
6 Reviews
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Midnight, Texas (2017–2018)
Season 1 was fun, Season 2 they got woke and then went broke...
3 January 2019
...As it was cancelled so no more money :P

I immediately felt the decline right off the bat with season 2. First something seemed off with Manfred and I realized they changed him from a kinda likable scoundrel looking guy to a male model with a silly haircut I wouldn't get caught dead with. It's like they changed what made him cool and changed him for mass NPC appeal or something. It was a terrible decision. Then Season 2 EP 2 title was "The Monster of the Week Is Patriarchy" and I thought, OK here we go again.. and it just goes down hill from there with its social justice messages and allot of pointless sex scenes, in other words the show was taken over by NPC's and written for NPC's.

Enjoy Season 1. Id give it a 7, it was fun. Then move on to a different show because they destroy everything they created in season 2.
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1 December 2018
2 stars for Rose McIver, that's it as she was the only good thing about this dumpster fire.

OK The first one was not that great, but well.. It was a typical been done 20 times better already unoriginal type fair, but it was still OK I guess. This garbage takes a dump all over it.

They took Amber's father from the first movie who was a good kind smart strong guy and replaced him with an unfunny disgraceful bozo JarJar Binks type fool and don't even get be started on the designer clown. They were so bad and so over the top it was painfully unbearable to suffer through.

Not sure what the director was thinking but he should find a new line of work.
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Time Trap (2017)
Perfect example of what a good Director with a low budget can do! Avoid spoilers!
13 May 2018
ShadowTek here.. No spoilers.

This movie is the result of what a good director, with a good screenplay can do if he actually cares about his movie and nows what he's doing.. absolutely wonderful movie.. awesome Scifi!!

Do NOT read any spoiler reviews or watch the trailer.. try and watch it cold knowing as little as possible going in. then sit back and enjoy the ride.

I love discovering great little gems like this.. It's one of the best part of watching movies.. Bravo to all involved in this!

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BloodRayne (2005)
Forget all of you, I love this movie LOL
13 May 2018
ShadowTek here...

WOW does this movie get a ton of hate or what.. Yes it's low budget, Yes the story is silly.. but come on.. it's not THAT bad. It has the lovely young and naked Kristanna Loken in it, not to mention Michael Madsen, Matthew Davis, freaking Meat Loaf, Michael Paré, pre-titanic Billy Zane, the ever sexy Michelle Rodriguez and freaking even Ben Kingsley! I mean.. what more do you want in a movie?

Have a sense of humor and enjoy it for what it is.. gees guys.. chill and enjoy.

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Revenge (II) (2017)
Half Vampire girl VS. Naked white cyborg guy and his buddies.
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
ShadowTek here...

OK.. So some movies ask you to suspend your belief.. I'm ok with that.. especially these Rape & Revenge movies.. this movie takes that to a level never before seen in a movie.. UNLESS, You assume right off the bat that the hot chic is a half vampire and the naked white dude is a cyborg. Believe it or not, if you assume this to be the case right off the bat.. that is actually asking you to suspend your disbelief far LESS then if you don't assume this.

So, this hot half vampire chic gets raped and and pushed off a 200 foot cliff and gets impaled through the back, sets the tree on fire to free herself and takes revenge.. now don't worry about that fall she took.. her half vampire side will have its healing powers kick in full strength. (Plus how do you think she survived a fall that would have made her look like pile of goo when she hit)

Also due to her half vampire nature.. She can lose literally 5000 gallons of blood and still survive! She can also use her vamp speed to casually catch up to cars far away and pulling away from her by taking a shortcut over a mountain to catch up in no time.

So she kills naked cyborg's buddies and confronts white naked cyborg at his house.. she shoots white naked cyborg.. causing another 5000 gallons of blood loss (yup.. 5000 gallons.. at least) BUT because he is in fact a cyborg.. it's nothing a little Saran wrap cant fix....

See? If you make these assumptions right off the bat.. it's not that bad of a movie.. but if you don't Don't bother cause yes.. it's that unrealistically bad.

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Its a great FAKE movie.. 10 for fun factor.. 1 for Biography
4 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
ShadowTek here...

Well.. if you want a fun movie to watch.. its a great and entertaining movie.. it really is.. if you want to watch a biography about Bruce Lee.. 99.9% of this film is fake and 100% of the film is an insult to his legacy.. cause almost NOTHING in this film is true...

1. There was never a fight with Navy guys as the movie shows in the beginning..

2. As above that was not the reason he left.

3. The Lee family was RICH.. and Bruce was far from an only child. So that whole "saved up money" and the "cops were called so you have to go" crap was just that... crap.

4. He did work at a restaurant.. but the fight in the movie never happened. The loan never happened.

5. The whole racist thing in college never happened. That was propagated by among others the Lee family.

6. The stop teaching white people and black people is fake.. thus the whole underground fight stuff is 100% fake.

7. Um. Bruce hurt his back weightlifting.. not in some secret underground fight.

8. There was never a re-match in some ring.. in fact as the reason for that rematch never happened.. well.. do the math.. He did attend that event mentioned however... he demonstrated his 1-inch punch and his one and two finger pushups.. that video is all over the place.. yes you can find it online.. lots of versions of it.

9. He never wrote or published a book.. his wife did from notes he made after his death.

10. The fight on the set of the Big Boss movie (I think that was the movie set in they were saying took place) never happened.. not in that or any other movie.

11. The whole chasing Bruce down scene to make movies in Hong Kong.. see a pattern here? Never happened.

10. The entire movie is 100% fiction.. literally NOTHING in the movie happened..

In other words.. the entire movie is fake.. nothing in the movie actually happened... BUT.. if you look at the life of Bruce Lee from an alternate universe of what COULD have happened.. well.. it is a great movie in that aspect :)

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