
64 Reviews
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Escape Room (II) (2017)
Its alright
26 June 2021
Lol yeah this movie lacked a storyline and development and the escape room was pretty stupid but I still found it fun to watch. The ending was still dumb tho lol.
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Awake (III) (2021)
What was going on
26 June 2021
What a waste of my time. I didn't understand the point of the premise and anything that happened in the movie. I also kept watching hoping for a good ending but it was disappointing. It was kind of like Bird Box except with sleep deprivation. But it felt like I was just watching a bunch of people going crazy and killing each other.
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Only (2019)
26 June 2021
This movie basically predicted the 2020 pandemic again. I was bored the whole time and the plot was really dull. Honestly in real life everyone would just stay at home and it wouldn't be that dramatic.
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Read It and Weep (2006 TV Movie)
26 June 2021
Worst disney movie?! The characters have no personality. Ok maybe I'm just too old for this lol.
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Antidote (I) (2021)
So weird
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch? It was super weird and I didn't expect the ending to be about heaven and hell?!
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A borefest
26 June 2021
What a disappointment. The pace was way too slow. I can't believe such a big budget film would turn out this bad. What a waste of my time. There was no excitement and I almost fell asleep.
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Not bad
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked this movie a lot and I liked the characters involved. I wish there was more character development involved but it was still quite interesting to see. I also enjoyed the ending of the movie although I was kinda weirded out with the relationship between the teacher and one of the students and I thought that plot line was kinda unecessary.
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Oxygen (2021)
Quite interesting
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was pretty well made even though there was only one location. The design of the pod was very cool and I enjoyed seeing the inner workings of the interior. The ending was also quite interesting, and as the oxygen goes down to the last percent, the character is left with many choices to pick, whether it was to open the pod, stay in the pod, call the line again, or do nothing. It was also surprising to find out her own identity and I thought it must've been crazy to suddenly find out that you're not a normal person.
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Playground (2017– )
it's alright
23 April 2021
This show is exactly like Divergent except minus a storyline. There was also no character development and I learned nothing about the main characters at all, so I had no emotional attachment to anyone who died. I just expected more of a story to come out of this than action, but this show is still watchable and I enjoyed some parts of it.
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Drew Peterson: Untouchable (2012 TV Movie)
Accurate movie
23 April 2021
This was a pretty accurate movie from what I've read from the real incident. Overall, it's a decent movie and it was a bit extreme and over dramatic in some parts, but it was still good.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
4 April 2021
Hands down best show I've ever watched in my life. Super funny, original, and full of crazy people. Thank you for 6 years of pure happiness and I miss you superstore <3.
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4 April 2021
As a historical film, this was very informative. The story was very realistic and the way this was filmed was also so realistic I wondered how it was filmed. It was a very heroic movie the latter half of the movie was just filled with fire scenes and explosions, and as accurate was it was, there was so much of it that I was skipping parts of it.
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The Lie (2018)
Predictable but still thrilling
4 April 2021
A very predictable movie. I knew exactly what the ending was going to be in the first 10 minutes. Every single decision made in this movie was incredibly stupid and unrealistic. It was a bit of a drag because I could predict the result, and the characters were so unreasonably emotional, but I was still pretty intrigued by Joey King's acting as well as the parents. I guess there was still enough mystery to keep my hooked to the story plot. The plot twist is also very predictable and did not faze me at all.
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Sightless (2020)
4 April 2021
I am not sure what I just watched. I didn't even make it past the halfway mark. I thought there was too much conversation and it was way too slow.
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Radium Girls (2018)
4 April 2021
This movie has a good message but it was super boring. I get that this is a historical film, but they could've showed the story from a global scale instead of only focusing on a few characters. As tragic as this story is, I felt little to no emotion for the underdeveloped characters. There was also little scientific evidence revealed, and maybe that's historically accurate, but I just felt like nothing really happened? And I even felt like there wasn't a solution in the end. It was disappointing because I was expecting a more factual storyline with interesting historical details that I didn't know about, but I learned nothing except for the fact that many girls died from unsafe work conditions, which I had already known from the trailer. Instead, I watched a very emotional main character break down from watching her loved ones slowly die.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Don't just listen to the bad reviews, it's really not that bad lol
5 March 2021
Wow I've never seen a movie with an old lady as the most powerful main character. I definitely got Gone Girl vibes from Rosamund Pike. Overall, the movie was easy to get hooked on. The mystery of the characters made me want to know what would happen next and as it got more and more intense and crazy, I was just sucked in. There's something about watching psychopaths that is just so interesting. However, I do understand where all the critics are coming from. I wasn't exactly pleased with how this movie ended. First of all, the old lady's mystery was never really resolved or revealed and I felt like the ending was written on a whim. The climax was so high, and the ending was rather disappointing compared to the rest of the film. But I also don't think this movie deserves all of the bad ratings. People were complaining about the pointless plot, and the unlikeable and shallow character, but I thought that in this case, an unlikeable character made the story much more interesting to watch. I understand that the character was a bit one dimensional and just plain evil, but something about that was interesting to me. I was waiting for the moment where she would finally come to her senses and reveal her vulnerability, and even though that never came up, it was interesting to figure out that she is truly evil through and through. I thought this movie was exciting and suspenseful with quite a unique premise. Don't listen to people who give this a low rating because it's honestly not that bad. I quite enjoyed how evil the protagonist was and it took me back to when I first discovered Gone Girl.
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Red Dot (2021)
Not bad, I was hooked at the end
20 February 2021
Oh God this movie is so dark and there's so much blood. As a horror movie, I think it was pretty good. There was mystery and it was definitely frightening. The story was also surprisingly good and the twist at the end gave me chills. Sure, the characters were all pretty unlikeable, but I still found it interesting enough despite it.
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The Family (I) (2016)
There is no ending?!
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The premise for the show is great. I love the wide range of characters and all the plot twists. The reason for my low rating is because the show literally has no ending because it was cancelled. This is so upsetting. I'll never know what happened and nothing was resolved. I also don't like that the pedophile became he "good guy" in the end because he never acted on his urges. It still doesn't make him the good guy at all. Also all of the characters in this show are quite despicable and as a viewer, it didn't make me attached to anyone and I didn't care if they lived or died.
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Missing Woman (2016)
An emotional rollercoaster
6 February 2021
This was the most emotional rollercoaster of a movie I've ever experienced. I cried, and I felt all the pain that both mothers felt and I don't even have children! The acting is a little over the top but I think that's what reeled me in. There are so many twists and I like that we learn more and more about the nanny as the story goes on, and we feel a whole range of emotions from her, from anger to sadness to happiness to pity, and finally to tranquility. In a way, we as viewers see the antagonist as not only the enemy, but also someone we can relate to. Her pain is relatable, having something so dear to her taken away from her, and the feeling of loss and doing anything for her child. Even the protagonist ends up realizing they're feeling a similar feeling of pain. What made me the most emotional was the ending, I didn't expect it to end this way, but it's so true that mothers would do anything for their child, even put themselves at the brink of death, literally. There was something so sad about the way it ended, but also not. When the antagonist chose to let go, the protagonist tried to save her but the antagonist decided that she needed to let go, as hard as it is. Because deep inside, she probably knew that even if she got away with stealing someone else's child, it wouldn't be the same.
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Kevin Hart: Zero F**ks Given (2020 TV Special)
30 January 2021
What happened to Kevin?? This wasn't funny at all and he was very arrogant. There wasn't a single good joke? I feel like I just watched a guy talk about his ex wife and his kids. He keeps making the same "jokes" about his ex and kids, like cmon, is there anything new to say?? It's way too typical. Can stand up comedians stop bad mouthing their exes please? It's getting old
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Hippopotamus (II) (2018)
Many many theories!
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this movie is genius. This is the kind of movie that leaves you with a million questions and a million theories about the entire story and who the characters really are. The interesting thing is that as the movie goes on, more and more interesting things are revealed about the characters and what is actually happening, but there is so much mystery in why everything is happening that leaves the viewer wondering. I read a bunch of theories after watching this movie, some of them are positive. One theory said that the man was her actual boyfriend and that he wanted to help cure her amnesia, and one theory said that the man was bad and obsessed with her. That theory was interesting because in the movie, the man was always telling the girl facts about herself, telling her about the "memories" he had with her, but whether or not those things happened or not is up to the viewer. They could've all been lies he wanted to implant into her brain to make her believe that he was her boyfriend. What's different about this unique kidnapping movie is the differentiation between perception and truth, which I realized a lot of other viewers experienced. When you're watching this movie, you don't know if you're fed with lies or truths from the man, or if any of the woman's memories were even real at all or implanted in her. There are so many strange occurrences in the movie, like her leg bandages revealing no scars on her leg, and she can walk, but when her hippocampus gets triggered, she starts crawling. Everytime, her hippocampus gets alerted, she starts to get a bad feeling about the man, which makes the viewer doubt who he really is. But he might actually be her boyfriend, and it's just her amnesia and being a victim of abuse that made her cautious of the man.
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9 January 2021
Ok before I talk about how much I hate this movie, I did appreciate how accurate this movie showed about how hopeless, bleak, and desperate the future would become. The idea of the infertility of women is so strong, as our society depends on our future generations. BUT this dystopian could have had a much better storyline; there could've been so many great plotlines to show the childless future, but it was so overtaken by the overwhelming destruction of society and riots. Yes, it is very probable that rioting and destruction of society could take over, but the lack of character development and sympathy from the leads was really unpleasant to watch. This was the most unengaging movie I've ever watched and the laziest idea of what "scifi" is in the early 2000s. There was no explanation of what caused women to be infertile, nor did we come to any conclusion at the end of the film. It was like I watched nothing at all, except some people destroying things, which is stuff I already see on the news everyday. I understand that the movie is trying to show human nature as the destructive force and the "reason" behind the decline of humankind, but the whole movie was just one big chase scene with no explanation and only focused on a single character. It would've been nice to show what happened on a macro scale to see how every society in different countries responded to the fact that women have become infertile. I get why there are high ratings because of its "artistic" way of telling this story. But sometimes, being "artistic" doesn't explain anything, especially in a sci-fi film that longs for an answer. I didn't learn anything, and rather I had to make up an entire reason inside my own head. I didn't learn any lesson from this movie, there was no progression. I also didn't find out what happened to the rest of the world! What a garbage film.
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Took me back to my childhood
9 January 2021
The bad ratings are from people who don't enjoy super positive and cheesy disney movies. I actually really enjoyed it. It took me back to the time when there were original movies like Lemonade Mouth. And surprisingly, as a sci-fi fan, the supernatural scenes were shot really well and didn't look fake at all. I also thought the storyline was quite interesting as well. This movie is sort of like if Hunger Games and Divergent existed in 2020 with smartphones and influencers. I found it really interesting to incorporate some of the more "gen z" characters into this movie, like the social media influencer. Overall I just had so much fun watching this movie, even though it was sometimes kinda stupid, I thought it was funny and I did laugh out loud during some scenes. Damn this movie took me back to summer school when I was a kid. God I started to miss my childhood after watching this.
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A Teacher (2020)
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a controversial TV show, just like 13 Reasons Why. This show definitely romanticised the idea of a teacher-student relationship, which made it so strange to watch because it's illegal. There were moments where it was so romantic and beautiful, and I thought that this wasn't so different from a normal relationship, since they were both similar in age. But as the episodes go on, I started to realize the problems, and the very last episode made it very clear what the problems were exactly. I'm very glad the show ended with a conversation between the 2 characters, because otherwise, I wouldn't really know what the problem was. It is strange because in the moment, both characters enjoyed being with each other and it seemed so normal. It was only after years and years passed, when the former student felt the ptsd from the relationship. I had no idea that a person in power can manipulate the victim into thinking that he was the one who pursued him, when in reality the truth is that she should've been the one to stop anything from happening.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Characters are too annoying
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is pretty decent, I mean I was able to get through a couple episodes. But it just wasn't good enough for me to continue watching. It was kind of like Lord of the Flies, or Survival, but I felt like no one would actually act like these girls in real life. They were all really moody for no reason, and super angsty. I ended up disliking all of the characters because they were all super annoying and kept whining about their own life issues, and none of them were empathetic or caring for one another. The only character(s) I liked were Toni and Shelby because I liked their dialogue and I thought they were the strongest girls in the group. It didn't surprise me that they later on had a thing for each other. But overall, I was really bored with the plot (there wasn't really one), but I guess this show is kinda watchable.
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