: 'Bright'. It broke all the records in the world, but I bet you are having a tough time figuring out what it is.

This movie is that. They feel like they can build it's popularity by saying that it is 'number 1' and 'breaking records'.

However the platform is lying to its audiences. Absolutely no one in the world will remember this in 5 days.
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The Quarry (2022 Video Game)
Amazing first play through! But then...
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This game is wonderful. Once it begins, you are in the world and the characters are excellent. Every character is developed and has obvious traits.

The twists, the turns, and the fact you can choose your story is excellent.

The first time through is a 10/10


As you hear about the 186 different endings, you might want to play it again. And you should think so because the decisions do matter... well, at least a few do.

This game becomes VERY boring. There is no 'skip scene' button or a fast forward aspect. (Chapter select doesn't count-It deletes your previous game)

So if you want to get that perfect ending, go ahead, but you will always have to make sure you have 2 hours to watch a police station scene that doesn't matter at all. You have to just sit and watch. It will ruin your day because not only have you seen it, but you know that any decision you make has zero effect on the game.

There is almost zero replay value because of it.

This game CAN be amazing, but it's just not.

Amazing story, actors, technology, and paths! Play it!

But just once. Once you try to play it again, you will understand that it is boring and annoying.
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You get what you get.
4 April 2021
Godzilla vs Kong. You get it. And you get it in all its glory. It's awesome. The fights, the sounds, the perfect cgi. It's all there. It's great.

The story and.... if you want to call it acting, was absolutely horrendous.

Solid 5 for the effects and battles.

Zero for story and acting.

5/10 is fair for this.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
Why am I watching this?
24 March 2021
As a fan, I am far too invested in 'The Walking Dead' to just stop watching at this point. But after this episode, if that's even what you want to call it, I'm on thin ice. This isn't even an episode of the show! It's a random character we just met who is having a delusion in a boxcar for 40 minutes. There is zero point to sitting through this drivel.

Shame on the director, writer, and show runner for this ghastly, horrible episode.
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Saturday Night Live: Regé-Jean Page/Bad Bunny (2021)
Season 46, Episode 13
Can this show get any worse?
21 February 2021
Look, I love SNL. I truly do. But so far, in 2021, this is god-awful. I'm more confused on wether or not to feel bad for the existing cast or the new hires. I mean, yes, there are some standouts talent wise, but the writing is so poor and unfunny. I just feel bad for everyone involved with this horrible season.

Shame on you SNL.
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So much potential, then they had to cast it.
12 December 2020
I am a fan of the b-horror genre and that includes the 3 Hell House LLC movies. They are a little undone, a little cheesy, but fun for 90 min. The story continues in this volume and the movie's look is well done. It keeps it in the family by making it very much about the first 2. The filming is done great with all the horror tropes we love and all the ghosts that return from the prior movies. And that is straight up fun, all the way.

The major, number 1 problem with this is the acting. I don't know who did the casting, but they should be fired immediately. Did they just go to the local community theater? Or just pick people from the street? Every single actor that is inside the house, is absolutely awful. It makes the movie hard to watch. Especially with such a fun storyline being used.

Bummer. 4/10
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The Dark Pictures: Little Hope (2020 Video Game)
I've played through 8 times.
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alright. So the initial play-through is great. You get a great story and what seems like, a lot of options. I played again, and killed off everyone... which, spoiler, will lead to the good ending, pending on if you get the gun. And that leaves you with 4 different endings.

And that's it. Which is very disappointing. I've played through 8 times. Don't think of saving anyone during the witch trials except the girl. The rest will die and It's just a waste of time and repetitive cutscenes. And if you think it matters if you pick up the doll or do really anything with any evidentiary stuff, it doesn't. None of it matters. Again, it is fantastic for the first couple play-throughs until you realize that no matter what you do, the outcome will most likely be the same as one you've got before. Even with the terrible acting, the different deaths are fun to see, but going through the slog of another game just for those 15 seconds isn't worth it.

Man of Medan is 1000% better. This is ok.
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Well earned 6, but a 7 for the last 15 minutes.
12 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. If you liked the first one. This is an exaggerated version. But I will say this. Looking back on it, I had a lot of fun. Almost along the lines of 'Kung Fury'. It's just mindless, pointless, and fun.

The ending however was the best. Having those two main characters back together was something special. Absolutely made the movie, as dumb and exaggerated as it is, a great time.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Overhyped, but not bad at all.
1 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie to a certain extent. It's actually a pretty good little movie. Until you start poking holes, and looking at the characters, and then the ending... well, then it starts to unravel. This movie hits the points of a standard horror/thriller very well. From the music to the downright genius photography. That being said, they have a major issue of how they are getting there. This movie needs some exposition and a little more backstory of the main antagonist and really, just to what is going on in this world.

Then... the daughter. Casting, set dec, and character is key. In real life she was the age she was 'portraying(17)'. However, she gets a college schalorship, but still sleeps in kid pajamas with toys in her room? Sometimes she reacts as if she is 22 and a young adult, other times she is a 12 year old just learning things. Very awkward that they are sleeping together. When she is introduced, you almost think she is 35 and the wife or best friend. You'll understand when you see it. It's off putting.

Overall it is worth the rental. Tons of horror tropes including the usual attic scene and the ol' sheets pulled off a sleeping person.

Would be a 6 out of 10. But Moss ramps up the pace and emotion. And also, big shout out to Aldis Hodge. He was great.

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Daymare: 1998 (2019 Video Game)
I get it.
13 May 2020
I get it. It wants to be a 90s horror game. It is very self aware that it is a version of Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and a lot of every other survival horror games of the era. The negatives do outweigh the positives, however, It is a close call.

The story is overwhelming. I hope you like reading, because you will be doing a lot of that. You will get a great deal of information on to what is going on. However, the cut scenes are so god awful and poorly written (maybe on purpose), that you won't know what the heck is happening.

I do love RE and the rest. So this was enjoyable to see a little throwback. Especially with the references and nods. That was excellent. But overall... it's just not quite right. Solid play, but not worth finishing or caring about. 6/10
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I loved it.
31 March 2020
The best part of this amazing experience. Is that each time it will be different. You will never watch the same movie.

Please check this out. If not just for the story, the gameplay, the movie feel, then check it out for Shawn Ashmore.

Great performance. Great game. Great movie.
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Wounds (2019)
6 November 2019
Just kidding, this is a mess. A horrible, horrible mess. The first 30 minutes or so have some good acting, some good character building, and started to ask some good questions.

You will not get an answer to any question you ask in this movie. There will be no resolution, nor character archs. This is simply a bad, bad movie.

The only thing that is scary about this is that you don't realize it's bad until it is too late. Do not stay that extra 40 min because you think, 'we'll they gotta explain something...' Spoiler. They don't.
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Sunnyside (2019)
So... This was made.
2 November 2019
This is a great production with a great idea. I saw it before...when it was called 'A.P. Bio'. Besides being diversified with other cultures, it is the exact same thing.

The brutally honest hipster coach/teacher with a mix of slackers and go-getters that follow. They will teach him life lessons while he's trying to just get paid. Awe.

Seen it. Over it.

This is a terrible, cookie cutter show and Kal Penn should be ashamed of it.
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Solid show, for sure.
18 September 2019
Anthony Jeselnik knows who he is. He is crude, rude, and lovable.

The show is a lot like his podcast, JRVP (Jr. Vice President), except it's a bullet point/improv conversation with other comedians.

The thing about these conversations, is that it can be complete gold... or.... it can bomb.

The show itself is a standard 'talk about'. The guest at a table, while Jeselnik badgers him/her with questions. In my opinion, the 'jokes' land about 75% of the time. It just depends on the guest.

All in all. Anthony Jeselnik is a great comedian and very fun to listen to. Watching in a talk show... I think he's getting there.

It's not bad, it's not superb.

It's good.
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Mercy Black (2019)
Who was the casting director?
27 August 2019
This little movie has a great premise and story. It's visually appealing and well photographed. It's produced by the big dogs over at 'Blumhouse' and has an experienced crew.

This isn't a 'bad' movie. It's the choices.

The casting of this movie is what the problem is. None of these actors are right. This is a car crash of terrible casting.
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Tragedy Girls (2017)
It's.... a neat idea.
25 June 2019
This isn't a bad movie. It's just not... good. The idea has been done before and it's execution is fairly well done. The small roles really shine with the actors they got to fill them. The problem is the two main girls. I'm sorry to say this, because I am a fan of both of them, but they did not hold this movie together at all. The movie needed an anchor and a boat to sail and to sell this movie. They were a rock and an inter tube. They couldn't decide if they were happy, sad, in love, depressed, etc. There was zero stability to their characters, so, in turn, they are pointless to care about. It's not fun for anyone to have no feelings toward the stars of the film.

Bummer. It could have been good.
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Child's Play (2019)
It's not bad, but it's not Chucky.
20 June 2019
This is an alright, little 88 min horror movie. The fact that it dons the name 'Child's Play' is irrelevant. Not one person from the original 7 movies makes an appearance. The most noticeable is the absence of Brad Douriff as the voice of Chucky. Mark Hamill does a fine job, but this just isn't Chucky. It's not funny, it's not even fun. It just is another horror remake on par with the reboots of Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street.

It's meh. It's fine. But it's not Child's Play.
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Death House (2017)
Bad acting, bad production, bad ass.
20 May 2019
This movie sucks. And you love it. It's not good, it's terrible. From the acting, to the story, throughout it all. It's awful. This movie, if you can call it that, is terrible. It doesn't make any sense and it seems like no one knew what was going on.

That being said. It's horribly satisfying. A cheap thrill. It has gore, nudity, and cameos. That really should have been the tagline.

I watched this knowing that and it paid off for a few laughs (at the movie, not the forced comedy). Think of this as a 'tongue-in-cheek'. It's not trying to be good. It's TnA, bloody, and stupid.

Kick back and enjoy.
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The Basement (II) (2018)
It's not half bad....
4 May 2019
This is a movie with an acquired taste. It's low rent, it's a bit gory, and it's fun. Surprisingly, the low points in this little movie come from Mischa Barton. Every scene with her is laughable. It's a bummer because she usually is enjoyable. But the better surprise is the acting of the antagonist. It is a little ripoff of 'Split', but that doesn't take away from the performance. If you enjoyed Saw or the Hostel movies, you'll get your fill. If anything, watch it for the performance of Jackson Davis.
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Us (II) (2019)
I'm sorry.
24 March 2019
So.... it was not only poorly cast, the writing was straight boring, and there is ZERO resolve. There is no endind, there is no character archs, and there is no direction. This movie, if you want to call it that, is boring, loud and tiring. Poor, poor, attempt. Terrible theater experience.
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Magic for Humans (2018–2020)
Sorry to burst the bubble.
15 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It is not a bad show by any means. But it is just that, a 'show'. This is not a reality show, nor a documentary show. It is actors, doing scenes, and reacting to magic tricks. Every trick (scene) is rehearsed before they shoot. It's a fun take on a magic show. But it isn't trying to fool anyone as being real.
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