
25 Reviews
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Them wigs!!!🙈
11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I rented this film while in quarantine due to lack of options for new releases. It starts slow but shows promise to a decent buildup of action and a body count but never fully reaches that dramatic climax you anticipate. I had a hard time overlooking the horrible wigs they put on Blake Lively's head. You think the studio that makes the Bond films would spring for some realistic wigs. Honestly the best part of the entire film was the car chase. Filmed in all one shot! Awesome!
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Underwater (2020)
Cloverfield meets The Abyss
11 June 2020
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Rented this while quarantined! Not very many new releases due to this pandemic so it was a lack of options selection. I already wasn't expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised it was far better than I was expecting. Probably Kristen Stewart's best film since Panic Room. I wouldn't exactly call this a horror film. More like a sci-fi suspence thriller. There were some plot holes and the people that should have died don't. Then they have story fillers at the end rolling with the credits explaining the outcome of the entire ordeal leaving it completely side open for a sequel with entirely new cast and characters except for maybe the few unknowns that survived. That was and is an irritating way to end a film.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Started great but the ending kinda leaves you hanging
11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film. It kept me interested and made me laugh. I really enjoyed the mysterious female lead character. I loved her in Glow and admire her full figure physique. Her kills are awesome! However, her background was never explained. We know why everyone else was picked for this hunt but she was an accident of mistaken identity. That's about all we know other than she was ex military. I feel like there should have been some explanations as to how she was acquired and so underestimated by these rich idiots. Overall I enjoyed the politically correct or incorrect views and obnoxious self indulgent yuppies being slaughtered by some random soldier that wasn't even supposed to be there!😂 If they ever make a sequel or even better a Netflix or HBO series based on this film I hope we learn more about this "Snowball" character and see an awfully more amount of killing dumb white privileged vegan yuppies!
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Vivarium (2019)
Creepy little kid will give you nightmares
27 May 2020
This was a hidden gem that kinda flew under the radar when it was released. I remember seeing the trailer for it and was interested in seeing it and that was it . Heard nothing of it since. If you are a can of the weird and creepy horror film that leaves you wondering what the he'll you just watched then you'll love this.
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Hereditary (2018)
Can't believe I hadn't seen it sooner
27 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A friend of mine recommended this film for me since I'm a can of weird random horror films. This has probably been the best horror film I've seen in the last five years. Kept you interested the entire time and wasn't ridiculous with the storyline as many horror films tend to do. Definitely couldn't suspect what would happen next. Left it open for a sequel and I hope they take advantage of it.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Kept you interested until the end
27 May 2020
Not as bad as everyone is making it on here. I was intrigued for most of the movie. It could have been so much better and so much more worse. Wish there were more jumps and it has ended better but not terrible.
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The Descent (2005)
Epic horror film
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Best horror film I've seen in years. Never mind how terrifying it would be to be trapped underground in a cave in the middle of nowhere but the creepy creatures they encounter are things of nightmares.
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Mayhem (2017)
Awesome horror comedy
10 May 2020
If you like comedic horror films like Shaun of the dead or Zombieland, then you'll love this.
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Another gem from Tarantino
10 May 2020
I love Tarantino's film's. I love them even more when he casts gig time actors in them and have them say some of the funniest yet racially offensive things I have ever heard. Hilarious watching Brad Pitt explain what he was going to do to the nazi hostage. Priceless!
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Another awesome Tarantino film
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film rocked! I don't know how DiCaprio didn't win an oscar for that performance. Homeboy went all method screaming his head off, breaking a glass with his hand and just kept in character rolling with the fact he sliced his hand wide open. Did he stop? No sir! He wiped that bloody hand across his costars face and just kept going. Amazing performance!
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Another masterpiece from the master
10 May 2020
I am a huge Tarantino fan. I've seen all of his films I can't tell how many times and still enjoy watching them even after seeing them an obscene amount of times. This movie was very entertaining. Leo and Brad are hilarious. I could watch them all the time behaving like idiot's. The film was very exciting and keeps you intrigued as to how bad it's all going to end. Pleasantly surprised how it ended and you will be too.
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Another Roth chill fest
10 May 2020
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Far better acting than the first film. Same story but with female tourists . A lot more blood and gore which I appreciated. I did enjoy the ending but feel as if there should be a third film showing if the main character overcame her misfortune or let it ruin her life like the surviving hero from the first film.
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Hostel (2005)
Another terrifying situation from Eli Roth
10 May 2020
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He might not be the best at his craft just yet but he's heading in the right direction. What makes a great horror film is the feeling it gives the audience that this terrifying situation could actually happen. It had some corny dumb dude moments and it does take almost an entire hour before the action starts but the sheer terror you feel watching the last 45 minutes is priceless. Makes me never want to travel abroad ever!
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Was still a good watch
10 May 2020
I love those horror movies that put the characters in a situation where this could actually happen. It makes it more terrifying the more plausible and realistic the situation they end up in because what happened could actually happen. Would watch again .
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Not as bad as these reviews make it to be
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't impressed with this but I also wasn't disappointed. These chicks hells screw with Keanu Reeves but then again if I had the opportunity to take advantage of him I definitely would.
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Awesome B horror movie
10 May 2020
I'm a huge horror movie buff. Doesn't matter how low budget it may be I'll still give it a watch. So when I saw they remade the original I Spit on your Grave, I was intrigued at whether it was better than the original which was a low budget B horror movie for it's time. This movie is not for the squeamish at all. This girl did exactly what any other woman nowadays would do had they been in her situation. I think I probably would have done far worse honestly. They deserved every bit of it too.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Starting to like this better than original
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a die hard walking dead fan since the comics launched so when I heard they were doing another series based on opposite side of the country with an entire new cast and storyline I was skeptical . First season started slow but gradually became more intense and entertaining by season 3. Many times becoming more of a fan favorite over its predecessor. I can't wait for the next season.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Returning to the show I once loved
10 May 2020
I am an avid walking dead fan from day one . I read the comics before it was a show and remained a die hard fan every day since. I will be honest the show has lacked the suspense and level of drama it was once so popular for in the last few seasons but this recent season has been delightfully more intense and captivating than it has in a long time. I hope they can keep up the momentum.
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Waco (2018)
Great limited series
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was just a baby when this happened in Texas but I remember how my folks reacted when they heard about the awful news that ended many young lives. Amazing performance by Taylor Kitch. Rocks a mullet in this show and he's still sexy.
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Upload (2020– )
Thoroughly enjoyed this series
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the idea that we can upload our subconscience into a virtual reality world rather than fading off into nothing. Great concept for a series . Funny and keeps you intrigued and entertained. Wish this was possible nowadays. I would love to have many lost loved ones still with me.
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Creepshow (2019– )
Really wanted this to be better than the original
9 May 2020
Unfortunately the original is still the best. I love Greg Nicotero and what he does with prosthetics is amazing but I was not impressed with this series . The first few episodes were great but then I slowly found myself distracted by other things around me because the show completely lost my interest. Hopefully the second season is better.
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31 (2016)
What the hell Rob?
9 May 2020
So this was awful. Not even for a B horror movie was this acceptable. I love Rob Zombie but sometimes he should stick to music. I'm getting tired of seeing his wife in every film he puts out too. She's beautiful but the woman can't act.
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Channel Zero (2016–2018)
Had so much potential
9 May 2020
I was unfortunately disappointed with this series. I had hoped it would be a lot more of an actual horror series but it fell short. To be fair it does take quite a bit to scare me now days but I am a huge horror fan. I guess I have been desensitized over the years. Great concept. Poor execution. Didn't see any blood or gore and not at any point was I in suspense. Hard to call it a horror series at all .
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Great ending!
9 May 2020
This movie kinda sucked the life out me at first. The score was a little too old school and a little too dramatic for the tone of the film. And not in a good way. Great story. it did drag at times but it kept me interested.
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
Worth the watch
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was hesitant watching this series when I saw it on Hulu. Sounded like a teenage soap opera of let's be strong and proud independent women. But after watching a good 4 or 5 episodes I realized I was hooked. I thoroughly enjoy this whole "what if" storyline. For instance, in this series we see what would happen had there been in fact actual witches and had they not been burned at the stake, what would they're roles be in this world. Apparently they're our military force and to top it off, men are second class citizens and women pretty much rule the world. Sounds far fetched and as if someone must of just had it with their husband and decided to write a story of a world where men are our pets for 5 years at a time. Lol! I love it! I will say that I wish this series had more action and blood. Too much whiney dialogue from the stars and I lose interest. They have an awesome concept going on they just need to pump it up a little. Make it a little more dark and macabre.
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