
30 Reviews
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Great earlier on, Mixed Feelings about the Show
27 February 2023
I've always heard about The Walking Dead, but never watched it until now. It is a very good show, about Zombies and survival. It can be overly grotesque however. For example, adults killing children or vice versa. And very gory..

The earlier seasons of the show were the best parts of the show, later on the show isn't as great as it was in the beginning. The show was an atmospheric gritty horror about Zombies, but slowly the show seems to transition from being about "The Walking Dead" and more so about odd relationships and love interests. Even later on you may notice they even seem to put less effort into making the Zombies more believable, and instead seem to have just left them in the show since it is supposed to be about Zombies.

This WAS a great show, but they started to do what most shows do in order to rake in money. Just keep allowing the story to continue even though it doesn't actually make much sense after a certain point.

I would rate seasons 1-5 (roughly) as a 7-8

The show for me started to go downhill at about season 7, and nearly unwatchable halfway through Season 9..
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You People (2023)
I don't like it
5 February 2023
My main idea about this movie is that I don't like it. How do I put that into words? Well... first it's an interacial relationship film where the entire movie is centered on the misunderstandings between the film's Black & White characters; that alone was enough to not even make me want to watch the movie to begin with, but this was watched at home with family as just something to watch. And it was as horrible as I expected. Eddy Murphy isn't even really a comedic character in this which is awkward. He's a serious racial advocate, who gets offended at everything. Another example of new age comedy.. Tries to be funny, fails most of the time at that.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Nonsense jokes toilet humor and irreverent jokes
27 August 2022
My opinion will be unpopular, you have been warned.

I used to watch Rick and Morty a long time ago, but when I watched it, it was more of a background white noise than a show I was actually paying attention to. I recently just picked the show back up from the beginning since I saw a new season was releasing, and wow I have no idea what I saw in this show. This show basically reminds me of what it was like when I was in high school, middle school etc. South Park was popular and Family guy was popular for the people who were in my school. People only seemed to watch those shows due to the pop culture references or to feel like they are part of something since people would talk about the last episode that was on TV. That is basically what this show is; it's a show you watch as an excuse. It's a show that has awkward raunchy jokes to appeal to the general "dull minded" population I would say (simplest way to put it). Trust me, most people liking something isn't always a good thing. Sure, I could watch this show but it is very painful. Seems to be made more for kids, or anyone who's in that "Yeah bruh" do what everyone else does mentality... Very dumb show. Incredibly overrated. But there are people out there that are awake and they believe what I believe. Most people who are rating this show I think are being very dishonest with themselves.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Not My Kind Of Show So Far
20 August 2022
When I started the first episode, I thought in the beginning it felt a bit low budget is the easiest to put it. Then when it got to the fighting scenes the show started to pickup a little, and then this show became less "Resident Evil" and more a cliche corny public school drama. So far I am not liking this show. Resident Evil is all about atmospheric horror and action. Story telling is there, but that isn't the main draw to the Resident evil universe. This show uses flashbacks and present day story telling, which doesn't fit with Resident Evil, it removes that atmospheric approach. When this show is canceled, which I know it will be. Stop trying to retell the story from the beginning if you decide to create another show, and if you do start at the beginning of what Resident Evil is then use the resources you've already got from all of the video games there are. But I would recommend doing what Resident Evil 7 and 8 did. They put you in the Resident Evil universe, but they expanded upon what Resident Evil is by reimagining the way the game is played in order to hone in on the main element of Resident Evil; atmosphere.
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Day Shift (2022)
A more "real" look at vampires
16 August 2022
By no means am I a professional reviewer but here is my take on this movie. It's an unexpected gem. Vampire stories for me became boring and relatively all the same. Blade was one of the vampire stories I could tolerate to a point. This put a nice twist on vampirism. It gave a more life-like and real look at vampires from the perspective of a vampire hunter who does it as basically a job. And there is a large network of vampire hunters hunting vampires in what just looks like a normal ordinary place, but hides vampires. Also unlike most vampire films this takes place mostly during the day which is a nice touch. I like that this is considered somewhat a "comedy" but doesn't take the horrendous turn that most comedies take of trying to constantly hammer in as many mindless jokes as possible, it instead carries it's jokes like in a normal conversation. The vampires are different than I've seen in vampire movies as well, they're more like a mix between fast moving zombies and zombies from the Resident Evil 7-8 world. Fight scenes are nicely choreographed and the warm look adds to the aesthetic of this film. Jamie Foxx was a great choice to add. I don't usually give into the whole "black and white race" thing, but in vampire films especially; aside from blade obviously, there is literally no main black character or cast of characters in any vampire film I can think of.. makes this film more relatable to me on some level. Music choice was great. Love Nipsey Hussle.
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The Ring (2002)
People today won't get why this movie was scary
5 April 2022
So, I haven't seen this movie for many years. But I remember how I felt about the movie when I did see it those many years ago. I saw this movie close to the time it released as a child (and later as a teen) when VHS tapes were still very prominent, and the internet age still wasn't as huge as it is today. It nailed the static of tube televisions and made it into this big creepy horror story tied to a video tape. Sure today where people do not use VHS tapes or barely even use DVDs anymore and research everything due to the prominence of the internet it may not be as scary as it was back in the day. But wow, this movie has always creeped me out. To me it was/is the scariest film I've seen. But rewatching it today, I'm sure I may feel differently; it was meant for the times.
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Very weird film
9 March 2022
This movie to me was terrible. I don't really understand why anyone would like this film. Maybe I'm spoiled with films that have a meaningful story, not films that have corny off-beat "comedy" and mutated horse-people.
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The worst out of all the movies
1 January 2022
When I first started the movie, it seemed very similar to the original Matrix. There are elements of amnesia and learning about what the Matrix is all over again. Morpheus was also replaced with someone else entirely, which has a luke warm feeling to it.. To sum this movie up. I would say it doesn't do justice to the Matrix series. Instead it reuses the story and plays clips from the old movie throughout while trying to set a new story; which is not all that interesting. Also the movie oddly broke the 4th wall in a bland sort of way, even talked about the Matrix 4 within the film, and WB which was a bit weird. This "movie" to me is less like a movie and more like a tribute with movie elements... disappointed. But at least they brought the Matrix back; the only selling point. Oh and Keanu Reeves of course.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Very Good show "Dr. Smith" was a bad idea of a character
9 December 2021
The main plot line of the show while very interesting and intriguing has a character named "Dr. Smith" who's the main villain of the show, the spectacle they could have made out of not seeing flashbacks of her or of seeing her character develop separately from the Robinsons and allowing the audience to draw their own conclusions of her would have made the show more interesting. Instead you're left with a character that seems to have a sixth sense of knowing exactly where to be and when in order to control people to do exactly what she wants and for what reasons. This makes a character that is more annoying, and bluntly loathsome. Whenever I see her face it almost makes me want to punch my TV. Everything else about the show is great.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Great Show with Plot twists
7 November 2021
Takes the battle royale Hunger games style approach coupled with high stakes children's style games and creates an intriguing story of debt and greed. Shows how people can change when they are pushed so far. You will end up loving and hating characters, and be surprised at the plot twists. This is one of my new favorite shows. I hope Season 2 is as good or better than the first.
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Lethal Weapon: One Day More (2018)
Season 2, Episode 22
The Beginning of the End
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this episode in the beginning, until it got closer to the end. Then I realized this was related to the news about the firing of the Martin Rigg's actor; Clayne Crawford. Basically I feel this episode was a public shaming of the actor. Riggs wanted to move on with his life in the series with Molly, but in the end he was just killed off abruptly. Very depressing and this basically is what ended the show.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
Not really for Batman Fans
25 July 2021
As the title says it isn't necessarily for Batman fans, this show is mainly about detective Gordon and his investigations. I would sum this up as more of a show like CSI with a Gotham theme. It's dark gritty and grotesque. You see the true nature of Gotham and how dark the city actually is and why Batman in the future fights to keep it safe. Very interesting show, but if you're looking for that signature high flying Batman style action, it likely isn't for you.
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Death of Me (2020)
Lies to the Audience and is Uninteresting
22 January 2021
Within the first 10 minutes or so the movie seemed to be somewhat interesting, it follows two characters that are on an island and don't know what happened the day before, so they set to find out what happened. The story-telling is also done with various hallucinations, so you have a problem distinguishing between what is real and what is fake, a typical story-telling element used as a filler in movie plots when the main story doesn't have enough substance; one of my most hated story-telling elements.. I lost interest in the movie while watching it and kept skipping through scenes just to find out what happened in the end, and lets just say the conclusion was very mediocre..
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Monsterland (2020)
Bad Story Telling, Incohesive
26 October 2020
Watched two episodes, the first was strange and the entire episode dragged and on was incredibly boring. The second episode made no sense what so ever. This seems to be the premise of the show: in an episode there is some kind of supernatural or fictional entity that works against the main characters, and the show attempts to use up a set amount of time to tell that story, it's similar to you being given an assignment for a set amount of words even though the topic doesn't need that many words. This show has horrible story-telling and idiotic supernatural entities that make no sense, and you will wonder why you're watching this. Again this is only after the first two episodes, maybe the show gets better..
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One of the Worst movies I've ever seen
6 August 2020
Before seeing the movie I thought it might just be a Wesley Snipes action film, but it turned out to be a twisted A.I horror film with a premise not based in reality. Actors were good, but the script wasn't well thought out. Terrible ending and the predator of the film was anti climactic. Recommend not watching.
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Baki (2018–2020)
No REAL Cohesive Story Lazy Writing
6 May 2019
Firstly I've never heard of Baki before seeing the anime on Netflix and with good reason. Baki is the name of an underground fighter in Japan, however the show barely follows him and instead follows others within the fighting scene. There is no real connection to Baki at least in the first season, you don't get to know who he really is or anything. And at first there seemed to be some kind of story emerging when a tournament was taking place, however it quickly took a turn from that and started to become a fight-fest of characters who seem to be super human who can get blown up shot in the face close blank range with a gun or even battered by another fighter while bleeding out of every place imaginable to just get right back up after a 5 second recovery. Really takes the suspense out of the show when every character seems to pretend they're being hurt. Lazy story writing.
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Unexpected Comedy Film; That Makes no Sense
6 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect this to be a comedy film before watching it; that caught me off guard. In this film random things happen and there's no real goal in sight. One of the main goals, which is ridiculous, is to catch a vandal that keeps spray painting a building with obscene graffiti.. While attempting to capture him, the same outcome happens each time on different days; this is an example of lazy script writing. I also didn't like the repetitive aspect of a pausing narrative to either introduce a character, or to slowly explain something for the audience since the script writer believed the audience is uneducated..
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Maggie (I) (2015)
Boring and Mellow-dramatic Depiction of Zombies
2 October 2017
While this film does give more meaning to the life of a zombie before becoming one, it does it in a pale way; this movie is very boring to watch. I found it hard to just to keep myself awake while watching the film. If you're looking for an action film, or a film that keeps its pace up, you will be gravely disappointed.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Betrayed By Its Own Plot
17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a real fan of Silent Hill, I just remember the series as a child; hearing about it that is and maybe playing it a few times when I was a teenager. I never knew anything about the story nor did I remember anything about it; I basically watched this movie without any knowledge of the Silent Hill world.

Now on to the review:

I was impressed by the movie's atmospheric psychological aspects, and room left for audience self interpretation. The self interpretation aspect however went a bit too far in the ending; I've never known the Silent Hill series was actually an alternate dimension... I believed it was a place in their 'reality' infested with some kind of monsters. The alternate reality aspect wasn't explained in too much detail, that caused me to begin to lose interest in the film and made the ending seem abrupt.
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11.22.63 (2016)
A Great What If Idea That Played Out Badly
12 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
11.22.63 asks: What if you could go back in time and stop John F. Kennedy from being assassinated? And it so happens that this "what if" becomes "reality" in this show. Questions are asked that people have wondered however you will be disappointed by its outcome.

*This will contain spoilers*

Story Synopsis:

The protagonist finds a time machine within a closet of an old diner (doesn't make much sense); this time machine can only travel to 1960 and you must work your way upwards to the time period you desire. The owner of the diner knew it was there and has tried many times to foil the plan to assassinate Kennedy believing it would create a better world; he has failed due to the nature of causing change within time; time fights back as you attempt to cause change. Realizing he can't continue to stop the assassination since he had been diagnosed with an illness he enlists the help of a regular and friend Jake.

My thoughts:

I believe the idea is great, and the show really wanted you to believe there may have been a big underlying conspiracy in the involvement to have John F. Kennedy assassinated; however this was placed into the show to allow it to drag on and waste time. The way the protagonist deduced that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman was absurd and required a measure of trust in someone he didn't know, and he acted on that and it somehow worked out as usual in entertainment without much logic involved; although logic isn't very much the show's strong suit, this is an entertaining show. I believe however if you were looking for logical explanations and a big climax you will be disappointed.

Also SPOILER: the ending is very disrespectful to John F. Kennedy.
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13 Assassins (2010)
Compelling and Gritty Futile-era Japan Story
6 August 2017
Very well written and emotionally disturbing film. The film depicts a Sadistic lord who is son to the Shogun; a tyrant, who uncontrollably murders without giving a second thought. People of the land have gotten fed-up with him and have organized a group of 13 assassins to overthrow the current ruler.

The film was so captivating, it has to be one of the best films of this genre that depicts this era of Japan. Eerily realistic effects and gritty set designing makes this a must see if you are a fan of these type of movies.
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Diablo (2015)
Rushed Movie, with Anti-climactic ending
4 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When movies that are very recent are on Hulu I get suspicious of it being a very bad movie. This is another movie that confirms my suspicions.

The idea of this movie is good, but the movie was rushed and could have used a better script. The longer you watch the movie the worse the movie will seem. It's as though funding or interest in the movie was running low, so the creators just ended it any way they felt.

The camera shots are not too bad, and set designing is your typical idea of a western, but with very few people in the movie. The script for me is what ruined the movie. I suggest not to watch this movie if you're looking for a GOOD movie.

Synopsis of the story: The script follows a character named Jackson, his wife is kidnapped and Jackson wants to go and find her. He runs into trouble along the way, and a homicidal man with a black coat and hat keeps appearing and threatening Jackson. Later in the movie you find out the man Jackson saw was actually a hallucination, and that man is another one of his personalities. You find out his wife is not actually his wife, and that she's married to someone. The story then ends abruptly shortly afterwards.
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Exposed (III) (2016)
So many Plot Holes your Head will Spin
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I've never seen a movie with so many plot holes. When someone dies in the movie, you don't know about it until a character mentions it, that's only one instance of a plot hole. After watching the entire movie, the movie also basically tells you the entire movie was pointless except for the end, which pointed back to the false beginning. It is a slap in the face for anyone who watched the movie, it makes the entire movie seem pointless. The protagonist also hallucinates the whole movie, and you can't tell what was really happening or fake. I would urge you to not watch this movie, you will be gravely disappointed and confused.
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Sudden Impact (1983)
Paints the Picture of How Corrupt Dirty Harry Is
1 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about a woman named Jennifer Spencer who was raped along with her sister. Her sister now suffers brain damage, and now Jennifer exacts revenge on the abusers. With the movie constantly going back and forth from flashbacks, to Jennifer and to Dirty Harry, it takes you out of what is currently happening and this cycle continues for the entire movie, with mostly flashbacks as the movie treats the viewers as if they can't remember things from a few minutes in the past. This story that could have ended in less than two hours is dragged on for nearly an hour and fifty-three minutes, with a mediocre corrupted cop ending. This ending completely underminds recent Dirty Harry ideologies and movies, he doesn't like the system, but he vaguely follows it.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
One of my New Favorite TV Shows
26 November 2016
The show is very similar to the movies; you have a family oriented police officer who is partnered with a loose cannon officer that solve crimes and deal with their own family issues as well with comedic timing thrown in the mix. Damon Wayans was a good choice for Roger, he will make you laugh from time to time. And Riggs is pretty good as well, but a lot more complicated. Both characters develop overtime in a tasteful way. If you watch the show a lot the cases start to get a bit predictable, you may not know who did it exactly but for obvious reasons you'll know at the beginning of the show if they think someone did a crime and they catch them in the first half they couldn't have done it or the episode would end pretty much or there would be a lot of filler. That I can't very much blame on the show itself, it's the nature of crime solving TV shows. In any case it's a good show. The original Lethal Weapons did it best, but for a TV format and a newer audience it was adapted well.
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