46 Reviews
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream
28 August 2021
Unless it's a scream of a Necromancer...

Absolutely amazing series until episode 8. There I got lost and carried on watching because I'd invested time in the previous 7 episodes. Very typical Ridley Scott/Alien/Prometheus. Two androids are given the task of repopulating the world as Atheists. A bunch of renegade religious folk out to fight them. A lot going on to begin with with two sets of stories being told that merge.

Mother and Father are superb. The religious leader goes a bit doolally towards the end. Don't know why. But he separates himself. I don't understand so much of the end. The family just kind of all sit around in a cave looking after the Necromancer whilst the humans Sol followers argue. Anyway see if you can make some sense of it.
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Bloodshot (2020)
19 August 2021
Rather formulated film - if you've seen anything with Statham, Stallone or Schwarzenegger in you've seen this.

Story slightly similar to Universal Soldier. Shot up good guy brought back to life ... Plenty of action.

Plenty of shooting.

Plenty of blowing up.

Good looking woman.

The gorgeous Sam Heughton.

Van Diesel is Van Diesel.

Worth a watch.
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Alone (XXI) (2020)
I Must Be Alone
19 August 2021
...In liking this film given its poor rating of 4.9. I haven't seen the film it's ripping off so I'm guessing that's helping.

Kind of standard run of the mill stuck in a flat whilst the zombies attack film but with a love story twist. Loved meeting Donald Sutherland in this and his scenes and what he brings to the film. Brilliant.

After this point the lead turns into Shaun Of The Dead. He grabs Liz, kills Phil many times over and away he goes.

Entertaining. Solid 6.
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Deceit (2021)
You Must Confess
18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is an amazing drama.

Take away the fact it really happened. Take away the fact the police really did ruin a mans life and in the process allowed others to die as a drama it's wonderful.

The writing and acting was spot on. Captivating. It was thrilling as well as very sad and emotional.

I really hope Colin Stagg was asked permission for this to be made. That poor man. What he went through.
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Beckett (2021)
Bourne Without The Blast.
15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a good film. Survival conspiracy thriller without the blast, guns and CGI of the American Cinema such as Bourne ....

The lead is great. His acting is spot on. Poor bloke doesn't have take some stick The action is constant. Keeps you watching and entertained and the ending is good. A resolution.

All in all a solid 6 maybe even a 7. Would have given it a 7 if it hadnt taken its time to get going and the leads (white?!) girlfriend was out of the picture very early on.
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And The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Terribly predicable. Obvious from very early on who would 'survive' and who wouldn't when the three blasphemous boys entered the home. Lost my attention half way through the film really so by the time we got to the end and dad was paying for his sins I hadn't really seen fully what happened to all the others.

Acting wasn't bad. Especially from dad. He was great. The main lead boy was okay as was the rest of the family. The other boys not so great. Like I say I got lost so never understood the reasons why they were making cars stop by ... not bad but not great. Worth a once watch.
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The Undoing (2020)
The Undoing
12 August 2021
Solid if not predictable drama about a man on trial for murder.

The pace of the drama is great. It's very apparent early on how it's all going to unfold but it doesn't detract from watching it. The court room episodes are by far the best and a lot of the earlier episodes probably weren't even needed. Brilliant acting from all the cast. The children especially are brilliant.

Nicole Kidman's face is rather shocking though. She doesn't look neither old or young or like herself and she's hard to take serious due to her frozen expressions. Huge Grant by far outranks her in the acting ability of the drama in part due to this. He also looks far more normal and is still rather good looking.
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Mope (2019)
Let's Talk About Sex
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the real truth about Porn. Mix that with someone completely unhinged and it's murder. There's your review. Spoiler and all. You don't actually fully realise what goes on when it comes to Porn. Or at least I didn't. I had to look up Mope. I just thought they recruited people who didn't mind doing these things on screen and away they go. Wrong. Anyway the film follows a real life tragedy surrounding the industry and two of the performers called Driver and Dong. I'd say the outcome is sad but it's completely nuts. More worrying is it's true life. The film however keeps you gripped from start to end. See for yourself. Wait for the grand climax.
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V (2009–2011)
Series 3 Needs Visiting.
7 July 2021
What a shame this was cancelled before series 3 as its clear by the end of series 2 that this wasn't finished.

The good - Anna. Wonderful actress. Played the part beautifully and a joy on screen. Her expressions. Her emotion and at times lack of it. Every scene with her is worthwhile.

The story and writing throughout was great even though it was very much American action formulated each episode. Acting throughout was pretty much spot on too.

Cameo from Donavan at the end of the series was great to see. Diana a welcome addition to season two.

The bad - that son, Tyler. Typical annoying American boy teen who makes all the wrong immature choices. Way too cliche. Annoyed me on screen. Maybe that made him a good actor? Was surprised he lasted the entire two series.

The ugly - the special effects at times were bad. What a shame.

Overall worthwhile series but let down by the fact it wasn't finished.
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Nothing New In This Home
26 May 2021
Nothing new in this film at all. Certainly all been done before. Better. The Purge. The Strangers. Etc. Acting is very mediocre at best from all performances apart from the lady visitor. Who was pretty good. Story very thin on the ground and film quite predictable in every single area. Gore and effects were pretty good for the main. Not one character deserved to live in any case. Okay for passing 90 minutes one Saturday evening with drink and a take away. Certainly forgettable.
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Brightburn (2019)
Bright Idea
12 May 2021
Not a bad film at all. Kept me interested and watching. The stunts and the gore were fabulous. The acting was great. The kid was very good in it. Decent atmosphere and music to go with it. Paves the way to another film should they do wish too. Entertaining.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Are You Not Entertained?
23 April 2021
Russell Crowe goes all Maximus for this role. He's big. Huge even. He's bad ass mean and he's off his trolly. If you like The Hitcher, Roadkill etc you'll like this. Don't expect anything realistic. Just expect to be entertained.
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Polanski or Allen? It's all the same ...
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Did he or didn't he? The question that came about in the 90s when Allen ran off with Farrow's daughter and the allegations surfaced. Because he fought the allegations with the 'woman scorned' mitigation we never really got to the truth. Back then. But we do now. Straight from the child's mouth. Live on videos. Tapes. Very well put together documentary. No stone left unturned. The very weird and sick world of Woody Allen on screen.
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I closed my eyes
28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually made it to the end. Dozed off a few times. Next news they were all swapping bodies or something. Shame as it started off really good.

Good luck with this one folks.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
'I am the danger...'
28 March 2021
I wonder as the viewer will we always compare every character Cranston plays to Walt? Testimony to how truly great that series is. Anyway ... Cranston does a wonderful job as Michael. He's cold. He's calculating. He's desperate and he's crestfallen. He will do whatever it takes to protect his son. Anything. It would seem however his son is determined to be the master in his own downfall probably with the same determination that Michael has to save him. The plot does get rather involved in places. Some sub plots never really explained either. But over all a decent binge watch indeed.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Sometimes not bothering is better.
21 March 2021
I am not against remakes at all. Sometimes bringing a franchise up to date is enjoyable. But I'm not so sure about this one. This one seems really unnecessary. Pointless almost. I don't really know why either. I think the biggest problem was changing the final third. The little girl I have to say does a marvellous job. As always John Lithgow is great. He is Judd. I found both parents poor though. That's probably one of the points that makes this remake unnecessary. Atmosphere throughout was okay if not a little forced in places. If you liked the original then for the curiosity factor watch this. But other than that some things that are done shouldn't be done again.
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SAS don't watch
19 March 2021
Ooooof. So wanted to like this. But bad acting and script for the main kills it. The theme of the story for the main is okay. But the bad ass female and the female doctor are appalling in this. Not believable. Reading from a script. Literally. Tom Wilkinson walking on to your screen makes you believe there's some potential. He delivers his part well. Sam Heughton is okay. Think he should stick with Outlander though. He's way better in that. I guess it's what you're dealt to work with. Very poor.
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Look Away (2018)
Don't Look Away
7 March 2021
Good solid 6.5 for this film. Gave it a 7 as the lead actress is superb. She plays her two characters perfectly going from soft and lacking in any confidence to super angry and on a mission... What a mission it is too. But by the end of the film it's explained to you why she's soft and lacking on the outside but angry and on a mission on the inside and it's rather sad. A film that didn't stand out to me to be one to watch that actually turned out to be pretty good.
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You can't run from yourself
1 March 2021
A solid 6.5 out of 10 so I've given it a 7. A good film. Atmospheric. Good scenery and the house is beautiful. Not too much of a task for someone as great as Bacon. The little girl is fantastic. I'm not a huge fan of these types of movies and the only one that stands out that maybe keeps my attention is The Shining and I would compare this very much to that in some ways even if it's not executed as well. The ending you will guess early on I believe. So I won't give that away. But if you like films like The Shining, The Others and The Village you'll like this too. One to catch and maybe watch the once.
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Extortion (2017)
28 February 2021
I'm sorry but what sort of an idiot takes his family with a small child miles and miles out to sea on a tiny boat with what is practically a lawnmower engine? Come on daddy let's visit treasure island? What a treasure he is. The rest seems inevitable.... it's a watch though even if the circumstances of the situation are shockingly avoidable.
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The Rental (2020)
Let's do drugs
28 February 2021
Starts off really well. Two couples on a weekend away. Two brothers and their partners. Some of them do drugs. The usual happens between couples and booze etc only time they're being secretly filmed. The whole rental is bugged. The guy who showed them round the rental is the obvious suspect for bugging place. This ends up in disaster. It's from here the film kind of goes off on a tangent. With no real explanation as to who is stalking or why or what happens to the dog it seems to be a film that has no resolution. But it is entertaining and keeps you watching.
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Love Tom
28 February 2021
I like the whole snow scene, isolation setting of any film. Adds to the atmosphere for me and this didn't disappoint. Tom is great in this playing the bumbling old guy. Poor guy for some reason no matter how right he tries to get things he always gets it wrong. The bottle being the main problem. Anyway he stumbles on a lot of cash from a robbery and he wants to put that cash to good use. Good tension. No problem with the acting. Enjoyable watch.
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Mr. Nice (2010)
If you liked Blow you'll like this
28 February 2021
Good biopic of Britain's answer to Jung who dealt weed on a large scale. Same old story - confidence and bravo getting the better of him. Greed. Not an ounce of sympathy when the inevitable happens to him. Lost of sympathy however for his children. Only small gripe in that Ifans obviously was in his 40s at time of recording played himself as a teen and they didn't age him either at the end. Seemed odd. But other than that really enjoyable.
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21 February 2021
It's brilliant this for a bit of light hearted fun. Poke fun at the young that go abroad looking for sex and a party. Some 'banging' tunes and really funny at times. Look out for Phil Mitchell at the end as the club bouncer. Having it large!
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Becky (II) (2020)
There Once Was a Girl
18 February 2021
This is absolutely brilliant. Engaging constantly. Never a dull moment. Love the girl playing Becky. Love her character even more. Without giving too much away look out for the eyeball and boat scenes. Fantastic. Over all don't mess with Becky.
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