
40 Reviews
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Writers: How much silliness do you want? Producer: Yes!
8 September 2022
I love almost all Marvel Universe movies, but this one feel like it's just all over the place, it's a very goofy movie! I laughed out loud several times, but it's like they threw every bit of seriousness out the window and just went balls to the wall crazy with everything.

It's like every new Thor movie has to be more over the top than the previous one, sooner or later it gets to a point where it's just too much. I'm still going to rate it high because I love the characters so much, but it's probably around 5 for most, it's still very watchable, it just a thin script and very goofy.

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Nope (2022)
Expected more.
25 August 2022
I really love extraterrestrial and UFO movies, and this one has an unusual take on it. I really wanted to like it, but the movie is very slow, there's too many unnecessary scenes that don't really have any relevance. You can make a good slow alien movie without boring people to death, just look at Arrival 2016, that's a very slow movie, but every scene has relevance to the plot.

I also have to mention the annoying sister, I couldn't stand her, just for that it loses 2 stars. It isn't a bad movie, I just think it could have been done better.
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Needs more CGI...or not!
25 June 2022
Wow, they really went all in on the CGI effects! I understand that it is that kind of a movie, but it's teetering on the edge of ridiculous. I love the whole Marvel Franchise and appreciate a good CGI movie, but I don't know, this one felt a little bit childish and over the top.
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Uncharted (2022)
Totally ridiculous.
25 April 2022
Why do the film makers insist on using so much action visual effects that it's coming out of their ears, you can make a good adventure movie without all that green screen, I'm tired of seeing it.

Nah, back to watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, that's a proper adventure move.
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Moonfall (2022)
If you shut off your brain...
31 March 2022
Yeah, this is a ridiculous movie on every level, the potential of making a great movie was lost somewhere. For $140 million I expected way more, it kind off feels low budget despite the high price tag.

Just look at Armageddon, they also had a cool $140 million to play around with and the premises of landing a drill crew on a moving asteroid is equally ridiculous, but that movie is actually enjoyable and doesn't feel cheap.

If you shut off your brain completely for 2 hours though, it's a ok movie.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Loving it!
17 February 2022
It seems like this show is somewhat of a hit or miss for most, you kind of love it or hate it. I understand those who don't like it, the humor is very dry most of the time, but I personally find this weird script funny and somewhat wholesome.

Of course Cena carries the whole show, can't think of a better match for this ridiculous character, well, maybe Ryan Reynolds could have pulled it off too.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
1 November 2021
Good actors but painfully slow, every episode is more or less the same, nothing happens. The "dog-robots" look ridiculous and aren't scary at all, would easily be defeated if they were real. Skipped most parts of season 1 because I got bored. Don't think I will be watching season 2.
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Rocketman (II) (2019)
Another flatearther.
11 October 2021
Another flat earther with his head buried in the sand made famous by media. At least he proved that gravity exists at the end.
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Together (VI) (2021)
So bad.
19 September 2021
The most boring movie I've seen in a long time, it's just a bunch of rambling.
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What did I just watch?
7 August 2021
I really liked the first suicide squad movie from 2016, it was somewhat serious, but this one? It felt like I was watching Hot Shots with charlie Sheen, it was way over the top.

I did laugh out loud several times though, if they had just toned down the silliness from 11 to an 8 it would have been better.
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Settlers (2021)
9 July 2021
If I didn't know better I could swear this was just the first episode of a tv-series. The story is very vague and leave you with more questions than answers. And the the worst I've seen.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Loving it!
1 July 2021
Wasn't too fond of Loki in the Marvel movies, but he has since grown on me, and now 4 episodes in I can't get enough of him. Love this new series!
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Vivarium (2019)
Totally pointless.
20 January 2021
What a pointless movie, first it sucked, then it came back and sucked again all the way to the end. Not even worth a proper review.
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So bad...
11 November 2020
I have never heard of these guys before and now I know why. The houmor is embarrassingly dry and bad. Where are the real jokes? You can't just run around acting like a clown and thinking that will be enough. They are straight up boring to watch.
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Love this movie!
13 October 2020
It's silly, childish, immature and all with a thin script. But it doesn't matter, I love it anyway. The characters are funny and loveable and the jokes are on point. One of my favorite movies.
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White Wall (2020– )
Thrilling and captivating!
10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it! It's well made and with good actors, really nice to see a good Swedish tv-series for once. Tired of all police and crime investigation drama series.

The plot is pretty straight forward with the main focus on finding out what the white wall is. Its captivating and thrilling and very easy to understand, more so if you're Swedish.

But I think 8 episodes is bit of a stretch, they could easily just have made a 2 hour movie instead as it gets a little slow at times, many scenes could have been cut altogether as they don't really have any relevance to the main plot.

The end makes you think. Even though we found out what was inside the object, the answer to why it was there in the first place and why the continuous flow of water began pouring out, or the mold growth on the sample, didn't get answered at all.

And why did water start erupting on mars at the same time, was this some kind of life-starting-device that was put on several planets billions of years ago and linked together somehow. Have one been open on earth before like a seed by some alien species and earth made it but mars didn't.

I have so many questions.

But maybe thats part of it, you don't always need to know everything for it to be a good ending...or it's just a big cliffhanger and there's a season 2 comming.
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The Third Day (2020)
So weird.
6 October 2020
The weirdest serie I have ever seen. It was boring from start to end. And what's with the weird choice of post processing, looks so bad. No, this clearly wasen't for me.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
So bad.
23 September 2020
Can't understand were all the greats reviews come from. The whole series feel childish and more like something my 8 year old kid should watch than me.

It all feels like a bad remake-sequel...the girl, the two boys fighting over her, all the wax on wax off stuff, the bad Cobra Kai and so on. It gets boring real fast.

This series is no way near as good as the The Karate Kid movies of the 80's.
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Why the low score?
22 September 2020
5.1 score? Come on, the movie is not that bad. Good actors and all with a funny script. I found it wholesome and somewhat cozy, really like the tone of it.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Was really looking forward to this one.
30 May 2020
It's overall a good show, but I feel there's something missing, I can't put my finger on what exactly. It's like they skipped parts of the wrighting here and there and just let the viewer hanging somewhat.

The series is not haha-funny, there's a few laughs and that's it, which is fine when the actors are this good. I think that if you follow the real US space force, which I didn't even know was a real thing, you might enjoy this so much more. I think most of the jokes flew right over my head as I'm not really following the whole US space debakle. But nevertheless, the show is enjoyable.
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Ad Astra (2019)
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a boring and pointless movie. Don't know what the end goal was, a guy flies though half the solar system just to kill his dad and blow up a ship.
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29 July 2019
It's like a bad porno but without the fun part. The acing is horrible, the cinematography is done by amateurs and is very bad, the whole movie sucks.

It's clear that all the 10 rating comes from friends and families of the movie maker.
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Long Shot (2019)
I liked it!
17 July 2019
I saw someone's review questioning how she could just throw her carried away for love and for someone like that too...It's a movie and not a documentary! I mean, lighten up a little, the movie is easy going, funny and the characters are very likeable.

I think it's worth watching.
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Shazam! (2019)
This was awful...
29 June 2019
Was this intended just for 8 year old kids? If so, the humour is certainly on point for that. It's very childish and far from funny. The choice of main character is also really bad, Zachary Levi is not a good actor.

Was looking forward to seeing it but was disappointed at the end. Maybe your 8 year old kid will enjoy it, because it's certainly not for adults.
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The 'Burbs (1989)
The memories!
29 April 2019
Remember watching this as a kid and thought it was the best movie I've ever seen. While it may not be the best I've seen today, it's absolutely in the top 10.

The whole movie has this kind of good wibe too it, the characters are likeable and the story is very straight forward. They don't make movies like this anymore...I love it!
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