
6 Reviews
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The Old Guard (2020)
pretty good considering the genre
11 July 2020
My dad makes me watch a lot of these shooty Action blockbuster things and this one exceeded my expectations

it has a cool twist, some interesting lore that goes deep enough to expand the story with a show or a sequel, the characters are likeable and interesting

also really appreciate some pretty ladies as leads who are allowed to get dirty and gorey and don't run around it skimpy dresses and heels

casual queer representation without making a big deal of it is also neat

Would really like something like a TV show to explore that universe further? Would be nice.
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1 January 2019
Visually, this movie was great. Nice colour scheme, gorgeous scenic shots, some really cool designs for your classic sci-fi tech.

Story-wise, it was okay. Clichéd and predictable, but for casual movie goers it should be your regular "hero has pretty girlfriend and saves the wold" plot.

What really bothered me was how painfully long it was. The viewer knows what's going to happen as soon as the scene begins. The viewer understands what's happening and what the character is feeling, the acting and general visuals are strong enough for that. So why do we have to draw out every single shot of someone staring into the distance, walking through hallways, driving through cities, ... ?

Was also disappointed by how little screentime Harrison Ford actually had, considering how heavily they advertised his presence.

Nostalgia and low standards might make this movie enjoyable for some, but anyone who prefers action or plot filled films should spend their money elsewhere.
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Absolutely Stunning!
17 December 2018
I am blown away!

Visually absolutely gorgeous, the comic style/s were beautifully integrated into the 3d animated world, amazing work with colours. Soundtrack was epic as well, always brought the right mood, made you want to sing and dance.

The story is exactly what a good marvel movie is all about: a story about people who are superheroes! Humour, emotion, epic battles, I laughed and I cried a lot.

Cameos and easter eggs for nerds to find, an overall lighthearted mood for younger audiences, the kind of movie that anyone can enjoy!

This is what Marvel has always been for me. Will watch this movie a million times more!
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Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
Second Highlight of this season!
11 November 2018
I am absolutely loving this season so far! Demons in Punjab and Rosa are so far the absolute highlights though.

I love the educational direction that this is taking, the plot is exciting, extremely moving, it challenges your morals, educated on historic events that (to my knowledge) arent talked about alot in most schools.

This new Doctor is kind, gentle and honest, her new companions have a beautiful journey, they keep growing and I keep loving them more and more each episode!
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so beautiful, never cried so hard
24 September 2017
I have seen a lot of dog movies but I never cried like I did during A Dog's Purpose. And it's not really sad, it's just very touching! Bailey meets many kinds of people with different characters and different stories and he sees different angles of family life.

I also really liked how all the dogs had a similar face, so it never felt confusing or strange that he came back as different breeds.

A beautiful take on the live(s) of a dog and the way a dog sees the world. Definitely my favorite, need to read the book now!
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wish I didn't pay for it
22 September 2017
I am a huge fan of Bully's movies and I was very excited when i saw the trailer for this movie.

It's not necessarily a bad movie, there are some laughs in it and it has that classic charm of the TV show, but in a time where you can get high quality comedy on YouTube for the cost of watching an ad or two, I don't feel like it was worth going to the cinema for.

This might work okay as a regular evening-filling film on TV but I was disappointed walking out of that cinema. The humour is a bit dated, the plots are questionable and it all feels a bit try-hard.

Bully will have to step up his game and make actual comedy movies if he wants to keep up with today's standards.
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