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Hard watch. Not sure of the high rating.
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible nonsense ending. Awful mental health cliche references. Illogical character development. Nonsense plot. Contrived.

Really wanted to like it. Cast is great but couldn't make up for awful writing. Just too many moments that were nonsensical.

I mean you can't fix people's detachment based insanity by changing your voice and pretending to be their long lost relative. Nor can you fix their eating disorder by out tricking them. Nor can you cure their intimacy fear insanity being really nice to them. Nor can you steal people's identity in a way you also get all their money by just telling people you're someone else.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Man season 2 writing is totally garbage
4 March 2023
Had high hopes for this after season one but things take a turn south. The relationships are dysfunctional, tedious, and tiring. The story is very disjointed from season one to the point it feels stand alone.

The pacing is poor and the twists illogical but paradoxically cliché and predictable. It's preachy to the point of you hating it even if you agree with the preached position. The tired stereotypes border on insulting but they are the only thing holding the story together.

And the time between seasons was too long so even the caricatures of the characters are forgettable and can't make up for the weak disjointed, writing and gapped story.

Still we watched it because nothing else is on. It's better than nothing. Which IS something.
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Slumberland (2022)
Underrated. Worth the watch despite being a "family film".
17 January 2023
Its not perfect but it's really well done and worth the watch even if you don't have kids.

The CGI is top notch, then writing is detail focused, and the acting and casting is good. Jason Aquaman dude.... I liked it but I can't tell if the character would have been better played by a guy like Depp. In any case JM brings something likable to the movie thats about a little girl even if his acting wasn't the best match for the character. He has style.

I cant quite put my finger on what's holding it back but something could be better. Still this is a top tier film for a family movie akin to Spiderwick Chronicles, Zathura, and GB Afterlife.
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Not what I thought it was going to be
18 February 2022
Slow but gripping. Amazing performances. Underated at 7 stars. It's a short review because I'm pretty speechless after just viewing. Quality production. Excellent film.
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Let yourself go and enjoy Christmas as you did when you were a child
11 December 2021
I am skeptical of modern holiday movies. I usually enjoy serious movies with an impactful message and this one break believability over and over again, so its really not my "bag".

That said, this is one of those rare times when things line up perfectly. Russell was made for this role and time and time again he delivers the goods, rolling around in the role that fits him like a glove. Honestly its the main part of the movie and everything is peripheral to this and its totally ok.

Except the story shines through here and there in spots that are hard not to get caught up in.

Merry Christmas!
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Wanted to like it more but...
2 December 2021
Good production values. Good acting. Pretty lame story for anyone who isn't a little kid.

To make it worse the main character is one of those whose dialog is nothing but contradictory whining.

Thete are a lot better new holiday offerings.
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Reminiscence (2021)
This is a pretty terrible movie
17 September 2021
Cliche tropez, bad dialog, horrible story, sappy ending,, made better by good acting from Thandwie.

Could have been a great mind-twister so ruined potential too!

4 stars is probably generous imo.
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In Time (2011)
At 6.7 this movie is pretty over-rated
16 April 2021
I don't know about you but a rating of 7 is about where my cut-off is for interest in seeing movies. I can go a little less if there is specific things about a film that interest me. I like ST and Olivia and Amanda is in party dresses the entire time and that Scarecrow dude is in it and it's a time-mind bendy film? OK, let's do it!

What I got from this film; JT isn't a very good actor. That Scarecrow guy isn't a very good actor. They banked on Amanda's legs more than being taken seriously. Interesting plot - nice metaphors, but executed not so great.

Don't get me wrong; I've sat thru *way* worse, but 6.7 is giving it was too much credit. I'd like to see the film done with a better script, better actors, and better execution.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Simply the best series we have ever watched with the added bonus of the rare good ending...
15 April 2021
At the time of this review Black Sails is rated an 8.2 on IMDB and that is vastly under-rated IMO. Its a rare, hidden treasure which fits the subject matter just fine.

But this is no cliche "arrgh" pirate show. Masterful story-telling becomes apparent as the story unfolds; I can predict 90% of movie plot devices and I was certain of very little in this gripping series.

Character-driven by a host of complex and grey characters; there are never clear lines of "good" and "evil" among the personas, but instead shifting motivations just like real-world relationships have.

The acting performances were so convincing that even if the story lacked in any way this would be worth watching for those alone. Even though I know Captain Flint would not be waivered from his goals that he obsesses o by anything including trading my life for a single bottle of rum, the lead character's performance has by wanting to sign up to be a crew member despite my massive fear of the ocean, and follow Flint into the very gates of Hell.

The multiple character-motivated story arcs that weave in and out of the main arcs this series has no business even being watchable, much less to be as gripping and entrapping as it is.

Black Sails is one of two series we've watched where I feel a sense of loss and sadness that it is over once the final episode has been watched.

Lots of reviews here will read that Season 1 is a bit slow; and they are correct. Season 1 is by no means terrible but it is very average and doesn't set itself apart from other series in any way, but most involved, complex, and intriguing stories require a lot of setup to deliver the pay off later on. The fact that this story is about a genre that has grown so cliche the story-telling is all the more important.

Take a chance you won't regret and set sail with Black Sails at once!
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Ink (I) (2009)
Not sure what to tell people who can't understand this film
19 February 2021
This is one of the most creative films in existence. Despite the nonexistant budget the story carries this film to shockingly great heights.

Poetic and symbolic, it's deeply moving. Like all truly great art there is a lot of people that just can't or won't get it.

And that's OK.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
This is a terrible movie
17 February 2021
Plot holes. Everywhere. Nonsense. Everywhere. Dumb. Everywhere.

This is one of those situations where you just start asking simple questions things get pretty silly pretty fast. I mean, why on a train in the first place?

This movie tries way too hard and still fails.
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My shortest review ever.
27 January 2021
7.5 is way too low a rating for this film.

7.5 is way too low.
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Ok,this movie isn't that bad
20 January 2021
4 stars? OK, it's a Mike Meyers movie. Maybe you had too high of expectations. This is very under-rated.

Cast is great. Production is good. There are a few genuinely funny moments if you're not easily offended by some crude humor.

Well worth a rental if you check your expectations.
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This is very under rated!
18 December 2020
This is our favorite rendition of A Christmas Carol.

There are 2 bad raps on this version; the first is the animation is very dated, especially the character faces.

The next is the addition of a uneeded scene which appears to have been added for the 3D gimmick.

That said the all-star cast's voice work is incredible and before it's all over you've forgotten this was animated in the first place. All the performances are amazing.

I'd love to see this reanimated preserving the current audio.

Of you're a fan of any of the previous versions of this do yourself a favor and see this one.
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Errementari (2017)
Can't understand the low 6.4 rating. Hidden Gem!
17 November 2020
This is a very unrtated find! If you love folklore story-telling with great atmosphere this is a must watch.

Good characters, good execution, great use of visuals.
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This movie gets worse as it goes on
16 October 2020
The Mummy was ok but far from great. It was watchable though. This is pretty bad andvjust gets worse. I"ll be skipping the 3rd installment thanks to this one.
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Pretty fun Halloween family movie no matter what reviews say
12 October 2020
This movie is a family movie and should be reviewed as such. Effects are not bad for its time period. The story is Halloween spooky cheesy and not really scary. We watch it every Halloween and its just fine for what it us. Way better than the 5 stars rated here.
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Had to leave a review after seeing how low it was rated
19 September 2020
This is a fun family movie that it everything its suppoded to be. Its not the greatest but we found it good fun enough to watch every Halloween season.

If you enjoy Spiderwick, or Stardust you might like enjoy this under-rated flick.
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Creative film writing at its best!
30 July 2020
There are lots of reviews that detail how great a character film this is. And they are all true. Aubrey Plaza shines so bright and makes me believe everything she's selling.

But the piece that all the glowing reviews fail to high light is how creative the main gimmick is in this movie. They do their trick right in front of you in plain sight just as much as in the Sixth Sense and even works even better! Most people I know that see this movie fail to understand what really happened right in front of their eyes!

I imagine that the rest of the movie is so endearing and surprisingly well done that they think that's all there is to the movie, and that speaks volumes about the ancillary details and how well the sub arcs work on their own. In fact, the movie is so sneaky that I figure most people think the movie did a cute bait-and-switch and its really not about time travel at all but instead its just an endearing indie feel good film.

Its rare films are ever this clever. Enjoy!
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Not sure why all the bed reviews
27 May 2020
It was easily the best Terminator movie since T2. Was it great? No. Was it terrible? Far from it. And they did a few pieces to to nod to nostaligia andv those were fun without being to cheesy.
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