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Arcane (2021– )
Spectacular experience for all
9 January 2022
I entered into this series as a long-standing fan of League of Legends so was immediately interested and eagerly awaited this series and I am looking forward to future seasons.

My Dad (who is in his 60s and has very little knowledge of the game/ characters / lore) entered into this blind with me. Come episode 6 I was met with "This is possibly one of the best animated things you've made me watch".

Simply put, from someone who knows too much about the show to another who knows next to nothing we both absolutely loved the series to bits!

Art style is unique and brilliantly vibrant, colour is used in some gorgeous ways that occasionally had me gasping at the pure beauty of a set of frames.

Well written and acted characters make for an interesting world. Jason Spizak absolutely KILLS his performance as Silco and made me love the villain so much more.

Finally, this story allows you to take a tour around a world that has many avenues in which it can grow but knows its own strength keeping the story grounded for the moment with 2 locations and hints at a handful more. Whether you're well versed with the world of Runeterra or not Arcane does everything to welcome all audiences.

Well worth the watch!
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Short Circuit: Just a Thought (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Ok but a derivative copy
7 July 2021
How Disney got away with this Short I'm not entirely sure.

First off, I can't fault the animation, absolutely brilliant and credit to the team behind it.

But the story is a direct straight-washed copy of "In A Heartbeat" a 2017 award-winning animated short. Replce the runaway heart of the original with a boy in a thought-bubble and you have the exact same story.

Watch it for the animation, watch "In A Heartbeat" for something far better and the original.
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Wonderfully Wild Work
15 April 2021
A fun, family-friendly adventure story!

Rich colours, beautifully animated backgrounds and some clever CGI produce a heartfelt journey of a boisterous, spoilt dog finding his place in the world.

Buck the leading canine is a brilliantly expressive, comedic and heroic character that is an amazing technical feet, blending seemlessly in with his human co-stars.

Harrison Ford's John Thornton brings a welcome warmth and laugh, as well as helping to narrate the story perfectly.

Acting overall is very good, occasionally some rough dialogue but doesn't detract from the film. Mise-En-Scene, Cinematography and Editing are all incredible. Admittedly the dogs can look out of place at times due to them being completely animated but these moments are fleeting and quickly covered for by some stunning visuals.

Most importantly John Powell's score blows some scenes out of the water entirely. You can counting on perfect crescendos, glorious melodies and the use of an orchestra to all its potential!

The film suffered a lack of audience, a big shame for a film that's lighthearted and 99 minutes of FUN. What you are left with is a film unlike its original text, daring to adapt this tale differently in an enjoyable way for all the family.

A great film to gather round the TV and watch. Certain to put a smile on almost every face.
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Leave What You Know at the Door
10 January 2021
As you'll read, it's not like the book, it's not like the film. But it's also not a bad series overall.

The Right Stuff doesn't just look at the training and what it takes to be an astronaut. It looks at the fictionalised lives of the men, women and families behind Nasa's first trip into space. Even the opening credits point out its a "dramatisation" but doesn't say its a dramatisation of fact.

Great visuals, cinematography is good, acting and story are good and the soundtrack ain't half bad.

Having watched the series as someone new to the stories on all accounts and someone seasoned with them, neither of us were under the impression that this was going to be The Right Stuff 2.0. It's good in its own right and worth the watch. Go in with an open mind and leave what you know at the door.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 4: Sanctuary (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Ignorant Bad Reviews
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The episode plays homage to Akira Kurosawa, the likes of Seven Samurai and Yojimbo which have consistently inspired Star Wars.

With many declaring this as the weakest episode, seem to be missing the point of the story. Mando seeks respite with the child in hopes he can hide from the guild. Hence he aims to start afresh on Sorgan.

With beautiful visuals, from the colour palette to outstanding cinematography, the episode works nicely.

For those that point out he has a ship, he doesn't want to be sighted and reported to the guild by anyone. Additionally, in training the village he knows they can defend themselves against anything allowing him and them to live in peace.

However, despite his best efforts he finds he won't ever be able to escape or live in peace. The episode nicely sets up not just the rest of the season but further seasons.

Absolutely loved this episode with one of my favourite shots of the entire series with the awesome confrontation with the AT-ST. BDH killed it with her direction for the episode fittingly setting up the next 4 episodes and season 2 as well.
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McDonald & Dodds (2020– )
For people who can still just WATCH TV
8 March 2020
This show is a piece of enjoyment, it's comfort TV or as it's known "Fast-food Media". You can tell where the story is going in places but has some clever twists and doesn't miss a beat as it goes through its mystery.

Both of the characters are enjoyable and written appropriately, Dodds the old-fashioned, mature detective who's asking all the unasked questions. And Mcdonald who's the too-fast on her feet DCI who is impatient but impressed by her partners abilities. They make a wonderful pair that play off nicely against each other.

The story is compelling and smart with plenty of little funny bits in it and it plays perfectly off the different actors/actresses.

2 hours is a lot to invest itself in but it does fill a nice gap with a fully told out story, rather than in bits.

People are complaining and bombing the series with their reviews but are of the circles of people who can no longer just sit down and enjoy something, instead they must pick it apart.

The show is a hearty filler, harmless with good humour and great technicalities that'll keep you on your toes working out as you go. With some cliche moments but plenty to enjoy the series is off to a fine enjoyable start to wrap up the weekend.
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part One (2020)
Season 12, Episode 1
Doctor Who back with a New Year Bang
1 January 2020
With season 11's rocky start, a mix of good and bad episodes, all the stops were pulled out in this 65 min part 1 caper.

The Doctor and her companions are back and thrust into yet another relentless story. With a good cast and ruthless action. The alien threat is new, unique and kinda scary even for a grown man. Whilst some may complain it feels drawn out, everything is purposeful and adds character to the story as the stakes are slowly raised throughout the film leading up to an wonderful twist that is punctual for the new story.

Chibnall has pulls dout the stops for this new series, the seasons start looks glitzy, feels like a Bond film and there's plenty to keep you gripped and wanting more for episode 2.

No PC Agenda, nothing too controversial, just raw Who action!
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part One (2020)
Season 12, Episode 1
What a way to come back!
1 January 2020
WOW! Spyfall is brilliant! Ruthless and dark with brilliant sci-fi elements. The stakes are high and only raised higher. The threat is new and unusual and kinda scary. The story flows relentlessly and opens up perfect enigmas for episode 2. And THAT TWIST IS BRILLIANT! Chibnall wasn't missing the mark on this one. Straight for the jugular. Just WOW. Loving this first episode hope the rest of the series carries on this way!
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Worth the watch
20 December 2019
Despite critic reviews and audience bashing, make the decision for yourself I implore you.

Rise of Skywalker is a Star Wars film and it knows it. As a result, there's lots in it. Stuff for fans new, and old, and stuff for younger kids to enjoy.

Stakes are raised, questions are answered and previous story arcs, and Lore left unseen on-screen, make surprise appearances. And this could be why a lot of critics are saying this is a fan-service film. Essentially... They're not wrong. But at the end of the day, you go to see Star Wars because its Star Wars.

I had my doubts knowing that Last Jedi was stomped by its audiences and was dubious but all the same came out the cinema grinning and so did my dad who's grown-up with the franchise. Its a lovely close to the Skywalker saga that feels just right. Kylo Ren and Poe are perhaps the best characters in the final chapter.

In all there's plenty to unpack in Rise of Skywalker. Whilst there is things I'd change and things I'd have designed/ directed differently the film does a very good job of rounding out the new Trilogy and the Skywalker saga whilst answering as many questions as possible, making you laugh/smile/cheer (or geek out)/ cry/be sad/scare you to death and giving you a Star Wars film.

But you must make the decision for yourself, I did and made myself very happy! Others don't share my views but that's fine. But Abrams did a good job and certainly left me wanting more!
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How to say goodbye to your dragon!
2 February 2019
The third and final installment in the series has been long awaited and that wait has been well rewarded. A gorgeously animated film that feels silky smooth you want to hold your hand out and touch it!

The characters and settings are brilliant, the story even more so! With echoes back to the first and second film, The Hidden World is a touching finish to see Hiccup and Toothless soar together for one last time.

A beautiful soundtrack and even some nods script-wise to the track titles of previous films the film feels like an appropriate goodbye and Swan-song to the franchise name.

Having grown up with this series I waited so desperately long to see more and more and now its finished I finally feel satisfied. With a lot of loose ends tide up, a nice fast paced action story that is relentlessly interesting this film really does prove a worth threequel, though not quite as compelling as HttyD 2.

A brilliant family film to watch and start the year with or to sneak away to your own Hidden world and enjoy the fun with one more wild ride!
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Doctor Who: Kerblam! (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
Kerblam It!
2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The autonomous Kerblam man, your basic smiling robot postie, takes a spot amongst the infamous robots of doctor who, reminding me of the evil service box robots from Smiths day.

The episode playfully begins with a unique notion, ordering online... In space. From the beginning onwards from what's in the box to the very end the story (I will agree) seems a little like Scooby Doo but feels every bit as much a Doctor who adventure.

The episode keeps stakes raised as more and more people go missing and the Kerblam men idly stare on in a rather sinister fashion at times.

Overall, with a neat concept, cool robots, nice levelled stakes of humans vs robots and the tide and fall of the people (like something from I Robot), Kerblam! Feels like really good Who that was genuinely creepy in places but still manages to put a smile on your face and enjoy yourself! Which is, most importantly, the aim!
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Doctor Who: Resolution (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As the technical last episode in the season it wa since to see the return of the Dalek... Well... One of them.

The concept and general story makes sense and can easily be taken at face value. Some parts of the episode are a little talky but that's... Kinda the point when the rumoured father figure finally makes an appearance, we knew he would.

Everyone chanting that Chibnall has ruined the show seemingly has gotten into the boring one track mindset.

The episode seemed a little far fetched in places but with some good laughs and a nice satire poke at Brexit with a UNIT gag. What we were left with was a rounded episode with a wholesome ending. The entire point of the story was that one Dalek was more than enough to wreak havoc and yet again we see that. With some cool prop design for the D.i.Y Dalek, although it is a one off, was really neat.

The episode properly felt like Who! And a welcome return for the Daleks. As with a lot of Who the entire point is to sit back, switch off your brain and enjoy some sci-fi adventure and that's exactly what we got with a very pleasing New Years Episode
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Trip a little light fantastic!
28 December 2018
First off, I have to start by saying this is a film to see and judge for yourself because the critics were horrible towards this film and didn't do it any justice.

55 years since Mary has walked Cherrytree Lane and the magic is still there. However! As amazing as Emily is in the role capturing Mary Poppins brilliantly, you can't help but compare Andrews and Blunts work although the same glimmer shines through. Even so, 55 years has brought technology forward to polish up yet another bizarre story of the Banks children and their magical nanny.

The film looks amazing and is incredibly polished, the 2D/3D animation is a lovely addition mixed in with live-action and cgi.

Acting is on point from all the actors, especially Lin-Manuel Miranda's Jack, another Corny Englishman for the books. As cheesy as the lamplighter is Burt definitely shines through this new character.

Which brings me to say that it was nice to see that the film never forgets itself. It never forgets where it came from. Small nods, either phrases, words or music motifs even return to remind us its still the same character just a newer, fresher face. Even characters like Jack who 'used to wave at the young banks children' seem thought out and integrated despite being brand new.

In all, I watched this with my family, my mum recalling being 5 watching the original at the cinema, walking out of the cinema very happy. Mary Poppins Returns puts a smile on your face in true Disney fashion and fuels the warmth in your heart. The story is an emotional roller-coaster ride that (unlike the critics say) has brilliant songs with little ditties in them, ear worm lines that stick with you regardless and you know you can't deny it.

So if you're going to do anything I'd take Jack's advice and 'Trip a little light fantastic' with him, Mary and the rest of the gang and return to Cherrytree Lane for yourself! Hope you enjoy!
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Crimes of believing the Critics
9 December 2018
The Crimes of Grindelwald is a very conflicted film at the current moment getting the 'marmite' treatment that The Last Jedi received, you either love it or you hate it! BUT! Most importantly, you need to make the decision for yourself.

Whilst there are flaws within the film that disrupt HP lore itself, as well as form a slightly weaker narrative, the film is a sign of things to come. The narrative is interesting, keeps a pace and has some brilliantly placed twists throughout. The film promptly picks up a few months after the events of the first film and doesn't stop. The narrative has a direction from the beginning, the involvement of Grindelwald and Credence getting swept up in the mix as both Newt and Grindelwald pursue him.

Visually, the film is brilliant! CGI, cinematography and editing are wonderful and really pick up on the elements of a Wizarding World universe film.

Character-wise, whilst some characters feel a little thin, other find their feet and some select few have clear development set up for the entire story arc of the films. Johnny Depp as Grindelwald is astounding, resonating as a villain that can both have a heart and be heartless.

Altogether, the film is incredibly enjoyable and stuff the critics! This si a film you have to make your own decision on but most importantly, this film never sets out to be the 'Film of the Year!' it is quite simply a 'fast-food film', something to sit down, watch and take the experience a way with you and , if you happen to enjoy it, return to it without it feeling too samey.
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Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
One of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who!
21 October 2018
In a word, Spectacular! The negative reviews dictate that the episode was little more than a history lesson are in need of a second watch. Spoiler alert! Doctor Who is about history too, not just space and time. Whilst some elements of the episode are predictable the story and it's main idea still remain compelling. Malorie Blackman joins the writing team for "Rosa" and shows viewers why she is a brilliant and award-winning writer.

Its rare for me to sit down, watch a program and finish it utterly speechless. My first word was "Wow!" and that's what the episode is. A little emotional joyride that reminds us that its "little actions" that cause big changes in history. Such a simple concept of an episode makes for brilliant Who and well worth the watch.

Jodie is brilliant in her role as the Doctor and the companions consistently have roles that effect the course of the episode. Not just their actions but the way they look too! Acting is on point and the episode overall is just thoroughly enjoyable as well as walking the fine line of family and adult television.

Sit back, relax, and get ready to smile!
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Thank you for playing!
12 April 2018
Speilberg unleashed the mother of all easter eggs in a film about the hunt... for an easter egg!

Overall, Speilberg crafts a narrative that would make even James Halliday proud. It is incredibly clever, action packed and a brilliant thrill ride that constantly quizzes the audience, we're you watching carefully? The film starts off at a brilliant pace and my only nag would be that as the finale plays out it does begin to seem a bit drawn out.

Critics began moaning saying that 'Ready Player One' is by far one of Speilberg's worst films. Personally I think they couldn't be more wrong. This is Speilberg's playground, where the limits of the story, are the limits of your imagination. So much is packed into one film that it left my inner nerd giggling like a little school-girl.

There are so many cool moments and visual spectacles that certainly prove satisfying. Whether its the Delorean from Back to the Future, Freddy Kruger on the battlefield or... Hello Kitty? Everything has its own fun little impact on the story in what I can only imagine was a licensing nightmare!

Overall, with its 80's to current day nostalgia, a Guardians of the Galaxy style soundtrack and its fun, original and straightforward narrative Ready player One lets the inner child within go wild! A brilliant film that has things that appeal to nearly all ages and is well worth the time. Just try not to get distracted by all the characters in the background! High tier acting and incredibly satisfying characters help to round of a story that makes you somewhat envious modern day doesn't have its own OASIS.
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Wonder (I) (2017)
A real piece of magic!
2 April 2018
From the get go 'Wonder' sweeps the audience off its feet as it drops us straight into the lives of Auggie and the Pullmans. The film single-handedly redefines the feelnig of being 'warm and fuzzy'. It's brilliant family fun and suitable for youngsters, in fact I wish this film had been around when I was a kid. Chbosky reaches deep inside each of his viewers to rekindle our childhood and those amazingly fond memories. He reteaches us to love our family, our friends and most importantly ourselves.

The narrative is spectacular. Beautiful and inspiring with excellent life advice as well as psychology to live by. It makes me rather sad to know I never got to see this on the big screen but now I have it on DVD it's certainly not one I'm ever going to let go off. It is incredibly re-watchable and I could really personally recommend it.As a film watched by the whole family it certainly moved us all, reminding us how much we really mean to each other and to value every day that comes and goes.

Most importantly the story does not shy away from being true to life. Yes, childhood is dramatic at times, friendships can be hard, love can be testing and family does sometimes get in the way. But Auggie's story makes us realise that by fighting for what's right and what we love, we can never lose.

Smiles are not hard to come by in 'Wonder', but tissues may be advisable. The acting is stellar and believable from all the actors young and old and the film plays out like a complete filmed page out of someones life-book. The film just generally gets the human race spot on. Additionally another thing it gets spot on is our ability to love and feel - especially the warmth and fuzziness of show-stopping cinema.

One for the books and immediately on of my top #10 favourites, a family film that is just that, a wonder!
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La La Land (2016)
Blah Blah Bland
21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen this a because of its raving critical reviews I found myself leaving the cinema VERY disheartened.

The story started well but got somewhat lost amidst its attempt to uphold its reputation as a musical, and its seemingly convoluted story line. Songs remained forgettable, as the viewer became distracted by one or another on-screen events, such as the starry-night waltz. To me the opening number was seemingly a bit too forced and became more of a light-heartened joke than a hook for the audience. Ryan Goslings singing in some areas was somewhat questionable, whilst Emma Stone's hidden talent was practiced and displayed in a agreeable manner.

However, in comparison with other nominated and critically reviewed films La La Land somewhat struggled to find its feet with me, let alone put on its dancing shoes. Although it was rather nostalgic and visually very beautiful it took several attempts for me to even begin to like the soundtrack let alone tolerate the film.

Although, I did not like the film I personally believe that elements within the film, such as its plot-twist ending, were very well constructed and arguably saved the film... just...

Overall, not a horrendous viewing but perhaps not a film to binge watch repeatedly on rainy days.
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A Hidden Gem
21 January 2018
An Oscar worthy performance all round. It is Very surprising that this film did not receive more awards!

As a true story that allows the audience insight to the achievements of 3 very influential and pivotal African-American women of NASA - Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan and Katherine G. Johnson. The film keeps good pace and the action is unconventionally relentless. As a viewer, we are forced to not look away nor break concentration for fear of missing something amazing.

Theodore Melfi tells a spectacular story that seemingly never wavers. Hence it is arguably one of the BEST movies of 2016/17 and really worth your while.

You will not be disappointed by this brilliantly told unknown story!
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"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the moment you've waiting for!"
21 January 2018
First off, I personally would give the film a 9.5/10. To get the negatives out the way first, some CGI shots were a little iffy but they didn't detract from the film. Now! On with the show!

Having seen La La Land last year, a critically acclaimed musical that won several awards, I walked away incredibly disappointed at a film I still believe as, arguably, over-exaggerated. And in comparison, critics began to destroy this film when it was first released. Having now seen it for myself I think it is fair to say its a musical done right! From the very opening of the film we, the audience, are drawn in straight away.

The opening number is flashy, glitzy and ultimately makes us feel like little children once again - marveling at the circus. It is impossible not to smile, and Michael Gracey keeps us smiling throughout. Songs can sometimes feel misplaced but Gracey perfectly makes each number flow with the story. In fact, they ARE the story. No song feels out of place nor leaves you feeling anything less than joyous. The film makes you want to imagine and believe in the impossible and does an excellent job of it. Relentless action keeps the film upbeat and never hits an off-note. Each character is believable and their singing is unbelievable. Its very hard not to run, skip and jump out of the cinema on the way to buying the soundtrack.

An amazing film for all the family that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face! And just like Barnum, it's best not to listen to the critics. So come one, come all to see Phineas Taylor Barnum and his Greatest Show!
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