
7 Reviews
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
I'm a serious Elvis fan- but not too much to be able to laugh at this
20 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie grabbed my attention from the beginning- I don't know why, but it made me laugh more than I have a right to! And I didn't know WHAT to expect.

We learn that Elvis and JFK are in the same Convalescent Center, as older men. It is kind of remote, which is good... because when the "fun" starts, it picks up momentum, and I mean it rocks! It's not much of a "scary" film, at least to me-and gets pretty silly- but is so very worth watching! Elvis fans-you ARE forewarned! This movie may seem blasphemous to the name of Elvis! But for those of you with open minds and hearts, this movie will tickle you greatly! When the mummy stalks the dark halls, then Elvis and JFK know its time to save the world! It's been 3 days since I saw this- and I am still laughing every time I think about different scenes from it!!
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Harsh Times (2005)
Oh the times, they are a-changing...
22 November 2006
Not a "feel-good" kind of movie, it will definitely move you to tears if you are as tender-hearted as I! As a tragedy, it is a compelling story of our times, as set in the grimy side of an inner-city scenario. What really blows me away is that I know beyond all shadow of a doubt that people really live and breathe and behave that way.

The violence is horrific, the language as gritty as you could imagine it being in such a setting. If you are offended by too much profanity, this movie is not for you! The people portrayed are portrayed with all the depth and humanity possible by actors and actresses! Christian Bale, Freddy Rodriguez and Eva Longoria and the other actors and actresses stand up to the test and are believable- and more than once I found my heart either pounding from the hard-moving action- or my eyes swelling with tears for those on "stage".

This movie gets 8 stars from me.

It is not for everyone.
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Crank (2006)
Hit-man, heal not thyself but avenge yourself soon before you expire
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not ordinarily my kind of movie but this rocks! Starts off hard, the intensity keeps elevating a notch, every little bit, til you are on the edge of your seat with high-pitched emotion! OK, maybe its a guy thing! If you don't like these actors & actresses and this kind of story/violence-and some of this gets pornographic!- don't watch it! Don't call it stupid, don't call the story stupid, don't get your shorts in a knot, over this. if it's not your kind of thing, at least don't criticize it! Story? A different kind of concept. Look at things from a different perspective, a different kind of looking at things that are not ordinary...

Stratham is superb in this! Cinematography? Different, strange, but good. Unusual, weird. But good.
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Scoop (2006)
to flee the scene without being seen
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I won't hold back. I am one who loves movies, and this one is certainly to be enjoyed- not picked to pieces like pizza crust by magpies on a Briith sidewalk.

This film is entertaining, and certainly holds your attention.

Are you a fan of Woody's? Jackman's? Johannsen? Don't come to be a critic... come to be whisked away to someplace where dreams are filled, then dashed to pieces... to be saved and the safety of your own mind and life being restored through no fault of your own.

Are you naive? Me too! Been hurt like this? Get over it. Life is good when you find your rescue complete, even if the relationship is torn apart.

Good story, good acting and nice cinematography! Woody still does a good writing!
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The Prestige (2006)
to envy or not to envy? to hate... or to hate bitterly?
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing this movie filled me with wonder at the power of visual imagery! At the power of human emotions! Not a story about magic... but a story of rivalry, then envy... down the pathway to anger then hatred... to murder... and there are no heroes... no good men.

Not about magic, this story revolves around opposing, forceful personalities which finally clash to ultimately destroy one another.

This movie is not a feel-good type, but dark, brooding, and intense. It is cinematically and artistically beautiful and the time-period adds mysterious overtones yet never overwhelms.

The two magicians are not magicians as much as they are opponents who hate one another and would do anything to destroy one another. It is a story of human weaknesses and madness. Nothing pretty about the outcome.

The story is well-written, the actors & actresses are magnificent, and the whole thing is well-done.

And we all need to be reminded that to hate this way is to invite into the soul that which steals your joy.
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Supernatural? No... mysterious? always...
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Don't come with opinions already in place... come with an open mind... walk in the mists of that Austrian city... see with your being, being not prejudiced.

The magician's story is his, and she is his love, always. Separated forcefully at around 15, by her father's family, they are reunited 15 years later... still deeply in love with one another.

A romantic's love story, the setting in time and history makes a superb landscape and background.

The rival's hatred is found to have no basis in fact but is borne of envy and jealousy... but he hates and most passionately so! Come to see this, not to criticize it and to judge it- but to be entertained because you enjoy escaping from the drudgery of ordinary everyday life. Because you already like these actors and actresses! Because you love living and live for joy!
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Maturing is easy-it's the growing up that's tough
29 December 2005
I just saw this movie with my wife and her family, on Christmas Eve, and it really moved my heart! It reminded me of my own years of growing up, the 1950's-early 1960's, and while all memories are not fond, this movie elicits the response of my memories which are truly fine! SECONDHAND LIONS is about a boy who grew up in about the same time-frame as myself (or at least it appears so.) I had parents. This boy had a mother who wasn't much of a mother. But the uncles... my, they are exceptional! Lots of laughs, lots of introspection... some philosophizing...

I recommend this movie heartily! Did you like MY DOG SKIP? Not that the stories are anything alike... it's just that, well, they both have that ability to tug on your heartstrings and really please you for the entertainment value they contain! Yes, I am just a sentimentalist. A romantic and a left-over, from the 60's. But it isn't difficult to love life!
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