
67 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Something About Twilight
17 April 2024
Listen, I'm not going to pretend like I understood even 50% of what was going on in Tenet, but it was damn cool. And I think that's Nolan's point; art doesn't have to make complete sense as long as you enjoyed what you saw. Frankly, I was captivated by what I saw. I think Tenet's character development and dialogue is some of Nolan's best work. Which is even more impressive when you understand the layers of the world he's trying to create. I had a very groovy time with Tenet and I'm sure I'll watch this hundreds of times trying to make sense of the senseless. I'm going to follow this rabbit hole as far as it goes.
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Metaphysical and Magical
9 February 2024
Blink at the wrong time and the plot will become incomprehensible. On the Silver Globe is without a doubt the most eager and challenging film I've ever seen. But there's something so magical and inexplainable about the viewing experience. That's truly how I would describe what I witnessed: "an experience". The amazing story behind the production of this film is already interesting, but then the actual "finished" product is somehow completely whole and even more fascinating. I found myself captivated and enamored with this mysterious, but familiar world. There's almost no time to connect to a character before they're physically gone, but their saga continues, endlessly for the remainder of space and time. And don't get me started on the acting performances, costumes, and set design. Truly a 100% original and unique film. Everyone should watch On the Silver Globe just once even if it's not "for you".
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Oh happy dagger this is thy sheath
8 January 2024
Shakespeare in Love won 7 Oscars including beating out Life is Beautiful and Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture. It ain't ass, but it ain't gas either. So 7 Oscars feels like 7 Oscars too many. Shakespeare in Love is whimsical and sometimes entertaining, but it mostly reminds me of high school. For a Best Picture, I was expecting to be razzled and dazzled. I don't regret spending 2 hours on an okay film, but there was nothing special here. I do think the costume design and sets were fairly good for 1998. I also have mad respect to everyone memorizing Shakespearean lines. I can't imagine how difficult that can be. But again, I'm not sure how this was Oscar worthy.
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A Good Person (2023)
Zach Braff at it Again
27 July 2023
When Morgan Freeman said, "I'm hugging you with my eyes", I completely lost my cool and little did I know, that was just the start. A Good Person isn't a roller coaster, it's an intergalactic journey of struggle and redemption. Everyone's hyping up Oppenheimer right now, but Florence Pugh was 10/10 perfect here too. And, this will not come as a shock, Molly Shannon is the perfect mother for a recovering drug addict. Morgan Freeman pairs well with every character he comes into contact with. In usual Braff fashion, the score is also amazing. A Good Person was a truly complete and surreal experience and I hope Zach Braff never stops making movies. One final note- "I will forever grieve for the life that we might have had". *exhales painfully* what an ending.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Better than the Original
12 October 2022
Honestly, the original Suspiria isn't my favorite older horror film and I didn't go in with high expectations. But this 2018 counterpart with a fresh cast and creative story is so out of this world that I could spend hours rewatching just looking for anything I secretly missed. I also think the ending is perfect. Something generally feels off the entire film and then there's this great reward at the end. I can see a lot of originalists being displeased that this is so far off from the classic, but definitely worth a watch. I liken the comparison to preferring Daniel Craig over Sean Connery as James Bond; the preference feels wrong, but is actually right.
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Habitual (2019)
CT is cool, but I still don't know what this movie was about.
7 August 2022
Mid-20 somethings love weird drug raves in asylums so much they get lost? Unclear who anyone is, why everyone is dying, and what the beginning, middle, and end was. CT did a great job acting in the 12 minutes he was in. Beyond that, the commercials on Plex were more exciting.
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Unlike Anything
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been so uncomfortable enjoying something in my entire life. How can anyone make a "comedy" out of the Holocaust? Well, they did and it was a work of art. In short, a dad convinces his son that the concentration camp they're in is actually a game where he wins a tank if they get the most points. All while finding ways to show his wife he's still alive. The first hour of the movie is a little slow, but shows subtle ways nazis are affecting Italy. Then the last 30 minutes are just tear jerkingly painful. My jaw never left the floor all while I cried like a baby. Perfect in every sense of the word.
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Suspiria (1977)
The Great Gatsby of Horror
1 August 2020
Suspiria ages well. Definitely not the queen of all horror movies, but a solid, this is going to make me panic, horror movie. It checks all of these weird, unconventional boxes you didn't know you were looking for. The acting is poor and the plot is average at best. However, the soundtrack constantly warning you some weird twists are about to happen is unmatchable. The color symbolism is out of this world. And the overall suspense of not knowing what's going on is just dandy. Ultimately, a solid buy for a used DVD costing $9.99.
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The Nightmare Before a Christmas Carol
26 December 2019
Adaptation of a Christmas Carol or a strange attempt at a Christmas horror movie? Both, probably. I found this adaptation of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol really exciting to watch, for the most part. The first episode is absolutely captivating and really feels like a tv MA version of a story we all know and love, with a little extra back story. However, the next two episodes were kinda just okay. Most of the extra evils Scrooge has done in his life are very fun to watch, but his "currency experiment" is inexcusable. This moment made me feel sick and robbed a lot of the joy out of this classic story. The short series is certainly a slow burn, but the well known tale of redemption doesn't exist here. So, ultimately I feel as a whole, this Christmas Carol is great for a one-time-viewing, but nothing beyond that.
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28 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying, scenes from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood are really quite great, but as a whole, the film is just seriously lacking in depth. This is easily Tarantino's most underwhelming film. About halfway through, I realized this isn't a piece of historical fiction that was going to graphically display the Sharon Tate murder. But instead, was actually an alternative reality about "what might've happened" mixed with this awkward "what the real life of Hollywood stars is like". Which made for an awkward movie-going experience. All criticism aside, the ending was fantastic. I'll sound like a sadist for a second, but Tarantino is known for his graphic and violent scenes, and I got just a small taste of that. However, I think Tarantino would have done a much better job showing the Manson followers slaughtering Sharon Tate and her guests. I suspect he didn't do that because he didn't want to be predictable. Ultimately, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood left me upset that I paid money to see it. Even worse, the guy behind me in the theater fell asleep. I think his response is a pretty accurate summary of what the entire film experience was like.
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Slow and Steady
12 June 2019
Let me start by saying, I don't think this is the best Yorgos Lanthimos film out there. With that being said, Killing of a Sacred Deer is WILD. The first hour is absolutely a drag in terms of how quickly the film is progressing, but without that monotonous storytelling, the climax isn't the same. The soundtrack is also the most eerie thing I've ever heard which only adds to the disturbing nature of the entire film. I don't know if I'd watch it more than once considering I know who becomes the "deer", but definitely glad I watched it.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
Expected More
1 June 2019
As a huge Deadwood fan, I marked my calendar for the Deadwood movie in order to see how everything wrapped up. Unfortunately, it took almost an hour for anything substantive to happen story-wise. Also, the guiding plot line seemed weak. There were a couple of moments of true Deadwood excitement, but these moments were ruined by Al's newfound blandness and weakness. Deadwood's strong point had always been dynamic characters and interesting plots. Neither existed here. I felt let down and like after all these years in hiatus, I deserved more.
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Long Shot (2019)
Best Rom-Com of 2019
11 May 2019
I saw Long Shot as a long shot. I had low expectations and figured it was just going to be another goofy Seth Rogen movie. But I couldn't have been more wrong. Long Shot is legitimately an adorably, hilarious movie. The plot is unique, every character is at least a little dynamic, the romance aspect is very sweet, and O'Shea Jackson Jr. left me dying of laughter. I'd see it twice just for the Trump jokes.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Some Things Are Better Left Dead
16 April 2019
An unnecessary remake, but I at least had hope going into the theater. With a killer cast and a reasonable budget, I thought the sky was the limit. However, apparently, six feet under was the actual outcome. Everything about Pet Sematary was abysmal. Visually disappointing, terrible acting, and the entire movie felt rushed, especially the ending. The best part of Pet Sematary was that it ended.
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Prisoners (2013)
Intense, but Ultimately Dull
14 April 2019
Let's get a few things clear immediately, the ending of Prisoners is 10/10 out of this world. Hugh Jackman and Paul Dano give amazing performances and the plot twist just had my jaw on the floor. However, for 2.5 hours, I felt like I deserved more. The idea of the plot was more exciting than the execution. The build up is slow, and hard to justify the wait. This isn't to say Prisoners is an awful movie, I just thought thought it could have been better.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Why Waste Time Say Lot Word, When Few Word Do Trick
31 March 2019
I appreciate how intellectually stimulating A Ghost Story is to think about after watching it, but it might be the most boring movie to actually watch. Watching Rooney Mara eat a pie for 10 minutes straight while a ghost stood over her, was not what I signed up for. Don't get me wrong, I love how heartbreakingly sad this movie is. From start to finish, there are no happy moments. There's also almost no extended dialogue with the exception of an existentionalist crisis that I lost sleep over. Overall, I'm glad I watched A Ghost Story, but upset that I spent $9 buying it.
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Barry (2018–2023)
27 March 2019
I started watching Barry because my dad said it was hilarious. He wasn't wrong, but he didn't do it justice. The first five episodes of Barry are in fact hilarious, but the last three are absolutely dark. For an eight episode season, the character development of Barry is out of this world. I cannot wait for season two. There's just something twisted and uncomfortable about how satisfying Barry is to watch. Strongly recommend.
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Us (II) (2019)
Twilight Zone Preview
22 March 2019
Get Out was obviously a masterpiece and Us is almost to the same masterpiece level. Ultimately, the quasi-dystopian horror movie is more creepy than scary. I just felt uncomfortable the entire time waiting for what would happen next. Us is, of course, filled with gore and pretty shots. But the real money maker is the plot. The entire plot is a great foreshadowing for what the new Twilight Zone will be like. Admittedly, the beginning is a little slow, but once Us picks up, it never slows down. The only reason I can't give Us a 10/10 is because of the plot twist in the last thirty seconds. It was cheesy and unnecessary. I would definitely see Us again in theaters and I'll buy it immediately when it comes to DVD.
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Threesome Ruins Friendship
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In case you didn't know, this movie involves a great deal of sex, but the actual story is incredible. Two best friends get their life turned upside down by their cousin's wife. She teaches them about life, freedom, and of course, sex. I think the beginning is a little goofy. But it's insane how fast Y tu mamá también turns into a serious film. The narrator filling in gaps is something so unique and I loved it. The best part is the ending. I won't spoil it, but I will say it ties the whole film together perfectly. Strongly recommend.
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Taboo (2017)
Rushed and Clunky
17 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Taboo isn't a terrible show by any means. However, from start to finish, there are more misses than hits. The overall plot is actually really cool. Tom Hardy is the deranged wanna-be trade mogul with ambitions and skeletons in his closet. The problem is, aside from that, the other characters are just slopped together. Which I think is blatantly obvious in the final episode where basically everyone dies. In addition to the lackluster characters, each episode feels horribly linear. We know what the goal is from episode two; get Delaney a ship. There's setbacks, romances, rivals, etc. but it all happens and gets resolved so quickly, it's not enjoyable. Again, not the worst FX show I've seen, but I wouldn't be enthusiastic about recommending Taboo.
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La La Land (2016)
Visually Appealing, but Boring
14 March 2019
Let's start off with all the absolutely incredible things about La La Land. It's probably one of the ten most visually appealing movies of all time. Every camera angle, every carefully planned twist and turn, is just beautiful. And duh, the music is 10/10 spectacular. The ending is also just out of this world, superb. Unfortunately, La La Land just takes too long to actually get decent. Emma Stone's character is so static and boring. Ryan Gosling is great and a version with just him could have been different. But ultimately, their romance is bland and cliche. I see what all the initial appeal was about, but now it just seems like La La Land will he forgotten in time.
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Probably an Unnecessary Sequel
9 January 2019
T2's theme of "stop living in the past" is a nice idea, but ultimately this movie doesn't live up to its legendary predecessor. The idea of all the characters living in nostalgic moments is really neat. However, T2 is too slow paced to be a great movie. Nothing really exciting happens and everything feels old and already done. There's so many flashbacks to the original Trainspotting that the movie almost doesn't feel original. T2 starts pretty strong with hopes of each character being dynamic, but ultimately you're left with an underwhelming sequel with just a little bit less heroin. To make matters worse, the ending is about as cliche as it gets.
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Closer (I) (2004)
Absolutely Bonkers
3 January 2019
The first few scenes of Closer are slow and seem overly sexual. But hold on, because everything afterwards is just one giant climax. The back and forth of love and betrayal is so juicy. Plus, the ending is just off the wall insane. Would watch over and over again; just not with my parents.
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Worth Three Hours
2 January 2019
American Honey is like Requiem for a Dream and Blue Valentine had a less mature baby. At base value, American Honey is sort of an angsty, slow story about young love. But dig a little deeper and it's actually a heartbreaking story of deceit and misfortune that develops nicely. There's this constant theme on needing to save life no matter how insignificant or lost that life is and I love that. This movie has a little bit of everything: crime, manipulation, sex, and even a a hint of romance. I didn't think I'd like American Honey as much as I did, but I strongly recommend watching it. Fair warning, I wouldn't say this is the happiest story on the planet.
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Doesn't Feel Complete
29 December 2018
It's probably necessary to watch the documentary about this story before watching Welcome to Marwen. So much is left out and/or incorrect that it makes the plot feel strange. I also feel like the story is told in a way that makes people less sympathetic for Mark. The movie focuses so much on awkward sexual things about Mark's art or life that it kind of paints him out to be a pervert. His obsession with women's shoes and their "essence" also seems incorrect. I'm also not fond of making his addiction into a doll and having that doll be the villain. Overall, Welcome to Marwen isn't a great movie. Steve Carell does a great job, but everything else is really just lackluster. I really had high hopes this could be up for an Academy Award, but I don't think that's going to happen now.
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