
67 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Lazy Lazy Lazy...
22 March 2024
To be honest I only watched one and a half episodes.. that's all I could stomach. How do you take a novel that is rooted in scientific expression and decide removing any hint of actual science is the way to go for the TV adaptation. This series appears to be glossing over everything related to the detailed physics of our universe. It's mentioned enough but not nearly to the point where you understand why any scientist would take their own life when physical laws break down. I understand you have to cater to a larger general audience but there's no reason to think people in general aren't sophisticated enough to take interest. Still, that could have been forgiven if you cast appropriately and or with an ounce of respect for the source material, strike out there as well. There is no way these blokes convince any functioning audience that they are our are best and brightest. Not going to go into detail but they are in fact the most boring, self absorbed, condescending, relationship challenged, I'm better than you individuals you'll ever find collected on a sci-fi TV series (well.. maybe Sam from GOT was ok). Speaking of that, the gender swapping political correctness, what the what. I'm all for expressed creativity but Netflix really disappoints here as they were the ones who green lit this atrocity. From the book there is so much interesting content, character dialog, and relatable individuals to pull from. With this story's origins why choose this one to layer in all the empty calories of the modern day Hollywood agenda...
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Superhost (2021)
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is beyond ridiculous, lame characters, stupid plot (like who stays at an Air B&B that's rigged with cameras and sound so you can be monitored 24/7 and still decide to stay), an unbelievable villain - crazy as hell and well acted yes but hardly intimidating. The victims, the most unbelievable mismatched couple in all of cinema. Are there people walking this earth who are actually this dumb and weak? Honestly I was glad they died. Now the most scary thing, where are all the good reviews are coming from, is our society this brain dead? Maybe it's all the beta males who already live this kind of life and don't know any better. Superhost is cringe from start to finish. Save yourself, don't waste your time or money. I would rate zero if I could.
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What did I just watch?
23 October 2023
The Haunting Of Hill House was a masterpiece of a series (except the finale). What happened to Mike Flanagan? Not enough in the budget, time constraints, lack of resources? The Fall Of The House of Usher is a prime example of what has happen to TV and entertainment over the past 5 years. Zero attention to detail, skeleton casts, worst yet a lack of any logic and or relation to the human experience. People generally act a certain way when you loose children (no matter how rich), a parent (even when that person is demented), the death of a sibling, the role of a lawyer (who does everything without a staff), police procedure at a multiple murder crime scene, the list goes on. I painfully watched every episode and every five minutes (or less) my intelligence was insulted. As I read the positive reviews I have to wonder if they're as fake as the plot threads. Actually there is one redeeming quality, they've check boxed every demographic box for the "modern audience". When are producers going to stand up to that nonsense (hire the best actor or actress - it ain't that hard). Or are we doomed to expect casting that's not cohesive for the sake of corporate enforced diversity and inclusion that contradicts the story being told. Admittedly I thought the last episode was cleaver, but it was too little too late. I've never read a Edgar Poe book but I'm guessing this series reflects none of his great work.
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How did Marvel entertainment sink so low?
6 August 2023
There was a time when Netflix was king and streaming series were of high production quality, deep immersive scenery, well developed characters, and overall story threads that made sense. 2023's Secret Invasion is a case study on how far it has fallen (and Marvel in general). How can anyone buy into these stories when the environments are heavily digitalized from green screens, actors/actresses simply reading lines in silos then clipped together with shotty editing, boring repetitive dialog likely generated by AI, DEI check box casting instead of picking the best actor/actress for a role, diminished established characters, and nonsensical plot threads devoid of logic. The Daredevil series on Netflix is a masterpiece, the early seasons of Game Of Thrones are legendary, the Iron Man/Avenger movies set the stage for an epic high stakes finale, Secret Invasion is the exact opposite of all of these things! Most disturbing, Kevin Feige is an extremely competent studio head and if I can see it no doubt he sees it too but does nothing to rectify the situation! It's like they no longer are interested in making the best entertaining product possible. Now days if you want to be entertained (or at the very least not have your intelligence insulted by the ineptitude) you have to watch much older re-runs. The is sad, how the h*ll did we get here?
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Fire Country (2022– )
How did this show get green lit...?
1 July 2023
A series on Cal fire fighters is an excellent idea. My question is how did this particular show get green lit after reading the God awful scripts? Did they have any real fire fighters consulting? Maybe there were but obviously they didn't listen. I mean come on, there's not one shred of realism here. Zero urgency on active fire scenes, strategies devoid of common sense or logic, corny ill timed dialog that brings the tension and drama of fire fighting to a halt, the list goes on. Seriously was it cost because anybody who has ever watched Back Draft or Chicago Fire without any script writing experience could do much better.

Or maybe this was supposed to be melodrama focused, however the bad acting, obvious CGI fires that always cooperate, and apparent lack of direction on scene or in the firehouse makes you not care about the drama. Avoid this show at all costs if you find real fire fighting entertaining. Despite the current 7+ rating you'll be seriously let down.
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Creed III (2023)
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How does a move like this get past executives and get positive reviews from audiences? This movie is a clear example of why we can't have nice things. I'm not going to comment on the overall plot and setup for the fight (which is lousy), but none of the technical or promotional requirements for boxing found anywhere in this film. In boxing their are DEFINITIVE weight classes (entire concept ignored). The skill level between a seasoned vet and someone just out of prison are night and day regardless of their background (any amateur or pro boxer watching this movie should have been highly offended). Strategy??? This movie picks the winner based on brute strength, ridiculous growling, and angry looks. Any fan of boxing knows brute strength means absolutely nothing. Yes that has always been someone pushed to the side in Rocky type movies but what this film does is a travesty to the sport. Promotional... OMG, mega fights don't happen overnight with unknowns, a fighter just out of prison would make just enough to cover expenses in a dozen fights, and don't get me started on the 0-0 pro record title shot. And at the end, rival fights don't kiss and make up in the locker room immediately following a fight (what was that all about???) Still with all these red flags producers executives audiences are all giving kudos to Michael B Jordan. Why? What did he do that made him beyond reproach? The movie industry should know better but now days nobody cares. Again, we'll never see great boxing movies if this is the new standard.
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From: Tether (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
12 May 2023
Admittedly the premise and concept of this show is very unique and interesting. The life and death nightly danger these people are faced with should make this a must watch. Problem is the writers for this show had no interest in creating believable characters that you root for or an interesting plot.

Why is it every single person in this town uniquely insufferable (including the new comers)! The constant hysterics, saying and doing the opposite of what you'd expect in their situation, and the check box approach to casting and not the ability to act plagues every episode. The dialog, tedious boring drivel, to the point that you pray every conversation would end with them dying a horrible death. And when receiving new comers, the existing townspeople should simply articulate the situation as any normal person would. Those conversations are golden opportunities for a writer and director to create masterful scenes. Not holding them at gunpoint with and over abundance of hysterics and wild gibberish "sigh". The Sheriff, you call this a leader? The constant second guessing, lack of discipline, mood swings, half measures, desire to go on long walks after sundown, or a shred of common sense. And does he have to wide eye draw his gun on everybody he meets for the first time? Well except for the guy chained to a wall. Even then he was hyper focused on setting him free instead of trying to figure out what was going on from someone who clearly knew. Actually he does get bossy for no reason from time to time so maybe that's why he's in charge.

In regards to this season's current progression, the overall plot is going no where fast! This series is no more that a constant cycle of bad decisions, boring conversations, and over dramatized hysterics executed with terrible acting. Season 2, three episodes in and still, no insight into where they are, who are the night monsters, what entity controls them, why can't they enter the house with those special stones hanging, why can't the towns people leave.... just ZERO answers to any major question the show poses to the audience. Even more frustrating, they keep adding on mini mysteries that don't get solved or explained either. Overall they've taken the laziest approach to this series, create a great setting but fill it with random events to kill time and manufacture episodes. This is eerily similar to LOST and we all saw how that big mystery box to nowhere ended. Well that's an experience not worth reliving, time to put this show out of its misery.
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It all goes to downhill...
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out great then crash n burns halfway through. True to form and early on we have great cinematography, tense stare downs, witty dialog, diverse fighting styles well choreographed. Attention to detail, like having to re-load or dealing with injuries (case in point, if your hand gets cut in half you ain't pulling a trigger or getting in a fist fight any time soon). The travel of John Wick going from point A to point B should always be an action packed unpredictable blood bath. All changed as this movie progressed. One can only assume ill-timed social distancing requirements and lazy production habits currently plaguing Hollywood started taking hold. Mr Wick, who typically has to fight through anonymous bounty hunters mixed in with crowds, no longer a problem. Plus Wick is showing up everywhere, Tokyo to NY to Berlin to Paris with zero explanation of how he got there. In prior installments arrangement to go to NY cost him a finger and he got branded just to secure passage to Casablanca. Fight scenes and gun battles, all loosing their timing and explosive choreography...halfway through replaced with tricky camera angles and flash lighting to hide the shoddiness. They establish a blind assassin using sensors to track enemy movement in close quarters (very cleaver), but all of a sudden he can bullseye gunshots at distance unassisted? The car chase scene through Paris, looked like it was shot on an original iPhone. Most obvious, running out of bullets stopped being a problem. Why? One of the cool things about John Wicks previous gun battles were the slick way he acquired ammo and reloaded. Eliminating that aspect was just plain lazy. All that aside I'm forced to agree with many, the gun battle with the exploding shotgun shells with a top down ceiling view, ingenious! Admittedly it was done so well it's how this movie got three stars instead of one.

Still we have a contradictory plot enhanced by flip flopping character motivations. Comparing what came before, in every action sequence you always knew who was for or against Wick. His allies, enemies, old friends, fanatical fans, were unwavering no matter how how they felt personally. As this movie progressed you didn't know from one punch or gun shot to the next who was going to be on who's side.

Note to the producers, if you're going to place Wick in the most crowded cities on earth you have to have swarms of people around, not just 2 or 3 like you're watching a staged play. You'll never see just two people on Tokyo subway train or walking through central park. It does nothing but take you right out of the movie.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Not what Roddenberry envisioned..
4 March 2023
I'm all for creative freedom when taking an established universe with a large following and building on it with fresh new ideas. But if your going to change fundamental aspects of what was established then create an original.

In general how did the Federation become such a dangerous place? Why are we straying so far away from Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future. Picard is saturated with personal conflict, toxicity, war, and everyone trying to blow stuff up. Yes those elements have always been a part of Star Trek but to a much lesser degree. Roddenberry's focus for the original Star Trek and every series that followed were on the positives of human evolution, character development, and forward thinking. Not dark chaos.

Picard... most of the original characters from STNG and Star Fleet personnel in general, none of them reflect their original traits. Honor, integrity, self sacrifice, empathy, wisdom, trust, sound judgement, courage, ALL we're in abundance in STNG. In this series star fleet personnel are toxic, finger pointing, dismissive, rude, unforgiving, incompetent, constantly bickering goons with inferiority complexes. You don't need toxic crew interaction in every other scene to build tension. The crew spends more time trying to one up each other as opposed to working together and building comradery. No one seems to be able to offer a different opinion in a constructive way, it's either my way or mutiny! And can we dispense with the constant references to the original STNG crew as LEGENDS, seriously no one talks this way. Why can't any of them have a normal conversation???

The one positive, the special effects are a PLUS! I have to admit, the effects, sound, uniforms, set designs, all are superior to other Sci-Fi productions. On TV. A small nitpick would be the ships designs (not a fan) but the bridge layouts and gadgets are pretty awesome. At least they got to at part right. For that it get 3 stars as opposed to 1.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Awful, cheap, lazy...
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start.. Costumes and Special Effects, the show does nothing but constantly remind you they are on a tighter budget as the series progresses. The gritty worn costume appearances and thoughtfully designed set pieces from season one and two have been replaced with shiny cheap synthetic material most cosplayers use and overuse of CGI for the background. The alien masks are expressionless rubber and the droid castings look plastic. But here's the thing, one could over look all of that if the dialog and story arc weren't so vanilla. Mando on a lone quest to restore his honor for removing his helmet. Sure that could be interesting but the journey to get there is being drawn out with boring side quests that lead no where.

The ship Mando flies around in now is laughable. There is zero practicality is using a ship that small when you don't have residence. His ship from season one made a ton of sense as it also accommodated his living situation. It's mind boggling that he and grogu are now crammed into that tiny vessel. Don't get me started on the bubble windows, that phantom menace novelty has worn off.

Grogu... I'll ask the same question again, why negate the season two finale and return him to Mando so soon? One of the greatest moments in Star Wars intentionally undercut by the same story tellers, it's mind boggling. Not only that, it opened the door for a grand reunion down the road that could have been just as great or better! Are there any adults in the writing room? Are there any producers or executives pushing them to tell the most entertaining story possible, not the bare minimum. I've read dozens of Star Wars novels over the years, most if not all of them take every opportunity to tell the most compelling story possibles with far less to work with. At this point it's obvious less and less effort being put into this series.
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Treason (2022)
28 December 2022
Where to start, we'll for one I couldn't get past the first episode. 30 minutes in I came to check out the reviews, surprise surprise I'm not alone. You'd have to brain dead or in a coma to buy into this drivel. And news flash for the director/writer... the head of MI6 and his successor needs to be extremely competent and have a competent spouse as well. That personality may play out at your local grocery store but not the head of British Intelligence, and this coming from an American. I will say the acting is not bad and the cast is top notch, but you sure didn't give them much to work with. Anyway I won't even finish ep 1, life is too short. I'm writing this review so that another doesn't squander the precious moments we have.

PEACE out to this God awful show.
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The Walking Dead: Family (2022)
Season 11, Episode 23
What happened to this once great show!?
21 November 2022
Full disclosure I've been mostly checked out for a while, the Rick vs Negan arc was hands down the pinochle of great television, writing, directing, acting, set production, costume.. you name it. But it's been all downhill since. I can't help to wonder what happened to this once great show. What stands out is the horrendous setting and plot points, most of which make zero sense. The plastic uniforms that offer no protection, walking into ambushes, no real sense of drama as all of these characters have upcoming spin-offs, Daryl taking orders from a 10 year old, stealthy wall climbing walkers, loosing a limb only to brush it off as no big deal 5 minutes later... I could go on but you get the point. But what really stands out is the current antagonist.. really!? The Terminus cannibals, The Governor, The Alpha, NEGAN, some of the greatest TV villains of all time and we end with Pamela? No doubt the potential is there and Laila Robins is a great actress, one of my favorites. But the "current" writers have given her very little to work with. Why does the great walking dead fandom accept this sub mediocrity.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
With every episode I dropped my rating...
22 September 2022
As many critics and fans alike would agree, the original GOT seasons 1-6, and elements of 7 was some of the best television ever produced. Yet so far House of the Dragon is a mere shell of GOT's prior greatness.

It all starts with the casting. I myself am a person of color and I can't stress enough that forced diversity is ruining this show. Contrary to the popular narrative that the original GOT was devoid of diversity, people of color were cast in large numbers (no need to take my word for it, simply go back a rewatch any season). But more importantly in the original the best actor/actress fitting the character as written got cast. I mean how often do you watch a series where each character, whether they're good bad rich poor kind or insufferable, we found them all relatable. Now House of the dragon does have several characters that cast appropriately (Daemon/Matt Smith being one, I think he's doing a great job), but from a general sense the casting just feels off.

Outside of the casting, the style of story telling used here for House Of The Dragon is not that entertaining. Without the GOT labels behind this, it's merely a documentary of re-enacted medieval history at selected points in time. I'm ok with the time jumps and fewer battles as this series, so far, takes place during an era of general peace. But the original GOT constantly gave you detailed character arcs, multiple perspectives, both fast and slow paced drama, cleaver conversation, immersive scenery, charisma, empathy, and the all important musical score! Every GOT fan I've ever interacted with always commented on how great the score was throughout and how the different themes were used to perfection (Warrior of light, Son Of The Harpy, Mother of Dragons, The Rains Of Castamere!) With The House Of The Dragon we get very little and in the few moments where it's included in the scene, it's mostly dull and forgettable. That said I'm left wondering wonder why this doesn't get brought up more often.

Ultimately I'm going to hold out hope for this show. Great potential here and no doubt the Targaryen blood line and the complexities of this house is a big draw. Hope is that future episodes/season get back to their original brand of GOT story telling.
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Pearl (2022)
You got to have patience
18 September 2022
So.. the beginning is definitely a slow burn, in my opinion it's needed. And if you've watched X clear your pallet as it's not the same style of movie. Here you have the build up and look into the psyche of a very disturbed individual with a proclivity to kill living beings. Whether it's pets plants insects or eventually people, Pearl has the same affliction as Dexter (how cool is that).

Mia Goth, great actress great performance. Don't know if this genre gets Oscars nods for its cast but if so she should be one of the finalists. Her performance, outstanding as she makes you feel every ounce of her character's pain, culminating in a bone chilling detailed confession.

IF.. they choose to run a string of movies together based on Pearls journey through life that would be can't miss. I understand the negative reviews as the pace and tone is not for everyone. But in an era when most horror films are overdone and exaggerated, one as grounded and thoughtful as this is exactly the contrast we need.
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Industry: Quiet and Nice (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Not nearly as good as episode 1but..
9 September 2022
Episode 1 showed real promise, really felt like they were on to something. But here with episode 2 it's like the show completely changed writers. Hard to follow character motivations that seem to be all over the place, strange weird dialog, and the show runners really should bring in consultants who understand the line of work their characters are involved with. To me it's glaringly obvious they don't have a clue how corporate hierarchies and office politics work within the industry they're trying to portray.

More importantly I get they're trying to illustrate a toxic and stressful work environment (which I assume that will be the main premise for this series) but none of the supposed tension or personal conflicts feel real. They mostly come across as I'm doing this or saying that because the script says so, not because they're emotionally invested or following an organic thought process. And I emphasize stress because I'm not seeing anything the managers or graduates should be stressed about.

Anyway with a great episode 1 I really hope episode 2 was just an anomaly. If not it will continue to feel like a room full of actors just reading lines.
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Diverse cast and acting are ok BUT...
3 September 2022
The cast and diversity is great and adds to the look and feel but this is no more than long drawn out boring fan fiction. Great CGI in some spots, terrible in others. Incoherent hard to follow story line. No real sense of danger for any of the main characters (or any character for that matter). Flat unoriginal and uninspired story telling. I was expecting an epic tale with high stakes, that is not what we have here.

Not sure why they chose to present the story this way. I know this could not resemble Peter Jackson's Trilogy but this is so far off. Hope this picks up because LOTR is one of my favorite stories.
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The Kill Team (2019)
They got allot right, but too much wrong...
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Understand this was based on true events and a documentary. Very important to tell this story in a movie format. That said the casting was spot on perfect (and that almost never happens, trust me it's true)! From the top Alexander Skarsgård plays his role perfectly, as well as all the cast members for the platoon.

For me this falls apart when it comes to their execution of military & combat procedure, most of the mid-late dialog, and quite frankly some scenes were just completely devoid of common sense. The point where my man thought it was a good idea to call Dad in a open phone pit, or text "secretively" in plain site of his platoon after a murder that obviously didn't sit well with him. The long single file patrol of the entire platoon out in the open desert, um did no one wish to survive the mission? Rummaging through your platoon leaders cabin in the most cavalier way, screaming yes I'm trying to find evidence against you but deep down I want you to catch me and welcome all the problems that come with it. Ultimately when lazy and poorly executed on screen events start to pile up all sense of realism goes with it!

This movie could have been epic, a slice of the Oscar winning Vietnam war movie Platoon, definitely had the cast to pull it off. Lazy execution, little attention to detail, and the abrupt ending made sure there is no comparison.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Kamino Lost (2021)
Season 1, Episode 16
Why save this for season end?
11 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No question an interesting and very entertaining series of events unfolding for our squad as Kamino falls into the ocean. However it's not making allot of sense to have saved this for the finale?

If I'm the show runner I would have gotten here at mid-season. Then with some tweaks execute all the other events with the squad having gone through this harrowing experience. Just imagine each of those stories with this amount of character growth behind them. Raised personal stakes and emotional depth vastly increased. Overall a missed opportunity in my opinion.
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Tokyo Vice: Yoshino (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
huh.... what did I just watch?
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A great series with a baffling final episode. I'm guessing production was interrupted due to covid lockdown. That's the only explanation for the excellent wide angle cinematography and immersive scenery integrated with the story telling of episodes 1-7, reduced to sitcom zoom ins for episode 8. Aside from that did the writing staff abruptly change as well? What happened to the events of episode one and the two year flash back? Even more puzzling this last episode had every character's intelligence and sophistication established throughout diminished.

Samatha getting took for all her savings from that sleaze ball? The character they established would have seen his scam coming a mile away. Then her solution, go into business with Chihara-Kai.. I mean her whole reason to own a club was INDEPENDENCE! And no way the old man signs off on that if Sato is not on board. To add insult Sato is to oversee the operation.. I'm no crime lord but even I can see this recipe of a doomed business venture.

Detective Hiroto, where to start.. I'll just say it was an ill conceived plan to begin with but to walk into an ambush with NO BACK UP, and where was the camera equipment they discussed? I mean even if a drug deal went down as planned, what exactly was Hiroto going to do all by himself? Then there's the threat on his family, how unoriginal and cliche was that. If that's all it took Tozawa could have played that card all along.

Polina.. after all the build up of her disappearance they wrap up her death on a VHS tape that literally materialized out of thin air (LAZY).

Sato's throw away demise.. a random stabbing with no explanation, really? For many he was the show, I mean talk about a lack of creativity. This series attracted many because of the crafty way events unfolded with thorough explanation. Finished watching hours ago and still scratching my head. And his recruit, what a waste of time that was. Sending him on his way with some cash, equally as dull.

A follow up season could rectify some of what happened with the finale but the series has lost much of its well earned credibility.
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Prey (I) (2022)
5 August 2022
How did anyone get past the opening scenes, even if you paid to watch at a theater? The grit of this time period is non-existent. It feels more like modern day perfect teeth & hair cosplayers from a local college fraternity out in the wilderness. But let's say you can forego appearances and lack of Native American dialect (an insult in my opinion), look at how the characters interact. Same ole, men with little awareness disrespecting and second guessing a woman who happens to be the only one that correctly senses something is amiss. And to the post production crew who thought it would be a good idea to layer very bad CGI over great aerial cinematography, just mind boggling. If I was this bad at my job I'd be fired.

Granted this will not be a full review, I did see enough to know where they were going. No team work, no community, just a cliché story of a disrespected inconsequential young lady warrior barely over 100 lbs with primitive weaponry triumphantly takes on the predator while everyone else is in denial and fails. I found it easy to bail, life is too short...
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The Gray Man (2022)
24 July 2022
I'm not going to make specific comments about the movie and spoil the fun, ALL the other 1-3 star reviews have thoroughly taken care of that. I'm here to state it's blatantly obvious the film industry is trending downwards at full speed. Even with an all star cast, proven directors, and an ample budget, this was the best they could do? What's most alarming are the 8-10 star ratings for a movie that nothing more than cut and paste of random fights, shoot outs, character decision making devoid of logic, and very predictable absurd action sequences. We'll never get back to the days of not being required to completely shut off our brains "start to finish" in order to enjoy a movie.
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Nope (2022)
What did I just watch???
23 July 2022
What a horrible mess. It honestly felt like Jordan Peele just took notes on random events in his life, some from reality and others from dreams and decided to string them together on a movie script.

There were some bone chilling scenes and great use of cinematography. I'll give it a few stars for that but ultimately there are way too many flaws. Characters actions rarely made sense, weighed down with incoherent and flat out weird dialog. Covid social distancing was way too obvious, and ultimately the story telling was extremely boring.

This really makes you wonder, Jordan Peele's Get Out was brilliant! How do you go from that to this in just a few years? I mean one could watch Get Out over and over yet no one would ever sit through this twice even if they were paid.
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The Orville: Gently Falling Rain (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
current day politics unwanted ...
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from politics, up to now The Orville's plot points generally made sense or at the very least executed with a thoughtful approach. I can't remember catching myself asking what and why as an episode unfolds. Not here as this episode forces you to question just about everything. The main one, visiting an adversarial planet with extremely hostile factions with your top leadership? Just one ship, light security, no pre planned contingencies, I mean come on this is the KRILL! If The Alliance is this dumb to walk into a situation like this they should just forfeit everything. And unfortunately it gets worse, the episode doubles down by mixing in a hotly contested Krill election, followed up by an IMMEDIATE transfer of power, and public execution their former leader. This is a very big stretch that reduced the tension to zero. Politics aside there's a right way this segment could have unfolded over several episodes without disrespecting the audience's intelligence.
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26 June 2022
So they realize their plan to save the world failed, instead of keeping the suspense on high they slam on the brakes "again" for an unnecessary wedding, I mean where's the urgency! And does it seem odd that they're showing very little of the outside world that's um....ending. Ok a few snap shots of severely damaged skyscrapers on fire but that's all. Showing the chaos around the world would have been a better back drop than the wash rinse repeat drawn out bickering. Very obvious this season was shot on a tight budget. This whole season feels a lot more like cosplay theater...
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Mayans M.C.: Cleansing of the Temple (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
23 June 2022
This episode was beyond laughable. Not an ounce of drama.. why, because the action was so far fetched, the acting was so bad, the gun fight choreography was so cartoon like I was rolling around in laughter. Seriously did the IQ of the film crew and writers just nose dive due to Covid? Anyway I couldn't finish, I could only have my intelligence insulted for so long.. someone tell me how did it end... Lol.
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