
23 Reviews
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What's the point?
20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Who cares that Leo is a movie actor and Brad is his stunt double? Leo had the meaty scenes and Brad was totally wasted. A couple of his scenes reminded me of his characterization of Billy Bean in Moneyball. The ending was a total fabrication as the Tate, LaBianca murders were completely overlooked so Leo could plat with his flame thrower. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
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Gone Girl (2014)
3 October 2014
Gone Girl is the most far-fetched piece of crap I have ever seen. It is one of the biggest scam movies ever perpetrated on the public! That said, David Fincher is one of my favorite directors. I have seen all of his movies and watched them many times, always discovering something new to appreciate. I will never watch this one again. Fine acting, great background music by Trent Reznor, good photography, but a story that is so ridiculously exaggerated that I was waiting for the next twist so that I could witness how much more absurd the story could become, and there were several of them. However, it did make me feel relieved that I was single again.
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Made me laugh
1 June 2014
I laughed out loud a lot during this movie and so did the rest of the audience. Sure, there was a lot of gross humor, come on folks this is 2014. A good laugh is worth the price of admission and Seth MacFarlane knows how to do it. Charlize, Liam, Giovanni, Sarah (excuse me, I love her humor and this was the perfect part for her). Beautiful scenes in Monument Valley, AZ.Loved the cameos too! Of course it was absurd (so was Ted for that matter but it was funny too). It's about we had some adult humor and not this high school crap that is all too prevalent and you can throw Adam Sandler on that heap too. I'll take Seth MacFarlane anytime!
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Jack Reacher (2012)
Cruiser reaches and gets the prize
27 December 2012
Enjoyed this movie on a few levels. Fun movie, good escapist movie, Cruiser leaving the smile home (I'm so tired of it), the twists and surprises, the appearance of Robert Duval brought gasps from the packed house (priceless stuff, his scenes with Cruise brought back memories of Days of Thunder), Rossamund (nice rack, couldn't take my eyes off it)good acting in a difficult role, the comedic lines to give the suspense and tension a rest (brilliant). Now my minuses: Low-budget picture that owes its "8" rating by me due to the solid writing,directing, and acting, crappy car chase scene, and clichéd bad-guys. Billed as "A Tom Cruise Production" (is that why the budget is given as $50mil, did Tom get $25mil of that?)Oh yes, where did Tom get the haircut?
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Superor acting and directing
4 December 2012
C'mon time listed as 97 minutes (which must include credits) and an opening that lists at least 4 production companies and takes at least 5 minutes of run time. Okay, that aside the acting and directing are superb. Brad Pitt continues to amaze me, he is incredible. James Gandolfini, Richard Jenkins, and the other supporting cast members are a wonder to watch. The take on the gangster genre, which I think created a reality that was dirty, creepy, and probably right on.... no glitz and glamor no cheesy love scenes, just grit and blur which totally plays on the mind to support the reality of low-life gangsters. And the final monologue by Pitt....priceless!
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Skyfall (2012)
Skyfall....Bird droppings
18 November 2012
I haven not seen a Bond movie in years, but I watched a trailer for Skyfall and got ensnared. I think they overspent so much on the opening sequence, that the producers told them to "pull in the sails" for the rest (over 2 hours) of the shoot. Daniel Craig sure knows how to pose (and run) because that's about all he does, and speak in a practically inaudible mumble for most of the movie. Bardem knows how to ham it up. The gratuitous scenes and references to past Bond movies was so juvenile and obvious, well you can see I was disappointed and depressed by this claptrap. Judy Dench was totally wasted. The only good scenes were with Albert Finney, and I wish there were more!
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Savages (I) (2012)
Savages is "Savage"
12 July 2012
Has it been 12 years since "Traffic"? Benicio Del Toro as Javier, wow what a performance (you felt his pain and compassion in every scene). Savages with Benecio Del Toro as Lado, wow what a performance (you totally feel his psychotic nature and total lack of compassion in every scene). He has aged into the part of Lado, and, I must say, I was taken aback when he first appeared on screen....he was so menacing, psychopathic, schizophrenic that he totally freaked me out. I cannot remember a more mesmerizing performance. He has moved up my list of top male actors. If he does not win the Oscar for this role I will be extremely disappointed. The rest of the movie.....
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MIB3 - Hollow, without a soul
3 June 2012
Rip Torn (Zed), where are you when we need you? This formulaic, copy-cat, clichéd excuse for a sequel disappointed me greatly. Tired villain, a few aliens "thrown-in", Will Smith trying his best to work with a crummy script, Tommy Lee looking bored with the whole, tired mess, and Josh Brolin, whose Tommy Lee shtick grows tiresome, and the always dependable Emma Thompson totally out of her element (with a laughable hair-do) and absolutely no match for Zed, make for another piece of Hollywood junk that was simply made to get our price of admission, Oh yes, I almost forgot, gratuitous 3-D, which could not save this absurd, hollow movie. The original, rich with characters of all kinds, should have been left to age gracefully instead of being followed-up twice now with "crapola" films.
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The Avengers (2012)
Avengers meet Avatar
10 May 2012
I was really looking forward to the Avengers and, I have to say I was disappointed. Lousy acting (Samuel L. Jackson (who's usually reliable was wooden and had no real take on the character), Robert Downey, (good thing he wore waterproof mascara for his close-ups) Scarlett Johanssson, who needs to go back to acting school, Mark Ruffalo, (what was his take on the part? he just looked confused and lacked confidence), dead spots that almost put me sleep, some very cheesy F/X using miniatures, particularly noticeable in 3D. Lousy photography...the 3D glasses made everything seem dark and drab, I found myself taking them off and seeing much brighter scenes. I'm sure if you're a 12 year old (sadly I'm not) this movie is the best thing you've ever seen, but there are so many other movies of this genre that are so much better on every level (X- Men, and the Batman series in the capable hands of Christopher Nolan to mention two). Captain America's padding in his shirts was laughable (did they run out of CG's, because he looked much better in his own movie). I'm comparing this movie to Avatar because I was also disappointed with that one too, as it relied totally on on special effects, weak story- line, to make it's success. Oh well, I'll look forward to "The Dark Knight Rises" because I know Christopher Nolan will not let me down.
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Holy Smokes!
5 February 2012
Underworld: Awakening, true to the series, but the best yet, different form the previous films, and I think we are in for more. Saw it in IMAX 3D. WOW! Spectacular, I ducked more than once. Non-stop action...Selene (Kate) is as awesome, or more so, than ever. And you are in for a big surprise concerning her....ooh...creepy and scary. And where is Michael...well we find out late in the movie and a fifth one is definitely in the offing...yea! I usually get into the technical points in my reviews, but no need here...just sit back and enjoy. 88 minutes...well I thought that this would be a rip off, no seemed much longer than that. I think that's because of all the action and the no-nonsense way in which the story is told.
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Interesting Imaginary Circumstances
19 January 2012
Acting is "behaving really in imaginary circumstances" (at least according to Sandy Misner, in whose acting technique I was schooled). The circumstances in this movie couldn't have been more "imaginary". to the point of ridiculous! The "acting", direction, photography, and editing were very good, enhancing the ridiculousness of what I was watching. It was a great exercise for all concerned and the ultimate "hustle" for the audience. I was totally taken in by by it. I walked from the theater thinking I had just seen a very cool movie BUT, now that I am reflecting on it the story was so ludicrous and ridiculous, I can see why FOX released it under its "Searchlight" banner. It is total "hokum", but it takes you in like a Ponzi scheme, holds your interest, but you will wake up the next day thinking, "what the *@!^ did I see yesterday?"!
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State of the Art Movie-making
20 December 2011
David Fincher...Best Director, Rooney Mara...Best Actress, Daniel Craig...Best Actor. Oh yes, and whoever the editor was......Best Editing! From the opening credits, which grabbed me into the mystery to the incredible editing (the movie could have been 4 hours long were it not for the editing) and the incredible story (thank you Mr. Larsson)this is one hell of a movie. I don't think I have had such an experience as this movie gave me....EVER! (and that's saying a lot, because I have been a movie buff all my life, an actor, writer and director) and a play reviewer for the past 5 years. This movie is probably not for everyone, but I suspect, a few million people will. Oh yes, Rooney Mara, I was blown away by her performance!
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Fright Night (2011)
Fright-ful Night
24 August 2011
What an abomination for a film! Could have been made at film school. Utterly horrible on every level. I almost fell asleep twice. No scares, lame comedy, horrible acting (even by Colin, who is a favorite of mine....congrats Colin on a payday, hope you got up front money). Compare this travesty to LOST BOYS, an all-time classic with genuine scary moments, great music, and the Frog brothers for wry, cynical humor based on "truth, justice, and the American way", and you have a vampire movie. This should have been dumped on the IFC channel immediately, but it probably will make it next year as they are "always on, but a little off". This movie is a little off, as a matter of fact it is so off it may not even make IFC, as I'm now thinking. Save your money and rent LOST BOYS for $1 at the Red Box, if you don't already own it!
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Super 8 (2011)
Super 8 - horror-able
13 June 2011
Super 8 is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. What was the point? The seventies are over and Spielberg was in his 20's unknowingly making classics. Trying to go back and copy successes of those bygone days.....why? To cash in once again? Well, here's the deal: Those of us who are old enough to remember the 70's were 35 years younger and just as naive as Spielberg. But, it's 2011 and we have witnessed the evolution of the sci-fi genre (and I must say it's one of my favorites and has come a long way, particularly with the MARVEL classics and the sophistication with which they have been transformed to the screen). Poor me, having gotten sucked into buy a ticket. The movie made no sense (I could list about 25 scenes which were gratuitous, senseless, and poorly executed). I think anyone with an IQ below 78 might enjoy it. Elle, get a real job, because your sister has it all over you and her choices are far above yours, and please get your teeth fixed. I couldn't help but be distracted by your back teeth which seemed to be either rotted out or missing. Couldn't you have gotten some caps?
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Thought Provoking
4 October 2010
How about a movie without sex, violence, or even a kiss? How about a movie that is thought provoking, inspiring, smartly written, directed, and staged? How about a movie where a relatively minor character is a scene stealer and a person to remember (I'm referring to the Dean and his scene with the (V boys)? This guy was spot on, as was everyone else, including Justin Timberlake, who I always thought was a flake. I totally enjoyed this movie and it is only the second movie this year that I would recommend (the other being Inception). I guess I'm not "cool" though, don't have that first billion yet.

David Fincher is one of my favorite Directors and has created a totally unique and intriguing concept for the movie, as he always does. Aaron Sorkin's script is amazing and together the two have created a classic movie, bereft of the usual movie junk, and have told the story, which seems as real as could possibly be, from Zuckerberg's mind.
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Think you've seen it all?
18 January 2010
I love original movies (ie The Book of Eli or Watchmen). I love movies with a plot twist (ie Sixth Sense). Denzel is at the top of my favorite actor list. Gary Oldman is in my top ten. Think you've seen it all in "End of the World" genre? No, you haven't. I figured if Denzel took this role it would have to be awesome. He never disappoints me. He's at his best here and rather than being a "Denzel" vehicle this film is much more, with Denzel's immense talent fitting in perfectly.He is the protagonist, and of course, Gary Oldman is perfect as the antagonist, a role he has perfected (but I loved his work in The Dark Knight, because it was a departure for him). Don't miss this one, it is quite amazing in every facet.
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This Is It (2009)
This Is It, wow!
1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw it and I was wowed. This would have been the greatest concert ever. I was planning on seeing it, whatever it took. Seeing the movie confirmed my belief that MJ was truly the "King of Pop". New music, videos, updated versions of past hits, with an incredible group of musicians. Kenny Ortega, wow what a creative genius (along with Michael, of course). The scene with Rita Hayworth, Humphrey Bogart, Eddie G, wholly smokes, who thought of that one? injecting MJ into the black and white scenes. Always loved Rita Hayworth anyway, so when this scene began with her doing "Gilda" (and MJ sitting at a table in the club) I was blown away. Thriller, with the new video shot for the concert, better than the original. Billy Jean, very similar to the original, but I love it, so it was just pure fun to see Michael do it again, with his so hot band backing him up. The rehearsals were full of love initiated by Michael, and it put a whole new perspective on him for me. He was a perfectionist, a genius, and at 50 years old still the best. Too bad we were unable to see him perform for 15 years prior, because any other rock group or rock performer could not hold a candle to Michael Jackson. He was it!
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The future is worse than could be imagined
3 June 2009
From the first two Terminator movies, particularly the first, we were given some indication by Reese how bad things had become in the future. They're worse, much worse. This installment is incredible in it's effects, intensity, and the tie ins to the first two (I completely discount #3, which I thought was horrible). Christian Bale is at his best, he's not Batman, he's John Connor, exhibiting an intensity as only he could. The machines were massive, scarier than one could ever imagine, and more cleverly conceived that anything I've ever seen. Forget Transformers, which I thought was for kids anyway, this is the real deal for creativeness and execution.Some surprise tie-ins to the first two installments only add to the fun. I loved it. McG, nice Directing job!
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Anna Faris - Cutie of the Year
24 August 2008
I gave this movie 9 stars out of 10 because it made me laugh, it made me laugh a lot, and I was still laughing after I left the theater. Anna Faris is a hoot, and you can't help but love her. (She's the Goldie Hawn of the early 2000's)Everyone else in the movie ends up loving her because she's the epitome of goodness and loving. Even tho the movie is basic in it's good people vs their antagonists it works, and it's not meant to do anything but entertain, amuse, and make you laugh. I was expecting a rehashed Animal House, but it's not that at all. It's a feel-good movie all the way. Forget all the Summer comic book fare and go see this one, you will not regret it and you'll feel a lot better than after having seen The Dark Knight, I assure you!
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Major Disappointment
28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What a disappointment! It was sad to see how David Duchovney has aged. Gillian, however, looks great and was great in the movie. Chris Carter must have pulled out an old TV script and shot it for the film, which would have been a two-part program. The story was utterly ridiculous, with very little time and character development spent on the Russians. Who were these guys? What an absurd thing they were doing. The movie paled in comparison with the first one, which I thought ended with perfect setup for a sequel. So what did we get: No aliens, none of the great cast from the first movie (except for Skinner at the very end), although I know Kurtzwile was killed. What about Arman Mueller Stahl's character, whom I find fascinating as an actor and as an interesting character in the first movie which certainly could have flowed naturally in to a sequel. What about the anti-venom that was being developed in the first movie? Do the aliens multiply or pop-up in other places? Yes, I wanted to believe that this movie was going to reveal all those set-up's in the first movie. Instead we got a B-movie with a weak plot. And I had to talk my friends into going to see this movie. The buzz in the Men's Room after the movie was "Where were the aliens?" Shame on you Chris Carter for ruining a great series, with still a great deal of potential left.I for one am no longer and "X Files" advocate. I shall forever be left with the first movie and the TV episodes.
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Breach (2007)
Don't miss it, you will not be disappointed.
18 February 2007
One of those rare Hollywood movies absolutely fascinating, intelligently written and directed, and a not to be missed performance by Chris Cooper. I always enjoyed his movies (October Sky and The Horse Whisperer come to mind), but this was the role of his career in terms of the complexity of the character he was playing and his approach. We are told the ending at the beginning, but being a true story the ending is already well known. I wanted to see this movie to see how Hansen thought and justified his treason. His use of the Catholic church to justify himself as a human being reminds me of a scandal we had here in Phoenix in the early '90's with an individual (Charle Keating) who literally stole peoples' life savings from the Lincoln Savings and Loan to build hotels and office buildings, albeit illegally, but he also used the church to justify and cover-up his misdeeds. He too is spending his last days in prison. Back to the movie - I think it is not to be missed, as the story is so strong and presented so well without any of the usual Hollywood gimmicks, sort of reminiscent of "All the President's Men" in its understatement of one of the most serious crimes in U.S. history.
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The Departed (2006)
15 October 2006
Once again another movie with potential ruined by a confusing, poorly edited ending. Thelma, maybe you should finally retire to the SAG home (if you are a member). The ending had all the earmarks of a Quentin Tarantino movie, and Mr. Scorsese should be ashamed of himself for copying a master, who was making movies such as this 15 years ago. I left the theater thinking of The Bourne Supremacy, with it's twists and turns, and superlative ending and comparing this mish-mash I had just seen, leaving me feeling confused, and wondering why such an intriguing first half was totally debased, hacked up, and ruined by Tarantino theatrics, which are best done by him anyway. Great cast and good performances by all concerned, except Mr. Scorsese, his editor Thelma Scoonmaker, and the writer, or should I say "adapter", since this movie was taken from another script.
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This movie should end-up on Starz at 3AM.
19 September 2006
An extremely disappointing imitation of a potentially great movie. Josh Hartnett, lacking in the intensity and edginess of true film noir actors such as Bogart, Mitchum, and Sterling Hayden was miscast as the LAPD detective. Confusing plot deviations, a clumsy finale, and a misleading trailer all add to Brian DePalma's deviousness in film-making. I thought he might have finally arrived as a first class Director, after all the B movies of the 80's with his paramour Nancy Allen, who couldn't act her way out of a community theater play. As most of the scenes were shot in the daytime, didn't anyone remind Mr. DePalma that this genre mainly took place at night, with bold use of shadows creating tension and mystery? Scarlett Johanson, also miscast, lacked the allure and sexiness of a 40's movie diva. Maybe she should have watched some of Veronica Lake's or Lauren Bacall's early movies. By the way, is she appearing in every new movie being released?

This movie should quickly end-up on Starz at 3AM.
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