
53 Reviews
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Memory (I) (2023)
A love story for broken people
3 March 2024
I really liked this one. I'm sure other's will have their ideas of what it's about but it's really about love and broken people. And really isn't everyone broken to some degree?

I found the movie tackled the subject matter and characters in a very intimate way, it's almost a meditation on how people deal with trauma and prevail and how even broken people can love.

One character can't remember the other can't stop remembering. I'm sure there is something there, I'll have to think on that more- but they find each other and it turns out they have a lot to offer each other.

Marvelous film in my opinion.
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Saltburn (2023)
Surprised me
25 December 2023
This film recycles old tropes but managed to surprise me, which is kind of rare these days. I thought maybe I'd get the vicarious thrills watching a character visit a world of privilege and debauchery, which I did get- but there is more to this story beyond the charity case commoner who gets to live the life of privilege for a summer.

The aristocratic family, while shaped like stereotypes, did manage to convey humanity and personality and not be cardboard cutouts, which isn't always the case with movies like this.

I found it completely worth my time and engrossing. The pacing was a bit off here and there and details were sometimes handwaved, but the movie was solid and the story clear and compelling.

I enjoyed it.
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Old Dads (2023)
A bit of a dissapointment
29 October 2023
I love Bill Burr's standup and I love his attitude, so I'm giving this a charitable 5 rating. He's a great standup but that doesn't mean he can write and direct, maybe he'll get better.

I get what he was going for and I can see the movie he WANTED to make, but he didn't quite make it. The attempt to skewer the up-their-own-ass class of people fell flat, too far and not funny, it made the whole thing seem contrived. The jokes were funny I guess, some of them, but I didn't laugh once, maybe a smile at most.

The writing didn't really hold together, it didn't give you much to grab on to, the characters were kind of shallow.

If you aren't a Bill Burr fan, you can probably skip this one.
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The Passenger (III) (2023)
Very well done, not a horror movie.
12 August 2023

My attention span has atrophied in the last 20 years as I'm sure many people's have with internet culture- to the point where I have trouble sitting still and watching a movie for 1.5 hours. I watched this film straight through with only a break to pee.

I'm not sure why this film got stuck in the horror category, it just isn't. It's a character study and an examination of different ways people deal with trauma.

The two young men in this film have very different reactions to trauma, and this movie examines all sorts of themes about trauma and the idea that it's maybe always easy to see your way out of other people's problems while yours seem hopeless.

Kyle Galliner who plays the driver (as opposed to the passenger) absolutely knocks it out of the park with his performance, showing how a violent angry man still has his own brand of compassion and even love for someone in pain.

Not everyone will like this film, particularly if you are wanting a horror movie. But if you are a certain kind of person this movie will hit hard. I'd say watch the first 15 minutes, if that doesn't just draw you in then maybe you aren't that kind of person.
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The Son (I) (2022)
Not as good as The Father
28 May 2023
This movie was a little bit of a disappointment for me. The Father was astounding film making- maybe somewhat gimmicky but it was used to fantastic effect. So I was excited to see that the same film maker had a new movie.

The Huge Ackman does a great job as always, as did Laura Dern, the kid they got did okay with the material he was given, but he was given crap. I found the character whiny, spoiled, and manipulative. Not something you want your audience to feel when you are trying to get them to identify with a character.

The story is nothing new- it's the same subject that has been done to death. Real clinical depression simply cannot be communicated in film, at least, I haven't seen it done properly yet. I really was expected a new approach from this film maker- so this was a letdown. The family dynamics story is also a yawn.

In any case I fully expect his next movie to be The Holy Ghost starring Anthony Hopkins.

Go watch The Father, it's a much better movie than this one.
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Mainstream (2020)
Selling our own disfunction back to us
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie failed, clearly, as most reviews I think don't understand the message. It really is a simple message and the film sort of embodies it's own message. Our own disfunction is sold to us, we all wallow in it and speak about how sick it is and our society is, while at the same time reveling in it and buying up anything that tells us how sick we are. The last 60 seconds of this movie the object of the movie stands with his back to a cheering crowd after telling them everything they worship including him, is wrong and demented, and he's smiling.

Watching the film itself is an act of reveling in our own disfunction- and that's the point. We simply cannot resist, just like the characters in the movie, we are drawn to our own poison. It's a sticky tarpit trap and we are all stuck in it.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Not for everyone, but good for what it is. Slow pace.
18 November 2022
This show is NOT an action show- it is a slow paced show. Sometimes very slow. Many people will be bored. I was not, I enjoy a slower more contemplative plot (sometimes, not always) that builds suspense and mystery. This show takes pretty much to entire first season just to "get to the point" as it were, so if you are looking for a laser beam blowing up the white house in the first 20 minutes you will be disappointed and frustrated.

For those that are okay with a slower pace the show is well done in pretty much every aspect, although the writing is sometimes maybe a little off and the characters occasionally do stupid things, overall it's well done. The show is really about people at its core and the story is the backdrop for them. There are at least a few characters that are pretty interesting.
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NOT A HORROR MOVIE - but a fine movie
7 October 2022
This is not a horror movie despite being written by King. Think more Stand by Me than IT. Quasi-supernatural goings on in a New England town, just like all his stuff. Serviceable entertainment as usual, but not horror and not groundbreaking.

Kings normal tone and "life lessons" in the story. I enjoyed it while maybe giving it 70% of my attention.

All the film making components are competent as you might expect, somewhere right below blockbuster but everyone was in the union. Again, not horror, but just fine for what it is.

I wish these things didn't require 600 characters. Seems too long...
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Hatching (2022)
Fairy tale nearly perfectly done
17 August 2022
I loved this film. Despite being male myself and the story dripping with female energy, I still got a lot out of it. It's got the surface story, which is interesting and engaging, not to mention the set design, wardrobe and cinematography which are all outstanding and contribute a ton to the story and feel of the film- but there is also subtext galore.

I hate to say there is a main "moral" like with a lot of fairy tales, and there does seem to be an overarching theme, but there are morals and hints throughout the film, warnings even. Cautions for life. The subtext makes the film 1000 times better.

And the ending was perfect.
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Saint Maud (2019)
There's nothing there.
9 January 2022
This movie contains no themes, no scares, no dread, no mystery, almost no story, no metaphor, no philosophy, paper thin characters. The cinematography is nice. The score is good, (even if it's in the wrong movie), the craft of film making is done fine, costumes, sets etc.

As for story, it's about a not especially bright nurse who has gone insane and does insane things. That's it.

It's clear from the beginning she is insane, and nothing that happens in the movie sheds a scrap of doubt on that.

The story goes EXACTLY where you expect it to. I'm betting that anyone reading this knows the end of the movie just from reading the synopsis.

If you've ever known a self destructive insane idiot, you already know everything this movie has to teach you.

I watched to the end only so I could write this review in good conscience.
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Come True (2020)
Uneven but good.
6 January 2022
This is not a jump scare film. The tone is dreary and dreadful in the best way possible. It goes for the slow dreadful psychological fear, which happens to be my favorite type of horror. Not everyone goes for that I guess, so if you are looking for a slasher or body horror or a monster movie this isn't it.

The film makers do a great job with the sense of dread and foreboding. There are some questionable plot decisions and music decisions in the second half of the film that turned me off a bit, but that really was the exception, everything else was well executed. The very end I didn't care for. I would have preferred a bit more mystery building.

The actors were all good. The main actress strikes me as the type who can cry on command as a party trick. Which I reckon she pulls out in auditions and kills with. But like with most magic tricks it loses it's charm if you only know the one trick. Don't get me wrong, she was good, this thought just struck me when I was watching her.

I enjoyed it and liked it enough to be disappointed with its shortcomings, worth watching.
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The Wave (2019)
Simple tight story
3 January 2022
Simple tight story, competently told and doesn't over stay its welcome. Not ground breaking but entertaining and has a message. The film making, acting, writing and all the production arts are mid level Hollywood quality, that is to say pretty darn good.

Worth watching if the first half of the trailer makes you interested.
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Louis C.K.: Sorry (2021 TV Special)
Good. Better than most. Not his best.
31 December 2021
Louis's two specials since "the incident" are entitled Sincerely and Sorry. Of the two Sincerely is better imo.

Louis has always had a dark edge, but the edge, while still dark is a bit dull from being knocked around in the junk drawer of life. On his worst day he is funnier than 99% of people and I enjoyed every moment of Sorry, but it's not as good as his best work.

Fans of his will enjoy it for sure. It is a bit like seeing an old friend who has been out of circulation for a while. His jokes are his classic style and his delivery is perfect as always, his long career has given him very very good instincts that serve him well. He barely needs to work at it anymore, or at least that's the way it feels.

I wont say it feels like he's "going through the motions" but it's a different Louie tan the one we had before, his mood and tone are just a bit different. He has changed. I reckon some of the changes are good, but some of them may not be.

Good show.
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The Starling (2021)
Miscast and edited, probably other things too, didn't finish it.
9 October 2021
I love Melissa usually and she did a good job with what she was given. O'dowd is usually serviceable but he is just wrong for this movie and this role. I couldn't get past the fact that he was just horribly miscast. Zero chemistry between Melissa and him, who are supposed to be a married couple going through a hard time. I just didn't buy it, and the more they tried the more i didn't buy it.

Maybe it was this stumble that made the movie hard to edit, because it was all over the place. The bird, the husband, the bird, the working at walmart but owning a very nice five bedroom home on 10 acres in the country. Tonally it couldn't make up its mind.

It's a shame because I usually enjoy everything MM does, but I can't recommend this one.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Not as good as Bly or Hill House, but still good.
29 September 2021
Big fan of this show runner for his work on The Haunting of Bly Manor/Hill House- This show had a similar style and tone and was good, but not as good as those two shows.

I may have been turned off by the subject matter a bit and one particular character (which you are meant to dislike, but still) but if you don't have hangups about religion and the awfulness of most church music you may not be bothered.

A successful show, but the creator has done better in the past. I did stick around to the end despite my personal distaste for the subject matter, so that says something.
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Worth watching, take notes.
3 August 2021
Good film with a fantastic cast and a good script. Some questionable camera lens decisions but overall good quality production. The story is great but suffers a bit from being confusing. It's not a movie to half pay attention to, you need to hear and understand every line and every reference to every character or it will become very confusing very quickly. Turn subtitles on.

Is this a shortcoming of the film or is it refreshing that they didn't dumb down the story? Well, that's in the eye of the beholder I reckon.

This is an enjoyable film, better than average, but it's essential that you pay close attention or you'll be lost. You'll want to rewind some scenes to make sure you get each detail.
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Just fine for what it is. I watched the whole thing.
8 July 2021
We maybe don't admit that we watch movies to be emotionally manipulated, but on some level that's what we do. We just want it not to be so obvious...

If not for Chris Pratt this movie would be unwatchable, but Chris makes things watchable even if the plot makes no sense, characters act like idiots, time travel paradoxes stack up to the roof, and the writing is obvious and cliche. Which it is, but it's okay, because Chris Pratt.

I watched the whole thing, while complaining about the above. Also it has some pretty good action, explosions, and monsters. Production is blockbuster level. Some parts I skipped forward, like the heart to heart moments.
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Caveat (2020)
Contains excellence but ultimately fails.
30 June 2021
There are some fantastic images in this film, great shots that are just perfect, fantastic sets, the acting is very good, it is all around great technical film making. Way above average I think. Very spooky. The problem is the script and the story are either not there at all or weren't translated to the screen. The premise is absurd, but you can look past it. But then the story strains suspension of disbelief to its breaking point, and even in the absurd logic of the movie nothing makes sense. Nothing is explained, motivations are nonsensical, people act completely irrationally.

The people involved with this film should work with a really great story person, they would do amazing things I'm sure.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
A human drama in space
24 April 2021
Not a flashy Sci Fi movie. Not a lot of action. This is a human drama that takes place in space. Not the reality TV sort of drama, the more classical kind. It is not a perfect movie but I enjoyed it. I usually consider 6 or higher worthy of watching, this one is a six. Actors all did great job and all the other movie making craft was there and done at a high standard.
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Frustrating film you want to like
15 April 2021
I watched the whole thing. I almost felt as if I was watching a script writing class with each beat and emotional moment playing out according to the textbook. I love the subject and the story is a great one, the execution just kinda fizzled.

It's very frustrating because I think this could have been a great, emotionally hard hitting story, and I really wanted it to be.

Some people may be able to look past its flaws and enjoy. Great horses, great actors, great ideas.
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Invincible (2021– )
It's a fine example of what it is, but what it is is common.
28 March 2021
If you like superheroes fighting and blasting stuff you'll love this. It's the same superhero stuff that's been cranked out for decades. Maybe slightly above average. It is NOT like The Boys, which has something to say and has some complexity. This is just straight up wish fulfillment/fantasy fighting stuff.

Judging from the other reviews if you like that kind of stuff you'll love this. I don't think most casual viewers or people who like some depth to their entertainment will however.
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Mid90s (2018)
A sweet coming of age story.
5 March 2021
Reading through the reviews some are comparing this movie to This is England or some Larry Clark movie, it's not like either of those really. It's a mostly positive story about a kid growing up and finding some friends in the 90s.

I found the story sweet and nostalgic and positive. It's a simple slice of a young man's life without any glossing over of the rough spots, such as they are, this isn't Kids.

It's not a perfect film, almost no film is, but it's honest and provides a real feeling of formative years and the silliness we get up to.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Not without merits, but unsatisfying.
20 February 2021
I hated the main characters, the two women who make a living bilking old people and confining them against their will in what amounts to prison, looting everything they own. I think I was supposed to hate them.

But the movie takes a left turn, a poorly executed left turn. It's almost as if we are meant to be rooting for these degenerate garbage people who prey on the weak and vulnerable and rob them of everything.

Here's the thing. People like old ladies, they like their criminals bad and outside the law. People LOVE Tony Soprano, what they don't love is the people that screw them every day using the legal system. You simply cannot expect anyone to root for these two horrible people.

I'm not sure what message this movie was trying to send, I hope it was about the depravity of modern America, but I'm not so sure...

Can be skipped without missing much.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Under rated and misunderstood.
16 February 2021
This is a movie that can be interpreted in several ways. I think maybe there is one truth that is more true, but the others are true as well. And that's really the point of the film. Owen and Salma make an unlikely pair, but it really works on the context of the story, and they both do a fantastic job.

The movie was well made, well written and the effects are perfect for the story. Don't go in to this movie expecting a sci fi Matrix type movie, it's about people first and foremost. Personally I think it was very well done.
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Wayne (2019)
Stylish and fun- but trashy undertones. Minor spoilers- not plot related.
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching the entire first season of this show. I loved the story and the characters and the film making was competent and stylish. The only fly in the ointment was occasional trashy behavior by our two main protagonists, which I found distasteful. I want to like these characters, flawed as they might be, but pulling an IV from a fellow student and spraying blood all over your classmates, smashing blood bags at the blood drive. For any reason, trashy and gross. Peeing in a pool after an understanding security guard lets you sleep there? Trashy.

Throwing a hammer at someone trying to help you? Trashy. Resorting to violence at the drop of a hat...

But, on the other hand, maybe these characters are victims of their environment and feel this is the only way to express themselves, just not sure we need rocking guitar tracks over these scenes. I think a sedate more melancholy for these scenes would be more appropriate, as it's sad that they feel they need to behave this way.

This complaint is a small-ish one. The show is very well done and it kept me watching till the end of the season. So totally competent entertainment.
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