
6 Reviews
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Breaks my heart to say this but...
22 October 2023
Killers of the Flower Moon is a drag. There is a large absence of tension and drama in the story that really sabotages the pace of the entire film. Zero urgency in the characters motives nor any sense of depth to them. Everyone acts great, (obviously) but even they can't save it from the dull numbing dialogue and lack of story direction.

I don't have a problem with long movies. I don't need constant action and mayhem to keep my attention. I loved the Irishman and that was the same running time. But this felt like an eternity to get through. Nothing happens and when something does, it's underwhelming and hazy. The story is repetitive and never truly kicks things off to keep your attention. I felt things weren't explained clearly nor entertaining. It just all felt so bland and hollow. The movie sleepwalks start to finish.

Breaks my heart to write this about my hero. He's the best filmmaker working today. I absolutely love the guy and his work has impacted my life tremendously. But this was a painful sit. There are good scenes to be enjoyed but its far and few in between. The biggest positive about this movie is it's the first time I've seen Robert De Niro truly act in the past 20 years.
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Ambulance (2022)
A ride to the hospital in an actual ambulance would be more entertaining than watching this
5 May 2022
I walked into this film with the same standards as I always set for watching a Michael Bay film. Chaos and mayhem at every corner, interesting enough characters, off color humor, and most importantly, exciting entertainment. No matter what you think about him as a director, Michael Bay for the most part has made a name for himself with his unique extreme style. It doesn't work for everyone, but he's always stayed true to himself and tries to keep you along for the ride. He's had his hits and misses, but for the most part has been consistent. So you know I wasn't expecting a compelling character drama piece or Oscar worthy script watching this. I love Jake and I thought the storyline was simple yet potentially fun.

This film was an absolute disaster to the point of being unwatchable. I dare you to try and sit through the first 15 minutes without getting infuriated. Even by Bays standards, this film is absolutely unacceptable. The dialogue is so horrendous and lazily written to the point of embarrassing. Words so beyond incompetent, not a single actor could remotely sound like a real person uttering them, even with Jakes versatile and impressive skills as an actor. Ive never heard dialogue so bad where it takes you out of the film until now. The cinematography and editing is to the point of parody. Its so extreme and frenetic where you're wondering if it's just Michael Bay making fun of himself. I'm not against shaky cam footage when it's used effectively, but this was nauseating and pointless. It's all over the place and you have no idea what's going on at certain points. Doing sweeping aerial shots for mundane action like walking through a bank lobby doesn't make the scene more exciting. It's distracting and unnecessary.

But the biggest crime of this movie is the arrogance. There are scenes where the script makes deliberate references to other Michael Bay movies. Its like he's giving himself a high five and the audience the middle finger. It also steals scenes straight out of the movie Heat. Like they don't even try to hide it and it's uninspired copy cat trash. Completely astounded by the lack of effort or caring. In all my years of watching movies, I've never walked out of a movie before. But this one got me calling an ambulance to get me out of that theater in 20 minutes.
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Narcissism: the Movie
13 April 2022
I've empathized with some of the cruelest and meanest characters in cinema, but somehow the main protagonist of this film truly disgusted me. Like totally lived up to the title. I'm actually amazed how the writers could create someone so unlikable and without any charm or redeemable qualities. She just kept getting uglier over the course of the 2+ hour running length. The film isn't even interesting enough as a concept to keep you engaged. It's a standard relationship movie with really nothing new to bring to the table. I don't know what we're supposed to learn from this film. It's just so blah all around and doesn't know what it wants to be. I think what bothers me the most is we're supposed to root for this character and feel bad for her. The truth is, I didn't feel sorry for her one single bit. She puts herself into these unfavorable positions from her narcissism and being too afraid to look at herself in the mirror. On the bright side, to get me this irritated means the performances were really good and believable. So bravo to that. If you're interested in watching a narcissist use modern feminism as a shield while treating good people like garbage, this is your movie. If she was remotely charming or funny or sweet I wouldn't be going this hard. I'm just amazed. Who was this for?
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The Mildly Angry James Rolfe Wearing A Nerd Costume
29 September 2014
What should have been a feature length episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd ended up being James Rolfe wearing the nerd costume and stroking his own ego. Once you get past the excitement of the title sequence, everything falls apart. James made the huge mistake of mixing his real life success with the storyline of this film. The nerd is not a celebrity, nor is he aware he has a following. That's James Rolfe. By doing this, the character structure of the nerd that we love is destroyed. Which is supposed to be a foul mouthed socially isolated gamer. The nerd doesn't have YouTube success, James does. There's too much James and next to none of the nerd in this film. The storyline is completely uninteresting and the characters are stale. The nerd doesn't even get angry really. There's too much time of James basically saying "Look how awesome I am. I became famous from the internet and I have so many fans." Everything from the show that made it great has been abandoned. If you love AVGN, you will be greatly disappointed by this film. James single handedly destroyed his creation by getting an ego. Terrible terrible film.
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Daylight (1996)
One Of Slys Better Ones
4 August 2006
Daylight is hands down Slys best work of the 90's, and ranks in his top movies made. It ranks under Rocky and Rambo. Many people think Sly is one of the worst actors ever. But he really redeems himself in this film with above average acting. He plays Kit Latura, a taxi driver who used to work in search and rescue missions. Well, on one night, a truck with explosive toxins falls and explodes. Collapsing and destroying the New Jersey Tunnel. Leaving only a few people alive inside the death trap.

Sticking to his favorite role, Sly wants to be the hero of the movie. Due to the cowardliness and pessimistic of the emergency and aid teams, its up to Sly to go in the tunnel and save the trapped civilians, and get them out of there safely. On this journey, you will encounter exciting thrills and suspense dealing with Stallone facing the toughest obstacles ever. Both physically and mentally.

You really start to feel bad for Stallone with all the crap he deals with in this movie. I feel that they did a good job with character development on Kit Latura. The character development for the other survivors are bleak to very ranges. The film has a very effective music score and pertains to the scenes well. The Special effects is above average for a 1996 movie.

Overall, this is a very entertaining film to watch. With explosive and hold your breath thrills. I totally recommend this films to Stallone fans, and i also recommend it to those who want a good hero, save the day, action/suspense movie.
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Rocky IV (1985)
This film will pump you up!
30 November 2005
Rocky IV really stood out from the rest of the Rocky films to me, with the whole America versus Russia ordeal. Now it has been mentioned by other critics that this is inaccurate, but who really cares??? The point is that you really get to the point where you want Sly to kick Dragos butt in the ring. I enjoyed the training montage, and the boxing scene was so entertaining for me. And with the Russian leaders, and the Russian public standing up and cheering and clapping for Rocko.. a bit corny but so great.Talia shire in my opinion is at her best in this one out of all the other ones; she seems more confident and easier to get along with her character. And one of the most dramatic scenes to hit cinema was the death of Carl Weathers(Apollo Creed). The idea of fighting for the death of his friend, and for himself is just so inspirational. It just makes you want to jump up and get in the ring to help rocko. Out of a perfect score of 10, i gave this one a 7.
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