
52 Reviews
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11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I never got the feeling this was taking place many "generations" after the last film. I was expecting more primal, tribal humans but as we saw by the end that wasn't the case. At the end I got the feeling this film could've taken place a year or two after the last film. A lot of the film was slow, a lot of predictable characters and motivations. In my opinion this film can't hold a candle to Rise or its sequels. The main villain was interesting but under used and under developed. People are calling the end a twist but was it? I dunno. This film isn't horrible but I was let down. I was expecting to be blown away but found myself just wanting it to end.
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Horrifically bad
11 April 2024
Sit back and watch a director, all actors, special fx team, writers and producers sleepwalk their way through what should've been a decent film. This movie is so bad. Gone is the action and humor of the first film. Mr Wan phoned this one in as WB gave up on the DCEU. Nobody involved with this film tried. No one. The action in the first film was slick, had weight to it. The fx were pretty damn good. This film has none of that. The action is rubbery and bouncy. The fx are as bad as a marvel movie. Shame on you DC, I had hopes. This is embarrassingly bad. I was mad. I was bored. I'm glad there will be no more.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
A fun, beautifully shot ride
11 April 2024
Not saying it's the Godfather but I love this movie. So much fun. Once they get to the wall the cinematography is impressive. The creature design is so weirdly unique, think hyena dragons. The cast does a serviceable job. The costume design is magnificent. This is just a fun brainless siege adventure flick, pure popcorn rainy day movie. Good action, great set design. Another comfort movie of mine. Saw it in the theater and it was very impressive in that format. Holds up well on home viewing. A great fantasy escape from reality. I love a good fantasy history film. Matt Damon accent leaves a little to be desired. Pedro is funny. Dafoe is Dafoe, always enjoyable.
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Not good
22 March 2024
I loved Afterlife, loved it. The trailer for Frozen Empire was a pretty good trailer and I was excited. Almost immediately I could tell something was off with pacing and tone. I didn't realize it until the end but this film isn't directed by Reitman's son Jason and it shows. Frozen Empire reminded me of a cross between the 2016 reboot and Afterlife. It's way more kid friendly. The first two thirds are kind of boring. The last act is convoluted and pretty basic. A lack luster finale. I was very disappointed by this entry after being pretty excited by the trailer. This film is a missed opportunity and I can't see the franchise moving forward in it's current state.
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Amazing, unique film.
5 March 2024
For starters I loved the first film and I'm an enormous fan of the director, all his movies are nothing short of perfect. I prefer the first film here but this second part is a truly unique experience. I'm a fan of the slow burn of the first one, this one feels very much like a large scale action movie. Some lesser directors would've made this film instead of a two parter. By that I mean I could see another director, like Lynch(83), condensing the first film into narration and dialogue and just going for the action of this film. There's very little of Villeneuve's trippy long shots. Very little of his patience and silence. This film is still spectacular and visually stunning. I really loved this movie. It doesn't feel like nearly 3 hours, it moves, its pacing is great.
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Hands down the scariest movie I've ever seen
16 February 2024
So, I missed this in theaters because my brother saw it and hated it. He was so mad that "nothing happened except piles of rocks". So I waited for video. I rented the vhs on Halloween 1999 and watched in my dark bedroom after smoking something that was illegal back then. I was absolutely glued to my seat. I'm a big fan of spooky season and I loved any show or movie with a Halloween theme and unknown to me until that point, I'm a huge fan of minimalist film making. I loved the hand held camera work. The three main characters are instantly relatable. The explanation of the doc they were making comes across naturally through the amazing interviews with the town locals. The big characters here are the woods and the darkness. On this canvas my imagination painted a terrifying antagonist that we never see. I didn't need a witch or ghost or murderer. The cast reaction to simple sounds in the night and the day time confused navigation of the woods made me so uncomfortable and on edge. The arguments within the group added to the tension. A perfect horror movie imo. When I got to the end of the movie I had to pee but couldn't get out of bed because I was terrified. What an experience.
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10 years on, it just gets better
18 January 2024
I've never understood the flack this movie gets. This movie is stunningly beautiful. The action is bonkers. So many real sets and locations, this is what movies are supposed to look like. Gore Verbinski has a terrific eye for adventure films it's a shame this movie sidelined his career a bit. He's made one movie since, such a shame. The acting is pretty good throughout, not spectacular but nothing below good. The story is interesting and keeps the watcher engaged. I think this movie is so well done and fun. I never understood the hate for this movie. I watch it once a year maybe more and I will always. I love this flick.
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Great fantasy adventure
10 January 2024
I can't say enough good things about this movie. It's so much fun. The writing is clever, not Tarantino but smart and funny. The sfx are beautiful, a great mix of cgi and practical creatures and make up. I was never a real big fan of d&d but I do love fantasy flicks like lotr. Chris Pine is very funny and charismatic in the lead. Hugh Grant is pretty funny and slimy. There is a pretty good cameo by an A lister that I didn't see coming. There's a bit at the end that's a great throw back to the old Saturday morning cartoon, which I also wasn't a fan of but it's very recognizable. The entire cast is great. This is a really fun movie.
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I wanted to love this
26 December 2023
I'm a big fan of Zack's work. He has a distinctive, recognizable style that I appreciate. Man Of Steel is, in my opinion, the best superhero movie since The Dark Knight. His version of Justice League was amazing. 300 is a fun movie. BvS extended was pretty good. Watchmen I thought was a miss, not horrible just lacking. I hated Army of the Dead.

Rebel Moon I would compare to Sucker Punch. I wanted to love both movies. Cool visuals and concept but something just doesn't work. I can't say exactly what. Rebel moon feels like it's all set up for future stories. It never felt like a complete story but just a springboard for sequels. It's not a contained story arch. It just doesn't work on its own as a stand alone movie.
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Twister (I) (1996)
Pure comfort movie.
6 December 2023
I'll never forget this movie in the theater. Spectacular. Cheesey dialogue and ridiculous scenarios are all over it but it's so much fun. The director from Speed, which we watched in a basement in a cloud of smoke over and over, my favorite author Michael Crichton and Spielberg fresh off JP, you better believe I ran to the theater to see this. Probably the first movie I purchased in the "letterbox" format on vhs, then on dvd, then digital. I've watched this soooo many times. So fun to watch after a gummy and just make fun of it. I always watch it in the spring when it first starts to get warm out. I love it. Great special effects, sound design. 10/10.
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Could've been half as long. Should've been.
6 December 2023
I hear Scorsese made a film I'm in, definitely seeing it in the theater. If I can't make the theater then it's first day on digital. I like most of the other Leo/Marty team-ups, if not all. Old man De Niro has become kinda of one note. The Irishman as I've discussed in another review is hit and miss, the worst part being De Aged De Niro. I was skeptical going into Killers of the Flower Moon. Trailer was kinda blah.

This film is pretty boring. There are acres of film that could be trimmed. Performances are good enough, all involved seem to be trying. This film could've been half as long though. Scorsese hangs on moments way too long. I swore I could see it in the actors faces like, "Marty are we still rolling? Did someone say cut? They should have." Overall this films worst crime is a boring pace and too much dead air, space and lack of editing.
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Very well done mystery
19 October 2023
To start, I loved Branagh's Murder on The Orient Express, I liked A Death on The Nile. The second film in this current series I found suffered from the overuse of cgi green screen settings and backgrounds. A Haunting in Venice corrects this problem and looks amazingly authentic. If it was fake I couldn't tell, except for some aerial shots maybe. Branagh is of course excellent in the lead role. The rest of the cast is amazing as well. The spooky atmosphere is perfect for Halloween season. The house where the story takes place seemed lighted only by lamp and candles, gorgeous. I was instantly immersed in the mood of the film, then the rain started and added even more mood and atmosphere. The camera work, angles and lighting are incredible. I was genuinely scared more than once during the film. A perfect haunting story. As you can tell I love this movie and can't wait to see it again. It totally made my October. This film, in my opinion, made up for any flaws in the previous film. Bravo Mr Branagh, please keep this series going.
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The Wolfman (2010)
A frustrating experience
9 October 2023
I enjoy the directors previous films. I like all the lead actors. I love the gothic atmosphere. I love monster movies. I love the makeup effects. Most of the cgi is passable. There is just something about this film which I can't put my finger on that frustrates me. It might be the pacing. It might be some of the performances. The real problem is elusive. At some point during my viewing I become uncomfortable, disinterested and anxious for some reason. It's odd because all the pieces of a great Halloween season watch. I do think Benicio is miscast as the lead. He has an interesting look but just sticks out like a sore thumb. He just doesn't fit the role. He's a terrific actor, I love his work. Just not here. Anthony Hopkins too seems out of place. All in all it's an uneasy watch for me. I keep trying though.
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Lackluster third entry
22 September 2023
Few things upfront, I'm a big fan of the previous two films in this franchise, I'm a big fan of Denzel for the last 30 plus years, I usually enjoy Antoine's work and directing style. This third film in the series is lacking in almost every aspect of filmmaking. The worst aspect for me was probably pacing. It dragged after the beginning scene. The story and setting definitely had potential as interesting but it just never came together for me. The character of Robert McCall comes off as slightly cartoonish this time. Goofily singing or saying cheesy lines. The action, kills and set ups are pretty lame as well. Like even those filming them and acting them out were just bored. Overall the film wasn't horrible, just a disappointment for a great series.
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Enjoyable take on the turtles
2 September 2023
I've been a fan of the turtles for many years now. Love the cartoon. Loved the original live action flick. I did not care for the sequels to the original live action movie. The cgi TMNT was very enjoyable. The Michael Bay produced films with Megan Fox I found fun and slick looking, not great but rewatchable. This latest version was pretty unique. First of all the animation was really cool looking. To me it looked like a cross between Into the Spiderverse and ParaNorman. Very very cool looking. I kept thinking I'd love to see a Scooby Doo movie in this style of animation. Very impressive. The story was ok. A different take on the origin but I liked it. The dialogue was snappy. The wit was cute. The action was well done. I'd like to see another TMNT movie done in this style. The credits scene looks promising.
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I didn't hate it
31 August 2023
I'm a huge fan of the Indiana Jones movies. Wasn't crazy about the Crystal Skull but I will watch it from time to time, swinging with the monkeys is probably it's worst crime imo. The first 3 films are equally amazing for me. This latest film is an ok addition to the series. Had a decent trailer, subtitle is kinda lame. I found the story to be interesting, great to see Indie punching Nazis again. My problem with this and most modern big movies is that every set, every environment just looks so jarringly fake. CGI everything takes me out of the fantasy. I miss dusty, dirty real sets. Overall this film is pretty middle of the road.
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Pleasantly surprised
17 July 2023
I've seen all the M I films in the theater. Except for the second one I liked them. The entry before this one, the one with Superman, I thought was a bit lacking. This film however was engaging the whole way through. Fast moving story that was cleverly written and beautifully filmed. I really enjoyed this film. Great action, great action and the pacing was excellent. This film does not feel like a (nearly) three hour film. It moves fast and keeps the viewer engaged for the entire run time. I was really impressed with this movie. After the Flash nearly broke me I wasn't going to return to theaters this summer. I was coaxed into seeing this and I'm glad I did.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Heart broken
17 June 2023
I haven't been this excited to see a movie in a long time. I cried when I saw Michael Keaton in the suit again in the trailer. Sitting in the theater as The Flash started I got this terrible feeling in my gut. The sfx are god awful in this movie. Ezra Miller is an unwatchable cringe factory. He is a horrible flash. A terrible actor. He plays Ezra Miller, not The Flash. The worst depiction of a comic book character I think I've ever seen. I heard this movie had a ridiculous budget, 250 million or something. For that money you would think the cgi would be jaw dropping. It looked like a PS3 cut scene. The time travel effects are cartoonishly terrible. I was in shock. Super girl was ok. Zod was wasted. Keaton was ok but horribly written. Keaton's fight scenes were cool. Over all this movie was horrible. I'm absolutely crushed and demoralized. Don't think I'll return to the theater this summer.
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Hook (1991)
Absolute magic
12 March 2023
To those who want to bash this film, I say go ahead. Good for you. For me this film was pure magic. I saw it in a packed theater on opening night when I was in my early teens. I was never a big Peter Pan guy. I thought the Disney cartoon was ok as a child. I went to see this film for 2 reasons, Steven Spielberg and Robin Williams. Both delivered. This movie captures the wide eyed wonder of youth so well. I will admit it has some cheesy elements, some of the costumes and performances for example. Robin Williams is great as an overworked professional and parent recapturing his youthful spirit. The set design is amazing and Spielberg's direction is at the top of his game. I love this film.
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Officially done with Marvel
7 February 2023
I just don't know man. What are we doing here? Who is writing this stuff? Once again I was just speechless watching this movie. Terrible writing, acting, directing, action sequences and special effects. Disney/Marvel have all the money in the world and top sfx talent and this is the result? I'm not wasting my time or money watching marvel stuff anymore. Namor was kinda dumb in the comics, on film he looks so ridiculously stupid I was embarrassed for marvel. Ankle wings? Ughhh. The action and fight scenes look so fake and rubbery. I wish marvel would just stop. I'm a dedicated dc guy from now on.
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Better than the first one in every way
3 January 2023
I liked the first movie ok, watched it recently and the the SFX are better than any movie released every year since up until today. I was disappointed by the story in the first film and it's similarities to past films (Pocahontas, Dances with wolves, etc). I never seen a memorable sequel to a story like that. Mr Cameron is responsible for 2 of the 3 best sequels ever made (Aliens and T2, GF2 being the third). If anyone can pulls off a sequel to a familiar story and make it unique and awe inspiring, it's Jim. And he did.

Avatar the way of water is a superior film in every way. Right off the bat the effects are superior to the already superior 13 yr old effects from the first. 9 or 10 times during the film I muttered to myself, " how the hell did they do this?" A wonderful feeling I haven't felt since Jurassic Park in 1993. I couldn't tell what was real or fake. Just incredible. The motion capture performances are captured so convincingly that I thought I was looking at actors in high quality make-up. Zoe Saldana is a gifted mo-cap actor. A true stand out. This film made the effects in contemporary Marvel or Star Wars movies look silly, amateurish and glaringly inferior.

The story is fast paced and engrossing. Three hours felt like an hour and a half. Some similar beats to the first one but an entirely new story. Amazing film.
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Black Adam (2022)
Second viewing review
23 November 2022
I waited to review Black Adam until I could see it again without the hype and anticipation. The first time around I found the film very basic. A good comic book romp but nothing special. The JSA seemed crow-barred into the narrative and the bad guy seemed cookie cutter villain stuff. The second time around I really liked the movie. The pacing is great, the special effects are great. When Black Adam is doing his thing, kicking ass, the action is very well done. The JSA heroes all look very good on screen. I'm looking forward to see what D Johnson does with this character, he looks great as Black Adam.
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Beyond disappointed
14 October 2022
I liked Halloween 2018, didn't love it but thought it was a serviceable effort. Halloween Kills was cheesy in some ways (evil dies tonight was so cringey) but the atmosphere was spooky and the kills were vicious and gore filled enough to keep my interest. Halloween Ends is so boring and absurdly convoluted I was a bit shocked. Just a dumb, boring and frankly not scary whatsoever. Whoever wrote this should not be paid. The plot was so stupid and the character motivation was absurd. Not what I expected at all after watching the first two. They totally dropped the ball on the finale. I couldn't be more disappointed and will never rewatch or purchase this movie. Terrible. Awful. Would never recommend.
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The best movie I've seen in a while
30 August 2022
I smiled almost the whole way through this beautiful film. Not because it was funny, it was in parts. I smiled because it's filmed beautifully, it's written very well, the acting is great, the director did a great job and the set design is wonderful. It's a movie about stories and why we as humans tell them. Tilda does another great job. Idris really shines as the Djinn. I found the story heartfelt and moving. I was engaged in the narrative and never bored. The turns the story takes I didn't see coming. A cautionary tale about wishes, maybe, but not in the cliché Hollywood way. George Miller demonstrates his refusal to be in a box as a director.
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Why the hate for these movies?
31 May 2022
I was a big fan of the first one. Loved the second one. This one I thought was great. This series is a great expansion of the original HP movies. The story is good and moves, great pacing. The special effects are amazing in this one. All of the movies in this series look amazing.
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