
15 Reviews
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The Ice Road (2021)
Not bad - suspenseful and interesting
5 July 2021
I went into this screening with low expectations, because I had been told it was not a particularly good film. And, yes, some parts are just a bit hoaky, some characters are stereotypes, and there are some inconsequential goofs (dry clothing in the truck cab, after full immersion in the lake).

BUT, all that aside, the movie kept us on the edge of our seats for much of the time. It was an enjoyable evening / after-dinner movie! And, it is frankly much better than quite a few rather lame films that have come out, with thunderous publicity, in the last 18 months.

The plot involves a rescue mission, directed at saving workers in a collaposed mine. There are quite a few surprises (not outlined here, lest the comments become spoilers), so the plot is not particularly predictable. The all-too-common 'hyper-angst' that is frquently used in such movies is kept reasonably in check, so the action, and plot twists are at the forefront. Yes, there are several 'personal' storylines going on that form a backbone of the plot. But, they actually contribute to the suspense, rather than detract from it.
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A superb film, with dialog well worth studying
19 June 2021
I was completely unaware of this film until recently. I don' know why - I am a fan of Tom Hanks' films. I own a DVD of the 1955 Ladykillers film. But, I had never heard mof it before last month.

This movie is simply outstanding. It is NOT merely a remake, and should not be considered as such. If someone comes to this film with a fixed idea of what it 'should be' based on the 1955 film (as some reviewers apparently have done), they will inevitably miss out on an opportunity to enjoy great cinema. It is truly a Coen brother's 'reinterpretation' and I think in that regard it is actually better than the 1955 original. Irma Hall should have won an Oscar for her portrayal of Marva Munson.

The musical score is wonderful, Tom Hanks was outstanding as GH Dorr., and the cast was enjoyably engaging. The description of this film, in another review, as a 'Coen brothers gem' was very appropriate.

The movie is simply 'delicious'!
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Unstoppable (2010)
A superb thriller !
10 May 2021
This is a movie that engages you from the start, and holds your interest until the end. From a business management perspective, it is worthy of being a required training film. From an accident investigation / analysis perspective, it emphatically outlines the 'accident chain'.

Now, it is helpful to have Denzel Washington in the lead role. :) But, that merely enhan ces the movie, it doesn't 'make' it.

There is NO gunplay, there is minimal offensive language, there are no sensual sex scenes - which too many movies seem to rely on to be relevant, and appealing. OK, there are actually severaL car chases - but ones that pull you into the film, not just make noise in a nonsensical and completely irrelevant manner, like too many so-called 'action' movies. This is simply a good story, a believeable story, and one which holds your attentiion from start to finish.

Watch this film with an open mind - don't get drawn in, or put off by, some of the ancillary nonsense - the police cars, the sirens, etc. Watch it and ask yourself - 'What would I have done?'
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Tough call - some good, some nonsense
27 April 2021
I found myself liking this movie somewhat more than disliking it. You can - actually, you must - suspend disbelief when you want to enjoy the cinematic experience, and that is what you simply have to do with this one. The central theme - making a decision that will in all likelihhod cost a life irrespective of what you decide - is a good one. It is certainly not unique to this film, but it is framed reasonably well. What isn't 'framed' very well (at all) - the reality of how such a situation (stowaway) could evolve on a space mission, and how a person who cannot control her emotions would be picked for command of such a mission. Frankly, the characterization of the Commander borders on sexism, and is actually insulting to women. Before watching it, I thought I would have trouble accepting Anna Kendrick in a serious, adult role. But, she did well (although I wish she could stop smiling in her usual 'full-toothed' way, as it undermines her credibility as a serious medical professional). This film is worth watching, particularly when we are also watching video from the surface of Mars provided by Perseverance. I had to decide after watching it - was I more engaged by this film, or by 'The Martian' (Matt Damon). My answer was clear, but I am happy to have others decide that for themselves.
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Rogue City (2020)
I wanted to hear Jean Reno!
27 April 2021
I decided to watch the film based on the fact that one of the 'leading' actors was (supposed to be) Jean Reno. The action sequences were generally quite good, the plot was, shall we say, somewhat obscure, the characters were, for the most part, overacted.

As is far too typical of so-called action films in the 21st century, a good deal of the action, although engaging, made no particular sense, other than the initial machine-gun assassination and the final elimination of the cops. I like to have some idea of what is going on, and I felt like I was simply moving from action scene to action scene, without any coherent thread. In fairness, I actually fell asleep toward the second half. Take that as you choose - either a) I shouldn't be reviewing it, or b) my admission is a most telling part of the review.

BUT, my primary criticism- DO NOT DUB JEAN RENO WITH A VOICE THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE JEAN RENO!!!!! OK, I understand, it is a French film, and needs to be dubbed in English. For the most part, that worked. The actors were unknown enough that the viewer wouldn't be taken aback by the dubbung. But, Jean Reno IS known enough.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
It gets even better the second time
26 November 2020
I bought the DVD based on reviews that compared it to Snatch. The first time I watched it, I was already tired after a long day, and had some trouble following the storyline. But, I then watched it again, and the film made more sense, and it really drew me in. I suspect it will be even better the third or fourth time through. There is A LOT going on, with the typical Ritchie multiple sub-plots, and it is easy to miss important elements of plot development. In particular, the performances of Colin Farrell and Charlie Hunnam are quite engaging. Matthew McConaughey IS the protagonist, although he plays the role in a somewhat atypical (for him, and for a Guy Ritchie character), very low key manner. But, I found myself liking the character more and more as the film progressed.

This is NOT Snatch, which is hilarious, and full of 'BIG personality' characters. The Gentlemen is more subtle, the characters more intricate and calculating. But, it is very enjoyable, in a different way than Snatch, or LS&TSB. It is well worth watching, several times, in fact.
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A fair movie, with a good cast, an intriguing plot, and . . . lots of loose ends
8 July 2020
I rated this movie as a 6 for several reasons: 1) a very talented cast, 2) some excellent cinematography, and 3) a noble attempt to characterize the 'decency' of people not often associated with that notion. Beyond that, it is a solid 4-5 at best. Frankly, the Jack the Ripper connection is a distraction - it seems to be a contrived attempt to improve the film's 'draw' by dropping in a popular 'urban lore' theme. And, the gore of the Ripper scenes seems likewise to be a contrived attempt to simply add some shock value. (Because it is a period piece, throwing in an irrelevant but nonetheless titillating car chase wasn't an option.) While I am tremendously fond of Christopher Plummer's performances in many diverse roles, I cannot consider this to be one of his better works. In fairness, for those of us who see Basil Rathbone as the quintessential Holmes , almost any actor will seem inadequate. And, Plummer's 'sensitive Holmes' performance merely accentuates that perception of inadequacy - it is NOT the actor, rather the screenwriter's characterization, that fails. Holmes is an appealing character - in literature and, subsequently, film, because of his intellect. And, development of that intellect is tastefully understated in this film. The only point in the film where it is even allowed to offer a glimmer is at the end, when the protagonist's thought process is described. And, that, while interesting, is not enough to salvage the film. And, much as I like Donald Sutherland, his psychic character is so extraneous to the film, and so inadequately developed, that I perceived it as the cinematic equivalent of someone yelling, 'Squirrel!'.

I own all of the Rathbone-Bruce 'Holmes' films. And, I can watch them repeatedly, savoring the dialog, wit, and subtlety, and often perceiving some subtle nuance that I previously missed. I bought this DVD because of the banner ('Best . . . Holmes movie . . . ever' . . .), and I am not disappointed that I did. I have now watched it. I may watch it again, but I doubt it.
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Not particularly well made, but fun nonetheless
29 August 2019
A number of reviewers have noted the poor quality of the cinematography. I agree. The script is not the strongest, some may even say it is weak. OK, I won't argue the point. If there is a singular flaw, it is in the directing. 'Angel' is certainly not as good a film as 'London' or even 'Olympus'. But, it has some redeeming qualities: Morgan Freeman, Nick Nolte, Gerard Butler and Tim Blake Nelson are enjoyable to watch, several action scenes are notable (the drones are intriguing, and watching Nick Nolte 'defend' his homestead is delightful). Overall, it was a fun date night movie, enhanced by popcorn.

It has been a good trilogy, but Angel will help end it. The scripts have been competent, and the directing in the first two films was commendable. (My personal favorite of the three is 'London'.) I don't think I would pay to see another film directed by Ric Roman Waugh.
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Ice Pilots NWT (2009–2014)
Well worth watching, if you love 'mature' airplanes
28 February 2017
This is clearly a show for aviation enthusiasts, and particularly for that specific subset of those enthusiasts who really like older (rotary engine) aircraft. I am, and I do, so I am positively biased. Honestly, it is probably not the best viewing choice for people who don't understand or appreciate that mindset. The show also offers an example of how many people make their living, and the effort they put forward, the hardships they endure, and the sacrifices that they make, to earn that living. It possibly could serve as a lesson for many young people, although I doubt that those who might benefit from such a lesson are included in the target demographic for the show. :) This series is not a video game, and may not be appealing to them.

Any reality show must rely on a certain level of artificial drama, and Ice Pilots NWT is no exception. At times, the contrived drama is a bit much. But, the reality of the flying, business, social and personal environments nonetheless comes through. I, for one, am delighted that such an airline can continue to function, and not be squeezed out of existence by needless, and oppressive regulation. Frankly, I would consider it money well spent to travel all the way to Yellowknife, just to take a flight on the 'sched'. I love flying on DC-3's anyway.

I agree with other reviewers, that Joe McBryan would not be a boss that I would ever care to work for. Or, for that matter, a pilot with whom I would care to share a cockpit as a right-seater. But, guess what? It is a REALITY SHOW, and I think viewers are seeing a taste of reality - I seriously doubt McBryan put on an affect just for the cameras, while in 'real life' he is a tender, thoughtful, considerate manager, who regularly gives hugs to his employees. Unfortunately, I have seen more than a few instances where regulatory agencies such as the FAA (and TC), not infrequently populated by a number of overzealous bureaucrats, target individuals such as a Joe McBryan because they just can't stand the notion of the kind of independence he displays (rightly or wrongly). Don't misunderstand, I have high regard for many things that the FAA does, particularly their aviation safety education initiatives. But, people like Joe McBryan do rub some regulators the wrong way, and they respond inappropriately (and unfairly at times).

There are only so many unique and broadly interesting situations that such an operation faces that can be turned into dramatic moments for a show such as this, after which repetition inevitably sets in. But, the seasons that were produced are nonetheless well worth watching.
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Sniper: Reloaded (2011 Video)
Awful, but entertaining
26 November 2013
I had no idea what to expect, so it was not possible to be 'disappointed'. In many cases the acting was simply god-awful. Chad Mitchell was as wooden as an oak tree, and Annabel Wright was simply dreadful. But, Billy Zane was fun - much better in this movie than in the original 'Sniper'. The action was engaging at times - at least during the shooting segments - and I loved the sniper scenes. I presume that was a Barrett .50 caliber in use at the end, always an impressive weapon. I watched the movie with a glass of good bourbon, in front of a pleasant fire, with the wife and one daughter dozing nearby. Not a bad movie under those circumstances.
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Sicko (2007)
Finally watched this movie - very entertaining nonsense
19 October 2012
One earlier review title sums it up - short on information, high on anecdotal scare stories. I enjoy Michael Moore as a film-maker. Canadian Bacon was fun, it was a spoof, it was fictional. Sicko cannot be described as 'fictional' but it is no more realistic than Canadian Bacon. No health care system in the world is perfect, the US is certainly no exception. But, the description of the Cuban system was so ludicrously inaccurate and misleading as to be laughable. Can a health care system, where officials of the national blood service knowingly, willfully allow HIV-infected blood to be distributed for transfusions (as was the case in France) be considered exemplary? And the greatest pressure in US hospitals to get patients 'out the door' comes not from private insurance companies but from public-funded programs (Medicare / Medicaid). Outcomes data clearly document that if you have a serious illness, there is no better place to be than the US. If a 12 year old girl severs a digit, a thumb for example, she will probably get excellent, low/no cost wound care in Canada and the UK, and grow up without a thumb. In the US she might even be able to have that thumb surgically re-attached (that is fact, albeit anecdotal), although that is not guaranteed, some insurance programs will not cover the surgery, and the success rate is far from 100%. If Moore had started with the premise, 'Who has had a fantastic experience with health care in the US', he could just as easily have produced a so-called documentary with a very different message, but which would have probably also been equally unrepresentative of reality. Enjoy the movie, but don't take it too seriously.
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Different than Part I, enyoyable for several reasons
19 October 2012
I liked the movie. As one reviewer noted, if you like the book you will like the movie. My wife and I left the theater looking forward to Part III, and at the same time wondering how it will be 'pulled off'. The change in cast worked well. Taylor Schilling in Part I and Samantha Mathis in Part II provide slightly different but equally effective portrayals of Dagny Taggart, Patrick Fabian is actually a better (more 'weasel-like') James Taggart, and Paul McCrane is a delightfully sinister Wesley Mouch. I prefer Grant Bowler to Jason Beghe, as Hank Readen - the gravelly voice just doesn't seem to fit. The biggest challenge for any film, based on a book as long and involved as Atlas Shrugged - presenting the intricacies surrounding the various scenes and events. Both films have been faithful to the book but, it is hard to capture on film everything in such a novel.
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OK, how bad can a movie really be?
21 November 2011
I knew it received immediate, BAD, reviews after release. But, surely, I thought, even if it is not great it will probably be entertaining. I was wrong.

Among my all time hit list of bad movies, Merlin and US Seals are at the top. I am certain there are worse movies, I just haven't seen them. And, Green Hornet is not quite in that category - just almost there. But, it is bad. Rather, the script is really bad, the casting is at best so-so (bad, with a couple of bright exceptions), Seth Rogan is abysmally bad, and a clever idea got turned into a sloppy, pathetic party movie, with lots of explosions. (Animal House was a party movie, but it was very clever movie.) The fact that Rogan was just awful on screen, and that he shared the writing credits, isn't surprising. At least he was consistently terrible. Even the casting of the very young Britt Reid was awful.

On the positive side: Christoph Waltz, was wonderful (no surprise there), and his character alone is probably worth watching in excerpts. Jay Chou was very enjoyable, Cameron Diaz was even good (although I wonder what Gwyneth Paltrow could have done with the role). Maybe, we will be lucky, and someone like Quentin Tarrantino, or the Cohen Brothers, will decide to do a good Green Hornet.

The movie was given to me, I didn't pay to see it in a theater, I didn't have to pay to rent it. I still turned it off mid-way through, the first time I watched it. The second time, I watched until the end, just to be sure it wasn't a Jekyll / Hyde film. It wasn't. It was Mr. Hyde all the way through.
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The Guard (2011)
Interesting; not what I would have expected
1 November 2011
To label this film (as a promo poster apparently did) as a 'raucous comedy' creates a huge mis-impression. It is a serious drama, interspersed with some humorous moments (or attempts at humorous moments). It was a bit difficult to 'get into', but I am glad I stuck with it. Brendan Gleeson does an great job of playing a difficult, and rather odd, character (I am predisposed to like whatever he does, after his performance in 'Lake Placid'). The movie is really a collection of short vignettes, loosely lashed together with a somewhat thin plot (a solo FBI agent shows up in Ireland, on the trail of a HALF BILLION dollars in drugs, and the smugglers moving them, and a single, not terribly congenial, cop is assigned to work with him?). Don Cheadle was possibly not the best choice for the agent role (can you picture Samuel L. Jackson in that part), or maybe his part was weakly written. In any event, several scenes (the early interrogation, the scene with the two prostitutes) were quite funny, the ending quite unexpected, and the movie is something I need to watch several times to fully catch all the subtle innuendos.
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The A-Team (2010)
Great cast, enjoyable acting, mediocre movie
1 November 2011
I have many reasons to give this movie high marks. I really like virtually everything Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper are in. I really like the reincarnations of B.A. and Murdock. But, the movie itself is just poorly done - far too much glitz (rapid scene changes, explosions, extraneous (and unending) noise, etc, etc.), far too little thoughtful development of the characters and exposition of the plot. The first time I watched it, I turned it off mid-way through, I was so uninterested. I later finished it and would probably watch it again, if particularly bored. I was a big fan of the TV series, in which most of the episodes made more sense than this movie. But, if you like the cast, see the movie anyway just for the enjoyment of watching them.
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