40 Reviews
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Watching Godzilla X Kong made me realize
13 May 2024
Just how great a great movie Godzilla Minus One is. It had a miniscule budget, the special effects were better and the story was far superior.

GxK was so farfetched and unbelievable (and yes I know a giant monster movie isn't really believable but still) that you just don't end up caring what happens in it. I can see the director thinking "Let's put in a lot of color and Kong will wear the Infinity Gauntlet because that's what fans like" to hide what a mess this movie is. I also can't stand putting dumb characters into a movie for "comedic" effect. No one talks or acts like the stereotypical dumb character does.

In the end I was actually hoping Skar King had defeated Kong and Godzilla. At least that way the franchise could have potentially ended on a fairly exciting note instead of going out on an embarrassing movie like this one.
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Upgraded (2024)
Lying is the best way to get what you want
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hate the movie. Camila Mendes (Ana) and Archie Renaux (William) work well together as a couple. Lena Olin (Catherine) is great as the quirky as well as Marisa Tomei (Claire) as the mean boss who worked hard to get where she is. That's the problem with whole movie though. Whereas Claire has worked to get her position Ana just casually lies to William that she is the youngest Director of a prestigious auction house. She uses her friendship with William and Catherine to impress Claire by obtaining tickets to a play and getting reservations to an exclusive restaurant. After Catherine decides to cancel the auction, William shows up to surprise Ana for lunch and tell her he got the job he was hoping to get in New York. Ana tells him that their relationship has been a big mistake and brushes off the news of his job. William rightfully dumps her, twice. Afterwards Catherine says she'll agree to hold the auction but only if Ana is in charge of it. The auction is a success, Ana apparently is paid a large sum of money and opens up her own gallery in New York. William shows up at the gallery and they just get back together. Ana gets everything she has dreamed of because shed lied about who she is. There is no downside to it. There is no penance. William just forgives her but there is no explanation as to why. The writers could have been more creative with the ending, perhaps not rewarding Ana with so much and having William and Ana discuss starting the relationship over without any lies.
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An Asian female pretending to be a man
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who has enough skill to take on the men she fights? And it's a good story? Does Disney know about this?

I must be mistaken though because all men are misogynists who can't handle the fact that the lead character is a woman. I guess all the positive reviews are from women and men aren't allowed to rate it.

I'm just kidding but Disney and other studios could learn a thing from this show on how to make a compelling female character that the audience, including men, like.

The animators do an excellent job in creating the proper mood for the story as well. I love snowy scenes in anything but adding in a good story is fantastic.

I'm only on the third episode so I hope it says entertaining.
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Worst episode ever.
16 September 2023
First off, why are other reviewers saying it was a "meh" episode and giving it 8/10? Meh means 5 or at most a 6, not a 7 or 8.

The episode was just so unfunny and had such a nonsensical plot. Rick used to be the smartest man in the universe but it seems the President and the US military are even smarter than he is now. All the jokes fell flat for me because everything seemed so ridiculous. I still have 15 more episodes to watch before I'm up to date for the start of season 7. I hope there are no more President episodes and it goes back to the old Rick and Morty adventures. Now that Justin Roland is gone though I'm not that hopeful.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Idiotic movie
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ana (Sadie) and Chris (Cole) do have good chemistry together and it started out well. When Cole goes to London to find Sadie her things go downhill. Cole has a tracking device on his inhaler he put in Sadie's purse. He uses it to track her location just underneath the Tower bridge. This is where 3 evil henchmen abduct him thinking he is the "Tax Man". But why do they assume this? They have never seen the Tax Man before, it's a public place and Cole was walking a rolling suitcase. Why would they not just assume he's a tourist? And where is Sadie? The tracker lead Cole to this location but she is nowhere to be found.

Cole is then drugged and flew to a secret mountain location in Pakistan. Just as he is about to be tortured for information Sadie blows open a door and saves the day. What timing. After she shoots up the room and unties Cole an alarm is sounded. I guess the noise of the door being blown open wasn't enough to get any guard's attention and they needed to hear the alarm first. The caves are then filled with guards who I assume were sleeping when Sadie came in but are now awake thanks to the alarm.

Once outside they are attacked by more henchmen. Luckily a colorful bus just happens to be travelling down the road in this remote location and they are able to use it as their getaway vehicle and they escape. I guess the henchmen didn't know they could shoot the tires and stop the bus easily, thank goodness.

Cole learns that Sadie is the real Tax Man who works for the CIA and is looking for Aztec, a biological weapon that could kill millions.

A series of similar idiotic events take place until the final showdown atop a glamorous revolving restaurant in...Virginia???? Just before the bad guy is going to shoot Cole, Sadie shows up to save the day. What timing. Before Sadie agrees to give the bad guys the passcode they wire her $10 million dollars. Once the money is in her account, she puts a bounty on the bad guy to the bounty hunter network. Apparently 25% of the restaurant is filled with bounty hunters who brought heavy weaponry with them for a nice meal. Shooting and mayhem ensue and the restaurant starts spinning around like one of those g force trainers at NASA.

Sadie is able to grab the Aztec weapon, all the bad guys die and everything turns out hunky dory.
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Barbarian (2022)
I honestly can't believe people liked this movie
26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What am I missing? The entire plot was so stupid.

Main character books a stay in a house in Detroit without google mapping the area Uh, huh. All the hotels in Detroit are booked because of a convention. Uh, huh. She leaves her Jeep outside all night, and it isn't completely vandalized. Uh, huh. She goes down dark hallway by herself. Uh, huh. Guy goes down completely dark tunnel by himself with no flashlight. Uh, huh. Old couple living for 40 years in basement with no food supply. Uh, huh. Malnourished women is super strong and can leap out of pit with Justin Long on her back. Uh, huh. Cops completely ignore woman who says she' was held captive because they think she's a crackhead. Even though she's beautiful and articulate. Uh, huh. Guy accidently shoots girl even though his flashlight was shining on her. Uh, huh. Guy completely forgets he has gun then fumbles it away. Uh, huh. Girl is thrown off water tower, but super strong malnourished woman jumps after her.3 seconds later and cushions her fall defying law of gravity. Uh, huh.
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Just more debunked conspiracy theories
25 August 2022
And still no verifiable proof that anyone could take to a judge and say "I have proof of election fraud." Mike Lindell keeps promising that he'll give us undeniable proof of election interference and never delivers on it. It's actually sad at this point.
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Moonfall (2022)
Really entertaining.
21 May 2022
Wow, people are taking this film way to seriously. Sure it's nonsensical but that's the fun part. It was actually entertaining. Don't think about this as a documentary about moon physics. Think of it as a brain dead romp to save the Earth. Any movie with Halle Berry in it is worth a watch anyway.
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Hunted (2012)
So bad
1 February 2022
The client they work for murdered 100's of people, the organization itself set up citizens to be murdered, they had the evidence they needed to take down Turner in the first place. Don't get me started on the final episode, just terrible.
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The Mutation (2021)
Special effects are out of this world
6 October 2021
I'm glad they made the rat look realistic and didn't just dress up some guy in a rat suit.
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Q-Force (2021)
Like a gay Archer
2 September 2021
If you like animated action/spy shows and aren't a self loathing closeted homosexual or a woke non homosexual who feels they have to be offended on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community you'll probably like it.

Sure there are the gay stereotypes but seriously how many gay people have you met that fit the stereotype? I'm betting quite a few.

Anyway just watch it. You may like it. If you're straight it won't turn you gay. Or it might. Can they do that now? I feel if you "turn gay" there's a high probability that you were already gay to begin with.
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Wow, that was bad
3 July 2021
I really like The Hitman's Bodyguard and was looking forward to this movie. Unfortunately it was just one stupid unfunny scene after another. The "I'm on sabbatical" theme gets old FAST. I like Hayek but too much of her angry rants gets annoying as well. All and all just one big unfunny mess.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
I love this show
30 June 2021
Admittedly the security at the school REALLY sucks and a lot of the action is a bit unbelievable, like EVERY action movie out there.

The interaction between the characters is entertaining even in the "slow" parts though. There's decent character development so you're actually rooting for the good guys (or bad guys if you're a sociopath) with a small bit of teen angst thrown in. I'm really looking forward to the next season.
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It was okay
6 June 2021
In real life I'm not a fan of taking a kid with mental illness and pretending he's possessed by the devil though.
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Lupin (2021– )
Can French people not tell Black people apart?
16 January 2021
Museum guards, the police and prison guards can't tell one Black guy from the next even if their body types are completely different. The whole show has to go with that premise for it to make any sense. I like INTELLIGENT heist stories where smart people get deceived by smart thieves. Lupin isn't intelligent. Everyone else around him are just dumb BEYOND BELIEF.
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Good movie but just too long to hold interest all the way through
22 December 2020
The story itself was good. The songs weren't anything special but they weren't bad. The movie itself though was way too long at over 2 hrs. And I'm not some Millenial with a short attention span.
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The Outsider (2020)
Good series with lazy writing.
28 September 2020
King is a hit and miss with me. He's good at creating suspense and his characters can be interesting. Some of his plot points are just lazily written though, like yelling in a cave causing a cave in. This doesn't happen in real life. Besides that we've previously seen the creature yelling previously in the same location and nothing occurred. Things like this just make me roll my eyes. Having said that, I thought the story was good and entertaining enough that I was anticipating seeing the next episode.
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Tenet (2020)
I wish I could go back in time
22 September 2020
And prevent myself from seeing this garbage. Confusing, terrible acting, no tension or suspense. Christopher Nolan could film himself going to the washroom and his fanboys would give it 10/10.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
This was really, really, really, really BORING
22 August 2020
I'm usually a fan of these types of international woman spy/assassin types of movies. Most of them all have the standard plot of the woman is deep down really not that bad and turn good in the end after getting revenge on those in charge. This one is the same but really the action wasn't that great, no exotic locales, pretty mundane family conflicts. All in all a below par movie of the genre.
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Hoops (2020)
LOL. I think it's pretty good.
22 August 2020
If you like a bit of crass humor you'll find it enjoyable. If you get offended or you're just a serious type of person who no one likes and no one wants to hang around with you'll probably hate it.
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Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
Really stupid
19 August 2020
I guess you have to suspend disbelief but man this was so unbelievable. The main character can barely run but is supposed to be a former sprint champion. Yeah, right. Just completely unbelievable and honestly rather boring.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Pretty good so far
14 August 2020
I think the the first two shows were enjoyable. What really makes me happy is the Trek fanboys crying about how this show doesn't live up to Star Trek ideology. Keep whining Trekers. I drink your tears down with Romulan ale and gagh.
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Cursed (2020)
Stop crying
2 August 2020
I am so sick of weak whiny men complaining about women and minorities in film. They are so insecure in themselves and ALWAYS have to blame others for their pathetic worthless lives.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
So sick of conservative crybabies.
28 June 2020
Oh no. One or two shows had a strong female character on it and now I'm emasculated. Booo hoo. Good grief are conservatives the biggest babies on Earth? Rhetorical question. The answer is yes. So far the series is great. I love the different imaginative stories. Don't listen to the conservative whiny cry babies. Just drink up the baby tears of these pathetic weak men and enjoy :-)
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Dark (2017–2020)
Great show but...
18 June 2020
I know Mikkel is just a kid but buy some Apple and Amazon stock with as much money as you can. I mean... come on.
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