
2 Reviews
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The Nine (2006–2007)
A good one that deserved better ...
14 February 2007
I enjoyed this series and am very disappointed it's gone. It's plot line was unique and compelling, and though character developments were ramping up slowly, I found that to be a good thing. Sort of like getting to know a good friend in depth, over time.

That 'friend' wasn't any particular character - there were no "superstar standouts" in the large ensemble cast in my opinion, but each person was interesting enough to hold their own, plus contribute to the overall 'character' of The Nine.

If they're going to pull the rug out it would be great if they'd consider a wrap-up movie, a micro-series or a publication where lingering questions and mysteries of what happened during the hostage holdout and what happens with their lives in the aftermath are put to rest.
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First Knight (1995)
Not recommended!
13 December 2005
Though I really can't comment about the 'accuracy' of the story as I'm not a follower of the legend, as an entertainment venue I found "First Knight" to be lacking in most everything .... imagination, suspense, believability, emotion, depth, character/plot development, and any discernible dramatic conviction by the actors. I found myself neither liking nor caring about anyone in the film, though not for lack of trying! I kept watching, waiting for something good to happen/appear to make this film appealing, but salvation was a no-show. When the end credits rolled I gave up . . . but not before having to endure one of the most tepid, uninspired ensemble deathbed scenes 'performed' by name-brand actors I've ever seen. Upside of the movie? ... some pretty scenery and a few gorgeous galloping horses. Sad.
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